@@yyyan_ before your referendum showing you are independent, you are only Hongkongese from China. If you force people to make choice, you don't know what is democracy and you don't deserve it.
After this chaos, hongKongese has no face in front anywhere already. Why Huang cannot get any official support from British and American? Shut up spoiled kids.
WILLIAM ZHANG 攻擊,即對物體、生命、目標甚至無形物體作出物理或非物理性傷害,或入侵別人的領地。但係我講嗰位阿姨喺講嘢嗰陣時不時有捂住心口同低頭嘅動作,俾我見到佢好辛苦咁,所以先話疑似有心臟病同呼吸困難咋喎⋯⋯加上我睇見佢咁辛苦都尼參加集會,發表自己意見,支持popo,我真係好心痛啊~呢個就係我上一個言論嘅意思,我邊到攻擊佢啊,我讚佢啊!同埋你個言論就係攻擊喇,咩叫毫無人性的態度啊?有娘生無媽教...鬧人都唔該尊重人地啦🤗🤗🤗
@@韩国80年代民主光州事 Amigo, time to keep the peace. God bless you. Adios.
@tracyl56395 жыл бұрын
How about the quality of bullying seniors at airport, beating up innocent mainland reporter? Cursing all around ? Sexually harassing a lady and illegally confined her for 20 minutes? Your Hong Kong rioters are of good quality for sure
@MsMyfavsong5 жыл бұрын
Tracy L First thing first, the elderly u mentioned was the one who harassed the protesters by beating the protesting slogan and materials first. Next, the REPORTER u mentioned are reported that he is related to Ministry of State Security of the People's Republic of China owing to his address in Beijing and you can Google the news. Last but not least, would u please specify which lady r u talking about? If you really want to talk about sexual harassment, HKPOLICE should also be mentioned coz they have been accused for sexually harassing women in recent months during the protest.
@scarlettcheung90615 жыл бұрын
@@tracyl5639 The lady was harrased by the police... Open your eyes to see for yourself
@ImLuN5 жыл бұрын
@Neo-xe5gu5 жыл бұрын
只因呢班人見眼前亂就閙 日後有福又自己攞好處 一班連人渣都無資格稱得上
@ImLuN5 жыл бұрын
@herrylalaland5 жыл бұрын
If you lower yourself to their level, you are also shameless.
@fonggor67165 жыл бұрын
ImLuN 其實好大部分人系想坐享其成,又要民主就唔想阻到自己,咩叫貪心?利啲咪系囉
@herrylalaland5 жыл бұрын
@@ImLuN future as gangsters? They need to stop showing themselves as spoiled kids then win back global respect by effort everyone recognized
The last lady :I am not gonna say I am Hong Kongese if I travel around the world after these violence protesters whom make ashamed to Hong Kong I gonna say I am Chinese straightly !😂 instead!
so true. she said it doesn't matter if those people in beaten up at the airport are chinese or what their profession is, you shouldn't treat anyone like that. so true