Weird as it sounds, I kinda loved Tor! And DAMMIT! I really, really wanted you to kill Rayen! Oh well... sigh. And shit, I was hoping you could save Kahn, she was my favorite character in a game this year! Also oh man, I never went back to Maya's quarters, that song was suddenly was WAY sadder! Also also, I will never ever get tired of watching Arlen get punched (or shot) in the face! XD Well played! I loved this game so much, it was a beautiful tie in to the series, from the MK Core thing being the blue goo to Julie Mao to Virgil being at Anderson Station. The only thing I'm bummed about now is it's over! Edit - you save Kahn by calming and forgiving Virgil so he is there to take care of her after she gets shot.