General Hospital -1983 Monica Argues with Alan about Jason 3

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part 3/3. Monica tells Alan what she's done and that Jimmy Lee is about to expose them. Alan can't believe that Monica has done that. Monica agrees to apologize to Jimmy Lee and let him stay at the gatehouse. She also agrees to let Jason stay in the mansion but in the north wing with a nurse so that she never has to see him. Monica heads over to gatehouse to wait for Jimmy Lee to return. Unknown to her, Jimmy Lee has lost the papers that prove the illegitimacy of the Quartermaine children but he doesn't let Monica know and plays along. Monica apologizes and Jimmy Lee plays it to the hilt.

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@bajanconji6553 3 жыл бұрын
I love Alan Quartermaine. Stuart Damon passed away at 84 on June 29th 2021! Rest in Peace Handsome!
@ss4gogeta05 2 жыл бұрын
It’s amazing how much she hated Jason at first and then ended up loving him more than her biological son AJ.
@terrondt 15 жыл бұрын
i grew up on this in the 80's. alan and monica was among the best couples in soap opera back then. the love/hate marriage was a trip to follow.
@scottyfilmbuff 16 жыл бұрын
I miss the old Edward he was great. Leslie Charleson is such a wonderful actress. I can't believe the way they disrespected the fans by killing alan.
@myview65 12 жыл бұрын
General Hospital rocked in the 80's. I was a senior in high school when I watched this storyline...
@annettebarlette9471 3 жыл бұрын
This isss what I miss today about all soaps.
@mallenjm252 3 жыл бұрын
They were so great together! I actually remember watching this episode! 💖🤗👌 #SoapStarsRock ⭐⭐⭐
@Ordinaryfool 11 жыл бұрын
Ironic how Monica would crave having Jason "interferring" in her life later on when he forgot she was his mother. She explained to Jason that he would love Sam's child - regardless of who the father was - because he loved Sam. That she loved Jason so much because she loved Alan. Jason tried to say his situation was different - but their mother-son love was too deep for him to dismiss her. Also, Quartermaines back then were hilarious. Steve Bond (Jimmy Lee) was awesome...sorry when he left.
@pxlbarrel 16 жыл бұрын
Well, Alan couldn't believe it either! To be fair to Monica, how many women would raise their husband's illegitimate child without some sort of protest? Monica's not heartless but she's not a saint either. Anyway, in a matter of a couple of months, Monica had changed her tune about Jason.
@MsTexas73 16 жыл бұрын
Alan reacted the same way toward AJ even after he knew AJ was his. Think about it, although he was a good dad to BOTH boys, he was NEVER really as close to AJ as Moni was. Of course over time Moni would come to love Jason, and treat him very much as her own son. *IMO she IS he mom in every way*... but it did take time. TRUST ME I KNOW.
@finessechic2001 13 жыл бұрын
Anyone have 4th of July scenes from 1984? would love to see that...especially the Quartermaines, and Frisco singing in the park. would be great seeing the classic actors and actresses again that made GH great!
@jlomax 16 жыл бұрын
Hi there pxlbarrel! Thanks for the response! It's been so long I forgot the entire storyline! I would love to see the episodes where Monica started to warm up to little Jason! The only ones I saw were the ones where she was ranting and raving! Of course if I were in her shoes I would be pissed to say the least It was just hard seeing her take her anger out on the little guy! I have a slight sore spot in my heart for her anyway when the Rick affair was going on.I liked Lesley and Rick together!
@myview65 12 жыл бұрын
Monica has an attitude about Jason because he was he result of her husband's affair. I don't most people want raise the result of their spouse's infidelty. It's unfortuante for the child of course.
@terrondt 3 жыл бұрын
She would later love him as if she was his own
@pxlbarrel 16 жыл бұрын
You better clarify that statement. Jason didn't amount to anything but a mob hitman, not something most people want their kids to aspire to... a life of crime. Monica is a top notch cardiac surgeon.
@MsTexas73 16 жыл бұрын
There is a scene form Fourth of July in then Moni is VERY much behaving like a mom to JJ.
@scarletprincipessa 16 жыл бұрын
I find it funny that Susan's kid ("It" as Monica liked to call him) made something of himself while Monica's didn't.
@tammymartinez7488 6 жыл бұрын
scarletprincipessa he was a mobster not exactly a success story.
@terrondt 3 жыл бұрын
@@tammymartinez7488 u have a great point there
@pxlbarrel 14 жыл бұрын
@scarletprincipessa @scarletprincipessa I think we see things way differently. The Q's never looked at Jason as being the damaged one. They tried to connect with Jason many times but it was Jason who shunned them. He didn't remember them and to him, their love was smothering and intrusive. He turned his back on them and turned to Sonny, a mobster, to be his new family. Sonny was somebody who didn't really know Jason before the accident so didn't treat him as Jason Q.
@bedwenchingwithbenifits4553 6 жыл бұрын
Monica cheated too
@MsTexas73 16 жыл бұрын
In response to how Moni would behave the way she does here:I am speaking as one who's been there. Although Moni has certainly not lived the life of a saint, she was really hurt by the fact that Alan had gone out and sired another child. Not to mention all the issues she had with Susan. All that hurt gets built up and you don't care that the child is innocent. You just want to stop hurting and seeing the child makes the hurt that much more real as it is a reminder of the deception.
@pxlbarrel 14 жыл бұрын
You can hardly blame the Q's for treating him as the son he had always been. AJ, to be sure, was a drunk and responsible for Jason's accident....but there was a time when he was turning his life around. He was hopeful, as was the family and he was happy. Then Carly came along and made him think he fell off the wagon because she didn't want him to know he was the father of her baby.
@Beloved2615 17 жыл бұрын
yea I was so small back then, I had no clue that monica was like this about Jason. Now she loves him so much, hard to believe this is how it started lol, thanks for posting.
@terrondt 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, she was so bitter at the time at Alan but she disliked Jaxon by association and she later realized this was so wrong and really fell in son love with Jaxon later
@kellymcfalls1458 7 ай бұрын
⁠@@terrondtHis name is JASON and NOT Jaxon !
@terrondt 7 ай бұрын
@@kellymcfalls1458 missed one letter. Arrest me. 😂
@pxlbarrel 14 жыл бұрын
And Jason perpetuated the lie... by pretending to be the father and thus also contributing to AJ's unfortunate life. Jason's no saint when it comes to contributing to AJ's downfall. I don't care how successful Jason is as a professional killer and mobster. That's still lemons to me. That's nothing to be proud of. The show is cracked that that we, the audience, are supposed to believe that people who kill for a living are people to look up to.
@carolhartley4448 6 жыл бұрын
R u crazy this is for entertainment only, like any other of a million movies!!!!!!!!
@carolhartley4448 6 жыл бұрын
DON'T what this or any tv if u feel this way. Gzzzzzzzzz, its fantasy !!!!!!!!!!
@christineadams1284 3 жыл бұрын
@@carolhartley4448 This is what made GH great, they made us feel like we were part of the family. 💜
@carolhartley4448 3 жыл бұрын
@@christineadams1284 yes that's what i meant I love Jason and his entire life, i was referring to that person that acted as if Jason is bad, no he's not?! Not at all, i watch GH everyday and let me find that commentt ok it was from (pxxlbarrel) I meant to only send my comment to that person, all rightess , that's why i told the upset person that said, "he's a killer and that's nothing to be proud of" it goes on and on/ i don't agree at all, Jason isn't a killer, only inself defence and to protect his family, including sony♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏read that dumb to be nice/ comment, pxxlbarrel wrote it not me👍♥️Jason is my favorite! Guess I better stop trying to make mean ppl. Understand/ btw I donnot mean you huney.
@scarletprincipessa 14 жыл бұрын
IMO, he's surpassed the Qs low expectations for him. All the Qs treated him like he was incompetent in one form or another even after he showed that he could live on his own except for Lila - she knew he would survive. Man I miss her! Yes he made a career choice that many do not agree with, but Jason has turned out to be a loving and caring individual. He has a family and friends - all things that the Qs said he would never achieve because he was too brain damaged.
@scarletprincipessa 14 жыл бұрын
This is going to take several boxes. You've been warned. :-) I wasn't going to respond since I think if you're a Jason fan it's common sense and doesn't need to be explained. But here's how I see the situation. Two boys grew up in the Q household. The oldest didn't seem to have much of a direction in life while the youngest was working towards being a doctor. Life threw them both made lemonade the other drank the lemonade spiked with vodka.
@treehugger7948 3 жыл бұрын
I love Jason Morgan. He made his life and became an antihero. He’s strong and dedicated to those he loves. He’s honest and stands by what he believes. What happened to him ( the accident) created an interesting character (plus he’s damn hot)
@scarletprincipessa 14 жыл бұрын
The one that scrambled his brains repeatedly dives into the bottle. The one with the scrambled brain becomes a loving and caring man who would never hurt his loved ones. He has people who love him and would die for him. The drunk one who scrambled his brains kidnaps and traumatises his own son, shoots his own father, and does other horrible things to people he supposedly loves. I hope this clarified where I'm coming fron, but if it doesn't maybe this next section will.
@scarletprincipessa 14 жыл бұрын
As both a Q and an M, Jason has been successful. As a Q he was on his way to becoming a doctor - which takes a lot of effort to succeed and as an M he's the best in his chosen profession. Profession aside, being the best in any field is not an easy feat. It takes hard work and determination and a strong work ethic. After his accident the Qs kept calling him damaged and they didn't see him as a person capable of rational thought.
@scarletprincipessa 14 жыл бұрын
Completely forgot about Em. She never looked down on Jason either.
@scarletprincipessa 14 жыл бұрын
After drinking a lot of spiked lemonade, the oldest decides to drive drunk and the youngest chases after him to stop him from hurting himself or other people. For some reason he doesn't wear a seatbelt when he jumps in the car with the drunk. The youngest gets his brains scrambled and his family treats him like he's he's not "normal". The one with the scrambled brains struggles and overcomes his life threatening injuries and makes a life for himself.
@MsTexas73 16 жыл бұрын
I don't think they didn't LIKE AJ...I think they were just disappointed in the choices he fact I remember some VERY good scenes esp between Monica and adult AJ..esp in the 90s.
@MsTexas73 15 жыл бұрын
Hey episode time...was it only a couple of months that Moni protested JJ living at the mansion? Really? I thought it was longer...but I guess I'm also counting before he actually moved in. It's been WAY too long I can't seeing all of these has been great...
@scarletprincipessa 16 жыл бұрын
I was just thinking the same thing.
@scarletprincipessa 14 жыл бұрын
The AJ that I saw on my screen did not have a caring soul nor did he have a strong work ethic. That's why he never made anything of himself imo.
@scarletprincipessa 14 жыл бұрын
My comment was that Jason made something of himself while AJ didn't and I was asked to clarify that. I think I've shown why I feel like I do.
@Leonie-zu8yv 6 жыл бұрын
Many times the child that is rejected is the one who succeeded in life
@momamiawhite 4 жыл бұрын
No kids but alan did do aj like Like monica did Jason's. Alan couldn't handle Monica.
@tammymartinez7488 4 жыл бұрын
Jason is a mobster?! I don’t think that’s a success! Sonny’s lap dog is not a successful career!
@camm8642 3 ай бұрын
would have saved alot of trouble if Alan would have just let him go with Susan or Alice Grant.......
@MsTexas73 14 жыл бұрын
@pxlbarrel Right and then to add further insult to injury she kept being manipulative with AJ, marrying him while still pining for Jason and then cheating on him with Sonny....then the three of them proceed to swindle Michael away from him....causing further damage and turning him into a bitter man in the process. All she had to do was seek joint custody of Michael instead of trying to take him away from him.
@beegee1960 5 жыл бұрын
AJ was not interested in joint custody. He informed Carly when he found out she was pregnant that if the baby was his, he was going to do everything he could to get sole custody. He said this several times before the baby was born. If he had agreed to joint custody with Carly at that point instead of being such a jerk, Carly would likely have never asked Jason to help. That was actually the only reason that Jason agreed to help Carly. He had no intention of being involved in raising the baby. Things changed when Carly had postpartum depression and he had to take care of Michael himself. He came to love him. You do realize Carly was Michael’s mother. People act like AJ was the only one who deserved to have custody. AJ caused his own downfall. He hired an arsonist to burn down Sonny and Jason’s warehouse in order to obtain custody. Carly and Sonny used the knowledge of his crime to get custody. I would call that tit fir tat. AJ was just not as competent in his crimes as asonny and Jason.
@MsFoxylady09 12 жыл бұрын
what episode does monica finally bond with baby Jason?
@glynn05presley51 7 жыл бұрын
@Beatlefish 5 жыл бұрын
I was thinking She saved Jason from choking? Cannot find it
@pxlbarrel 14 жыл бұрын
@pxlbarrel Sorry...but a brain damaged Jason becoming a doctor or construction worker or just some other honest Joe despite his handicaps would have been somebody to look up to....not a criminal. As for AJ's latter story of shooting Alan and going off the deep end (really bad writing and writing to make Jason look better than AJ).... Jason threatened to kill Alan when Alan mentioned Lily to Sonny. Not exactly nice either.
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