When you said that people in analysis realize they have wishes they didn't know they had... When you said this I immediately thought "how would someone that is schizophrenic would see this?" would it be like a hallucination? voices? How is that different in the neurotic? The neurotics have a sense of self that gives them a certain stability? Like, I imagine a neurotic patient realizing "oh, so this wish is in my head because X, and now I am more aware of how that makes me act". The patient has an idea of "these are my wishes and this are not mine at all". But where does one ends and the unconscious starts. I guess this would lead us to the transsubjective nature of the unconscious
@derekhookonlacan4 жыл бұрын
Nice question. I think your intuition is a good one speaking schematically, the neurotic subject is someone who represses which means they can have wishes they don't know they had. The psychotic subject by contrast forecloses which means that they may experience as some of their more disturbing issues or impulses as intrusive phenomena coming from the outside, precisely voices, hallucinations or the conviction that a malevolent big other has punitive intentions toward them.
@redlion200313 жыл бұрын
It has been suggested that superego’s sadistic wishes are fulfilled when having a ‘bad’ dream. What do you make of that?