GC Spring meeting 2024 discussed an important problem in the church

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Bro Lawrence

Bro Lawrence

Ай бұрын

The 2024 GC Spring meeting discussed an important problem in the church. This problem can be seen among pastors, church elders, educators, and church members. The General Conference calls it a "burden".

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@derrickarbiol6611 Ай бұрын
To be honest the SDA church drifted form the teachings of the pioneers. As EGW said God has made the platform through teaching the pioneers for them to stand on and yet some question the stability of the platform. One of those was Kellogg and Wilson father who introduced error in the church. We should read and understand the bible with humility and accept what God teaches us even if we don't like it.
@shawnspeidel3161 Ай бұрын
Amen! The God we had is now changed to a triune god.
@melodybaker2337 Ай бұрын
You just described the Florida conference. It's hard to find a pastor or conference leader that isn't drinking from the cesspool of Babylon here in Florida. Sadly, most of the members have been converted to this way of thinking. When I talked to one pastor who teaches predestination, I was told to be quiet by the church members. When another talked about "mother earth" and doing things to save her, I stated that he was teaching pantheism, again I was told to be quiet, "he's well educated and comes from Andrews University". When did the Bible change from being our source of information, the Bible, and the Bible alone?
@untoldhistory2800 Ай бұрын
You’re not alone
@karengriffith4021 Ай бұрын
Ohio conf and Columbia conf too.
@user-wk8zy6im5l Ай бұрын
Bro Lawrence, I hope this fact reach our leaders. I’m a wife of a retired minister, who had been president of 3 missions. It had been a problem since then even up to now. The evangelism program led by our GC president, encourage ministers and laymen from US and other countries come to Philippines and other countiries, to do evangelistic meetings for 3 -4 weeks then baptized by the hundreds then leave them to few members. As a result most of them stop coming to church. We increase in number but the actual attendance is a lot less. I believe it’s time to change the way of evangelism. Members should be empowered and should be given tools and budget so they do the work because their converts they take care and nurture them. Leaders should not focus on numbers and report them like they are super evangelists. Please let them realize this bro. Even now it’s a big problem in our churches. Praying for our leaders.
@ericmahinay3065 Ай бұрын
I agree with your statement. During my time studying at our school in the Philippines, I knew several classmates who were studying Theology and were eager to go out and preach because they had a quota to meet. I saw many new believers getting baptized, but sadly, around one-third of them ended up leaving after a short time attending the church on Sabbath. This happened because they felt neglected and not properly cared for, as some church members were more concerned with the wealthy and influential individuals rather than attending to the needs of the newly converted believers. It is clear that our church is in need of reformation, starting with each member focusing on their own spiritual growth before reaching out to others.
@mureyaa Ай бұрын
The problem is not the leaders, it is us members. Let's use the Chirst's method alone.
@teresamcnulty8471 Ай бұрын
Gospel Outreach trains local workers that remain in the place. Are they there?
@janetreid9075 Ай бұрын
Yes christ method alone will work
@samuelkambi4410 Ай бұрын
Thankyou Lawrence, lam always doubt whether the current sda church is on the right part or the pioneers, because we are not on the SAME principle of beliefs. We called catholic system is the antichrist, but now we ended up serve their god, we must needs to go back to the holy word.
@EphyMisuko Ай бұрын
The spirit of Antichrist is also in SDA...compare from the bible and see...take care you are not mislead
@user-jg6iu1ji2p Ай бұрын
SDA church is THE church of the last days. But sadly there are wiles in sheep’s clothing that feed those with itchy ears and lead people astray! If we love God, we have to stand firm in defence of God and His word!
@pastorajohnson6391 Ай бұрын
Sadly what we are calling the sda church is a counterfeit. This is the new organization still using the sda name but not her doctrines. This is the structure that is going to fall leaving the true sdas to finish the work.
@annparram-cornwall6251 Ай бұрын
Members have embraced Bible present truth. It’s the conference and union that are drifting and are drifting. The head is corrupt what is expected of the body. The shaking mind st happen and GC can’t do nôthing about that cause that’s Bible. Only a remnant will be safe. All are always in my prayer. 🙏🏾🌻
@jaimienommik1578 Ай бұрын
Amen and Amen 🙏🏽❤️
@seekertruth3577 Ай бұрын
*@annparram-cornwall6251: Today truth might be new for me but it is the very same truth two thousand years ago. Through all the centuries the truth has remained the same. New truth does not contradict "old truth". That which was truth in the beginning is truth now. Every new truth understood only makes more significant the old. The SDA Church only became Trinitarian in 1980, which is sixty-five years after the death of the pioneers and their offspring. *LeRoy Froom and his Evangelical cronies helped the SDA church leaders to embrace the Trinity. President Neal Wilson the father of the current president Ted Wilson was very keen to push for the acceptance of the Trinity.* Some leaders at the 1980 GC Session had valid objections but Neal Wilson and cohorts would not even consider further discussions. Ellen White died in 1915, and at the time that she died, there was no controversy over the question of the trinity, or the personality of the Holy Spirit, of the sonship of Jesus in relationship to God the Father. These were things that had been accepted by Seventh-Day Adventists, and they had a common faith with no controversy. *On April 21st, which was approximately mid-way through the 1980 General Conference session, this proposed trinity belief, along with other fundamental beliefs, was discussed.* Before that, Neal C. Wilson, then the General Conference president, addressed the delegates by saying, “For some time we have been considering a *refinement* of our Statement on Fundamental Beliefs. I think you have that document in your hands. No doubt you have done both some studying and some praying.” - *(General Conference Bulletin, Review and Herald, April 23rd, 1980, ‘Seventh Business Meeting, Fifty-third General Conference session’)* *Notice the president used the word “refinement”.* This *implies making a finer distinction of something that is already stated [in this case - that which is already believed].* As we shall soon learn, *as far as our Godhead beliefs were concerned, this was not a refining of our beliefs but a change of our fundamental principles* *He then added:* “We have heard a variety of interesting rumors. Some, it is said, understand that the church leaders want to destroy completely the foundations of the church and set the church on a course that would be un-Biblical, *contrary to the tradition of the past and to historical Adventism.* My fellow delegates, *there is nothing that is further from the truth.”* - *(Ibid)* *…. Fast forward* -Closing remarks during the 1980 General Conference session - president Neal C addresses the delegates. *.... Fast forward* “There seems to be quite a number who would like to proceed that way. The chair will be guided by this group. We have tried to give ample opportunity for expression. Our time is gone, but I don't want to force or hurry this if someone feels that what he wishes to suggest will clearly affect the beliefs of this church. I appreciate that motion and will accept it as soon as we have listened to the few individuals who feel they have something greatly important to say.” *(Ibid)* *Shortly following this he said:* “Now I am going to do something that I dislike to do, but I feel I must in view of the fact some of our brethren have been charged with the responsibility of getting the equipment set up in the Grand Hall for tonight. I will ask whether you feel you want to vote now, or discuss this longer. [The opinion expressed was to vote.]” *(Ibid)* *Neal C Wilson then said:* “We had a motion, seconded by several, that we accept this as the Statement of Fundamental Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.” *(Ibid)* *He then added:* “May I suggest that we prayerfully study these great truths so that they will become very much a part of our lives, our homes, and our institutions.” *(Ibid)* *The report then said:* “I will call for the vote. [The motion carried overwhelmingly.]” *(Ibid)* *So, in 1980, for the very first time in the history of Seventh-day Adventism, the trinity doctrine was voted into its fundamental beliefs. The finalized version we can see in fundamental belief No.2.* This acceptance did not happen without valid objections being made by some of the delegates. The book *‘Evangelism’ achieved its purpose, and Froom was elated. Years later, he wrote to Anderson saying, “You know what it did with men in the Columbia Union… They either had to lay down their arms, and accept those statements, or else they had to reject the Spirit of Prophecy.”* Letter from Leroy Froom to Roy Allen Anderson. Jan.18. 1966. In fact, it has worked so well, that even today ‘Evangelism’ is one of the first books used in a Trinitarian discussion. *In 1946, in the book, Evangelism, editors LeRoy Edwin Froom and Roy Allen Anderson compiled E.G. White's statements removed from their original context, and intentionally inserted the word "Trinity" in subtitles, to advance the Trinity doctrine, even though she and all the pioneers were anti-Trinitarian.* Perhaps it was a coincidence, but Froom wrote his book after a return from a trip to the Vatican. *Listen to what Froom had to say about it in a letter he wrote to Roy Allan Anderson on January 18, 1966:* *"I am sure that we are agreed, in evaluating the book Evangelism, as one of the great contributions in which the Ministerial Association had a part back in those days. You know what it did with men in the Columbia Union who came face-to-face with the clear, unequivocal statements of the Spirit of Prophecy on the deity of Christ, the personality of the Holy Spirit, the trinity and the like. They either had to lay down their arms and accept those statements, or else they had to reject the Spirit of Prophecy. I know that you and Miss Cluser and I had considerable to do with the selection of those things under the encouragement of men like Elder Branson, who felt that the earlier concept of the White Estate brethren on this book on evangelism was not adequate."* It wasn’t until after she died that these new ideas began to actually creep in. And as the chief architect Le Roy Froom says, when he presented these ideas, he was pummeled by the old timers when he tried to present these ideas. [Which is in his letter to Dr. Otto H. Christiansen on October 27, 1960] The book Questions on Doctrines was the result of the meetings that Seventh-day Adventist leaders, in the mid-1950s, had with the evangelicals. In 1958, the Trinity was unofficially introduced into the Church when the book, Questions On Doctrine, was published at the request of evangelicals Barnhouse and Martin, who were preparing to write their book, Kingdom of the Cults, and call the SDA Church a "cult," until the SDA Church leaders quickly changed SDA doctrines. This avoided the stigma of being labeled a "cult," as Barnhouse and Martin would label all anti-Trinitarians. Froom falsified the history of the original SDA pioneer position regarding the Trinity. This revisionist history can be seen in the books Questions on Doctrine and Movement of Destiny. While Froom is not the originator of this tactic he is most certainly the key perpetrator and popularizer of it amongst SDA. In 1928 Le Roy Froom's pro-trinitarian book, The Coming of the Comforter, was published. In this book, Froom teaches the false doctrine of the Trinity and, as John Harvey Kellogg did before him. In 1960, Froom sent a letter to Otto Christensen in which he gives us evidence that it was his [Froom’s] personal efforts that helped to bring about this change in beliefs about the Holy Spirit within Seventh-day Adventism. It shows us clearly too that the pioneers did not accept that the Holy Spirit is a person like God and Christ, also that there was decided resistance to this change. *This is when Froom said in his letter:* *“May I state that my book, THE COMING OF THE COMFORTER was the result of a series of studies that I gave in 1927 - 1928, to ministerial institutes throughout North America. You cannot imagine how I was pummelled by some of the old-timers because I pressed on the personality of the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Godhead. Some men denied that - still deny it. But the book has come to be generally accepted as standard.”* (L. Froom, letter to Otto Christenson, 27th October 1960) *Uriah Smith's book, Daniel and The Revelation contained 18 non-trinitarian statements. All these statements were removed and the book was then reprinted.* The primary purpose of LeRoy Froom and his committee of 13 was to push this trinity god teaching into the Adventist Church? ... *"We are one with our fellow Christians of denominational groups in the great fundamentals of the faith once delivered to the saints."* (Questions on Doctrines, p.32). It is alleged that Froom was a Catholic Priest before he entered the Adventist Church. 1980 was the first time that the trinitarian belief was voted on in a General Conference Session without critical discussions. So now, if you are a Seventh-day Adventist, you are officially supposed to believe in the trinitarian doctrine because this is the official teaching of the Church today. "The enemy of souls has sought to bring in the supposition that a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists and that this reformation would consist in giving up the doctrines which stand as the pillars of our faith, and engaging in a process of reorganization." Selected Messages. Book 1, pages 204-205. She goes on: "The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error..." *Please meet the man who was responsible for bringing the Trinity doctrine to the SDA church. Source:* kzbin.info/www/bejne/naCvoaN9Z8Rqgq8
@user-nv7dr9zy5j Ай бұрын
The Sabbath is the Sabbath .. The Bible is the Bible.. it will never be wrong.. ..The Holy Spirit is our ONLY GUIDE.. Let's trust the Biible alone is Guide.. Even if u can't read .. God speaks to our hearts .. Don't lose our faith trust God .. The devil is a liar ... it's our shaking . R.R.
@leannelengerich6812 Ай бұрын
Jesus is our only guide❤
@anng7514 Ай бұрын
People are not studying the bible anymore.
@martinlohne5128 Ай бұрын
I think you're right and, if they do study one, it's likely to be one of the fake ones.
@proudparrotparent815 Ай бұрын
I am seventy years old ,and was raised by my grandmother who was a true Christian, and I have raised my children that way ,also my oldest daughter n granddaughter have done the same .Sabbath was ,an is Sabbath ,no work on that day . I was raised on a caribean Island ,and I have lived in The USA almost fifty years ,and IMO things are not the same ,as I was raised. A lot of changes . I have read my bible cover to cover eight times ,and I know what it says ,and no one can convince ,or persuade me otherwise. I want me and my family to go to heaven when Jesus returns. PLEASE pray for our family . God bless everyone .we 🙏🙏
@CharlesBisiko Ай бұрын
They are not drifting away, they found out the truth and following suit.
@jerryreyes5752 Ай бұрын
God says, the last church the remnant church, that SDA claim they are, are Laodicea, lukewarm. God says unless you change I will spew thee out. Thats sad. Gods appeal is return unto me, thats His standard.🙏❤️
@wedsdietrich9220 Ай бұрын
Lieber Glaubensbruder-ich bin ueber 50 Jahre in der SDA…wir haben nicht die (theologische)Wahrheit,auch nicht die protestantische oder katholische oder sonstige christliche Denomination.Wir können aber nachdem Jesus Christus seinen STELLVERTRETER,seinen HEILIGEN GEIST uns zur Seite gestellt hat mit ihm zusammen leben.Eine sehr grosse Hilfe sind mir die mehr als 360 Millionen verfolgten und bedrängten Christen,die die Früchte des HEILIGEN GEISTES l e b e n(Gal.5:22)!!Es sind unsere Schwestern und Brüder ueber Denominationsgrenzen innerhalb des christlichen Glaubens!!!Seit ich mich damit intensiv und vielem Gebet beschäftige e fühle ich mich reich gesegnet und zu denen zugehörig ueber die gesagt wird….und ich werde meine Gebote/Weisungen in ihr Herz schreiben!!!!!Damit bin ich (juristisch!)nicht sündlos,aber meine Schuld wurde durch Jesus Christus getilgt-ich bin ein KIND GOTTES,ich habe HEILSGEWISSHEIT!!!!!Das ist das allergrößte Gnadengeschenk Gottes,und das bezeugen wir.Alles andere ist und bleibt IRRLEHRE!!!So ist die Gemeinde Gottes ueber Denominationsgrenzen innerhalb des christlichen Glaubens hinweg miteinander verbunden.Lasst euch nicht ablenken von den BEGIERDEN dieser WELT,sei es LGBTQ,HOMOSEXUALITAET,KRIEGS-und WAFFENDIENST,irgendwelchen selbst ernannten außerbiblischen Propheten und fragwürdigen Heilsverkuendern,die sich nur wichtig tun!!!!VERTRAUT JESUS CHRISTUS-die verfolgte Gemeinde hat es seit ihrer Gründung vor ca 2000 Jahren v o r g e l e b t und konnte nur überleben indem sie dem HEILIGEN GEIST,(….”der sie in alle Wahrheit führt“) sich anvertraut!!!!(aehnlich dem Durchzug durch das ROTE MEER)Aber bleibt in der Gemeinde und distanziert euch von den Dingen(siehe oben)und seid damit “Salz und Licht” auch für andere.Wer Jesus nachfolgt schwimmt g e g e n den Strom,auch in der Gemeinde!!!(S.a.JOSUA u.KALEB)
@susangonos589 Ай бұрын
There were a lot of people that were baptized into the Church that didnt have a full understanding of what they were baptized into, and then thrown into a position of the church to help them "grow,"bringing in with them the way of the world.
@aganese4030 Ай бұрын
100% true,
@williamhartweg6935 Ай бұрын
I guess none has the full knowledge at that stage! The holy Spirit does his part onwards!!
@tendermrcy3 Ай бұрын
How about the GC'S stand on ecumenism? Why was the Roman flag present at the GC? Why do you read from the new King James Bible? If you study you see it takes away from the Divinity of Jesus Christ. There are many other questions I could pose.
@user-kl5kk4fw6m Ай бұрын
There are issues which the church put dear to their heart which are not biblical truth or even universally accepted 1) the book of Joel says He will pour His spirit on His people and the young shall see visions and old men shall have dreams.The church believes in this but only on Ellen White being given that message which is wrong there are many christian who God still talks to.for instance in middle East Muslims are encountering Jesus Christ while on mission to persecuted christians etc 2) The Church believes in the bible and bible to interpret itself but these only on theory because on the state of the dead the church only give Ellen White view whether God spoke to her on this topic which I doubt for its not scripturally sound. There are many NDE happenings which have one thing in view that the flesh separate from the real person and everyone of them could see their dead bodies and their relatives mourning over them,some were even capable of attending satanic meetings while their flesh lie dead like Moses Lushiku who attended Lucifer conference that lasted 4 months and what he saw is actually what is happening today.Ellen White herself being in vision was like someone dead there was no pulses nor breathing even if the vision lasted seven hours she was also separating from her body so to see things in other conferences while her flesh remain in prayer posture.And our Lord Jesus talks about it into occasions one on the parable of Lazarus and the rich man which SDA tell the church that Jesus was coerced by the Jewish to give that parable contradicting the previous believe that Jesus could not give parable of nonexistent thing like the sower He saw Farmers planting.And in Matt 10:28 He said not to be afraid of those who kill the flesh but cannot kill the soul but rather fear him who is capable of killing both the flesh and soul in hell fire
@janicemorris3444 Ай бұрын
Mr. Lawrence is your only job to point out what's wrong with the SDA church? Can you find things that are being done right in some churches. People turn away from Jesus Christ, not from the church. When you know Jesus as your personal Savior, none of these shenanigans should bother you. We need to pray for the Holy Spirit to endow us with holiness. We are in the LAST DAYS.
@lillianelenacepeda9808 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much Bro. Lawrence for your comments! It does hurt me to see our Church Member going astray, including Pastors and Leaders too. I love My Church, I love Jesus, and Jesus Loves us too! Let not make our Savior Suffer anymore, be faithful Brothers and Sisters, it’s my prayer, in Christ Name, Amen 🙏
@user-lc8eh7bh5x Ай бұрын
@jaimienommik1578 Ай бұрын
Amen and Amen 🙏🏽❤️
@samuelhughes289 Ай бұрын
No, you love Ellen not Jesus.
@susangonos589 Ай бұрын
@@samuelhughes289 So you are saying there aren't any prophets? Ellen White is a Prophet of Jehovah. She is a light in the darkness. Why do you speak against her? Because someone told you? Have you read her writings? Try it.
@samuelhughes289 Ай бұрын
@@susangonos589 Father, please forgive her for saying Ellen is a Light in darkness; for who is light but your Son Christ Jesus, in his name Amen. When someone writes that Lucifer was pleaded to by the heavenly council to not wreak havoc and that Lucifer was actually jealous of Jesus Christ at the time, and the bible says Lucifer was actually corrupted by his own beauty, do you expect me to believe man or what scriptures says? You guys have been told to not question her and you do not study scriptures to know what the truth, so my guess is, you deserve being in this state of mindless obedience where critical thinking is out of the box. Ellen is a false prophet.
@patogden856 Ай бұрын
If our men would take up the leadership and women would humble themselves we would see greaf changes xxP pat nz
@anitasterling3012 Ай бұрын
May God has started to do a Church cleaning let us Pray true word Brother
@TheDredog59 Ай бұрын
they are drifting to the truth , thank God for that !
@leannelengerich6812 Ай бұрын
@gloriaamaral339 Ай бұрын
Why pastor Ted Wilson authorize Gannoune Diop to participate no ecumenismo.
@jaimienommik1578 Ай бұрын
Amen to that! Don't believe him he is a Jesuit pastor.
@PRLoga Ай бұрын
First he should step down as GC president.
@chloebuxton762 8 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂 that one
@GrantLeitma Ай бұрын
Present truth needs to be taught in our schools and universities. But we need consecrated teachers who know what bible truth is!
@proudparrotparent815 Ай бұрын
@leetabaychu3905 Ай бұрын
Let's continue to pray for all our people. The enemy is at work , we should trust the word of God as our only guide to serve him and to have eternal life . Thank you Bro. Lawrence. God bless.
@RUDNIKTL1 Ай бұрын
Ellen White said that if other things fail, God will allow heresies to come in among us. If it takes heresy to arouse us to know what we believe and be grounded, then God’s willing for that. God help us and help our church. It’s a fearful thing to be a leader in our church today! I know I would not be able to do it. They need our prayers, understanding and love. And yes they need as, well as us, to be admonished as well. The ship may appear to be going down, but it does not while sinners in Zion are sifted out. That’s how I understand it as of now. God help us all.
@EphyMisuko Ай бұрын
And leaders are meant to lead as examples of the flock
@user-sd1dy1pf4k Ай бұрын
A couple of thoughts : *perhaps some of the church doctrines require further study and investigation to understand and determine if actually biblical. *How about having open conversations with those members and leaders who seem to be drifting away from traditional teachings. *Personally, I think that teaching Jesus should be the most important part of every sermon, not tradition or doctrine. *Lastly, let’s each examine our own personal relationship with Christ and stop looking for faults in others. Let’s pray for each other, particularly those who may be struggling in their spiritual journey.
@susangonos589 Ай бұрын
That doesn't happen. Instead you are ignored and they could care less wether or not you are there. Laodicia.....
@galbalut9901 Ай бұрын
Like the Bereans we should be, studying scripture to see for ourselves that these doctrines are truth. The problem is a majority of Adventists don’t seriously study their Bible. Members are more interested in their homes, jobs, school, relationships, vacations, retirement and the next thrill than eternal truth.
@drejayc_ Ай бұрын
you are exactly what's wrong with todays church.
@rsdaarud Ай бұрын
The Bible is our standard, not external authority. We need to dedicate ourselves to serious scripture study, rejecting all doctrine/traditions which dont comply. There is only one gospel, Gal 1.
@sharonkafwanka6005 Ай бұрын
The fact that most of our pastors only love tithe givers as well as church members this problem will not end. Most of them are half converted and are not willing to know our church history and mission this problem will never end. Giving tithe is our obligation
@polycarpsmith1419 Ай бұрын
The Adventist Pastors and church are taking tithes under false pretenses. That's called stealing and committing a fraud. The bible gives them no authority to take money from anyone.
@jmbaka007 Ай бұрын
You're taking it too far. Please be converted and don't accuse falsely.
@heathersamuel8103 Ай бұрын
They have gone to far from the truth now they no longer know what is in the Bible
@jaimienommik1578 Ай бұрын
Amen and Amen 🙏🏽❤️
@EphyMisuko Ай бұрын
Its the spirit of anti christ its already in the church....take care...you know of no lie is Truth
@Seventh-day Ай бұрын
Thank you, Lawrence. Without your revelations as to what is happening in the Church, we probably would be unaware of what is happening within it.
@MSB780 Ай бұрын
It’s all in what they are looking for. For instance: LED-little light studios is all about the exposing Hollywood movie industry. Every ministry has its niche.
@ksgraham3477 Ай бұрын
One problem for "slippage" is that being a 503(c) tax category, there is the "inclusion" and "equity" situation to keep qualifying, so, slip, slip, slip with keeping the world's agenda.
@mavisfrancis1425 Ай бұрын
As SDA MEMBERS AND NEW BELIEVERS the text that comes to mind is the admonition not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. We should embrace what the bible teaches and not what we think.
@leannelengerich6812 Ай бұрын
Praise God for leading you to the end time messages. You have much to rejoice about, and you have much to BATTLE with. Keep your eyes on the Life Giver my brother, my sister, this is going to be a bumpy joyous/heart wrenching road ahead. Take time morning and evening to stand in the presence of the Father and the Son and you will be in the fire that keeps you well protected. You have my excitement and sympathy/prayers. God Speed❤
@NewtonBarbe-to5kd Ай бұрын
There are a lot of compromise in our SDA churches.Paul told and warn the Ephesians about wolves will come among them.even in the true church.that what is happening nowadays.
@micki9276 Ай бұрын
As i watch this video i am very concerned about this remnant church. There is split on the doctrine of the very foundation of the church. Actually, this is not new for SDA church.But i am more concerned about the persecution within the church. In my home Country Ethiopia, those on the higher ranking of the the two Unions are having a certain business incollaboration with their persons in Division. They saction the service of individuals who speak against their corruption and even persecute and fire from their work. there is a time when they use the government force to put this individuals into prison. The Ethiopian unions missions need deep revival in their governing structure. if not there is going to be a large break out.
@gabbyeden445 Ай бұрын
Bro Lawrence this is the first time I hear you speaking up. ISAIAH 9:16. ISAIAH 5:26
@ropatitooala4804 Ай бұрын
I agree! Division and Conference are all inclusive in that slipping away group!
@marysanchez90 Ай бұрын
I feel very a sense of righteous anger, knowing that the LBGTQ has infiltrated our church, and then some pastors anointed a Lesbian woman for a pastor! I'm hurt and feel violated that this has happened as I really love my church! It seems the whole world is against The SDA Church! I think we should go back to the pioneers of the church and reaquiant pastors, elders, etc etc with what Adventism is really all about! 😢😢😢
@patogden856 Ай бұрын
Mary pray for them dear. Even righteous anger is to be settled before the sun goes down. Ps119:165 Great peace have they which love Thy law and nothing shall offend them. I am also on the same page as you but we have to remember how glad we are that Jesus had the whole world against Him, yet He said Father forgive them. Godbless you dear. Xx Pat nz
@Oscar-hj7fp Ай бұрын
If you go back to the pioneers you have to leave the sda church, as the sda church changed the pioneers principal beliefs, look for 1872 principle fundamentals of adventists.
@leannelengerich6812 Ай бұрын
A wake up call. The group that embraces that stuff is not the call out ones.
@chloebuxton762 8 күн бұрын
The pioneers are not your answer.
@Oscar-hj7fp 5 күн бұрын
@chloebuxton762 you sure are not, the pioneers received all the truth all you have is your unfounded beliefs!
@deussasi9285 Ай бұрын
You have to start with the NAD division
@shiwemukelabai Ай бұрын
Why is Elder Ted Wilson quiet on women ordination, he is not saying anything...
@michaelboudreaux3839 Ай бұрын
That’s right you are true it’s up to individual to be faithful because the teaching is true and we believe in truth so sad that’s be a lot that drifting away 🎉🎉🎉 Watching from Australia
@georgenermal8146 Ай бұрын
Every officer at any level, local, division or gen conf level are still church members of a church somewhere. So, that covers all concerned! May God enlighten you brother.
@francisorache2753 Ай бұрын
Everything that's hybrid will give way for the original seed. I could be that those getting out are being CALLED OUT by God Himself
@antoinetteabouantoun1530 Ай бұрын
The reason why members are leaving the church is due to the drifting of leaders and conferences from teaching and practicing the pillars of our beliefs. Such as Sanctuary, 3 Angels messages which is tied directly with country living and various reforms like health, diet and dress!!! We do not talk about these fundamentals pillars that differentiate us from all other denominations. These pillars are to make us PECULIAR PEOPLE HOLY NATION THAT REFLECT THE CHARACTER OF OUR FATHER. By allowing in the church the world music, fashion and teachings lead members to stop attending church building. And start with home church . We as church need to be studying and preaching the Sanctuary, the Day of Atonement which is soon to end and ushering in the King return and lastly but not least the 2300 days prophecy. All of which are currently taking place!!! It is time to wake up!!!
@adriennesmith4516 Ай бұрын
What about the GC/SDA churches, that accept abortion, female, pastors, homosexual, pastors, homosexual, wedding and homosexual baptism, etc. There is a lot Ted Wilson need to clean up.!!!
@adriennesmith4516 Ай бұрын
Female elders are also an abomination to holy scriptures!
@patrickseymour9409 Ай бұрын
Add to that the covid excemption the ecumenical council trinity adoption
@valeriewilliams6093 Ай бұрын
Correction pastors are studying apostasy right in the Colleges of SDA. WHAT ABOUT THE NIV Bible? So much more...
@user-mw1xp9wh6u Ай бұрын
We don't want the beliefs of the church but the beliefs of the bible.he is mixing truth and error.the church has introduced many errors.
@vangiemorgan6756 Ай бұрын
Yes we need to go back and really study our Bibles, the Trinity doctrine is just one, the pastors don't want to preach the three angels message, afraid to say who the beast is afraid of speaking out about women's ordination , these pastors don't believe in the sanctuary message etc. We need to go back to the old paths of our beliefs.
@EphyMisuko Ай бұрын
Yes ...through ellen G white...No body believes the bible if it were so ... we would not read EGW...but only the bible allowing the holy spirit to teach us into truth
@deborahoostendorp7319 16 күн бұрын
Indeed! That is actually where the SDA church has gone wrong. The Bible only is Truth.
@desertvineyard Ай бұрын
"Give me my church back" Old Adventists need to come back with young blood. Yeah sounds strange but this words will be understood after it happens
@evelynedwards-mw2xq Ай бұрын
CD BROOKS preached that sermon GIVE ME MY CHURCH BACK. ALL SDA should listen to that sermon.
@desertvineyard Ай бұрын
@@evelynedwards-mw2xq Didn't knew about that one
@evelynedwards-mw2xq Ай бұрын
@@desertvineyard CD BROOKS "GIVE ME BACK MY CHURCH" it is on KZbin. He died a out 6 years ago. The best SDA Evangelist that walked this earth. He used to teach his Church. They all dressed modestly in his Church during his time.
@susangonos589 Ай бұрын
Also, as one not raised in the church, and those that were, which have their own language, expect that oh, if you are here the Holy Spirit will teach you what you need to know and they will stand and look at you like you are an intruder in their midst. I am tired of the double standard in the church. It is the people coming in from the streets that are going forth with the message and they try to squelch what God has put in the church. We also believe that Ellen White is a Prophet of God, that she was given certain insights to help lead the church to Christ second coming.
@leannelengerich6812 Ай бұрын
Satan did not give the advent message free passage to do its work untouched. No no, he has been especially at work in this movement even in EGWs day.. the leadership is not without its share of infiltration. And the boarders have been open to allow the world in also that is true. But there us too much corruption to wink at. God does not bend the rules for his beloved. His beloved must come through pure. You do what you got to do to remain unspotted. (Come out of her, be not partakers of her sin) Stand in the holy place. GOD Speed
@sisterb8034 Ай бұрын
Well said brother Lawrence.
@keitamendes9827 Ай бұрын
@bibletextmessage8657 Ай бұрын
Amen we have to keep each other in prayer the shaking is happening and we have to definitely ensure we are grounded in Christ and not following no man God bless
@VikTor-ig5km Ай бұрын
This is hypocritical. He sat there and let Diop talk about uniting with the papacy and all the divisions and officers clapped. No one stood up in rebuke. Now its the members fault ? Who led the people of israel to shout crucify him ??? The jewish leaders. They need to stop playing and have actual Bible studies
@user-wb9db1tx1x Ай бұрын
And they are doing the same thing today
@geraldinemoreno1486 Ай бұрын
Thank you Bro Lawrence. I agree with you.
@emilvillafranca766 Ай бұрын
Quite a few pasros got their master and phd degree from non adventist seminaries.
@pilgrim5217 Ай бұрын
Very good commentary. Thank you for posting this video
@alleyes9243 Ай бұрын
I am doing that in my church. It is true that some pastor are buying into non-SDA beliefs. This is sad. I believe they are the tares planted by the enemy.
@ViliamB1 Ай бұрын
I don’t understand why are they complaining,since they-the leaders-gave people a bad example giving up the pillars of faith established with much praying and guidance from the Holy Spirit by the pioneers.Declaring them as some sort of “naives”and not having the whole truth was a big mistake and now they are reaping what thy sowed.The Father and The Son are always right never changing!
@debbyannlouisbatan1895 Ай бұрын
Praise God.This is answer to prayer. We need to get back on track.
@frankskatell4034 Ай бұрын
Present to our people the seven pillars of our faith. The church is in the laodicean state..
@FundisiweMavuso-dq2gu Ай бұрын
Thanks brother Lawrence for bringing the things that are causing the church to look warm
@retepokrug8185 Ай бұрын
When I lived in Jones Hall at Southern Missionary College in 1979 "The Shaking of Adventism," and the slow creep of "California Adventism" was the big concern. Oh how far we have come!
@sonezojama788 Ай бұрын
Thanks bro Lawrence for your inputs
@user-vz8xd9rt4h Ай бұрын
What are they doing on the issue of women ordination ,inviting non adventists to our pulpits
@Rachphi2 Ай бұрын
Apparently not discussing all important issues on the table. They pick and choose what they want to discuss.
@EDMOBEA Ай бұрын
Thank you Bro Lawrence...The separation begins
@teresamcnulty8471 Ай бұрын
Our beliefs must stay based solely on scripture---a sword sharper than any 2-edged sword, for dividing truth from falsehood. If something is spoken against in scripture then we have no right given us by God to follow paths that are otherwise.
@user-zv6kh9pj2h Ай бұрын
TEDDY WILSON said members are drifting away from truth it cut everyone
@mureyaa Ай бұрын
Yes I agree with you.
@geoffreydrew4810 Ай бұрын
So sad . Direct attack on the Gospel. No scripture. So glad I left 34 years ago. Nothing beats the freedom in Christ.
@jeffpaul8260 Ай бұрын
really? this is more important than conferences ordaining women or allowing the gay lifestyle to hold positions in the church? Its more important than allowing the enemy invade our church? If those are pastors let them go elsewhere. if conferences break them away. We follow the bible plain and simple. With all due respect our General Conference seems to have little spine when handling non followers. They need to get a backbone and fix things our we are heading for a bad place.
@daliamaynard7801 Ай бұрын
Amen brother
@edithdotson7603 Ай бұрын
Most Pastors are not preaching outrigh errors; they are not teaching/ declaring the whole truth as the Apostle Paul did. They are preaching nice homilies with which their worldly ecumenical minded members are contented while those serious about making Heaven their home are dissatisfied and feel they are losing out. But they feel that it is unholy to speak up about this issue as some take it as criticizing and upsetting the church. So sad.
@JamaicanPrincess7990 Ай бұрын
Well said.
@briant7951 Ай бұрын
Bible class doesn’t happen in the afternoon as it use to so in many churches theses das like when I was child
@PierrecanelRena Ай бұрын
SAD depart from a long time ok Keep up the good job brother
@thetruthshallsetyoufree Ай бұрын
When it comes to matters like this do not base an opinion on feelings, but rather on facts. If there is a drift throughout the conferences, there must be tangible evidence. The good thing is, all membership of our institution have the sure word of God, and it is a safe guide. Praise God for religious liberty. Let us use the Bible as Paul wrote to Timothy, rightly dividing the word of truth, and follow it. The Church belongs to the Head, Jesus, our Best Leader.
@technicalsupport4139 Ай бұрын
The Northern conference in South Africa has become a gravy train for the president and the pastors of this conference. Total collapse in administrative duties. Misuse of funds and authority. Churches under this conference are dying. So sad. Pastors are only interested in your tithe.
@basilhendricks788 Ай бұрын
Sda go home set the ppl free you putting them in bondage
@Rachphi2 Ай бұрын
Don’t you think that with the GC in ecumenism with the Catholic Church is the cause of these problems? When there is no foundation to stand on, the issues of the ordination of women and the LGBT has come into the church and the GC is aware and supports it. Hence the issues we have now in our churches.
@fideliskivai2669 Ай бұрын
Sure!! This cuts clear.
@soniabambe741 Ай бұрын
You are right brother Peoples Will leave the truth which is the bible and following of doctrines from démons SDA cannot do nothing about that GOD is the who choses his Holy peoples he knows the hearts of mankind God is still in control and he knows peoples
@lolognokominaaboatchi5297 Ай бұрын
Thanks, the shaking continues
@Rholfy 26 күн бұрын
The problem may also be that worldly mores are being allowed into our Adventist community.
@user-hg7cl3kl2h Ай бұрын
How do you think you will police this proposal?? If you want a church patrolled by the secret police then ok . It will be the remnant church the bit left over .
@joshuadeboer9213 Ай бұрын
Could you link original videos please
@sharonwilfred8603 Ай бұрын
The GC is the biggest problem because they have laid the world into the TEMPLE of God so now the spirit of God is no longer there but God works with individuals
@rudolphmaziya9665 Ай бұрын
Is rejection of Sister White biblical or institutional?
@thetruthshallsetyoufree Ай бұрын
The problem will end. it will go through cycles until the church is purified of sinners, then the work will be finished in a short while, and Jesus return. That's all there in Revelation 13 & 14
@falloutthree370 Ай бұрын
Is there a link to the document he refers to?
@frankskatell4034 Ай бұрын
The second advent. The sanctuary. The commandments. Truth concerning the state of the dead.the three angels message. .The faith of jesus..and the gift of prophecy.ellen white. These are the seven pillars of out fsith.
@seekertruth3577 Ай бұрын
They will not take action against NAD because there will be a huge loss of income. NAD will simply break-away.
@vincentcherry5466 Ай бұрын
Your channel is monetized?
@crieragevheremu5269 Ай бұрын
Well said!
@jaimienommik1578 Ай бұрын
We have been deceived for a very long time long time. Lord have mercy on us.... Ted Wilson needs Jesus.
@SluchajiPokutuj 27 күн бұрын
The fact of the matter is that the SDA church in general went astray from simple testimonies of EGW. "@God would teach his people that disobedience and sin are exceedingly offensive to him, and not to be lightly regarded. He shows us that when his people are found in sin, they should at once take decided measures to put the sin from them, that his frown should not rest upon all his people. But if those in responsible positions pass over the sins of the people, his frown will be upon them, and the people of God, as a body, will be held responsible for the sins that exist in their midst. God, in his dealings with his people in the past, shows the necessity of purifying the church from wrongs that exist among them. One sinner may diffuse darkness which will exclude the light of God from the entire congregation. When the people realize that darkness is settling upon them, and they do not know the cause, then they should earnestly seek God in great humility and self-abasement, until the wrongs which grieve God's Spirit are searched out and put away from among them." - RH September 23rd, 1973
@singingandy Ай бұрын
Tell me! What is truth?
@TheGoodgirl1955 Ай бұрын
And, that's just a "few" of the conflicts that are happening in the churches. Many pastors do not do Administrative Meetings in order to track and bring back church order regarding eating meat in the church, cooking in the church on Saturdays, the church's secretary and women on the pulpit wearing pitch red lipstick and nail polish, as well S black nail polish, short and tight-fitting dresses, etc. I'm just amazed at how so many things as such are allowed, and no one addresses it. Also, people who have chosen to get baptized still wear all their garb as far as neck chains, earrings, etc.
@evelynedwards-mw2xq Ай бұрын
Things like that happen in Church that DO NOT TEACH their members. They compromise just to keep members in the Church. These modern day young Pastors are very lazy. There were not called by God to be Pastors. They followed like Judas. They became Pastors as its an easy job and they children can get free education as the conference pay for half or all the tuition for Pastors children. Just imagine, we paying tithes and we cannot go visit the holy land but Pastors can go. I blame PASTORS for all that is happening in our church today as they allow it and they do not TEACH their members the way of the Lord.
@belindaschmidt9964 Ай бұрын
Eating clean meat is no sin and those who suggest so are mislead. Cooking in the church on sabbath for potluck is a necessary activity of daily living. Jesus was confronted by Pharisees for picking corn on sabbath. There is fanatism in the church to be sure
@TheGoodgirl1955 Ай бұрын
@belindaschmidt9964 You don't cook on Sabbath! If it is for a sick person, etc., okay, but you don't cook on Sabbath. No work as such is to be done. All preparation must be done before. Please read the 4th Commandment again.
@TheGoodgirl1955 Ай бұрын
@belindaschmidt9964 And, it wasn't corn what the disciples picked, it was wheat.
@TheGoodgirl1955 Ай бұрын
@@belindaschmidt9964 Observing the Sabbath is not fanatism; it's obedience.
@noelgonzalez8075 Ай бұрын
No doubt this is happening, just watch the Hispanic camp meeting 2024 in Florida conference and you will hear amazing stories against SDA biblical beliefs, someone just called it “mistakes “.
@mureyaa Ай бұрын
My brother if I have had our Church leader well, he says some pastors, Church elders and church members are drifting away from the teachings of the Church. Why are you singling out conferences, Unions, Divisions and GC leaders? Don't you know these Church levels are led by Pastors? Therefore the GC leader having mentioned some pastors, he has indirectly mentioned.
@0007pvdw Ай бұрын
I hope the Professional Music Ministry is also on the Agenda. There are professional singers....musicians...that would LOVE to he part thereof....but somehow the Church does not see the crucial importance to support this financially! The result....all kinds of rubbish and secular based presentations. We forget that Satan was the lead musician in Heaven...and the Church does not care.
@lilymorales5922 Күн бұрын
Anyway, the Catholic/pagan triune or trinity philosophy was NEVER part of the SDA movement or of the pioneers nor of EGW. All the other points he mentioned are correct. However, a few others could be mentioned but were not🧐.
@NoelleBenedite Ай бұрын
🎉🎉🎉. dommage qu'il n'y ait pas de traduction en français. le sujet est pourtant très important , non ???.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😢🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@technicalsupport4139 Ай бұрын
The problem is with the conferences. No accountability. It's a free for all. Jobs for pals and contracts for personal enrichment. Stop tithes.
@isadella1776 Ай бұрын
The First deception of the Adventist faith is they put aside the Word of God for sister white writing. How can the Holy Spirit work if we are using another medium. God word and God word alone is what we should go by.
@galbalut9901 Ай бұрын
Don’t know about your experience but in my mine, her writings always 100% directs me to the Bible. If you read your Bible first you will notice without fail her writings comes right out of the Bible. It amazed me at first how Bible truth are actually the basis of her writings. In fact, in her last sermon she stated as she held up the Bible “I recommend to you this book”.
@isadella1776 Ай бұрын
@@galbalut9901 i use to read all her words but early in this year i started to realize that God want to talk to us directly and how can He do that if we study His words. The Holy Spirit will teach us all things not sister white. If she herself recommended us to the bible why do we need her words also.
@belindaschmidt9964 Ай бұрын
@@isadella1776. Sister white had lots of expanded comments on the scripture. In all her comments and writings she always lifted up Gods word as the authority
@martinlohne5128 Ай бұрын
Which Bible is your "Word of God?" Do you have one? Do you have just one Bible you consider to be the infallible Word of God?
@deborahoostendorp7319 16 күн бұрын
​@@galbalut9901Absolutely not true! You need to do a research about EGW. Read Steve Daly's "Autobiography of EGW"
@howardloewen1834 Ай бұрын
The church is in the Laodicean sate the presence of god is not in her midst. Not one stone will be left upon another just like the Jews.
@bobreese4807 11 күн бұрын
“The MINISTERS must be CONVERTED before they can strengthen their brethren. They should not preach themselves, but Christ and His righteousness. A REFORMATION is needed among the people, but it should first begin its purifying work with the MINISTERS.” 1 T 469 It has often been presented to me that there should be LESS SERMONIZING by MINISTERSs, acting merely as local pastors of churches, and that greater personal efforts should be put forth. Our people should not be made to think that they need to listen to a sermon every Sabbath. Many who listen frequently to sermons, even though the truth be presented in clear lines, LEARN BUT LITTLE. Often it would be more profitable if the Sabbath meetings were of the nature of a Bible-class study. 21 LtMs Lt 192 “The church, ENFEEBLED and DEFECTIVE, needing to be REPROVED, WARNED, and COUNSELED, is the only object upon earth upon which Christ bestows His supreme regard.” EG White
@richardjoseph4385 Ай бұрын
You never showed the voting process It is important to create complete awareness not only hype.
@reubenfullerton7851 Ай бұрын
Good morning Do you have the documents that pastor refered to?
@lillianelenacepeda9808 Ай бұрын
No, I don’t have it yet!
@mureyaa Ай бұрын
By the way who is this Lawrence? What is he trying to achieve? Let him not be one used to divide the Church of God.
@winniemukasa8280 Ай бұрын
Conferences, Divisions, Unions are all led by the pastors, elders and other people. So pastor Ted looked at the root cause I guess
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