施博!, I almost 99% agree what you said except you want us to support Joe Tay (鄭敬基). Can you tell us what Joe has done in the Community or Canada in the past 20-30 years. Did he done any extraordinary work that has benefit the Unionville community that deserved our support? We want a track record for someone who has passion and evident that they want to serve Canadian and the community. We don't wants someone who just want a job with good income and benefit working as MP.
施博!, I almost 99% agree what you said except you want us to support Joe Tay (鄭敬基). Can you tell us what Joe has done in the Community or Canada in the past 20-30 years. Did he done any extraordinary work that has benefit the Unionville community that deserved our support? We want a track record for someone who has passion and evident that they want to serve Canadian and the community. We don't wants someone who just want a job with good income and benefit working as MP.
the reason why rent is so high is because the law sides with the tenant. i would rather leave my house vacant than to rent it out because the tenant will destroy my house, stay there permanently and not pay a single penny of rent. the law will permit that and i will have to pay so much money and time to evict the tenant. i used to love canada but in the recent 6-7 years, especially after COVID, everything has gone down hill. the canadian government wants to tax EVERYTHING. tax capital gain, tax house, tax fuel, tax on top of tax. it's ridiculous.
而家溫哥華都已經reverse discriminate drug, not allow to use in public. 但係多倫多想申請係無限量擁有毒品無需要限制年紀, 所以federal reject. Federal 只係Approve 0.5%嘅毒品。多倫多仲誇張申請冇限制擁有毒品亦都冇限制年齡你話係咪離譜?
Thank you for sharing the details!! Too much freedom, and too soft penalties will only lead to more crimes! Blessing you and your family all the sweet days ahead!
施博!, I am a bit surprise and disappointed when you said 鄭敬基 做恩師. I almost 99% agree what you said except you want us to support Joe Tay (鄭敬基). Can you tell us what Joe has done in the Community or Canada in the past 20-30 years. Did he done any extraordinary work that has benefit the Unionville community that deserved our support? We want a track record for someone who has passion and evident that they want to serve Canadian and the community. We don't wants someone who just want a job with good income and benefit working as MP.