Gatz, overcome the TRASH OF HUMANS that torments you! ✊ Asahiyama Zoo Chimpanzee 202310

  Рет қаралды 2,902

類人猿研究所 Great Apes Zoo

類人猿研究所 Great Apes Zoo

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@saito-ponta-mc6nd6hn7k Жыл бұрын
可愛いガッツのハゲがひどくなっとる😭😭 何と一貫性の無い動物園か!赤ちゃんは成育を見極めて生後三ヶ月を目途に名づけると言い、名前も付けず死なせ、今度は早々に名づける、一見良いことのようだが、保身でしかない。フルトとソヨを群れから離す時間を作れと言ったら、何と言ったか忘れているのか、群れの中で子育てする自然飼育が方針だと、大口叩いていたのに、最悪の形のグループ分け😠フルトもイブも軟禁状態。何が自然飼育じゃ!この園長、わしを高血圧の脳溢血で死なせにかかっとる!!
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
本当ですよね。言っていることが支離滅裂で、その場その場で言いつくろっているだけでしょうね。 こんな園長はそうそう動物界から消えてもらわなければ、動物福祉の時代がやってこない😡
@saito-ponta-mc6nd6hn7k Жыл бұрын
@@GreatApesZoo 旭山動物園の子たちのことを考えると、哀しみと共に怒りの感情が湧いて来ます。何をしてあげられるのか。抗議の手紙も電話も、馬耳東風、豚の耳、、動物たちを見せ物することばかり、見られる側の動物たちのストレスは、これっぽっちも考えない。動物福祉という言葉すら知らないでは、と思うほど、こんな時代遅れの園長、辞めてもらいたい。旭川市に働きかけるしかないですかね。
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
動物園の内部で何かを出来る状況ではない感じがします。クレームには応じないことを言っています。 道に連絡しても動く気なしなので、お金を握っている旭川市以外にないでしょう。
@pamelakern2849 Жыл бұрын
I have never seen a chimpanzee this nervous and unhappy !! Gatz acts like he is breaking down. This is a tragedy. A young healthy chimpanzee should be enjoying life . This zoo has broken so many lives . 😔😪😢 Thankyou for letting this situation be known. I get so angry and sad ,when hearing this but we need to be aware this goes on . I wish they could make a break for it ..😣This is a horrible prison !!
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
Me too.😢Thank you, too.✨🙏
@由美子工藤-y1u Жыл бұрын
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
@裕子-t1k Жыл бұрын
チンパンジーの赤ちゃんが産まれました♪ってSNSあげたりして実情を知らない人は呑気にコメント書いてイイネ👍たくさんもらってて悲しくなります。産まれたからにはこのエレンちゃんも当然大切な命。可愛い子に違いありませんがほんの少し前のソヨちゃんの死、その前もその前もその前も……本当に恐ろしいし悲しすぎる。 エレンちゃんにまったく罪はないしフルトも他のチンパンジーも悪くない。エレンちゃん、無事に育って🙏
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
@1103niko Жыл бұрын
ほんまに酷すぎる…… ここの動物園は類人猿を大切に思ってくれない。 何度見ても悲しくなります。 ただ、事実を知ることは大事だと思います。 いつも貴重な動画ありがとうございます。 こういうのって、立ち入り調査みたいなのはないのでしょうか? この間、奈良の鹿が虐待を受けてるととの事で奈良市が立ち入り調査したみたいですが、動物園ではないのでしょうか? いたたまれないです…
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
道に連絡しましたが、対応できないとのことでした。 みんな道の仲間って感じです。 道以外で立ち入りできるようなところは警察ですが、愛護法では無理でしょうね。ありがとうございます。
@1103niko Жыл бұрын
@@GreatApesZoo 園長が代わって、良くなる事を切に願います。 そう簡単な事ではないでしょうけど…
@rocketpochi8417 Жыл бұрын
こんな動物園が世間ではもてはやされている。 メディアも動物に配慮した動物園のように取り上げる。 それに人気動物もいますから熱心なファンの方も多く、その中には園に対する批判を許さない方も多いです。 何もかもが負のループのようです。 恐ろしいのは園長が自分の考えが正しいと思っていることですね。 こんな人物でもJAZAの会長になるかもしれないと思うとゾッとします。
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
ほんと困ったものです。間違った考えを持った人間が、自分が正しいと思い込んでいるほど手に負えなくなります。 しかも地位を手に入れると周りは何も言えない。動物園ファンって動物ファンとは違うんですよね。
@むら-y3s Жыл бұрын
心が痛い動画ですね🌀みんなしょんぼりを通り越してどんよりした顔になってる。 幸せにしてあげられないなら他の施設に移してあげてほしい😢
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
この園長、千葉のレッサーパンダの風太くんが話題になったとき、可愛い可愛いと見世物にしていると批判して、逆に批判を返されてるんですよね。それを自慢げに今でも語ります。自分たちのほうが十分見世物にしてるのに。 どう考えても正常な人間ではないですね。
@jimmyjames5861 Жыл бұрын
These people that run this zoo is such a big strike against humanity it's unreal
@知草明石 Жыл бұрын
意味が無いかもと思いつつも旭山にメールでオスの群れを一つにするのを止めるようにお願いを送りました。 彼らを引き取ってくれそうな保護施設はないのかな、と思います。熊本は動物実験を経験したチンプのための施設ですし、結局海外の保護施設しか無いでしょうか。。
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
ありがとうございます。大切な意見だと思います。 熊サンのキャパシティがどれほどなのかわかりませんが、実験以外でも引き受けてくれてます。 移動動物園のダイチ、ゾウの国のスマイル、長崎鼻のミッキーたち3人、ここ2年で6人が熊サンに移動しました。
@さっちゃん-p7b Жыл бұрын
読んでいて悲しくなる。何故チンパンジーには冷たいのか? 園長も飼育員も変だよ。
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
園長って役所からきている人、元獣医、民間の経営関係の人、大きく分けるとこんな感じなんですが、規模の大きいところは元獣医が多い感じします。解剖ばかりして、生命というものをはき違えてしまったのかもしれません。 正常な獣医も大勢いるでしょうけど。
@中田圭子-j5s Жыл бұрын
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
@ヲミイ Жыл бұрын
桂子さん、こんばんは。 私、頭に血が登り眠れません😡 先日から、円山・おびひろ・釧路の動画が続いたので、そろそろ旭山くるだろうと覚悟してました…良くない内容なのは解ってました…更に斜め上いってて、もう怒りやら悲しみやら自分の力の無さやら泣けてきます😢 旭山チンプ…この子たちに何の罪も無いのに…何故こんなめにあわせなければならないのか…悔しいです😣 先陣をきってくださってる るいけんさんの活動 無駄にはさせません!!諦めない心が大切だと多摩のディルから教わったばかりです。私たちもあがきましょ✊✨
@中田圭子-j5s Жыл бұрын
@@ヲミイ ヲミイさん、いつもコメントありがとう。ヲミイさんと会話?してると「私、間違ってない」と安心できます。私はたまに感情的になっちゃって、違うベクトルで考えたりしちゃうから。。あの坂東氏は検索してみたけど、悪く言う人がいなくてびっくりしました。なんか突破口があればいいんだけど。なんか偉そうなこと語ってるんですよね。。。私も眠れない。居ても立っても居られないような焦燥感があります。
@ヲミイ Жыл бұрын
​@@中田圭子-j5s桂子さん あの園長の不評が公に出ないのは忖度だと思ってます。 桂子さんも他でコメントされてたジャニーさんの理論ですよね…昔はジャニーさんに媚びる事で利益を得ていたが、現在はジャニーさんの暴露や叩く事で利益を得る。 現状、旭山をあの園長を敵にまわしても得はないが持ち上げるように取り上げれば利益がある…大人の黒い事情…😒 動物園関係者には非常に評判悪いです。 影響力のある人や組織が旭山を暴いてくれたらよいのですが…リスクを懸念して誰も行動にうつしませんよね。もどかしい😣
@ematipa9807 Жыл бұрын
旭山のチンパンジーを見てると胸が苦しくなります。 亡くなったフルトの赤ちゃんは私にとっては大切なチンパンジーでした。 っていうかこのグループ考えた人はちゃんと学んでいるのでしょうか? この組み合わせは本当にガッツの寿命が一気に短くなりそうですが・・・
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
ありがとうございます。 無邪気だったガッツは見る影もありません。そうにか助けてあげたい。 フルトの赤ちゃんは助けられませんでした。
@ematipa9807 Жыл бұрын
@@GreatApesZoo なんだかキーボを思い出しちゃって泣けてきます。
@lm9991 Жыл бұрын
PETA appears useless, but I forwarded two of your videos this one and the racetrack one to save the chimps and another chimp rescue and asked them to forward it to anyone who may be able to help if they can not. 💗
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much.🙏
@bradleywalsh4103 Жыл бұрын
Wow, I'm astonished. The people in charge at the zoo allowed Furt to have another inbred child, not but a year after their failure to keep the previous one safe, resulted in death? Not only that, the director of the zoo feels he has the power to publicly say which animals can live or die? What a blatant disregard for animal welfare. I followed the death of the previous baby chimp and it was heartbreaking. I've also followed your videos outlining the zoo admininstrations complicity through failure to act when the animals needed it most. I have a hard time believing this director is of sound mind and judgment, regardless of their station or title. How can someone stay employed in such a position after displaying such incompetencies again and again. The fact they removed the mom and baby this time is great but far too late. She shouldn't have been given the ability to become pregnant by direct family members in the first place. Allowing it a second time in a year is outrageous. How many dead baby chimps will it take for them to make the systemic changes needed to ensure animal safety? I'm so sorry you have to witness this first hand, but at the same time, you are clearly the animals greatest proponent and I hope your work will create the change needed to allow these animals a peaceful and abundant life. Please keep us updated.
@pamelakern2849 Жыл бұрын
Loved your comment 👍👍
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
I think there are a certain number of people like this, but the local citizens and zoo officials who exalt them to those in power are the most ignorant and the ones who cause problems.
@bradleywalsh4103 Жыл бұрын
@GreatApesZoo I absolutely agree, many people directly and indirectly involved in the lack of care for these animals, are complicit. It would likely take major staffing changes to effect positive change. That being said, it has to start somewhere and the management with the most oversight should be removed from their positions and then methodically work your way down the list of employees. Often, people want to do more or do better but are constrained by the directives of a superior. Thank you for your efforts. With individuals like you in their corner, there will always be hope their lives can improve.
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you, too.🙏
@lm9991 Жыл бұрын
I am sorry I might not be able to watch it. It is late at night here. Thank you so much for helping the animals. This director needs to be removed from his position. Would the newspapers help and do an article? Other zoos? This zoo and the poor animals at the race track is so brutal and cruel. And, also the other one. Thank you, thank you thank you. 💗
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
I have contacted newspapers, politicians, animal rights groups, etc., but have received no response.Thank you so much.🙏
@lm9991 Жыл бұрын
@@GreatApesZoo I am sorry.
@6446kingukongugojira Жыл бұрын
Thank you for trying to help these animals as much as possible. Keep contacting newspapers, politicians, animal rights groups etc. Do whatever it takes. People need to be aware of this. I would even contact the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums and bring this up with them. I would even go as far as to even contact the Prime Minister and even the Emperor.
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you, too.I have reported this to WAZA 5 times, but have not received a response.
@6446kingukongugojira Жыл бұрын
@@GreatApesZoo Keep trying. You could also reach out to some great ape sanctuaries about this. One place is Monkey World over in the U.K They have rescued hundreds of primates from bad situations. Maybe they could step in and rescue these chimps.
@もっこりナハ太郎 Жыл бұрын
1日に朝一回だけの食事って... 経営的にそんな厳しいんですかね...? にしてもあんまり過ぎる
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
現時点でいば、おそらく経営的には、動物園ではかなり恵まれていっる状況だとおもいます。 入園料は通常より高く、入園者も3本の指に入ります。逆にそれがおごりになっているんでしょう。
@lm9991 Жыл бұрын
I just looked up PETA International for Japan. But, beware sad photos although they got a company to stop testing could they help? YT doesn't allow me to post link. Maybe give them the three zoos that are so bad? 💗
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
I have contacted various organizations, but have received no response.Thank you so much.🙏
@lm9991 Жыл бұрын
@@GreatApesZoo Terrible!
@freehahahafree Жыл бұрын
It’s been said several times but I still want to offer my thank you for the work you do on behalf of these beautiful animals. Captivity in general is cruel and disheartening…add inhumane living conditions and poor treatment by those in power and you now have a torture scenario. Living on the other side of the planet I feel helpless in my desire to see changes made, all that I can offer at the moment is my verbal support and gratitude.
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much .🙏🙏🙏
@shawna6683 5 ай бұрын
Hi GAZ. I’m darkly curious about the animals in this zoo. Is it possible for the visitors to give food to the chimpanzees? Of course they can’t provide the necessary, regular meals but visitors can provide peanuts or fruit for them occasionally? Something is better than nothing at this point. I can’t stand to see anything go hungry. Just a thought.
@dennissmith5042 Жыл бұрын
Thats very sad ,the zoo must invest in a bigger outdoor area and indoor area ,these homes need to be together in a environment that is capable to cater to their lifestyle and if they don't want to do that, they need to give them to another zoo or sanctuary
@jimmyjames5861 Жыл бұрын
This is so sick and sad at the same time this is just terrible
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
Me too.
@jimmyjames5861 Жыл бұрын
This place is a f N nightmare
@user-hamumerokyomo Жыл бұрын
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
@中田圭子-j5s Жыл бұрын
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
@robertmorrow7028 4 ай бұрын
So sad .. 😢
@lm9991 Жыл бұрын
PETA Asia has a website where one can contact them. Also a FB page. Again, hard photos. I don't know why the director won't learn new ideas. 🙁 I did watch the video. Just rushed through parts. This is appalling. So terrible. Can the mayor of the city do anything? Are there donors to the zoo that might have some pull? Who funds this zoo? Is there a zoology department at the University? They might have some ideas. Be good to yourself today. 💗 Editing to add, could you send this video to the tv stations, city hall? Can you send things to the royal family like in England you can write them (their office replies) His mother should have been put on birth control - basic animal husbandry. They are losing hair because of poor diet? Poor fellow.
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
Japanese people lack compassion for wild animals. To begin with, Japanese people are ignorant about wild animals. Thank you so much.🙏
@lm9991 Жыл бұрын
@@GreatApesZoo it is everywhere too. We just keep those things hidden. Disgusting. That is why I don't eat meat. Also, lax animal cruelty punishment. I edited my other post to ask whether you can write the Royal Family and the mayor as we can do in England. I will try to send your video to PETA if technology lets me.
@lm9991 Жыл бұрын
@@GreatApesZoo I tried to submit it to PETA.
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much.🙏
@mothmane4235 Жыл бұрын
ahh thanks for explaining everything i watch these guys alot and it breaks my heart
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you too.
@海野カモメ-c9w Жыл бұрын
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
@ちゃんヒョウ Жыл бұрын
ここの動物園はひどいですが どういったところを改善したら良いでしょうか 多すぎて挙げればきりがありませんが
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
まずこのような極寒の地域に温暖な地域で暮らす動物を止めるべきです。 どうしても飼育したのであれば円山動物園のオランウータン館の室内施設ように25億以上を投じて暖房がつかえる室内が最低二つ必要ですね。飼育員も一人ではまともな対応不可能です。2~3人は常時必要です。 動物に子育てを学んでほしいという理由で、動物に赤ちゃんを産ませて、必要亡くなれば殺すという方針は残虐極まりない、それ以前のことですが。
@dennissmith5042 Жыл бұрын
U can see the fear and violence in their eyes
@Kiowa371 Жыл бұрын
I stopped the video. I can’t watch this. This is beyond evil. What about contacting Gabriela Cowperthwaite, the lady who did the Blackfish Documentary? Maybe somehow she can help. This turns my stomach. She’s just a plane ride away!!!!
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much .
@whistlerwade Жыл бұрын
Please be carful.
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