Migrating to Canada 40 years ago was very different from migrating now. In those days, one could most likely be able to get a job within half a year, and could save enough deposit to buy a house after perhaps three to five years. And very likely that after another 5 to 10 years, one could sell the first house and move to a bigger/better house.
As a professnal accountant who has been working for the Canada Revenue Agency for many years, DO NOT EVER believe for a moment that you can get away from paying more taxes by owning a bussiness.
@johndole938111 ай бұрын
Everybody knows self-employed people could "pay" less taxes because "cash" is involved. That is all. Don't be so naive....
@Seven.Heavenly.Sins.66611 ай бұрын
@@johndole9381 Don't even go there!
@johndole938111 ай бұрын
@@Seven.Heavenly.Sins.666 I was responding to the YTber....
@johndole938111 ай бұрын
@@Seven.Heavenly.Sins.666 Don't even go there...? It is an open secret...!
@ 8:41 Around the 21st of December each year (winter solstice/冬至) is the shortest daylight time of the year and the sunset will progressively set later each day. On the other hand, around the 21st of June, each year (summer solstice/夏至) is the longest daylight time of the year and sunset will set earlier thereafter.
I have been in Canada for over 40 years and I do not live in a city like Toronto or Vancouver and am still learning about Canadian culture. Let each newcomer experience and decide what his/her future will be.
其他選擇: Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, St. John, Hamilton etc
@Hehehe527 Жыл бұрын
@PeterWong-pb5es Жыл бұрын
@Hehehe527: Besides the cities recommended by @dcar6530, you can consider Ottawa, Montreal, Kingston, London, Etobicoke, Hamilton, and many other Ontario cities..
@Hehehe527 Жыл бұрын
@@PeterWong-pb5es Thanks for your recommendation 💪
@johndole938111 ай бұрын
@@PeterWong-pb5es Montréal...! Are you serious...?!
对...言論自由又唔係絕對,当然,你有胆在亍上大声媽白人或印度人...你会被人打,或在Hasting亍叫人不要吸毒?你会被毒友殺...警方一定会告你上庭base on Human Right Act and the Charter of Rights...or hate crimes....自由?????真正自由要回去1800牛仔时代帶槍在身除时殺人或被殺😀
@@davezhang8866 Right, you can vote for a local MP, but you cannot choose the party leader. The party leader could be kicked out any time by the party MPs. He or she cannot guarantee to remain leader all throughout his/her term.
@martinleung2127 ай бұрын
@@TheJlee28 You can choose a MP from several candidates from different political parties, but I don't think you can select the candidates, the party machine chooses the candidate to represent the party.
@stephenmagic9868 Жыл бұрын
like my primary residence property tax is over 12K per year and the investment house is 6K. It's not cheap to own properties.
@@KyleKamTaco What is the income range of you so defined " middle class"? and What is the " 福利" you can't get because of the "high income"? one side you are saying 人工低 , 稅率高 but then you don't count the low income group receive benefit because of their low income. and also Canada is a progressive tax system. and the low income group after personal exemption amount, they do not really in a high tax bracket.
@johnlee5493 Жыл бұрын
Come with a lot of money if you want to live comfortable in Vancouver, Toronto or even Calgary and you'll be fine. What we need most here are doctors ,nurses police and teachers. You also need a car and pay a lot for insurance if you are a new driver. More and more robbery, home invasion and car jacking year after year. Think twice before you come.
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
So there are no other jobs? How about mining engineers, computer experts, social workers etc.. truck driver childcare workers etc
@helenma9204 ай бұрын
在美國工作,不要跟同事談太多閒聊,只談工作.同事跟你閒談時, keep the conversations brief. 他們跟你閒談是想多些了解你,然後就歧視你.😢他們表面友善,但內裏虛假.
@coffeeto8779 Жыл бұрын
在決定做每一樣嘢之前 要三思而行 要做足夠資料蒐集 是否適合自己生活於當地
@stephenmagic9868 Жыл бұрын
what I know is the mortgage allowance will be 5 times of your house income. Maximum 6 times, normally 5 times.
@@Sorymasen 改 resume, 唔好比人知 over qualified,我個 HR friend 教嘅。當年我生病,需要好多$做治療,self employed insurance 唔夠,於是我考入 telecom 做 customer service, day one 就勁包保險。我 friend 以前做 Rogers bell headhunter, 幇我 downgrade resume, 一考就入,做六個月,搞掂哂就走。用番真 resume 揾 private equity 工。試下!
@pilgrimchance466 Жыл бұрын
Good job!
@KyleKamTaco Жыл бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏻
@calvinma283 Жыл бұрын
@eclkt Жыл бұрын
@KyleKamTaco Жыл бұрын
@stephenmagic9868 Жыл бұрын
If you want to reduce the mortgage, then you need to have more cash for down payment. Either way. I don't think your current income will be provided by banking for 2M dollars mortgage.
I cannot stand so many months of humid weather. I rather have longer winters 😅😅
@KyleKamTaco Жыл бұрын
Same here!
@kingchan8724 Жыл бұрын
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
@dougycheng2147 ай бұрын
Many Hongers complain about the higher taxes here. Yes but does anyone think in Hong Kong you still don't have money because your mortgage is so high so your money goes to the bank instead of the government
you can apply tn visa as soon as you have the passport.
@probb9385 Жыл бұрын
總之,住喺香港低稅率,就要有自律能力,唔好後生洗晒啲錢,老左就靠人 而係外國,共產制度,10個有8個都冇乜大志,唔想搵多啲錢,因為唔想交稅,後生時日渡日work life balance ,到老就話悶到抽筋,唔想再揸車去睇醫生買餸,到最後都係回流返港樓下有私家醫生,食譚仔
@davezhang8866 Жыл бұрын
@ningleung6519 Жыл бұрын
@@davezhang8866 試問有邊個地方唔變?安稳就是家!
@alin7948 Жыл бұрын
@@davezhang8866 喺香港變極都係自己原生地
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
呢個 poster 有癈柴心理😂😂😂😂
@smwk2017 Жыл бұрын
Canada has been fighting between English and French (Quebec) for a long time. Quebec has a lot of influence in federal politics. PM Justin Trudeau came from Quebec. Quebec has its own immigration system and does not subscribe to federal Express Entry. It is excluded from Hong Kong Stream A and B pathways. It sets its own immigration targets (50k new PRs in 2024).
@TheJlee28 Жыл бұрын
Quebec is it’s own nation and 😂😂😂
@smwk2017 Жыл бұрын
@@TheJlee28 Yes, some second generation kids know three languages: French, English, and Cantonese (for example). Quebec university tuition is lower than Ontario; average 4,000 per year. Rent is cheaper as well.
Canada sucks for most immigrants. I stayed for 4 years and left for the US. That was two decades+ ago. I have no desire of ever returning.
@wanmanki93118 ай бұрын
As long as I work hard, and the others see it, soon they will know what I am capable of, so don’t worry and work and learn, show they what we got as a oversea person. Hahaha.
佢地怕人講是非因爲冇料到。我來加第一分正式 part time 係十三班時,第1日去 training 就俾人話,我唔識講英文, 係個係英國嚟嘅新同事,嗰 supervisor 唔理佢繼續 train。唔知點解我咁好運,竟然被派去最旺嘅downtown location, 一開始梗係一二角,但我記性超好,做嘢又快,一個月後企頭位。我記得啲同事都話點解我唔 small talk, 大佬成大堆訂單,點 talk, supervisor 同我都唔理佢。幾10年之後我先知,其他人妒忌我,約埋去食飯講我是非。哈哈哈!四年之後,我大學畢業,果真升經理的是我。你地慢慢small talk,今日我喺街度見到啲講是非嘅舊同事我都當唔識,轉身走。
@kaylahui6902 Жыл бұрын
想問邊D區多drug addicts? 想知要避開邊區?
@KyleKamTaco Жыл бұрын
所有城市Downtown 點都會有啲 分別係多同少 最多應該係溫哥華 East Hastings
@kaylahui6902 Жыл бұрын
@@KyleKamTaco haha 真, 知唔知China Town nearby have or not? coz I have an impression that some KZbinrs film around China Town in Canada also have drug addicts, thanks ~
You really believe drugs are that easy to obtain? Don’t let the news media scare you. I mean, why would I want my child to experience the type of school system in hk? Having your child get all stressed out at a young age is not what I would prefer.