German Police Compared to American Police || FOREIGN REACTS

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@giobozzde 29 күн бұрын
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@Omega0850 28 күн бұрын
I have a funfact for American viewers: I am a 39 year old German, and i have never seen a gun outiside of movies or the holsters of a police officer. And i have never heared gunshots, except hunting rifles in the forest. (admittedly, i have to assume that it was for hunting) I don´t know of anyone who was ever affected by gun violence, or knows someone who was. I don´t know anyone who owns a gun. And when i meet a random person on the streets, even an agitated or violent one, (very rare, usually i suspect drugs) i don´t even think about the possibility that this person could have a gun, simply because its so rare. Its very relaxing if you don´t have to worry about that. Remember that the next time someone tells you that more guns would help against gun violence! And remember it when someone tells you that the US is the best country in the world. Hey, maybe it is... but maybe it would be even better without guns...
@twobbi10 27 күн бұрын
Well I am a 44 year old German, but I knew some German guys who do have a gun. I had been very surprised as they told me....
@Maik0341 26 күн бұрын
In den USA ist es ein verfassungsmäßiges Recht Waffen zu besitzen, im Gegensatz dazu ist unser Problem in der BRD das nur Staatsgewalt und die Kriminellen Waffen haben, während wir normalen Leute keine haben und uns im Notfall nicht zur Wehr setzen können. Außerdem ist es in den USA in den Bundesstaaten am gefährlichsten wo die Waffengesetze am strengsten sind, weil es dort überproportional viele nicht angemeldete Waffen gibt, während es in Bundesstaaten wie Texas zwar mehr aber hauptsächlich legale angemeldete Waffen gibt. Waffen töten nicht, Menschen tun es.
@climbscience4813 25 күн бұрын
Hehe, 43 year old German here. My lack of experience with guns is the same as the opening poster. I'm extremely glad we don't have guns here!
@bomber9912 23 күн бұрын
There are actually quite a lot of guns in Germany, but the reason you have no experience with them or dont see them is because they are owned by fewer people and you obviously can neither open nor concealed carry them in public. Its pretty much only hunters, collectors and competitive sports shooters who own guns. Also because of the way you have to store them and go through a lot of bureaucracy they are pretty much non functional for home defense scenarios either, so it doesnt make sense to get a firearm for the average Joe. + Cost of course. Guns are much more expensive in Germany.
@kustanhardelus6919 28 күн бұрын
living in germany for 42 years, been pulled over once at 3am while i went to the bank to load my card for cigarettes, had a nice conversation with the officer and than went my way.
@JasminMernica 28 күн бұрын
I‘m 37 years old and was only pulled over 2 times. I was working at night for a bakery. One time they walked me to my work place, because it was 2 am and they said, it was to dangerous for woman at night. 😂 It was only, because they were drunk people around after carneval festivals. Never ever were they disrespectful. In Switzerland a police car followed me some time. I lost my way back to the Autobahn and was searching for a way out. They pulled me over and asked if they can help me. I explained my situation and they said, I should follow them with my car. 👍🏻 The Swiss and German Police is really friendly.
@JohnHazelwood58 29 күн бұрын
Been pulled over in Germany three times in 20+ years of driving! Once when I got home from the Netherlands, once when I got home from the Czech Republic - both times not far away from the (open) borders. No big deal! And yeah, once as I was lost after a disco night in a foreign city and drove into an industrial area at 4 o'clock in the morning ... < my mistake, all good! They guided me to the Autobahn! :) *nice
@NeomOne 20 күн бұрын
Lol, it seems to me your 3 times of contact with cops are always happened while you were at some very suspicious places. Normally our cops don't get u at the first times, so i guess you were there more often. Maybe, only maybe, you weren't controlled by them like they should have doing it. Be happy, I have lost 2 times my driver license even without driven a car.
@RalfSteffens 10 күн бұрын
"... if You have nothing to hide..." says the ambitious to the innocent.
@de__vito1251 27 күн бұрын
german Police wants to be seen as "your Friend and Helper" / "Dein Freund und Helfer". just be normal to them; talk normal and respectful; they are people like you and me.
@giobozzde 27 күн бұрын
I believe that
@gulliverthegullible6667 25 күн бұрын
unless you are a (perceived) foreigner. There are lots of reports of German cops mistreating people of color. The case of Oury Jalloh who died in custody is especially harrowing. That case was never resolved because the cops covered each other.
@kuplung22 26 күн бұрын
I live in Germany and i can say that the police is pretty much nice.
@patrickrudiger8762 28 күн бұрын
Regarding the 15 death by police: The figure does not only include excessive/unnecessary/illegitimate police killings but also cases in which there was no way to avoid the killing without others being killed. So if there is someone with a knife going crazy and butchering ppl in the streets and doesnt react to police yelling to stop, and is thus shot, that goes into the 15 people. OR the armed bank robber being shot, or stuff like that. So while the ratio of overall killings is "only" 15:1 the ratio of illegitimate killings is even higher.
@Nat_BLSK 9 күн бұрын
Well, people don't have to get killed but it's often their decission to act stupid or dangerous.
@RustyDust101 28 күн бұрын
I've been in a police control three times in 54 years. Once during the early 80's when there was a terror threat in the area. The cops were simply checking for a certain number of persons in the vehicles, and waved us through without even asking for a license. Second time late at night when going home. Again, searched due to a violent incident after a soccer game, and cars being searched for a specific combination of persons on board. My last when the rear license plate frame made of plastic broke off when I slammed shut the trunk. I couldn't screw it back on. So I used ductape to tape it to the inside rear window. The cop pulled me over, saw the fix. I apologized profusely and assured him that I would be getting a fix on Monday, it being Sunday in Germany, thus all stores and most garages or car dealerships being closed. I received the info that I had been notified of this very minor traffic infraction, had already been stopped for, and had gotten an acceptance note from an officer of the law to be allowed to drive with my fix until the next day. So as you can see, he was not only _not_ harassing me but instead helpful and forward thinking. Sure, not every single officer will be perfect just like Andrew said but the vast majority in Germany will be courteous, helpful, polite, and professional. Traffic patrols atr also in teams of two with body cams both for their own protection as well as to keep them on the straight and narrow.
@verybighomer 28 күн бұрын
German police is far from perfect. They have their fair share of racial bias and even got away with murder. But compared to the US the education of police officers is far superior and we do not have those small town wild west independent unqualified departments with 10 people. Or even worse politically elected sheriffs who think they own the town and are above the law. Most German states have moved to a 3 year education with a bachelor's degree for new police officers and all police officers are employed at state level (yes a few federal police forces exist). Many US cops seem to be highschool bullies too stupid to go to college.
@marikothecheetah9342 25 күн бұрын
I was driving with my boss and a colleague from work on Autobahn and we were pulled over because... we were going to slow. They've checked our IDs, informed about the reason for pullover and off we went. That's it. That was my encounter of German police. Also - I lived two years in Germany - never had issues with police, same with police in the UK. In my native country - Poland - the police just... is, mostly I hear about police when there's some accident or criminal investigation. Whenever I had to go to the police station it's just a chill stuff ( I had to go twice as a witness) and I am never afraid of the police. When it comes to criminal stuff - well, it's like everywhere else - fork around and find out.
@Tobias-g6e 28 күн бұрын
There not one fatality where the victim was not extremely violent, threatening toward the public and officers or having already injured or killed others. Nobody gets shot at a random traffic stop.
@lynnm6413 28 күн бұрын
There is also the fact, that violence against Police Officers has reached new heights in 2023. ‚Die registrierten Gewalttaten gegen Polizistinnen und Polizisten haben mit 46.218 Fällen im Jahr 2023 einen neuen Höchststand erreicht. Mit einem Anstieg um 8,0 Prozent gegenüber 2022 handelt es sich um die stärkste Zunahme seit dem Jahr 2017‘
@giobozzde 28 күн бұрын
I definitely think you guys are doing quit well
@giobozzde 28 күн бұрын
Attacks on cops is true shameful
@Arltratlo 26 күн бұрын
not in Germany, but many times in the USA, because their cops are trigger happy and know, their bosses will shield them from punishment! they need violent police or the people will not live in fear from them!
@achimschroter8046 29 күн бұрын
On yt there are tons of videos of people trying to expose police misbehaviour but in reality they are just trying to provoke and causing a scene for clicks Just show your id when asked even if you don't have to a legally and go your way. Damnit stupid
@giobozzde 29 күн бұрын
Can’t say I disagree
@fzoid3534 28 күн бұрын
I didn't have that many encounters with the police.. I've been stopped a few times on my bicycle. Once because they wanted to check the serial number. Apparently a bunch of bikes had been stolen around there. Once I drove over a midtown place that's only allowed for pedestrians. I stopped and talked we calmly. Someone else they stopped threw a giant tantrum and all the cops went to him. After a while I thought I have places to be guys and just left. I also did an internship at a police station for a few months and some of the people there were stupid as hell and many were condescending to the citizens as they called them/us and most were sexist af. As a woman you really needed to have a thick skin. I mean they all need that ofc. What you read or see on the news is just a minor percentage of what they see each day.
@fletho1 24 күн бұрын
What if you want something legal to hide - f. e. some "special toys" in your trunk? Maybe you don't want a random person like a police officer to see that. If there is no real suspicion nobody should have the right to search. That's a matter of privacy.
@andreasobuaculla9511 24 күн бұрын
Irish Garda/police don't carry guns,and they get the job done!
@TheKatoffen 25 күн бұрын
Usually I have made no bad experience with our police. But i actually have made a few negative experiences on my own. I am white, but i have long hair. I mentioned that for there has been coloured people dying in german police stations under mysterious circumstances. I once felt the nervousity of the officers. I am glad, that in our country guns are the exception.
@firstnamebunchofnmbers 21 күн бұрын
Still racial profiling is a big problem in Germany.
@NeomOne 20 күн бұрын
I think you don't got it as you said " if i have nothing to hide, so i let them do what they have to do...". My bags and my trouser pockets belong to me, it is my personal and private stuff in there. Maybe it could embarrassing to myself to show all in there in front of others, or i have something in my pockets what my girlfriend, a friend or colleague better shouldn't see, or simply lets say for reasons. To be ok with this kind of searching without any reason, is to me like accept a coming police state tomorrow. That's like stumbling blindfolded into a dictatorship. As a German I know what I'm talking about, because we had in just 100 years already saw a Monarchie, the Third Reich and the GDR, what seems to me like three dictatorships too many... I don't need more reasons to say, we have to resists all kinds of oppression at the beginning. Freedom has to be defended, even in little things, otherwise it will be taken away...That's why I wouldn't ever accept an unjustified search of myself.
@ThomasMunich-f1k 24 күн бұрын
15 people killed by the police is a lot. It would be interesting to know in how many cases the killing has been inevitable because there was a deadly threat against policepeople and in how many cases it was not necessary to kill.
@ohauss 10 күн бұрын
Many cases are snap shots taken when rushed (because with deliberate shots, Police are held to avoid shots that are very likely to be lethal). When you're in the corridor of an apartment, with no way to sidestep an attacker rushing you, on the other hand, there's no time for aimed shooting.
@christianebank5098 27 күн бұрын
😂 no not all of then not all the time ,.n some times I also miss the way of the us cops Thats what I think as a german,.spendet 7 jears i New Jersy 🎉❤
@gulliverthegullible6667 25 күн бұрын
a comparison to the American police force is a really low bar. Read e.g. Amnesty International's country reports and you will realise that the German police force is problematic as well. Just them not constantly shooting people as they please does not make them good police.
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