FREE ROAMING | The reality of free roam rabbits

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@Taylor.graceeee 4 жыл бұрын
White Hay? You mean SPICY HAY!!! lol
@Katesque 4 жыл бұрын
HAAHA Yes exactly omg 😂😂😂😂
@binkybunnysway943 3 жыл бұрын
Lmao that's what I call it. Too funny. Unless they chew it then not funny ! Oh the little pet that's like a pair of teeth with fluff! Lmao
@denise8216 2 жыл бұрын
I need Help ASAP I took my Rabbit to vet she charged me over 800.00 for an examination and a small bottle of Gabapentin and now he's totally paralyzed in his hind quarters idk what to do that 800.00 was Alot. My Tippy is in pain and idk what to do now? Please Help me out ty! He's free roaming but I don't know why the Vet couldn't see he had Paresis and I dropped him off at 10Am he never woke up until 1 Am no surgery just Xrays REALLY PISSED me off I Fired her the nxt day for using ketamine anesthesia and 3 more and had to give him something to undo all those drugs. I hope that you can help. Denise and Tippy 3/4/22
@gizellebecker5374 3 жыл бұрын
Reality of a free roam rabbit: My mom screaming and chasing my rabbit around the house after she stole a packet of hot sauce from the coffee table
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
HAHAHAHA that visual makes me laugh so much
@shirelly 3 жыл бұрын
Despite how messy they can be, I've definitely found myself being tidier because I don't want my bunnies to get to anything chewable
@amberherrod6163 3 жыл бұрын
Same! I used to be the type of person that would throw their clothes on the bedroom floor to wear them the next day or “I’ll sort it later”. Impossible to do that with a house rabbit haha
@squidwxrd_9040 3 жыл бұрын
Omg yes samee
@ausi731 3 жыл бұрын
chargers..... i can’t forget to hide them. any chance my rabbit gets, he will destroy them lol.
@jillianleda6732 3 жыл бұрын
@@amberherrod6163 lol I left my burough slightly open and my lion lop was tugging at my shirt trying to rip it out, she hopped over a whole basket of rabbit toys to get to my shirt 😂😂😂
@creepydude94 3 жыл бұрын
Same with me and cats! I know if I leave food or drinks they will eat it and most of it is not good for them. They eat lints, clumps of hair and small plastic bits. Also cats can get everywhere so I can't even put my mess on the counter temporarely. Having pets really teaches you to be tidier!
@adamsusel3801 4 жыл бұрын
Yes I wish people would be more honest about “litter training”. They will pee in their box but stray poops will be ~everywhere~ It’s not the worst thing ever but having a rabbit that only poops in a litter box is not as common as people make it out to be
@Katesque 4 жыл бұрын
So true! People assume they aren’t litter trained 😢 but rabbits leave their territorial poops everywhere, I’m ashamed by how many stray poops have made it under my couch 😅
@adamsusel3801 4 жыл бұрын
@@Katesque yep I guess it’s just the way of life lol My bun was able to be (pee) litter trained even before his neuter and he’s now about 1 week out from his surgery and the marking has died down somewhat, so I’m hoping in a few more weeks it’s subsided even more lol
@bonnielee78 4 жыл бұрын
my 5 month old boy bunnies were litter trained when I got them at 6-8 weeks old. they pretty much always left poop on the floor in their area around their litter trays (rarely anywhere else) but they always peed in the trays. Since their neutering two weeks ago, their floor poop is getting less and less.
@Maria-xd4uk 4 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you!!!! I wish people would be more transparent with litter training online. Years ago when I got my first bunny, I thought that I didnt train him well enough to go into his box. I would see everyones SQUEAKY CLEAN spaces and felt bad about not being a good enough bun parent.. Then I did my research and found out that they leave territory poops, now honestly it depends on your bunny on how many they leave. But anyone out there that is a new bunny parent this is normal!!! Even their hay area, people also act like they eat perfectly in thier litter boxes, nope, mine drags the hay out all over the floor sometimes.
@Katesque 4 жыл бұрын
@@Maria-xd4uk you’re totally right! My bunnies always felt the need to be extremely territorial overnight so I would always wake up to a tonne of poop in the morning, hay everywhere, poop everywhere 😪 it can be a struggle
@bellasommer5316 4 жыл бұрын
love how realistic this video is! my bunny loves to "burrow" on my rug, but we bought a foraging mat and he's forgotten all about the rug!
@Katesque 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve been spending all morning looking at foraging mats haha, I was woken up by cookie digging the carpet this morning 🥲
@lisafeldmann9863 3 жыл бұрын
I bought a natural fiber (sisal) rug for my bunny to chew on. She seems to like to burrow in and chew on it. Tjmaxx for less than 20$.
@tamzin00 3 жыл бұрын
This makes my free roam rabbit look so so boring. He literally sticks to one room in the house and spends all day flopping hahha
@boobear9944 3 жыл бұрын
My bunny has her pen that’s almost always open. Tbh despite having free roam, she spends most of her time in her pen sleeping. Only time she really comes out is after dinner she does zooms around the house for a few minutes.
@keniazavalaramirez2314 3 жыл бұрын
@@boobear9944 is it bad if they like to only be in one room?
@boobear9944 3 жыл бұрын
@@keniazavalaramirez2314 no, my bunny was a lot more explorative when she was young. I think she’s just more chill since she’s gone through puberty and was spayed. One room is definitely enough room for a bunny. If they seem happy and comfy than there’s no reason to force them out of their comfort zone. But if I were you (if you can do this) allow access still to the rest of the house in case one day they get bored and feel curious :)
@RascalHooligan 3 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU for being honest. Everyone acts like bunnies arent poop machines and had me looking at my bun like he was a pooper anomaly
@ErBeary 3 жыл бұрын
They are poop machines, but with proper training and litter box cleaning, there should be zero accidents. If your bun is pooping/peeing outside their box, they're either unspayed/unneutered or need a few days of proper training! :)
@Madison2002_ 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video! So many pet youtubers act like free roaming rabbits is easy with no mess but in reality it isn’t. This video really helps show how it actually is and I appreciate that.
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciate that xx I legit just wanted to show exactly what I was dealing with haha
@ErBeary 3 жыл бұрын
Idk, it really is easy for me with no mess and I have two buns that roam my house all day!
@GooseandaGander 4 жыл бұрын
That's really cute! We like to let our buns out around the house too but only when we can watch them haha
@meganhall3666 4 жыл бұрын
Mine doesn’t poop only in his litter box he is a good free roam house trained bunny it surprises me how good he is! Btw all your bun buns are ADORABLE🤩💕
@carmens1568 3 жыл бұрын
Is your rabbit spayed or neutered
@snowvalkyrie 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your honesty. I need that right now. I have been toying with the idea of getting a rabbit on and off for a while now and I want to be the best owner I can be.
@Katesque 4 жыл бұрын
Definitely not trying to discourage you from getting one! Just know it may entail a lot more cleaning and responsibility than you expect, I appreciate that you’re doing your research to be the best owner possible xxx
@naturesoundsforrelaxation5141 4 жыл бұрын
I can say from experience getting a bun and free-roaming (and bonding buns!) can be super stressful and frustrating at first but once they've learned it is so so rewarding! Waking up to a bunny cuddling up in bed with you every morning is the most amazing way to start your day. I will say the first couple of months was much harder than I had expected but my buns have been in my life for over two years now and adopting them is hands down the best decision I have ever made! Also, I find that stray poops lessen with my buns if I am continuously solidifying their litter habits by giving a little treat when I see them use the box at least every other day or so! I find it just seems to kind of remind them that yes that is where they are supposed to go. I won't say it has fixed it 100% but they pee in the box 100% of the time and I'd say I typically only find about 5-10 poops right outside of the litter box per day between the two of them!
@makennastone6704 4 жыл бұрын
@@naturesoundsforrelaxation5141 That's great! I'm in the process trying to free range and this video freaked me out a bit lol. 2 of my rabbits are great, 1 of my rabbits has continous accidents. Right now they have 3 litterboxes in their enclosure and have been pretty good with it. I agree its so hard. I will trust my rabbits for a couple of seconds and in turn they will stab me in the back. I'm going to be ordering some more rabbit proofing supplies this week so I can further the process of being able to keep them out of their cage. Its so nice being able to hear their little feet run around and have them run up to you and just chill with you, and just from having the 3 of them play nearly all day really strengthened the bond I had with them.
@naturesoundsforrelaxation5141 4 жыл бұрын
@@makennastone6704 Aw that's great that you're working on transferring them over to free range!! With patience, I'm sure you'll be able to do it! Every bunny is different and some just take a little longer to catch on than others. How was bonding three bunnies for you? I would love to get a third but my boy was not very happy when I brought my lil gal Esther home, it took two full months to bond them. (I've heard some people's bunnies will bond within a week!) They're best buds now but I'm worried I would mess up the bond they have now and end up with three unhappy buns
@makennastone6704 4 жыл бұрын
@@naturesoundsforrelaxation5141 It went pretty well. 2 of my bunnies are very dominant and clashed a lot, and it did unbond my 2 buns when I introduced my third one. Because all the appointments were booked, it took a lot longer to get my boys neutered so they were all separate for a couple months until I moved into my apartment when they were all in the same room (but separate) and I noticed my new bun (Bonnie) was getting along very well with my submissive bunny (Knox) like grooming through the cage, no lunging, no biting, no growling, and I let them have play time together and they got along great, but her and Roscoe didn't get along still but the longer they stayed in the same room and had play time (so they could go up to each others cages) they started tolerating each other more, and when the boys got neutered finally, after 2 weeks I decided to reintroduce Roscoe and got along wodnerfully. They were separate for about another week after that with supervised play times together for around 5 hours and now their enclosures are all merged together and are super happy together. I tried some bonding in the past like stress bonding, and introduction in a bath tub, and I got some good results from that. I'd say when looking for a 3rd bunny, I would definitely look for the more submissive/shy rabbits, which on petfinder, the rabbits in foster care have an in depth description of the rabbits personality so you can kinda find what rabbit would work best with yours, and some shelters will let you introduce your rabbits with a shelter bun to see how the bonding sessions work out (bad ones are a no, but ones that are better than the rest is s good chance, even if they don't bond right away) and all bonds will work out with effort. Another thing to keep in mind is maybe when looking for your 3rd bunny, keep in mind what gender the bunny is. If you have 2 females, unless they hate males,maybe introduce a male in the mix, or if you have 2 males, add a female in the mix. I think the best trios are 2 females and 1 male, but whatever works for you and whatever personality of the rabbit is best for your buns
@jackmcgoof5549 3 жыл бұрын
I've been having my bunnies free roam for a while now and it is a bliss. It was a lot and I mean a LOT of work to proof my room for them and they still mess things up or get at things they shouldn't but I'm woriking on constantly changing their and my livingspace to give them a safe and happy life! Very very nice video ♡
@navigatorofnone 2 жыл бұрын
The cuteness of those 3 bunnies alone are worth every mess they make.
@jade1325 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video lmao. I did a lot of research on rabbits and having free roam rabbits and their litter training/litterbox habbits but whenever I'd watch a youtube video it would be like... perfect and I always felt like I was doing wrong. This makes me feel better about my rabbits
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
I’m glad! I thought I was the only one too, and even then, tonnes of people have commented that their bunnies are perfectly litter trained LOL which is not my case at all haha and I didn’t want to sugar coat it xxx
@LalaaLove 3 жыл бұрын
Your bunnies are sooo cute! I’m glad you kept it realistic because it’s useful for new bunny mommies such as myself! Lol ! Thanks for sharing girl! 🐰✨😊
@Alisha-ef4vj 3 жыл бұрын
Before getting my rabbit Tigger I didn't watch a lot of youtube videos about rabbits. I'm honestly so greatful now that Tigger has taken so well to being litter box trained. I'm really lucky that he doesn't poo or pee outside of his litter box. Before free roaming him, I took about 2 months to ensure he was using the litter box properly. I'm getting another rabbit on Thursday ( named him Haru), I hope he does well with the litter box as well.
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
Omg their names are so adorable! Lucky you I hope Tigger can teach Haru to use the litterbox too xx
@carlosaugustoferreirakopp3383 4 жыл бұрын
I was thinking about adopting another bunny because they are the cutest but your video changed my mind, thanks!
@Katesque 4 жыл бұрын
You can still adopt another haha mine are just very territorial and mark everything, but if you don’t want to deal with that, that’s fine too xx
@nabelb1208 3 жыл бұрын
I have one bunny. And he doesn't even leave poop around the house. He's totally litter trained and the house is bunny proofed. I sweep hay constantly and brush him every other day. He free roams and we're past the destructive phase. Even though I love him, I can't imagine another one in the mix because it might not be as well behaved as my one special little bun.
@darianstephens1480 4 ай бұрын
I have one bunny, named Natasha Mone` . How long was the "destructive phase"?
@alicestirling4925 3 жыл бұрын
I have three free roam boy bunnies and they hardly ever poop outside the litterbox. They are all fixed. I wonder why some groups are stricter with their poo than others. Bunnys are so interesting! 🐰
@amwellin 3 жыл бұрын
How'd you bond them?? Please be specific! I have a two and three year old... they aren't brothers
@ErBeary 3 жыл бұрын
@@amwellin Sometimes bunnies are not able to be bonded, and if they can be bonded, it can take a long time, sometimes up to a year. It took me 7 months to bond my rabbits. There's a lot of great information on the web! You have to introduce them slowly on neutral territory and slowly increase sessions. Any signs of aggression/biting should be stopped. Creating a stressful situation (like putting them in a laundry basket) or feeding them together can help facilitate a bond. But again, sometimes it just doesn't work out.
@emeraldperinatalfullcircle Жыл бұрын
Anecdotally it seems groups of same sex fixed bunnies don’t spread it around as much. We had that problem after we added a male rabbit. They were both litter trained before they met.
@GodChooses 3 жыл бұрын
Lennon's channel needs a dose of reality.
@ceresrose8918 3 жыл бұрын
That rabbit needs a partner. They’re way happier with bun partners than human. She likes to tell everyone else that they’re taking care of buns wrong but she misses the most important thing.
@motherofpea4rll 3 жыл бұрын
@@ceresrose8918 actually, she’s addressed this. She spends so much time with Lennon that it makes up for a partner, but she has considered getting a partner before.
@Evelyn30018 3 жыл бұрын
@@motherofpea4rll she has also mentioned that lennon is very territorial and would most likely not accept another rabbit
@motherofpea4rll 3 жыл бұрын
@@Evelyn30018 mhm
@thepotatobuns8543 3 жыл бұрын
Lennon is an emotional support animal, and there's this rule where she can only have one in the household.
@lilactrix 4 жыл бұрын
First of all, I love your accent 😍 secondly I love how honest and candid you are about your rabbits and living arrangement! You just got yourself a new subscriber, told my boyfriend about your channel and he is going to subscribe too😊
@Katesque 4 жыл бұрын
😭 I appreciate it so much, thank you and your boyfriend for subscribing!
@dfadden62 3 жыл бұрын
It’s amazing how quickly you get used to picking up the bunny beans with your bare hands.
@errrr-jh4li 3 жыл бұрын
I watched this video before I got my bun, Grayson and I'm so glad I did. He's much more laid back and clean than yours but definitely prepared me!! Your buns are adorable:)
@torilharremoes4868 3 жыл бұрын
I have a rabbit that i got from a woman who couldn't take care of him anymore and he has just been living in our house the same way a cat would and he went from being terrified of people to following us around everywhere ♥️
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
@dantaylor333 3 жыл бұрын
Bunnies are amazing animals. My free roaming bunny has eaten alot of my wallpaper lol. She is less than a year old and my German Shepherd is like 13 years old so life is quite interesting, especially when I see them cuddle. Also I do wake up smiling when Bonny wakes me up grooming my beard lol
@yukimikoto1808 3 жыл бұрын
That sounds great^^ Maybe you could consider buying another rabbit, prefareble a neutralized male, with all those space? They are a lot happier with a partner and in a lot of modern Studies they say rabbits almost always need a partner to Interact, cuddle and clean with as they cant really "talk" with humans. Also it's a lot of fun seeing them interact with each other :) If you buy a rabbit that is over a year old it's likely they're already over puberty and get clean a lot faster, just a tip^^
@heathervalentine398 2 жыл бұрын
16 rabbits free roaming is a nightmare…this is why I am building mine a tiny house of their own! 🤣🥰 love your videos!!!!
@jacinda3358 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this! I have two rabbits that are free roam. Marlin is 6 and is territorial like your bunnies and he’s neutered. Blueberry is 1 and is PROFICIENT at using his box. So just having one bun to clean up after is not the worst. I agree with all the pros you mentioned in the video. As much as I hate cleaning Marlin’s poop all day every day, I would hate even more to hear the cage rattling at night because he wants to run around and play.
@CNia-tn4ed 3 жыл бұрын
This is sooo cute while hitting reality on the head - great job & CUTE bunnies!
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! They literally do nothing and I’m like awwwww
@zairealexandria 4 жыл бұрын
I suggest buying a hand vacuum to pick up the poop, its very helpful for picking up poop in the area
@Katesque 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with you! I have a robo vac too which helps, but struggles on that rug for some reason haha so I either sweep it or pick it up in that section xxx
@Itsgettingcrazy. 3 жыл бұрын
Yes!!! The best investment you can make! 😃
@julianna9703 3 жыл бұрын
AHHHHHHH you popped up on my recommended and i cannot be happier. i wanted bunnies/rabbits so baddly i did research and made a presentation for my parents and they said yes but then said no so i’ll watch your channel to cure sadness 🤗
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
Omgggg hahaha so relatable 😭😭😭 I was so shocked my parents let me have them when I lived with them, but now I live with my brother and to this day I still have to convince him to let me free roam them around the house 😅 xxx hope milky, ash and cookie will entertain u in the mean time 🥺
@xxan0nym0usxx98 3 жыл бұрын
My buns name is cookie too! He’s training for free roam and doing so well with going to his litter box to potty! Can’t wait until he can stay out all day and all night (I have too much anxiety about not being able to supervise him at night so he goes to home base until we wake up)
@cristianmenjivar 4 жыл бұрын
Amazing video! I’ve been so nervous about my buns but now I know what to expect
@Katesque 4 жыл бұрын
Hope they don’t eat all ur furniture like mine xoxo
@natashabrown6844 3 жыл бұрын
Have they been free roaming long? I have two and they're great with the litter box. When I bonded them they got territorial and they poop to mark their territory. Honestly what helped me was giving them a second litter box once their space was bigger in the spot they go more often (sometimes bunnies fight over litter boxes too so more than one gives them a second safe spot to go). When they get more space they'll poop more to mark the space as their own. Try putting some of the poop back in the litter box and if there's pee use a paper towel to soak it up and put that in the litter box until you see a bunny go there so they smell it in the right spot. Hope that helps!
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for your tips! Incredibly helpful and have tried all of this hahaha, (they have 4 litter boxes around the apartment etc.) I’ve dealt with many bunnies and litter training habits over the years and I just happen to have bunnies who love to claim their territory. I’ve had my boys for years and they’ve always just pooped territorially on the daily, but I manage haha 😅
@Tamikacampbellcomedy 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for keeping it real! Jesus with the other KZbinrs with the House So clean you can eat off the floor nonsense 🤣😂 I learned ALOT from your video👏🏾👌🏾
@SproutsHumanDisguise 3 жыл бұрын
I have 2 rabbits and the way I MOSTLY prevent them from pooping on living room floor is I don’t free roam them nonstop. They have their own caged area and I will let them out for a couple hours, then put them up for a couple hours, then let them out again for a couple hours, then up again and keep doing that during the day. The time frame can be different but if you let them out in intervals they’ll be more likely to poop in their litter box. You might even need to leave them in their caged area for a couple days straight to kind of re-train them to use the litter box. But either way it’s good to see they free roam.
@jaylynessa1406 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! It's nice to see someone educate on the matter without sugarcoating it. While yes, very rewarding, it CAN be very difficult and is definitely not for everyone. In most scenarios, cats and even dogs are generally less messy and destructive than rabbits. That's not to say that they don't make wonderful, incredible pets, it's just that they are by no means a "low effort" pet. And my fun fact for everyone is always that rabbits poop 200-300 times a day on average. So that's up to almost literally a THOUSAND poops you're cleaning up each day there!
@izzi7438 3 жыл бұрын
So much bunny fluff around our house D: even with constant combing, it feels never-ending. Just glad my little man only uses his litter tray :D
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
RIGHT everywhere 😫
@ghaladhia994 3 жыл бұрын
Watching all those videos about bunnies made me realize how lucky I am with my two boys, because they poop and pee just in their litter box! We had a problem with hay being everywhere but after buying a cat litter box with the top, the hay stays in there 😊 they are really clean boys ❤️
@Kuro_Reaper 2 жыл бұрын
Oh wow thank you for this video! I have watched a lot of videos on free roaming Rabbits and no-one mentions them pooping everywhere. I thought they were easy to litter train. This is something I would not be able to have bunny poop in my house and I think a Rabbit would not be the pet for me. I am glad I found this video, it would be a really terrible mistake to get a bunny then have to keep it locked up because of the poop.
@CassinaGames 2 жыл бұрын
I've been working on letting my 4 rabbits free roam. I found your video because I was wondering if others do it lol. I used to let them stay out all day and lock them in at night and when I leave the house, but now I don't even do that. It's definitely a lot of work and lots of poop lol, even though all 4 are litterbox trained. They are definitely getting better with that haha but I also have a cordless Bissell sweep turbo (40 bucks on Amazon) and I just use that throughout the day to pick up any stray poops. It has honestly been a godsend when it comes to keeping up with them lol and their litter habits have improved immensely since I started letting them free roam 24/7!
@sashacerny8227 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely adorable! 💛💛💛💛 awesome bunny mom!
@brandoncarson8322 2 жыл бұрын
I litter trained my free roaming rabbit, he shares a litter box with the cat. Lotta scooping but he for real never has accidents.
@richardwang1007 4 жыл бұрын
I recently got a bunny too. This channel is gold
@Katesque 4 жыл бұрын
Appreciate it ☺️ hope you’re enjoying the bum parent life
@ausi731 3 жыл бұрын
i appreciate this video a lot lmao it’s helpful and educational and she didn’t have to shame people who use cages sometimes in order to get her point across.
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
Oh thank you xx I just know everyone has different circumstances haha we’re all learning and doing our best
@mochalatte665 4 жыл бұрын
I LOVE YOUR LOP EARRED BUNS! I have one lop earred bun and I have decided to only get lop ears from now on 😂😂
@Katesque 4 жыл бұрын
I've always been obsessed with them, be mindful though that they're prone to ear infections though because their ears are unnaturally bred by humans, kind of like how pugs can't breathe lol
@makennastone6704 4 жыл бұрын
Thats me but with meat rabbits/large breed rabbits lol
@marijek6459 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! Thank you for showing the messy side. I have one bunny that poops on the toilet but the other lets it go where ever she likes to. I really love having them around me. But yeah sometimes shit just happens
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
Right! Haha only one of mine isn’t that territorial but the other two still leave territorial droppings around 😅 xx
@QuasarVortex 3 жыл бұрын
Three roaming rabbits is a bit optimistic yes. I have one female dwarf (beard) rabbit and she is free walking my house for 5 years now and I can say it's definitely a daytask keeping everything clean. But yeah, cleaning is also a bit of exercise and you automatically clean your own dirt as well, since ordinary dust is mostly just waste from your own skin. I do have a sensitive skin so I kinda hate loose hair and most work is getting rid of hair waste. But I have a very easy and smooth laminate flooring and I can keep it clean easily with a mop broom. For her sanitary needs I use old towels. Once they are dirty I shake them out and wash them. If I occasionally find turds outside of these towels it's usually because she sprinted away from them......I found turds in the strangest of places:). So I don't use any wood fiber shreds for toiletry needs, saves a lot of cleaning up :).
@bodstrup 2 жыл бұрын
Giving our rabbits a big tray of cat ‘sand’ - the stuff that lumps together when wet - solved them peeing in the sofa and other unfortunate places. They still poop a lot across the living room when indoors, but that is easy to remove with our Dyson vacuum cleaner - that can take larger objects than usual ‘dust only’ cleaners.
@estastumpfine7691 3 жыл бұрын
Your rabbits are so darn cute and pretty. I love mini lops. I also have 3 ❤️
@_idk_960_9 3 жыл бұрын
I have 3 rabbits as well and I had them sense they were little and I really wanna free roam my rabbits I really appreciate your video’s
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
thank u so much, I hope you manage to free roam them one day xx
@baileyhodges0 Жыл бұрын
I adopted a bunny a while back and his name was Nasa. He was from a person who i guess got him and didnt want him and i ended up adopting his 8 week old daughter as well (i kept them separated and actually found a good home for the girly with another girl bun) but when i got Nasa i expected him to kinda be shy since they said he wasnt an indoor rabbit. And i set up a temporary ex pen in my room (about 4 ft tall walls, 8 ft long by 6 ft front to back) and i was using this as a quarantine ex pen. I was VERY surprised to find every morning, at 5 am, Nasa would hop over the wall onto my bed and i would wake up to him there. I didnt know he was gonna be that interested in saying hello to me especially so quickly.
@faridakhan6707 4 жыл бұрын
I'm very lucky as our bunny is free roaming the house and does his pee and poop in his litter tray. He loves being picked up and cuddled and show affection he licks our face. He loves been around us and hates been alone so we take him everywhere with us. He enjoys going for walks in the park on his harness We are very lucky to have him as he is very unique
@megapiglatin2574 3 жыл бұрын
My current bun is the first I bun I have been able to house in a more "free-roaming" fashion (although she is confined to downstairs and can only go into the carpeted bedrooms with supervision) and the difference in her personality and level of affection and bond toward me and all other humans in the household is night and day! She used to be very shy and skittish, but now is currently loafing next to me in the middle of the rug halfway napping. She is like an entirely different rabbit and is, by far, the most affectionate rabbit I have ever lived with. We have a nightly routine of "allogrooming" (she gives me lots of kisses and in exchange I give her lots of pets)! XD
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
How adorable! that's so wonderful to hear omg, she sounds very lucky and very loved xxx
@moewilson4605 3 жыл бұрын
I have two bunnies, Smurf and Coco. I don’t even own a cage or pen. They roam the back of the house, the family room and kitchen. My rabbits are really good at using their litters. Very few puffs to sweep up everyday. I use pine chips and put large quantities of Timothy hay in two litter trays. I believe each rabbit should have their own litter. I definitely had to bunny proof but it is worth it. I love to come home from work in the afternoon to see them lounging in the warm sunshine.
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
Your buns sound like they're living such a wonderful, happy life! xx
@shanederry2691 3 жыл бұрын
This is wonderful for shooting practice!!
@josiemorris615 3 жыл бұрын
Your rabbits are gorgeous 😍
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so muchhh, you're too sweet xx
@lenabillare4443 3 жыл бұрын
I have two rabbits. And sometimes i can't deal with their mess. I take a break and put them in their space. They are young, so it's getting better and better. It's hard, the maintenance, the hours of cleaning every week but i love them. Ps : i have two sisters !
@sahargalbert 3 жыл бұрын
Chileee I just got my bunnies they are so scared 😩😩how did u get yours to get used to u
@lenabillare4443 3 жыл бұрын
@@sahargalbert I give them food by hand, always sit down or lay down. You can give them persil, they love it.
@laurabdn2691 3 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised with your bunnies pooping everywhere ! Maybe you should try territory education ;) Make them understand their enclosure is THEIR space and the rest is yours and they are tolerated but can not poop in it. I've had 4 free roaming bunnies (the last 2 are a couple), and they all only pooped and urinated in their litterbox with neutering and education (expanding free roaming time slowly to make them understand). Sure they make some hay and hair mess but they never poop out of the litter (except accidents when a poop is stuck in their hair and falls somewhere else) Anyway, i'm glad i discovered ur channel, keep it up !
@rabbitsrule9437 2 жыл бұрын
Totally true. I coukdnt have mine in the house. Felt very bad so built them a £1000 shed and a free outdoor space
@bunnyguy 4 жыл бұрын
Great video!! I live in Melbourne too! I’m waiting patiently for a foster rabbit to come up in my area. Honestly I’m a bit scared it will tear up the carpet (it’s permanent) but eh... gotta live
@evilbrynn3802 22 күн бұрын
My rabbits ate lots of my walls and chewed up two vacuum cords because I thought they didn’t have to be supervised when free roamed. Now I only do it when I am in the room.
@twinelle 3 жыл бұрын
How did you bond your buns? I’ve been having the hardest time bonding my newest bun to my other two 😭
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
My boys are low-key still not bonded LOL I don't trust them alone together. One minute they're in love and the next they're chasing each other around! Keep changing it up and stick with what works! That's all I can recommend, if I see that they're not fighting in small spaces, I continue bonding them in tiny areas.
2 жыл бұрын
Get a small handheld vacuum to go around vacuuming the bunny poos. 😊
@JordanAP 3 жыл бұрын
your sealpoint-looking white and grey rabbit looks JUST like mine omg
@somebody8474 Жыл бұрын
I really LOVE your videos and I have 2 unspayed bunnies, would it be a good idea to free-roam them in the same room?
@emilyspencer305 3 жыл бұрын
I miss having a free roam rabbit. I had my baby, Buddy (creative name I know) for 11 years before he passed away. Him, the cat, and the dog would all sun bathe together next to the big window. I just don’t know how my new cat would react to a bunny since he’s never seen one before. Rabbits are a lot of work but I think they’re absolutely worth it if you put in the time, effort, and love they need.
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
They definitely are! How cute! I totally get that, I'm too scared to have any other pets around them xx
@shoelacy7101 3 жыл бұрын
My rabbit doesn't chew anything but cables and paper. So after we moved all the books to the upper shelves of the bookcase and baby gated the areas where outlets are she does great. Have had her for 2-3 years she's about 4-5 now.
@SproutsHumanDisguise 3 жыл бұрын
Also I use a hand held mini vacuum to clean up the poop and it’s very helpful.
@martinap4938 4 жыл бұрын
Did you spayed/neutered them? That could help with not having droppings everywhere
@Katesque 4 жыл бұрын
They’re all neutered haha and you’re right it did help with reducing it, but they’re still extremely territorial despite being neutered and leave a bit of territorial pooping 😅 nothing that can’t be handled though
@Itslvle 2 жыл бұрын
This seems to be on the high end of pooping around, but definitely good to show people who are considering rabbits. To me, bunnies are super low maintenance (always had them free-roaming and never even thought you could do it any other way) as I view walking the dog to be a chore and having cats drop things from tables to be annoying and their hair shedding is much more visible on clothes, but I realize that maybe that's not every one's viewpoint. Our current two bunnies are the most messy ones I've had because one poops a little around their room and the other one likes to bring clumps of hay in his mouth to eat elsewhere in the room. Other rooms in the house see the occasional single poop ball, but nothing else. If I didn't have my bunnies hang around with me, I wouldn't see the point in getting them as pets. Having a box where they are and me occasionally visiting them just doesn't feel like having any kind of a bond with them.
@jazzykaye9032 4 жыл бұрын
would you be able to make a video sharing your bunny set up and where you bought things from, need some bunny inspo!
@Katesque 4 жыл бұрын
Definitely coming up soon! Always never enough bunny inspo
@DBDG0499 3 жыл бұрын
I was thinking the Same thing, No video shows how much poop bunnies do around your house in a daily basis, Aswell as How much Hair they Shed All Around your home in a Daily Basis!!! Bunnies are like children, I wouldn't let a 3 year old run around my house, so I made sure their Enclosures are Huge, and my bunnies do Zoomies, run around in circles, back and forth and they do pee and poops in their litter boxes aswell as everywhere else in their Enclosure and not once have they hated me going to their space, they run up to the door and lay their heads down on the bar for me to pet them, Mine are the Sweetest and my boy is the only one who licks me Everytime I leave for work, my mother loves petting them aswell so I can't speak for other bunny parents, when it comes to knowing your bunny, Mine are Very Happy, They're Set to get Spayed and Neutered, then after a month I can bond them, and I Will only have to clean 1 Enclosure, Not two, also my bunnies are Dwarfs!! Practically anywhere I put them they still look so tiny for that space, but I make sure they can run and jump 🙃
@vickycamp4394 3 жыл бұрын
My boy is litter trained, free roam and only poops in a litter tray
@Lilwitchyreads 3 жыл бұрын
Every rabbit is different. Mine is free roaming full time, she is not affectionate at all but she never misses her litter box which is nice 👍
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
How cute! Lucky her and lucky you haha xx
@user-xs2jo2yb8w 3 жыл бұрын
my rabbit uses his litter box as a bed and will pee snd poo LITERALLY anywhere except the little box 😤
@fackrez11 3 ай бұрын
I know you commented 3 years ago but bunnies poop and pee while they eat, so you can get specialized litter boxes with feeding trays/areas attached to them. It helps train them to poop In the litter box
@ithumpalot 3 жыл бұрын
Mine stopped pooping when I got them spayed. I did have to rabbit proof (cover cables etc.) but with plenty of chew toys and supervised time playing outside they don't destroy stuff anymore. Having a bonded pair helps I think.
@Elizabeth-M2024 3 жыл бұрын
We have two rabbits and they have full reign of the house 24 hours a day. They go to the bathroom in their cage and we rarely have to pick up poops. The only issue we have is their fur getting everywhere lol. We started out with them in an enclosed space and would let them out for exercise and it (very quickly) turned into us figuring out how to bunny proof everything so they can run around at will
@TessaYoung33 Жыл бұрын
I'm always picking up rabbit poo everyday! It's my life!
@millowen1626 4 жыл бұрын
Your rabbits are adorable❤️❤️❤️❤️💖
@coilymo 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for being honest😊
@sonriii2609 3 жыл бұрын
I agree 100%! It’s not easy, it gets stressful, it complicates things sometimes, but f*ck it. So long my rabbit is healthy, happy and free of a cage, the pop everywhere and the mess isn’t a big deal. It makes you a cleaner and more organized person if you think about it.
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
It definitely has haha! xx all for their happiness
@freya-louise6669 4 жыл бұрын
Iv already had to change my room around and get rid of a cabinet as he insists on jumping on it to get to my loft bed
@Skylence_ 3 жыл бұрын
rabbit mo(u)lting excessively from winter to summer coat vice versa is also something to keep in mind as it can escalate having fluffy hair flying and sticking everywhere (when you pet them 😄 )
@taishapickering 3 жыл бұрын
Our bunny only poops in his little box/his space but at least if they do get somewhere else, they're easy to pick up and move!
@serajacob8278 Жыл бұрын
Interesting pets 😊
@sarahkahn4626 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for saying thisss lol giving your rabbits room is important but im so annoyed of people acting like its not normal for stray poop to be everywhere or for them to chew wires or dig
@ErBeary 3 жыл бұрын
It's not normal for stray poop to be everywhere! The digging and chewing, yes, but buns are 100% litter trainable if they are spayed/neutered and trained.
@janc8199 4 жыл бұрын
I have 4 free roaming Buns, they are pretty good with their bathroom habits, but I do get the strays poops..The messiest part is the gets everywhere..But they are worth it..I adore my little guys..
@Cleo_LovesWildLife 2 жыл бұрын
Reality of you having parents: NO THEY ARE GONNA MAKE THE HOUSE BLOW UP!!!! NO THEY POOPED!!!! After 2 months of arguing. Parents: Aww you little baby cake cheeks your so cute i love you
@emiwee3224 3 жыл бұрын
My rabbits get into EVERYTHING. Like if I rabbit proof my cords and they just know the stuff off the cord then eat the cord. Like I fr cannot have anything with my 3 bunnies. And one of them is usually isolated bc of his horrid behavior towards the others. I need serious tips and help
@Itsgettingcrazy. 3 жыл бұрын
My hand held vac is a lifesaver!!!
@luluthebun 3 жыл бұрын
I think you should get a bigger hay rack because the bars look a buy to small but u can do u 😊
@fatimaseven7540 3 жыл бұрын
I always had rabbits growing up and there all were out the moment I was home.But there all used a bunny litter tray for going to the toilet,non would just poop everywhere.I think it is worth looking into that.I think is wonderfull what your doing the only thing I would add is a digging spot.It easly done in a large plastic container filled with earth or sand.
@wedotalkaboutwhatarmystand4796 3 жыл бұрын
Living with rabbit makes me more diligent to clean. 😂
@binkybunnysway943 3 жыл бұрын
Well from a fully free roam Binky the bunny that was not choice it just happened that way because of his seizures he got stressed being penned . I'm lucky I was able to litter train him fully BUT he has eaten my curtains my blinds nu carpet my walls! I had to wood cover all my walls! And bunny proof the entire house especially the old spicy spaghetti! I love life with a free roam bunny but I love this showing it's not all cuteness! They are so destructive lol I've holes in all my furniture all my clothes I call it my bunny fashion now! Nothing is without a hole! Lol brilliant video on not just cuteness and how much work there is. As for messy well I feel like I live in a barn much of the time!
@jennyschroeder1717 3 жыл бұрын
Luckily my rabbits hate tile/wood and only the rooms have carpets so they are free roam but they only stay in the rooms they live in. I’ll put out rugs or towels for them to roam the hallways sometimes.
@adramelke1722 3 жыл бұрын
The reason they poop everywhere is most likely because they're fighting over territory. If you have more than 1 rabbit they will always be in a contest to see who's the leader. They might not actually fight, but they're trying to put their scent everywhere they can. Give them sleeping areas in different places and they might start marking those more instead of open areas? You might consider putting food near their sleeping areas. The only place in my apartment where either of my bunnies poop is around their enclosures. I have a Norwegian dwarf lion head named roger(M) and a Himalayan(F) named jessica(bonus points if you get the reference). Roger is completely harmless and kind of a doofus, he runs into walls and the door to his hutch and refuses to try to jump more than 3 inches off the ground. He's never damaged anything around the house. Jessica on the other hand is the one that's in charge and she's usually the one to give me problems. She chewed my ex-gf's ethernet cable(should have been a sign). She used to dig the carpet where i didn't want her to, so i gave her a box full of bedding and a special carpet and blanket to dig on. She's also very territorial and won't let me in her cage or even reach into her cage without charging, nipping, and growling at me(it's a 10ftx5ftx3ft tall cage). Roger is only restricted to his hutch if there's a particular reason, like she's getting stressed by him and needs a break but i don't want to restrict her to her cage so she can get exercise). I can't let her roam if i'm not watching her until i'm confident she won't dig the carpet more or eat any other wires. I'm pretty sure i have everything blocked off, but i'm giving her time to explore and experiment while i'm watching so i can intervene if she gets into something i don't want her to. One day, roger is locked in his hutch and jessica is running around. She went into the kitchen and got too close to a sticky trap next to the fridge(didn't know she could squeeze in there) and ran out of the kitchen in terror because this 2x4inch box was stuck to one of her rear legs(i guess she sat on it). Again, she's a very aggressive and territorial rabbit and she was terrified by a tiny cardboard box. could just be me, i thought it was histerical. One thing that kind of made me angry was yesterday she got a little too comfortable in my bed and decided to charge and nip at me when i tried to sit down. Had to put her nose on the floor and let her know it wasn't ok, but hopefully once is enough and she won't do it again. :-\
@Katesque 3 жыл бұрын
Yes you’re totally right haha! The poops are constant territorial markings from them, my bunnies have always been that way, especially at night while I’m asleep and I just clean it up in the morning, otherwise they don’t poop that much haha. Jessica sounds like a handful! I love how she tried to claim your bed too 😂 xx
@adramelke1722 3 жыл бұрын
As long as you don't go into her cage, jessica is actually pretty sweet and thoughtful, but she demands respect for her territory.
@Alexandriaxxanime 3 жыл бұрын
I know the feeling I have 10 free roam bunnys. Constantly sweeping up poop pellets too ha
@mm-ef4uq 2 жыл бұрын
If they are pooping all over the place you might want to work more on litter box training to make your life easier! I only have one so I'm not sure if yours do that as more territorial behavior. I've have some issues with mine in the past but after reworking the litter situation and giving her a second litter box she roams everywhere and almost never goes outside of them.
@stephanielees9884 2 жыл бұрын
Tips for protecting wooden chair legs and table legs?
@bblove88 3 жыл бұрын
Adorable bunnies! Where did you get the cardboard houses!? That is so cute!
EASIEST ENRICHMENT IDEAS *for destructive rabbits*
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黑天使只对C罗有感觉#short #angel #clown
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Day in the life with 3 Rabbits
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GETTING MY DREAM PET *first 72 hours with baby mini lop bunny*
My Technique for Bonding Free Roam Rabbits
The Bunny Lady
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A Day in Our Life | Living With Free Roam Bunnies
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Day in the life | Free Roam House Bunnies
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