From Zero to Hero! Maou Nobunaga Avenger - Complete Analysis!

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In this complete analysis we're talking about a unit that has come a long way. She's gone zero to hero! Demon King Nobunaga Avenger, aka Maou Nobu! We'll be covering her kit, new buff, how much damage she can dish out, CE options and more!
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@Khadroth 10 ай бұрын
With her buff coming in Guda 6, I was asked to also cover Maou nobu! This one dramatically changes how she can be used so I felt like it was a good time to cover her! Double Koyanskaya really amps her damage! How do you guys feel about Maou Nobu's scaling now? Which Ascension is your favorite? 1st, 2nd or 3rd? Thanks for watching everyone, sorry the video dragged on a bit. If you guys enjoyed the in depth analysis, don't forget to leave a comment, like and subscribe for more! See you all Sunday! 👍
@TheDjdeath45 10 ай бұрын
2nd ascension easily, nobu bro is so cool.
@napoiskafarming669 10 ай бұрын
All of them. Random ascension ftw.
@duelweld92298 10 ай бұрын
Wait the event is live now on NA but I don't see avenger Nobu on the list of availability summons :( is she not available during the event? Did they replace her with berserker Nobu instead?
@Gojiradogzillagodzilla 10 ай бұрын
@@duelweld92298 Her banner takes some time to appear, probably related to Story so in 1 or 2 days we should be getting her already.
@antonionatale6473 13 күн бұрын
7:55 I already knew what it was to come😂
@mephistophelesdearchon9870 10 ай бұрын
Not to mention that, with some plugsuit shenanigans, you could also bring in Nobukatsu after popping both Koyan’s second and third skills on her, allowing the other Koyan to slide back in after immediately burning himself with his NP to further juice up Maou.
@UltimateAnimeGamer 10 ай бұрын
You can fit him in better during turn 2 cause you can have Oberon in the 4th slot, so when Nobukatsu dies, Oberon can be swapped in for turn 3. By turn 3, ignoring Master Skills and trait special attack, she can have up to 100% Attack Up, 40% NP Damage Up, and 240% Buster Up!!! Not to mention her buster card can reach up to 200% crit damage up.
@mephistophelesdearchon9870 10 ай бұрын
@@UltimateAnimeGamer Fair enough, but as of right now I don’t have Oberon, so until I can get Koyan of Darkness, if I’m running double Koyan, that’s what I’d probably have to do for the moment.
@flashmozzg 10 ай бұрын
He'd need to run KScope though. Not sure it'd be better for farming, than someone like Arash.
@UltimateAnimeGamer 10 ай бұрын
@@flashmozzg if he had Oberon, he could run 50% with a max append 2.
@flashmozzg 10 ай бұрын
@@UltimateAnimeGamer You mean 60%? Doesn't really change things. The issue is that Nobukatsu brings little buffs and requires his NP to die, restricting your CE freedom. In a farming scenario you are probably better just bringing Habetrot or something, if you need a little help clearing w2.
@MelancholicDays 8 ай бұрын
To give some context as to why maou nobu was considered a very poor unit back in the day. It wasn't just one thing, it was a multitude of issues. 1. Unable to NP consistently -Triple buster deck gave her low np gain -Buster supports back then was mostly merlin who wasnt very fast, and waver who was a sharp dropoff in damage from castoria. -low battery back when there were no command codes and pre skill buff. 20 was a bad number, you couldn't run the very common 50% battery with max append 2. Unreliable Carding -Avenger meant that she had low star gather rate. Khad is underselling this. her gather rate was LOWER than casters. meaning most supports would beat her on the star gather. -Buster was already RNG fest with card draws, this was compounded by her first skill: if you got all your nobu cards on your turn 1/2? goodbye to 70% attack on turn 3. -Buster supports, again were merlin/waver who were both somewhat crit focused did not help -Neutral damage is not the best for carding, when you could be using an advantage class or berserkers -despite what khadroth says, star bombs were not very widely available, low amounts and mostly found on CEs, plus it relied on actually getting nobu's cards on the turn you bombed, creating more rng. This meant most commonly you needed to plugsuit in a support with a star bomb CE. you got ~35 stars. not quite "flood the field" enough to overcome her 30 gather rate. still enough to give her like a decent 70-80% crit but not comfortable at all, especially considering how much you invested into that one turn. 3. Weak longevity -Avenger again rearing it's head. neutral already takes decent damage -Low base hp stat -Self burn, pre command codes there was not a lot of convenient ways to remove this. 4. Man attribute vs Divine -best scenario was vs divine which typically happens to be sky attribute. this meant that nobu (earth attribute) had a 0.9 multiplier against her best targets and taking a 1.1 multiplier in damage (again squishy). while divine made her np better, it actually made her cards worse prebuff. ultimately not a big deal, but DW just twisting the knife a little more I still rolled NP1 because i loved her design but damn she was in such a horrible state for gameplay. Thankfully vitch/oberon, battery buff, command codes, mighty chains have done a lot to fix her nowadays but it just goes to show how reliant she is on supports. in comparison to her competitors space ishtar/godjuna who are both somewhat self sufficient even without supports. Nobu still can't card properly today but hey who needs cards when you can triple NP, and give consistency to using your turn 3 attack buff. She's still squishy too, but it wont matter if everything is dead. Damage was never nobu's issue. getting that damage out, and getting it out consistently was her biggest problem. which vitch/oberon goes a long way to fix.
@darkstorm2579 10 ай бұрын
Maou Nobbu was probably my first limited SSR. I used her a lot during the Singularities (though her damage output was hindered because my team building was TRASH back then), so I'm looking forward to her buff.
@Predhead 10 ай бұрын
The number of units I really like in terms of character that require Oberon to really pop off makes me sad.
@bruh_bruh_the_bruhest_bruh 9 ай бұрын
If aren't popping off with Oberon you aren't popping off
@Mofumofusan314 10 ай бұрын
I remember when Nobu avenger first came out on JP and they showed off her np and as someone who already a fan of Nobu, that was all the reason I need to start a JP account. Started a new game and got her to np5 and played all the way up to the most current LB at the time on JP and then after that I started saving for her on NA. She's currently np4 and is on her way to being LV120 2000 fou. Nobu will always be my favorite servant in the game and I cant wait for her to get the next buff.
@williamseabreeze5846 10 ай бұрын
Big Nobu was my 1st SSR, I’m so happy I can farm with this unit now
@thenugget2264 10 ай бұрын
Demon King Nobu is one of the most busted servants to date, she literally Defeated the 90++ Quest from the CCC Quest.
@alispeed5095 10 ай бұрын
Star absorb criticism was on point. People werent dumb to point out her ability to create stars she couldnt use. If they were as dumb as you say, Nobukatsu wouldnt have come with insane star absorb as people pointed out. The issue with your logic of "just flood the field with stars!" is akin to arguing, "servant has poor np gain? Just flood her with charge!" as answer. Its a brute force method not an actual solution. And finally, l dont believe Koyan existed when Maou first dropped. This girl was a turd, she and Okitan? Super beautiful turds! She was my first SSR and l remember going to FGO sub reddit and asking why My nobbu dealt no damage before l got the bad news xD Also its very possible heck l believe its 100% true that had Maou nobu not got the hate she did. We would not have got nobukatsu or at the very least a nobukatsu aimed at fixing all the nobus but particularly Maou. Same goes for the skill upgrades, without the endless shade being thrown, we likely wouldnt have got those buffs. We have servants who need buffs but no noise is made so they are never buffed for years on end. Looking at you Geronimo!
@RodsRetroplays 10 ай бұрын
Oh lucky me. I'm going to NP6 her soon so I can unlock everything for her, because she stole my heart alongside the other two Nobus.
@shyamakpal 10 ай бұрын
triple nobu meta!
@RodsRetroplays 10 ай бұрын
@@shyamakpal my frontline exactly!
@happymuffin2673 10 ай бұрын
SHe is my favourite unit with her 3rd ascension ! Even tho I have an NP5 120 Morgan I will still use my NP3 Nobu for most of my farming (might even try for NP4 once her banner arrives again )
@OtakuDono 10 ай бұрын
Oh, boy... I have Avengers for days. NP3 Space Ishtar NP2 Summer Kama NP1 Maou Nobu NP5 Lv.100 Ranmaru (SOON™) Now I just need Dantes for some Quick farming, but the damned edgelord refused to come home way back in the day.
@whocares0503 10 ай бұрын
What it comes down to, for me, having Spishtar NP5 and Arjuna Alter NP2 (I was EXTREMELY lucky on rolls for the record) Does she add anything to my Chaldea I really need. SQ IS precious...
@Devil935 10 ай бұрын
Naw man you're pretty stack, Np5 and Np2 of your current units will out damage her at just np1. Id focus on favorites or future support units
@leonardocampagnollo6259 10 ай бұрын
Gameplay wise only those damage niches (Anti-Heaven is super rare, but Anti-Divine not so much) and (maybe) better crit turns because they can make some stars themselves, and you could make use of nobukatsu memes to add more damage even in farming scenarios. It's up to you to decide if it's worth or not, 90++ is such a curve ball that niche matching, carding waves and teamwide support on offensive servants could be the new direction, or just a new servant/buff could revitalise the "one servant do it all" meta again. What Im trying to say is ignore the meta and roll for love!
@whocares0503 10 ай бұрын
I figured as much but Khad's followers always have good takes on things, hence me asking! Thanks guys, I am gonna save! :-)
@theendlessphoenix2799 10 ай бұрын
Its funny how most AoE avengers have to compete with AoE zerks of the same card type, lately on JP its been arts but then two buster units in the past when koyan wasnt even a prevalent thing. Honestly i think its preference based but most SSRs can loop at NP1 really smoothly with the right supports so comparing them is moot unless you consider 90++ and in 90++ on JP arts is just dominant and the upcoming AoE zerk is just too flexible and busted to not trump both SSR avengers. Its kinda sad but atleast you arent at a disadvantage not being able to roll for NP levels and all units to do 90++ thankfully.
@O530CarrisPT_C2 9 ай бұрын
I have Lv100 NP2 Summer Kama and Lv100 NP1 Maou Nobunaga. I might look into getting NP2 Maou, but I have Koyanskaya of Light to roll for.
@luckyroller9636 3 ай бұрын
I actually recommend for people with MLB k scope to get her third skill to 9 as her np refund will make her 3 turn and do the others first
@LCooler91 10 ай бұрын
Fondant au Chocolat (50% Np charge, 30%SP dmg) is a good CE to use if u go against divine enemy..
@xsXRevanXsx 10 ай бұрын
You forgot Nobu’s greatest and best buff, Nobukatsu
@erjohn5404 9 ай бұрын
this is actually one of the best to have on the game, if you are a gameplay enthusiast like me. He is the best anti divine servant the game has to offer. Especially if you have koyanskaya and oberon.
@JiryStark 9 ай бұрын
Got her twice today in the same pull after failing miserably in every other of her banners. My first redemption arc in fgo(?)
@erjohn5404 9 ай бұрын
Not gonna lie I'd rather get this than spishtar and summer kama.
@silly.thoughts 10 ай бұрын
her next banner will be the round 3 of me attempting to get her.
@Sephiko 10 ай бұрын
Great buff, and she has Koyan of Light now.
@jasonfox2638 10 ай бұрын
3rd ascension definitely my favorite 🤤
@lozdbzmario 9 ай бұрын
I really wish I could bring myself to use DPSs that can't 6 slot. it just feels like such a waste
@hamzanoory3993 10 ай бұрын
Should I skip all of the cutscenes just to the gudaguda event cause I am in lostbelt 1 way behind of the story
@darkstorm2579 10 ай бұрын
Up to you, though naturally you’d have to rewatch all the cutscenes to find out what happens during the story.
@Brim_the_Wizard 10 ай бұрын
yeah do it. you can just rewatch them on youtube
@theendlessphoenix2799 10 ай бұрын
40:05 one this about dantes is his attack up being only 42% for a single turn meaning he reeealy needs the double quick buffs from skadi to be able to loop and also affects his damage alot. also i dont think dantes was covered after his buffs it would be nice to cover him at some point. if his s1 leaves the year 1 weirdness he could compete with neutral loopers of other cards while having slightly less robust supports and also they could give him a crit dmg buff after his recent buff giving him a buff strip on crits
@flashmozzg 10 ай бұрын
42% Isn't it 50%?
@theendlessphoenix2799 10 ай бұрын
@@flashmozzgfandom wiki says 42% it might be completely wrong. can cross check with gamepress I g.
@Awoken0 10 ай бұрын
@@flashmozzg it is.
@Psvu636 10 ай бұрын
I just started playing fgo and I’m watching this to be smart
@EclipseHighroller 9 ай бұрын
I always use nobu avengers 3rd stage as it’s its acually a guy as opposed to a female (like the 1st and 3rd ascensions) and fgo has too many females as is lol.
@EclipseHighroller 9 ай бұрын
Avenger nobu is literally from by best pull ever. I did a single 10 pull on their last banner, and I got them thrice in that 10 pull
@_dxksh 10 ай бұрын
Le me with 12SQ : Guess I'll just wait for a rerun.🥲
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