How to RANK UP FAST with ASHE - Full Guide on Builds, Matchups and Laning - LoL ADC Guide

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@gameleaplol 4 жыл бұрын
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@xahrie8185 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe Ashe will take Trinity Force which has Dome Health until the end of S10
@Arvensa 4 жыл бұрын
*The choice to hold off on a point in Q in favor of Hawkshot at level 2:* This is generally a higher-Elo thing, or against specific junglers. Your warding, map awareness, and wave control should be enough to get you through to Level 3-5 if you've felt out the enemy and can find and abuse your level spikes off your range. If you're in a rough matchup the enemy is actually executing on and can't get value out of your Q, you won't be shoved up far enough for the Hawkshot to matter for your own lane, anyway-- FWIW, Lolalytics Plat+ doesn't even display a 2nd point in Volley before Level 4 in either tab. *As for a 2nd point in W before taking Q:* Q is not "1% more damage on all of your autoattacks" as stated in the video at 5:28 . The Attack reset on Q plus 5% bonus damage on the second and every subsequent auto is worth more than twice as much damage in just the first two autos as the difference between a rank 1 and 2 Volley landing on two targets (more than four times as much to a single target). And it costs 20 less mana than using just Volley. (All without factoring in the 20% attack speed on the 3rd+ auto, if a longer trade) So if you're interested in shoving the wave towards Level 4 along with your trade (esp. versus a strong pushing lane), while not spending mana on both abilities, then a second point of Volley helps you do that, but if you're taking even a short trade with your Q stacked, the first rank of Q is more damage to champions than the rank-up on W, especially if one champion is hidden behind the other or the wave. Taking just the reset auto trade and then draining the rest of your Q into the wave also shoves it. The cooldown incentive on W rank-up matters a lot less than it used to since the mana cost was nerfed hard. So the missing part of that puzzle is the range, cooldowns, and sustain vs. your support (and/or biscuits) of your lane opponents. And whether the wave is in a state where you can stack Q and then look to poke/trade. Versus Caitlyn/Jinx and Bard/Sona/Soraka/Zyra/Janna e.g. , you probably want the second point in W. But versus anything shorter ranged or with less sustain, you can bully them with Q. The more relevant question this leads to is to ask yourself: Do you want a 2nd rank of Volley at level 3, putting Hawkshot off to Level 4. Answering that involves: 1. Who is the enemy Jungler, and Where did they start? 2. Have we seen the jungler on wards or in a lane yet? 3. How hard can I bully my lane opponents with 4 points in combat abilities? Do I have that dominance? Can I afford that mana? 4. What happens to the wave, our reset timings, and Dragon priority if I go through with this? 5. What can my Jungler or even Mid-laner do if we spot exactly where the enemy jungler is and/or what camps they have up? The answer is usually no, just have a point in all your abilities at Level 3. But there have even been games where we already have the enemy jungler in vision so often, dominant posture in Bot lane, and control over bot-lane brush for that matter, that I've neglected Hawkshot until level 5
@speedsterx9294 4 жыл бұрын
Damn. Wanna write my essay?
@DaeGamesDaily 2 жыл бұрын
When the username is literally Ashe
@paoie1236 4 жыл бұрын
ASHE. The only ADC that supports her support. This is why I loved Ashe even waaaaaaay back. Her kit is just complete aside from mobility. I m just worried thata nerf might be incoming
@dawnabello9050 4 жыл бұрын
yeah. She might get nerfed on 10.16 or 17 because she is always picked in competitive play. She's arguably the strongest adc rn.
@justoalvarez3940 4 жыл бұрын
@@dawnabello9050 She was strong before and after the Zeal buff she's just dumb xD
@ninir4596 4 жыл бұрын
To be honest,the only think they should nerf about her is the hit box on R,you dont need to hit it,but you WILL hit it and maybe nerf the horizontal range on W.
@justoalvarez3940 4 жыл бұрын
@@ninir4596 The horizontal range, that's a good idea actually..
@ninir4596 4 жыл бұрын
@@justoalvarez3940 shit cant miss
@deferdefer1386 4 жыл бұрын
A guide for ashe adc just at the right moment, you guys are smart
@Frozen0wl 4 жыл бұрын
why is it just the right time?
@Swordgallade12 4 жыл бұрын
@@Frozen0wl she is very strong at the moment
@David-tr9xk 4 жыл бұрын
i think this guide is quite over simplified and a bit obvious
@furfekkia93 4 жыл бұрын
@@David-tr9xk why?
@brunosirsi2416 4 жыл бұрын
How to Rank up with Ashe. Point 1: buy 1 of her legendary skins. Point 2: you are good to go.
@ruze3792 4 жыл бұрын
Her base appearance held me back from playing her until I got project lmao.
@brunosirsi2416 4 жыл бұрын
@@ruze3792 yup same for me. I'm still waiting to find one of her legendary skills to play her.
@anthonyg5560 3 жыл бұрын
@@ruze3792 just got her project skin from a heztech chest and now I’m tryna use her
@gramshaku 3 жыл бұрын
actually no. Ash is not that good if you dont know what you are doing. 0 mobility is not the best in ranked.
@nivrrtakr2891 3 жыл бұрын
@@gramshaku how thwn
@YourCasualPerson 4 жыл бұрын
As an ashe main, this guide super freaking helpfull. thanks :D
@Arvensa 4 жыл бұрын
1:00 -- Obviously the reset is still a good fundamental, and you should still do it, but here are the nitpicky reasons it's not quite as big of a deal as the video stresses: 1. Auto-attack Resets are actually less important the higher your attack speed is, not more. 2. The 20% Attack-speed steroid also affects the windup of an opening attack with Q on, so it's not 100% of an attack timer that you're missing if you don't use it as a reset. 3. According to the Wiki, each individual hit of Ashe's Q applies Frost Shot and calculates its bonus damage independently. So if you open with a Q-empowered attack rather than using it as an auto-reset, then you're only missing that extra first auto and the bonus damage of a single shard of Q (out of 5, and if this is the first Q of the fight, and if you didn't open with W). It's a lot more important to thread your W, R, or even E between autos than to hit every reset off Q. (Especially because it can even get a little finicky at max range and not hitting it at just the right time can bind up your auto commands and cost you autos and even forward movement depending on how you input everything) Phreak mentions all of this in his Patch 9.19 Rundown, the patch that re-instated the full auto-reset on Ashe's Ranger's Focus.
@Angel-ij4bk 2 жыл бұрын
@Cibakro its useful dont be jealous
@R1krd0D3N 4 жыл бұрын
thank you guys, I started at LOL about 4 months ago, and Ashe has been my main since then, I had tried several combinations and builds and the one here is one of the most effective builds I use on my matches, still Im Bronze but thats because Im a bad player in general, not that the build is incorrect, thank you for the tips, I hope one day be good enough.
@loreebenjfernandez5303 4 жыл бұрын
I started 2 months ago and now i'm on silver 1 usinf ashe and jinx
@paoie1236 4 жыл бұрын
Hey if you keep improving in your games, ya ain't a bad player. honestly, rank does not matter that match unless you're aiming for the top.
@loreebenjfernandez5303 4 жыл бұрын
@@paoie1236 facts. I just ranked up and got to gold now
@ko9602 4 жыл бұрын
@@loreebenjfernandez5303 did you play other games that are similar? how did you rank up so fast?
@CrazyIvan865 2 жыл бұрын
I played for a couple years but haven't had a computer for the past 3+ years. As an old Ashe main I will tell you to not get discouraged. The reason that she is the starting ADC is because her kit is simple but she forces you to learn the fundamentals to improve. They lie about the skill level needed to succeed, she is NOT and easy difficulty champion as they say. She's no Fiora or one of those that not only difficult, but rather advanced. However beginner and easy are not things you should think of if you want to have a good time while playing Ashe. She's one champion that you can main from bottom (n00b) to top (master or grand master). In fact, I want to say Faker and a couple of the other top players on the world are (or at least we're a few years ago) Ashe mains. Which is why it is damn near impossible to get S-, S or S+ with her, no matter how well you do. Because the ranking score is basically how well you did when compared to other people who play her and it's averaged out between everyone playing her, how many games etc. So when you have 10+ Worlds league summoners maining her and playing 6 ir 8 ir 10 practice games against people close to their level a day, it makes it more difficult to get that A-, A or A+, let alone an S. So if it comes up as D, D-, F. It meant you didn't do well by anymeans but don't let it get you down because I've played games where I did pretty outstanding. Warded, used E for vision, teamfaught fairly well, cleared waves, took tower and objectives, soloed drakes etc and still only got a C or C- you have to play stupid well for anything better than a B+. Don't get discouraged, always seek self improvement and practice and you'll get there. But be sure to practice good habits and not bad habits.
@nickmontgomery347 4 жыл бұрын
The guy is allergic to hitting that last Braum passive 😆
@infantryplankton 4 жыл бұрын
I also disagree on your Hawkshot. I do what I call Rivershotting where you full-map hawk shot down the river. It helps the team wayyyy more. Allows them to spot pinks, ganks, and gives better objective control. You still spot the jungler half of the time too.
@EagleEye_SGHQ 4 жыл бұрын
You forgot to mention - getting a good support who knows what support role is - HELPS too... And not the support who takes adc's cs and steals your kills when it was possible to leave for adc to snowball.... In the video its shown a perfect conditions which will never happen bellow Platinum rank... Which is - a proper support who does leave the kills for adc even when he could very easily ks the kill, but instead leaves it; properly preventing enemy team from reaching Ashe, while in low elo supports would run away and leave adc behind and many other examples from the video footage etc.
@jeeves9233 4 жыл бұрын
Before engaging a target, use W to apply your passive slow, so that the very first auto attack deals bonus damage.
@CsarQcho 4 жыл бұрын
Recently I've been playing manamune on ashe and it works perfectly! Thoughts?
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
When your goal is to deal as much as damage as possible at about 20 minutes into the game, manamune is very strong. I actually just made a video for patch 10.15 talking about it. Its cheap and offers a lot of good stuff, but the item timing can be different as well as the stats, and is something you need to consider!
@greenwizard9878 4 жыл бұрын
@VirusZero0140 4 жыл бұрын slows down your build. Sure it's cheap, but I'd only get it if I know I'm going to smash lane...
@tesdelt7105 4 жыл бұрын
Hey there, I disagree on several things on building and runes. 1st of all is the BOTRK. I feel that it’s useful mostly against tanky enemies and it works well, but for squishy targets the raw dmg is much better. So instead of it, you can rush essence reaver. It gives you flat AD, Crit early on, Cooldown reduction which is very good for using her ult more often and lastly the mana regen. And here comes the rune change. You don’t need presence of mind, so you can take the overheal safely. You lack lifesteal? Take the bloodline instead of attack speed. And here comes the real deal. Why do you need to attack faster if the enemy is slowed anyway, it doesn’t give any benefit. Standard build would be then: ER, IE, Runaan’s (already 75% crit and 12% lifesteal if stacked). Then look for situational items like Lord dominik’s regard/Mortal reminder, GA or even Randuin’s omen against heavy AD or Wit’s end/Maw against AP whichever suits better. In late you can change Runaan’s for PD for extra safety. I’d not recommend DD after recent nerfs for ranged champs. If you are getting killed even with this build without it, then you should position yourself better.
@dawnabello9050 4 жыл бұрын
I only get ER if do the poke build (arcane comet) and if i am too behind but I still prefer the BotRK build for better trading and defensive active.
@sololeveling7390 4 жыл бұрын
I think youre right about DD after the nerfs itd better to just position better and not miss out on so much damage
@zz45qq33 4 жыл бұрын
Bork is also strong vs squishies..
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
Im kinda confused why you think attacking faster when the enemy is slowed doesnt give you any benefit. If you hit really really hard but the enemy hits only kinda hard but a lot faster with some lifesteal, you are probably going to lose every single time because you simply cannot kill them before they kill you. Also, building excessive amounts of crit on Ashe isnt that powerful because you arent actually gaining damage, you are only slowing your opponents more. Only IE will impact the damage of her follow up shots on enemies who already have frost on them. Because you want to constantly apply this and hit people who have it, you want at most two crit items (runaans/IE most of the time) and need to have some kind of attackspeed early on to make sure you can effectively chase/kite without losing any potential dps or attacks. DD is also still completely fine after the nerfs, its just no longer completely unbalanced, and its about being able to survive situations you cant avoid, like playing against a Jarvan without flash up. Having presence of mind lets you AVOID Essence Reaver which is exactly what you want because the item really isnt that great compared to many other things when talking about damage. At the same time, it also enables Manamune as a potential item choice which can be extremely powerful in the right game. What I say in the builds isn't going to be the right thing to take every single game, but for most games it will work just fine and you need to adapt on your own. Honestly im still kinda baffled that you think attackspeed doesnt help when the enemy is already slowed.
@sololeveling7390 4 жыл бұрын
@@AceWindstorm question. Why is exactly 50% the sweet spot? Why not 75%?
@NeonBeansII 4 жыл бұрын
After this guide, I went 8/1 in my game. It is very useful
@TheLunarLoon 4 жыл бұрын
*I loved this video!* I am an Ashe main and I was looking for any tiny edge I can find to be able to rank up. I can do well with her, but I feel like I can't carry the game if all my other lanes feed. I have learned a little bit more on this video for sure that I'm going to be using. The suggestion that I would like to add is: I am going to be getting "Infinity Edge" *FIRST* instead of "Blade of the Ruined King", assuming of course that their team or their bot lane are very squishy with low health champions. The fact that you get extra damage from her passive while having the crit damage from ie makes your earlier game wave clear much easier, especially if you manage to get the B.F. Sword on the first back. Being that you do not have the life steal early game, I would suggest to use "Triumph" instead of "Presence of Mind" With not having the botrk movement steal, ie crit chance should be slowing them more often through her passive, **albeit - it is a 20-25% chance early on** - I feel it could improve both the kiting and chasing aspects of her kit, even later on if another crit item is implemented in lieu of botrk In those games that botrk is not needed, the life steal from "Death's Dance" would be a must (likely as the third item still since "Runaan's Hurricane" is way too good on Ashe for a second item, especially to stack the crit to 50% at that point), and a "Phantom Dancer" or a "Guardian Angel" is good substitute for survivability later on. *Let me know what you think about this suggestion* ^_^ *Have a wonderful day everyone!*
@augustvctjuh8423 4 жыл бұрын
hmm i already knew all of this besides to build death's dance was expecting more info about matchups due to the title but i feel like that was skipped over
@biggideal 4 жыл бұрын
Good video, but I wish you'd have a section on how to team fight, and how to position during team fights (your roles, and primary targets, etc)
@basvanlierop7802 4 жыл бұрын
second, if they didnt first themselves
@gameleaplol 4 жыл бұрын
@Rei-ts2js 4 жыл бұрын
Ever since I played riven 5 years ago using abilities between auto attacks have been easier for me due to practicing the fast combo. I been applying that to every champion I tried to play It's kinda hard but it's effective, like while using veigar doing auto attacks while using your Q to deal more dmg so that u can be sure that your ult will kill your target
@christiankitani7818 4 жыл бұрын
Just try manamune ashe and you will not be disappointed.. its actually crazy
@the_seven_9719 4 жыл бұрын
Cool, but what about biscuits instead of boots? I see this a lot on Probuilds and it helps against heavy poke.
@zz45qq33 4 жыл бұрын
Biscuit is way better. Ur W is more spammable and you have the option of rushing boots if u need it.
@sololeveling7390 4 жыл бұрын
@@zz45qq33 yeah i dont take it since i like rushing boots for chasing with q+lethal tempo
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
Taking biscuits can work if you feel like you need the sustain, but you really shouldnt be putting yourself in a spot to get hit like that considering ashe also has good range and very solid poke. You are looking at 150 mana + some hp/mana restore vs 300g saved + 10 ms, so whatever you need more you should pick! I don't make the builds as a 100% must take all the time, thats just not how league works you need to adapt from what I have when the situation calls for it!
@viktorboman5870 4 жыл бұрын
no you need that extra movement speed from the boots. also upgraded boots will be 800g instead of 1100 which means you basically get 300g off your runaans hurricane :)
@David-tr9xk 4 жыл бұрын
an example how this guide is so basic its annoying. there are so many combos with ashe, i pref the biscuits tbh esp in lower elo
@jemaripano8078 3 жыл бұрын
ok that was way more advanced than i thought it would be. Lil bit too much for me with lvl 23 XD
@jetforcegemknight2539 4 жыл бұрын
Yo nice, just got an S with Ashe Trinity build. Only master Level 3 and 12 games with her. Easy champ to pick up with great match ups.
@DiddumsMcFlourish 3 жыл бұрын
Idk if you said this or not but you can’t actually do Q stacks on turrets, just minions, camps, and champs. You also can’t do Q stacks on the crystals. You can use Q on the turrets but you can’t get stacks from using your basic attack on the turrets.
@iant7174 4 жыл бұрын
If you are going for the botrk build, i recommend q maxing. Maxing w doesn't really help as much as everyone now has insane life steal or heals, and it also costs an insane amount of mana. Maxing q allows you to play much more aggressive and with botrk, more attack speed = better dps.
@dawnabello9050 4 жыл бұрын
That is why you get Presence of Mind. Maxing w first is for lane harass and creepings. You max q first only when you always all in which is a very rare case for Ashe. W range is around double Ashe's range, can hit multiple targets at once and an absurd 4 sec cd at max rank.
@iant7174 4 жыл бұрын
Dawn Abello im talking about early in the game, like 2nd and 3rd recall. You wouldn't have any kills for POM and as for harassing, it only increases by 15 damage each rank, while still being 9s on rank 3 and 70 mana. The enemy can still heal it back up or shield it pretty easily. While maxing q allows you to win more trades. This is only for bortk ashe tho, because of the low AD in the build. If you go ER or Manamune then W max is best
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
Maxing Q first on ashe is actually really weak, because it increases your AD scaling by 5% each rank. The attackspeed is nice sure, but you need damage items to really make the points count, and you also wont have what you need to be able to constantly fight in auto attack range at that point in the game either. W helps you play at ranges that are advantageous to you and lowering the cooldown drastically is really important.
@iant7174 4 жыл бұрын
AceWindstorm AceWindstorm The thing about ashe's q is that it splits her auto into 5 little arrows, and each of them applies her bonus damage passive ans life steal so more ad and AS actually bumps your damage up alot. I've actually out dps a lucian and draven when playing it. I admit that it's not as safe, but it's the different play style of ashe that I believe fits that bortk build more. You need to dodge the crucial ability like cait net, varus e, lucian q, or ez w and use your w as a gap closer. And ashe's auto range is the 2nd highest in the game, plus the w range, starting a fight with approach velocity is usually not a problem. It's a different style of ashe, a much more aggressive style that goes very well with botrk build. Give it a try and it might be something you enjoy
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
@@iant7174 Oh I know what her q does, but what im saying is that it only buffs your damage by 1% per arrow for every rank you put in it, which by comparison just really isnt worth it until the 1% is actually a big number! Obviously overall it can get up to a 25% damage increase on each auto attack but again, the same problem arises.... also the most important thing here is that it can put you at insane risk because the enemy adc isnt the only person you need to worry about! And it doesnt matter how much extra damage or atkspd you have, two people will mess you up if you are constantly trying to be in range. But i mean hey if it works it works right?
@JRocka114 2 жыл бұрын
We need a s12 version of this!!! ASAP!!!
@infantryplankton 4 жыл бұрын
I think an even bigger move you do on Ashe is target swapping. I would have just killed the Fizz at 4:35 and probably died but you know exactly who's the prime target at all times. That's hard to learn.
@stanislavkinov4948 4 жыл бұрын
Yo, remember when W was 50 mana? Good time, I tell you
@malakarvonstroheim5372 4 жыл бұрын
Mana seemed infinite back then, now you have to take that stupid mana rune
@thewyatt1001 3 жыл бұрын
best ashe video ive ever seen hopefully it works on szn 11.10
@santiagoguerrero809 4 жыл бұрын
So, where are the matchups tips? Anyways, thnx for the video, really good tips. I'll have to try the deaths dance as my third item
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
I try not to get into matchups on these videos because it would make them way way way longer if I started diving into even like 2 or 3 of them! That sort of very specific stuff is more suited for our website :D
@Arvensa 4 жыл бұрын
Take Matchups out of the title; they aren't in the video. Laning isn't covered either, outside of applying the concept of managing your Q stacks and a bit about Hawkshot.
@simonenoli4418 4 жыл бұрын
Basically anything that can get to you dashing beats you. Tristana being the worst match up. Lucian, kaisa. You can bully vayne quite a lot but she will eventually outscale you.
@kendelion 4 жыл бұрын
I stopped using ashe when they changed the auto attack reset on her Q. Glad it's back!
@justoalvarez3940 4 жыл бұрын
No disrespect but if you're bellow diamond, just never use your ult as a "peel tool", even worse if it's not self peel. If you're not going to get a takedown or a drake because of it, don't shoot it. Hold it...
@robertocruz7482 4 жыл бұрын
Approach velocity gives movespeed when kiting if you slow them with W or autos
@ahmednasser8214 4 жыл бұрын
Good guide! I prefer Press The Attack on her since if you hit the enemy adc 3 times in lane that's basically half their health gone, and it helps in lane in general as well as teamfights if used properly. I also prefer grabbing a BF Sword on first back if possible, then after that I immediately start building Phantom Dancer for the shield passive and the other unique passive which is the Ghosting + Movement Speed upon attacking an enemy champion; it makes kiting, chasing and peeling with autos so much better; and I feel PD is a core item on Ashe. After that I build Blade of The Ruined King then finish the BF Sword into an Infinity Edge and the rest of the build depends on the game.
@abdelabdu3721 4 жыл бұрын
The funniest thing to do on ashe is to run approach velocity and just out run all these skill shot CC's. Then spamming the D'pengu emote as you run them down past your freeze (see what I did there)
@joaquinlopeztorres1071 4 жыл бұрын
What about manamune Ashe, I've seen sneaky using it and I tried it, I think it is quite op
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
I answered someone else who asked this, so please forgive the copy paste! When your goal is to deal as much as damage as possible at about 20 minutes into the game, manamune is very strong. I actually just made a video for patch 10.15 talking about it. Its cheap and offers a lot of good stuff, but the item timing can be different as well as the stats, and is something you need to consider!
@ko9602 4 жыл бұрын
@@AceWindstorm does it make your early game suffer compared to getting lifesteal (for bork) or bf sword (for ie or er) first? i'm wondering how to play and build differently depending on the matchup and lanestate
@joaquinlopeztorres1071 4 жыл бұрын
@@ko9602 if you want power spike later in the game ( around min 25) then go manamune, if you need more dmg early go bork (if there are tanks), or ie or er. however I find success with manamune pretty much every game, even against tanks, I just use the rune cut instead of coup a grace (don't remember how it was spelled)
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
@@ko9602 You will be able to spam w and poke a lot more, so you shouldnt need to rely on lifesteal as much because you dont want to trade and take much damage, and the damage is pretty similar because you go for pickaxe first and try to fully complete the item on the next back
@monkis7691 4 жыл бұрын
How do you feel about Manamune on Ashe?
@CrazyIvan865 2 жыл бұрын
Does Ashe stack Q off towers and objectives like Inhibitors now? It used to be that it only stacked on living things like minions, camps, drakes or heralds, enemy champions etc. I used to stack Q on minions, shred towers with it and gtfo.
@gameleaplol 4 жыл бұрын
@NeonBeansII 4 жыл бұрын
Yea since it’s your vid
@zoen477 4 жыл бұрын
Thats unfair lmao
@shines.409 4 жыл бұрын
GameLeap LoL Challenger Guides 😆
@speedsterx9294 4 жыл бұрын
@TnTyson81 4 жыл бұрын
Erm I might be a bit thick but I don't Qs stack from hitting towers...
@dianshi9152 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah your right, her q doesnt stack on tower but hitting the tower resets the q timer so if you have any q stack and its on running out attacking the tower gives you some time before its running out again. It can especially make a difference when you push and get ganked or the enemy tower is pretty low so you can start right after the destruction a fight with your q. Also as a hint if you just destroyed the enemy tower and the enemy bot lane is backing you can start the fight with your q because you get a higher range than normal auto attacks and with the slow you easily can shorten distance between you and the enemy.
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
@@dianshi9152 This is exactly it! Although your Q doesnt give you bonus range, im not sure where you got that idea from o.O
@dianshi9152 4 жыл бұрын
@@AceWindstorm hmm it always did maybe they changed it even if i strongly mained ashe i didnt played her the last patches anymore (i more changed into mid lane :D) so sorry if that isnt correct anymore
@Happojee 4 жыл бұрын
@@dianshi9152 it never did
@dianshi9152 4 жыл бұрын
@@Happojee I am pretty sure it did. Also I dont know if it was official or just somthing that occured (maybe it was a bug or something) but I had it often enough that enemys who I couldnt reach with an auto attack I could reach directly with an Q. Also to mention it wasnt a huge range increase just around 20 or 30 range I would guess (thats also why Im thinking it might be an unwanted effect) but as far as I experienced now (though I dont play Ashe that often anymore) it feels like now they have the same range so I guess what ever made the range increase occure now it doesnt anymore :).
@tym5954 3 жыл бұрын
I disagree with the E lv 2. Firstly you should have identified where the enemy jungler is pathing to begin with or at least have a good idea without the use of E. Secondly Ashe has good wave clear lv 1 with Volley and I would be looking to hit lv 2 and then all in the enemy laner securing prio and a cheater recall.
@Jarnjatten 4 жыл бұрын
Is deaths dance still a viable option or is it not worth building after the marksman target nerf to the item? What do I build instead in that case?
@migueldiogo8395 4 жыл бұрын
Never go for bork like this video tells you, it's bad, you will see ruler and other koreans building it, but if you notice rekkles for example he never goes bork first, it's the same story with morelos, essence reaver first item is allways better, you deal more dmg because you have more ad and crit, you w deals more dmg becasue you'll have more dmg and less cooldown on it while allways having mana bcs of it's passive, your ult will be up much more quickly, and you autos overall will deal more dmg, bcs they crit, go for essence reaver (next runnans if they have a lot of melee champions), infinity edge, after this go defensive, deaths dance or phantom dancer, and for the last item either GA, wit's end if they have a lot of magic or dominiks/executioners
@SanguineThor 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think it's really the ADCs job to do camp math on the enemy jg. But with hawkshot you can spam vision on red and blue and see if that side is up, the entire game. Do this. Your jg will honor you and you can even target ping the jg and make it especially apparent to new JGs.
@filipmarkovic9801 4 жыл бұрын
I found out that ashe with boots early is much stronger cuz she got mov speed which is strong synergy with her passive early. I usually buy first bersiker boots then attack speed
@Naverdo 3 жыл бұрын
BOTR no longer has the ms steal right?
@Slapsamillion 4 жыл бұрын
Tower shots dont stack her Q? I'm a new player so this might just be a recent change.
@malakarvonstroheim5372 4 жыл бұрын
It resets the counter but doesn't add a stack, it's quite bothersome, but if it stacked ashe would be straight up broken
@Slapsamillion 4 жыл бұрын
@@malakarvonstroheim5372 idk if that would make her "broken"....but it would effectively make Ziggs AD useless since she would to siege towers just as well, all while doing all the other stuff she's good at.
@Kirito-dp7vm 4 жыл бұрын
Is actually rageblade good on her too ? Because it supports you're blade of the ruined king pretty much. Armor penetration and double hits which use passive from blade.
@simonenoli4418 4 жыл бұрын
Onhit ashe isnt a thing but it can be. Its just botrk and rb are so expensive and you really dont care for the ap and magic pen it provides.
@Angel-ij4bk 2 жыл бұрын
Late but rageblade disables your passive dmg and empowered slow, as if u had 0% crit. It is viable but not recomendable in general. With crit u have more movespeed since zeal items always give 7% and more slows. Damage is very comparabel until IE when crit outperforms in general and u have access to Lord dominiks. Only when u have like wits end and botrk and u feel u won't get to IE I would build it
@joblesstess 3 жыл бұрын
So I shouldn’t use ignite?
@maksklinec 4 жыл бұрын
that penta thoo 17:50
@theghostoftheuchiha1430 3 жыл бұрын
People in high elo: - Ashe needs high skills for kiting. People in my elo: - Cancer ADC, 0 skill just slow.
@allisonphoenix2504 4 жыл бұрын
the best!! ❤️❤️❤️
@ヤナ-w4z 3 жыл бұрын
What about new items and mythics?
@LabrnMystic 4 жыл бұрын
What about Essence Reaver?
@oreomilk9912 4 жыл бұрын
5 mins in and I already wanna sub lol
@Lightningmcsloth 4 жыл бұрын
@hazex77 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this she's the only adc I can't play I get smashed on her but now I know it's cause I was playing her completely wrong
@couchman7749 4 жыл бұрын
Normally run mana band and gathering storm for secondary runes on Ashe but I’ll try magifootwear and approach in my next game
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
AV is really strong because its basically always on, and the extra mobility from boots + bork active is pretty nuts for kiting backwards when you need to
@couchman7749 4 жыл бұрын
AceWindstorm yeah I’ve played a couple games it’s nice but I feel like I run out of mana and I don’t usually go for essence reaver but I may have to change it up
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
@@couchman7749 Thats what presence of mind is for!
@couchman7749 4 жыл бұрын
AceWindstorm you don’t run triumph?
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
@@couchman7749 Nope, that wasnt in the video either! Unless im misremembering I believe I said presence of mind
@martinmilchakov6179 2 жыл бұрын
try smashing someone when u r 2-3 levels below enemy and less items ??!?
@harrysummers3444 3 жыл бұрын
is this build still viable for season 11 ashe right now ?
@crazysovietgamer974 3 жыл бұрын
Garen darus will easily get on top of ashe with the new mythics
@lugiamasta 4 жыл бұрын
i love playing ashe support with cdr rush people always underestimate it
@ko9602 4 жыл бұрын
what build do you do? er tf?
@lugiamasta 4 жыл бұрын
@@ko9602 depends on flow of game but usaully glacial shroud rush into cdr boots gets u mana and 30% cdr early, or if ur adc usless/too much armour still shroud but kindlegem + zerkers, finish items after boots and bork either build path then itemize accord to the game
@ko9602 4 жыл бұрын
@@lugiamasta do you have a video of yourself or someone playing this build?
@lugiamasta 4 жыл бұрын
@@ko9602 uploaded one i could find, not the greatest but u get the idea
@kamilbiaek3594 4 жыл бұрын
Im waiting for vladimir guide
@amirlaroui7723 4 жыл бұрын
Ashe is played only in my ranked games. I Feel like ppl even in low elo prefer an adc with a high winrate over the adc they actually like. It is really sad what this game has become. Boring champs for elo> playing fav champs
@cynicle 3 жыл бұрын
Are you calling my fav champ boring? :'(
@louissenn9897 2 жыл бұрын
I do a max Q and get a winstreak of 10. Then I start maxing W and loose every lane.. I will stick to Q max, as long as its working for me
@m.t1446 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so bad at her. It's because I don't keep my distance
@L9Zodiac 4 жыл бұрын
Hey, can you do guide for draven?
@simonenoli4418 4 жыл бұрын
Press Q. Dont drop axes. There you go.
@L9Zodiac 4 жыл бұрын
@@simonenoli4418 ur prob silver to saying that.
@UpsetLobsty 4 жыл бұрын
no manamune in the build? more dmg than an IE
@arsiffy 4 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one that is shocked by what that ashe did on the pentakill clip near the end of the vid? That was amazing!
@greenwizard9878 4 жыл бұрын
That's a misplay of entire enemy team. They just IGNORED Ashe for this fight. In most cases Ashe is dead in same scenarios
@nivrrtakr2891 3 жыл бұрын
How about of those has to go because of either Shield Now, Kraken Slayer or Galeforce - (not sure if this is the right name )
@crazysovietgamer974 3 жыл бұрын
Season 11 is much harder for ashe to kite due to have the mythics having movement speed or a dash
@nivrrtakr2891 3 жыл бұрын
@@crazysovietgamer974 💔😭 I just came back to the game when I commented first and last game was on Season 7, personally I rather remove the mythic items
@akira-qr4qm 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine needing a guide to play Ashe
@friedp6687 4 жыл бұрын
@catseng3949 4 жыл бұрын
The video that show the Ashe's game play I think is on high gold low plat elo
@Grimgariano 4 жыл бұрын
@rhysiieboii 4 жыл бұрын
Idk what it is about me, but I can simply never do well on Ashe. Kai'sa, I destroy, MF, destroy, Varus, destroy. Second I touch Ashe I go so low impact.
@sumbajaq4221 4 жыл бұрын
Ur not maining Ashe huh? It’s nice to have 1 e for bushes in fight
@Happojee 4 жыл бұрын
Phaserush Ashe is still king.
@Shootingfoul 4 жыл бұрын
I went onto out of curiosity a few weeks ago and couldn't find a single guide on Leona other than 1 very specific 2 vs 2 matchup.
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
We (and I do mean WE, there is more than just me) are always pushing out new guides and have been working on expanding our champion guide library, but not only do they take time to make but also time to edit. We try to follow feedback from people on our discord and here on youtube on what champions to tackle next, so since you asked I am sure we can get you some more leona stuff soon :D eventually we will have comprehensive guides on everyone! I hope you can check out the other guides there though as I KNOW there are some other videos that are important if you are a support/leona player.
@byemihai5317 4 жыл бұрын
Make one about Vladi, plss!!👁👄👁
@hardino0311 4 жыл бұрын
Tell me to wear a mask one more time KZbin ads... 1. More. Time.
@kylericker7 4 жыл бұрын
wear a mask. dont be a square.
@azharamer5029 4 жыл бұрын
Its a mask for your life not a joke so do wear
@nivrrtakr2891 3 жыл бұрын
In a 1 v 1, can Ashe win vs Vayne?
@nicolasheins3294 4 жыл бұрын
Imagine making an Ashe guide in this meta and not even mentioning Manamune
@ty6339 4 жыл бұрын
Selda Bağcan?
@joblesstess 3 жыл бұрын
9:33 not towers mate :)
@westenev 4 жыл бұрын
You mean I SHOULDN'T fire my ultimate across the map in the hopes of getting that once in a lifetime youtube highlight shot?
@simonenoli4418 4 жыл бұрын
Shoot down middle. Its literally impossible not to hit someone xD
@farcydebop 4 жыл бұрын
Video made before the nerf of the DD, Video posted after the nerf of the DD.
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
Uh no? I made this just this past weekend. DD is still good and is still being bought. Its really hard to outvalue 30 of both resistances while still getting good damage, CDR, and omnivamp. Even having just a 10% bleed is enough in most cases.
@farcydebop 4 жыл бұрын
@@AceWindstorm Well, I've seen a lot of pro going for BT, but true the defensive aspect of the DD is still invaluable.
@bilalgrewal29 4 жыл бұрын
You had me at math.
@theNeonfrequency 3 жыл бұрын
So we just gonna pretend like the thumbnail ain’t kaley Cuoco in cosplay?
@Samuel99939 4 жыл бұрын
Manamune 1st
@sammcewan6556 Жыл бұрын
I just relised this video is 3 years old :/
@samuel9607 4 жыл бұрын
Nope my Ashe still sucks, can’t manage to climb my plat smurf to diamond with ashe
@princerayn3054 4 жыл бұрын
but what about Manamune :
@David-tr9xk 4 жыл бұрын
what do u do for early sustain? bloodline? then ur AS is low?
@princerayn3054 4 жыл бұрын
@@David-tr9xk I'm used to Ashe's base attack speed lol, yea it has kinda less damage output and less slow on hit, but it's enough to get me through the early laning phase to until i can buy a runaans
@ViperDivinity 4 жыл бұрын
Cheaper than BOTRK, but not reliable to Ashe like BOTRK since her full damage comes from IE and Attack Speed. BOTRK gives Ashe tons of mobility.
@timedoesfall 4 жыл бұрын
ealry game
@Bunthepariah 4 жыл бұрын
Still an incorrect guide. I level q first and get way too many first bloods.
@simonenoli4418 4 жыл бұрын
Theres no way to proc Q early unless you use hob. And hob builds are so shit past early game if the enemy team has 1 winning lane you are useless past 15 min mark unless 7/0. So youre lying or playing bot games.
@dominikklosik2405 4 жыл бұрын
1st item BOTR....well yes, but actually no... * cough * Manamume
@zz45qq33 4 жыл бұрын
Both are viable.
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
Manamune definitely works in some cases, but right now I think that bork is going to be the better item most of the time at least right now in this meta. What I say in the video isnt something you should 100% of the time, its what works most of the time! You can change a rune here or swap an item build there to adapt to the game when necessary! Thats how you should play league
@dominikklosik2405 4 жыл бұрын
well I see that my joke was unsuccesful :/
@AceWindstorm 4 жыл бұрын
@@dominikklosik2405 RIP i take everything seriously at first so I dont leave people hangin with information they might need :/
@EzAzAbc 4 жыл бұрын
Destroy ashe with tristana!
@SomeGuyXD65 4 жыл бұрын
17:40 That's just gross
@Lightningmcsloth 4 жыл бұрын
7:57 "USING YOU ULTIMATE PROPERLY" Jeez, you guys need to get spellcheck or something, Watching first time and had to stop twice already because of how dumb these typos are.
@cee8226 4 жыл бұрын
Just came here after watching worlds 2020 semi finals. When they picked Ashe, it was like picking Miya in ML 😆🙈
@Imcrige 4 жыл бұрын
3rd? iguesshaha
@thebigsigher4805 4 жыл бұрын
Besides the q being an AA reset, this guy said a whole lot of nothing with a whole lot of words
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