Genuardi's wasn't one of my favorite supermarkets. However, I have a funny (or slightly funny) story to share about my experience with Genuardi's. When I was about 20, I took my mom shopping at the one that was formerly located in Abington, PA. (Keep in mind the fact that of my parents were ex-civil rights activists.) I took her shopping during Black History Month. Genaurdi's decided to celebrate Black history month by having a sale on Corn Bread mix, collard greens, fresh black-eyed peas, fried chicken, fried chicken mix, Kool-Aid, and other stereotypically Black foods. When I saw it, I laughed my ass off and started shopping. My mom was mad as hell, and complained about the stereotypes. She made a scene. I was so embarrassed and I took her to another supermarket. I guess I understand why she was upset. I can understand the anger towards the stereotype. That said, I do like fried chicken, collard greens, and Kool-Aid. Additionally, that sale was so funny too. It was straight out of an Eddie Murphy or Martin Lawrence movie. I didn't care what my mom thought. I wanted my chicken. I was mad that I couldn't buy those foods at the gravely discounted price that day. I had to take her to Shop-Rite. Anyway, that commercial brought back that funny memory. Thanks.