I also have the AT Pro.. You need to check those hits in the 40's too! I found 3 platinum rings with a nickel hit! I sold 2 of the plats for $1100. The other plat has diamonds on it and appraised at $4,300!!! on a nickel hit.. just so you know.. =)
@LLuE8812 жыл бұрын
a practice that i've used is to lay the coil within about 18" of the search spot, then when digging bring up the spoils, and waving on top of the coil can quickly determine if the "coin" is in the spoil in hand, if it doesn't show you know it's still in the hole, reegards,
@MustangFastback12 жыл бұрын
I think this vid is what sold me on the ATP. I'm ordering mine after Xmas. Yeah baby!
@hamzahalal714110 жыл бұрын
TIP: don't wear steal toed boots or any boots that have metal!!!! or rings or don't scan too close to your shovel!! all interfere with signals
@MrChristau12 жыл бұрын
i just got the at pro and love it! I mainly went with the AT PRO because i live in Michigan which has a lot of lakes and i wanted the to be able to go in the water with it.......so far i'm having a great time with it......mostly coins so far and a small aluminum charm....havent been in the waer yet ....waiting on the weather to warm up a bit.....
@Archtops11 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video! As a new user I would be lost without information like this!
@LLuE8812 жыл бұрын
the fellow i bought my old White's from said never leave a hole after pulling out "one" piece without checking it again, he found "2" gold graduation rings in one hole and "5" slightly smaller gold and silver rings within "12" of the first hole, it was less than 150ft. of a jewelry store's door that was usually "6" deep in water and soft mud, he told me to be sure not to walk so fast that you actually only cover about 25% of total distance covered, regards,
@jackbeltane13 жыл бұрын
i use the 5x8 at gold coil on my at pro. its a very great coil for trashy parks, finds small coins with ease
@MUDSWAT12 жыл бұрын
These machines are Awesome !! I've yet to try mine in water, but I doubt I'll be disappointed !! Keep @ it and HH !!
@Erforscher113 жыл бұрын
@FoleyTX If price is a factor I would say get the ACE 250, because you will probably want to also buy a Garrett Pro Pointer hand-held to go along with you (regardless of which model you buy.) Buy the time you bought an AT Gold and the Pro pointer, you're going to be pushing a grand, but for under 400 total you could get the ACE 250 and the Pro Pointer. The ACE 250 is a lot of fun, and easy to learn on, packed with features. Just wish it wasn't yellow!
@MrOldways11 жыл бұрын
Once again, an excellent & entertaining video, thank you.
@hamzahalal714110 жыл бұрын
did he say pull tab 51? many gold rings will range from 46-55
@yrusonoitall12 жыл бұрын
I'm very happy with my ACE 350 & pro pointer. What are the magic numbers that come up for gold jewelry on your AT?
@PR447012 жыл бұрын
i noticed you're using a fairly small coil on a very flat surface, wouldn't it be better to use a larger coil to cover more surface area?
@FoleyTX13 жыл бұрын
said that they are headed out to find some Gold. The main reason I am looking at the AT Gold is because I am most interested in the ability to weed out trash. I know you guys will probably say its part of it but I'm too old and fat. I don't mind digging up trash and I am not just looking for treasure, I like the collection aspect of this although I would like to at some point make enough to pay for the equipment. Will I be able to weed out trash better with the AT Gold? Wayne
@horseman52812 жыл бұрын
52-53 usually means a nickel. Good little coil for hunting parks and goes deep also. I've picked up dimes at 7-8 inches with it.
@YoungLeft10 жыл бұрын
how deep can you go in the water with the at gold? and the target 51 is not allways foil, i've found a lot of coins/ring on the target 51....
@hamzahalal714110 жыл бұрын
spend time digging from 45 rings found at 46 and up gold is same as pull tabs!!! almost !!!
@missannamack705412 жыл бұрын
i notice you are not covering up your plugs?
@FoleyTX13 жыл бұрын
@mrbrady I'm not the one to ask. I ended getting the at pro and I got an Ace 350. I think you would be happy with a 250 or 350. I like the dd coil on the 350. It's the same as the at pro. I mainly got the 350 for my son or friend. I want to learn one machine at a time. Brady, the Ace machines can hunt in water but only the coil. They are not submergible like the AT Pro.
@MrBradyb1234513 жыл бұрын
@FoleyTX so do you thin that it would be a better idea to buy the ace 250 then to buy the at pro cuzi am only 15 and i rly wanna do something like this but i havent done any research but i would like to know if the ace250 is fully water proof like the at pro the last few days i have been looking u videos on this at pro and i rly want it but its way out of my price range so would the ace250 be a better one for someone who is just starting
@FoleyTX13 жыл бұрын
I live in the Dallas Metroplex and I am trying to decide between the ACE 250, AT pro and AT Gold. I am a newbie and I have not done this before. I am very technical by nature and hate buying something and finding out that if I had spent a little more i could have gotten...blah, blah, blah. I know this is always the case though. I have no idea if there is gold in this area. My guess would be no but I'm ignorant about it until I do some research. I don't know of anyone around here that has
@Mr2SMOKER12 жыл бұрын
I think i could find a penny in a bucket of nails with my AtPro. It LOVES pennies, but it hates nickles!
@AlexMoneyStreams11 жыл бұрын
I love your video, I will definitely get back into this stuff :-)
@MustangFastback12 жыл бұрын
love these vids!
@superbee12 жыл бұрын
What park is this? It looks familiar..
@ThaMarlon12 жыл бұрын
Nice Video.
@Marldain12 жыл бұрын
You are swinging the detector extremely fast. Is that normal with the at pro?
@candali112 жыл бұрын
yes they have fast return
@shanegalang212 жыл бұрын
At 10:45 I hear sirens........coming to get you!! lol
@NANOcheshire12 жыл бұрын
i want it -_- but can't afford it :( i like that at pro and at gold is waterproof
@hsvgash11 жыл бұрын
excelent vid thankyou hh
@4CAMan12 жыл бұрын
You ought to take off your ring before doing this or it will end up like all those things you're digging up!