From Stud To Chick Real Quick Donna Goudeau became an internet sensation in the Matrix from a news broadcast interview. Since the interview, memes, the auditory from the interview has been used to create openings for mixtapes, tracks and etc. Certain sections from the interview of Donna Goudeau also went viral in the Matrix. But what was Goudeau accused of and when reality hit, it made her go from stud to chick real quick on live TV. Hmmm... Well, Donna Goudeau and her P.O.P squad is accused of beating a 73 year old Kansas man, stealing his collectors coin, an ATM card and; retrieving money from that ATM card. Goudeau is from Jefferson County, Texas and was charged, as well as convicted with aggravated robbery; and violating her probation from a previous 2003 assault charge. According to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Donna Goudeau was sentenced to 18 years in prison. And although, she kept saying she was legally blind; her actions were illegal.