Hello General Major or IPANG JG, I always follow your battles, and I must say, I’m truly impressed. However, this time your game was outstanding. I have one request to make as one of your fans. Could you please teach me how to fight and use strategies effectively? This is just a humble request. I know you’re a professional, and you probably don’t even have time to write back to me. I’m just an ordinary and inexperienced player compared to you. But still, I thought I’d ask. In the game, my name is GansalesUZB, and I appear as that. My level is 19, Colonel. I’ve played with you once before, back when our ranks were equal. Thanks to you, we won that time. If you’ve seen my name and are willing to help, just drop a simple sign or message. I’ll follow up with more questions myself whenever you have free time. Thank you in advance!