Space Engineers: Ship Classifications

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A video on ship classifications, what makes for a cruiser, frigate, and destroyer, whatever.
Watch this system in action on my series!
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@kre8or465 3 жыл бұрын
you forgot the frigates other vital role, something to shoot at to distract the enemy from your bigger more expensive ships, I know this isn't the real life use, but its how I use them, because I'm a terrible admiral.
@admiralmallard7500 3 жыл бұрын
Nah Frigates are cheap and dispensable, so that is one role they can play.
@castlebarron1788 3 жыл бұрын
Well as having served on and alongside U.S Navy frigates I can tell you that…your absolutely right any admiral worth his salt will throw his frigates in front of torps, bombers, missiles, or mines meant for his other more capable craft wich is typically why when you see a carrier group floating around they got three or four just floating around essentially there to be impromptu shields so the admiral can let his subs fighters and destroyers go to work hunting down and taking out whatever is trying to shoot his carrier
@tarziq 3 жыл бұрын
@@castlebarron1788 infantry of the sea lol
@erridkforname 2 жыл бұрын
Basically floating cannon fodder
@arcticgalegamer8139 Жыл бұрын
If you have any day in it, you do not wanna be assigned to a frigate. -Spacedock describing how Frigates will be the first ship an admiral sacrifices
@Pathfinder118 2 жыл бұрын
Its fun to remember what Frigates a long long time ago used to be classed as heavier than destroyers (called sloops or gunboats, depending on their role during the age of sail) and surved as independent warships that were quick of speed, well armed and armored. Its interesting that modern day frigates are a complete doctrine flip from frigates of old, from front line warship that tussle with everything up to a man o' war, all the way to rapid response ships of the modern era, man naval warfare is wild.
@GetBrocked 2 жыл бұрын
Yep! here's the secret; ship classification makes no sense. It's sorta arbitrary Sorta like the definition of what a rifle vs carbine is. It changes every 25 years as tech changes.
@DeepCFisher Жыл бұрын
There was no such thing as a destroyer in the age of sail. They only came out with screw powered boats. Thats where the full name comes from. Torpedo boat destroyers. They were never smaller than frigates
@Pathfinder118 Жыл бұрын
@@DeepCFisher destroyers (called sloops or gunboats, depending on their role during the age of sail) :P
@DeepCFisher Жыл бұрын
@@Pathfinder118 just saying it again doesn't make it true. They are different ship types. There is no clear evolution from one to the other. Also there are still gunboats today
@Pathfinder118 Жыл бұрын
@@DeepCFisher C:
@highground2320 3 жыл бұрын
The scale & limitations you have in place for ships on your server makes sense and creates a balance that is hard to come by on just about every server I've ever played on. Most ships on PvP servers become turrets farms. Plus the way you implement "Hero Ships" makes sense, it give the various factions a "Boss Fight" Mechanic which they are required to overcome with shear numbers or better tactics.
@highground2320 3 жыл бұрын
I'm currently working with JD to improve and update the IMDC Fleet, this ship classification system would be a better fit for the new ships that will be added to the fleet. I see if I can get JD to adopt this new classification system. It would greatly expand the classes we currently have without having the block count skyrocket.
@Sentinal375 3 жыл бұрын
And this is where the First Fleet comes in for the next season... Lmao
@devindeocharan8323 2 жыл бұрын
One major question I have is where fighter class vessels and drone units come into play, since destroyers would be very effective for anti-swarm
@mwbgaming28 2 жыл бұрын
The limits do severely restrict creative freedom (you can have an interior that looks good, or you can have stronger armor)
@CrescentPHI 3 жыл бұрын
Saw this on reddit and thought to myself "what kind of outrageous classifications will this guide have". Glad to say that I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of thought put into this guide! It's nice to see some more reasonably sized and armed ships as opposed to the Warhammer-esque, turret-covered giants that seem to be the norm. I personally base my ship classifications on WW2 ships as well. The funny thing is that, apart from a single outlier, most of my ships can keep their classifications if I were to classify them by your guide, at least when it comes to block count.
@GetBrocked 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you liked it. It's been a pet peeve the amount of turret spammed ships that I see. Tried to bring some sanity to the SE ship building madness
@CrescentPHI 3 жыл бұрын
@@GetBrocked Here's to hoping that this guide catches on in the SE community!
@CaptainRhodor 2 жыл бұрын
Out of curiosity, what's that one outlier?
@CrescentPHI 2 жыл бұрын
@@CaptainRhodor It's been a while so I can't quite remember, but I think it must've been my 1800 block frigate being over the then 1500 block limit.
@Commander_Wolf32 2 жыл бұрын
@@CrescentPHI hopeing that it will, implemented it last month in my little community
@CaptainRhodor 3 жыл бұрын
Very informative, and many thanks for giving the Oil her due praise. That ship is Vice Admiral Akin's baby, and she's very much a morale booster.
@highground2320 3 жыл бұрын
I hope all factions on the server eventually post their designs on the workshop. I’d love to get a look at them & see what concepts I could add to IMDC designed ships.
@kongou1912 2 жыл бұрын
just a small historical correction, a Battlecruiser was a Battleship size ship, with cruiser level of armor designed to catch enemy cruiser forces and destroy them
@kuhluhOG 7 ай бұрын
the amount of armour of a battlecruiser actually depends on the navy
@kongou1912 7 ай бұрын
@@kuhluhOG of course, I just made a very general simplification.
@haydenrueps6866 3 жыл бұрын
Wow. What I originally considered my Battleship is about a heavy Destroyer to you...
@cookiecraze1310 2 жыл бұрын
'Theres always a bigger fish...' Whenever I make anything 'large' in a creation game, I always think that it's going to be my biggest ship. Then I see a video like this where i realise just how small the thing I thought of as a flagship is.
@Cooldude-ko7ps 2 жыл бұрын
19:13 well a bigger hull allows for more versatility. The kind of battleship you described would be similar to a dreadnought style BB. Many battleships had a good amount of secondary armament to destroy lighter ships.
@taidyr3765 3 жыл бұрын
On behalf of the CDF I just wanna note that we all love the Midnight Oil!
@garrylodmill2654 Жыл бұрын
the explanation of Battleships reminds me of the evolution of the DNs and SDs of the Honor Harrington book series by David Weber, where they went from lead slingers to missile ships in the long run.
@zaelazar9375 2 жыл бұрын
I always enjoy watching videos discussing ship classifications, as it really scratches my itch for naval-related content, and I've also enjoyed binging your Space Engineers content even though I've never played the game before, so I think you've convinced me to pick up the game (as soon as my wallet allows). (TLDR at the end) The only thing that rubbed me the wrong way was the discussion on how historical battlecruisers (BC) came about. Now, stating that a BC is a cruiser that's been crash-built as a small, cheap battleship (BB) isn't entirely incorrect, as there are a few historical ships/blueprints which might fit this description (albeit at a large stretch), like the Alaska, B-65, and Stalingrad classes, which were all planned in the late 1930s - early 1940s. But when looking at battlecruisers built before 1918 (which is when the majority of BCs were built), it's not entirely correct either. Basically, BCs started off as some British guy saying "What if we had a cruiser that could run down and shit on all the other cruisers?" This basically led them to putting battleship guns, a shit ton of engines, and cruiser armor on a battleship-sized hull, meaning that the price tag and build time of a BC was usually pretty similar to contemporary BBs. Unfortunately, because they had battleship guns, some admirals decided that BCs could be used against other capital ships with similar weapons, which had a rather negative effect on the long-term health of the people who fought at the Battle of Jutland. Some good historical examples of battleships vs contemporary battlecruisers are: HMS Dreadnought (1906) vs HMS Invincible (1907), SMS König (1914) vs SMS Derfflinger (1914), HMS Iron Duke (1914) vs HMS Tiger (1914), and HMS Revenge (1916) vs HMS Renown (1916). Also, when the Naval Treaties came into effect in the Interwar period, BBs and BCs were lumped together and therefore under the same limitations, so you couldn't get around the treaty restrictions on battleships by building battlecruisers instead. Then again, battlecruisers are an ill-defined a nebulous ship type which could be attributed to any semi-capital ship/capital ship with bug guns, and it gets even more complicated once fast battleships come into existence during the 1930s, and I've also cut a lot of facts/info in order to shorten this, so my rant can be treated as second-hand rumors, and you can and should take all of this with a large bucket of salt. TLDR/Conclusion: If you want your world/universe/whatever to define battlecruisers as cruisers that have been crash-built as small, cheap battleships, please do so! If you want to define them as small, fast battleships, do it! If you want to define them as big, heavily armed cruisers, feel free! A battlecruiser is a very nebulous ship type that can be used to describe basically any big-gun capital ship. That said, knowing the historical precedent before deviating from it is something that I find helpful in my worlds/universes/whatever, even down to specific ship types. These have been the ramblings of a sleep-deprived amateur naval enthusiast. Thank your for reading this far. I shall now sleep.
@leonielson7138 2 жыл бұрын
I want to make a ship with an armored dorsal hull and four turrets sticking out the side capable of forward fire. Working in groups, they make an initial lancing pass, then turn to present their armor to the enemy as they circle around, laying down a barrage of fire. Shields and point-defense weapons on the ventral hull protect the more vulnerable ventral side.
@PhoenixBlade 2 жыл бұрын
Lot of cool ship designs. I have so much to learn.
@horationelson2440 2 жыл бұрын
Fun fact about battlecruisers. Back when they initially were developed by Jackie Fisher, he intended them to be cruiser killers. They were supposed to be well armed, with the same size of guns as the contemporary battleship, but usually less of them, and had enough armor to fulfill their mission profile, but not enough to be a part of the true battleline. The germans gave their battlecruisers better armour due to the lack of ability to match the Royal navyt ship-to-ship, so they decided that they would add the battlecruisers to the battleline if need be. But funny thing, due to needing more heavy machinery in order to be fast enough to run down any cruiser at the time, battlecruisers tended to be built physically longer than the battleships, and leading to them costing just about as much. So, that is what a battlecruiser is, a ship that is slightly less armed than a battleship in number of guns, but equal in size of guns, who sacrafices armor protection for speed in order to counter enemy cruisers. However, everyone who had battlecruisers would find themselves using them in fleet actions, despite the fact that from their inception, they were not supposed to do that, they were supposed to attack cruiser flotillas.
@akirawolf9828 2 жыл бұрын
Historical tidbits, battlecruisers (BC) design definition varied between nations, although they generally did fall into the definition you laid down. Battleship (BB) armament on a hull that was halfway between a BB and an Armored/Heavy Cruiser (CA). Doctrinally, the generally accepted definition of a BC was a ship that could destroy anything that could catch it (CL/CA) and outrun anything that could defeat it (BB), while being cheaper than a regular BB. The British and Japanese (who navy was heavily influenced by the British prior to relations souring after WW1) achieved this by taking a standard battleship and stripping down it’s armor for speed and cost (wildly simplified). The British would lose many BCs due to employing them like BBs, in fleet engagements against actual BBs. On the other hand, the Germans experimented with a lighter armament (28 cm/11 inch guns were definitely BB armament, but they were at the very low end of the scale) on well armored hulls. The Deutschland class was designated as a CA by treaty (in displacement), called a pocket BB by British propaganda, essentially embraced the doctrinal role of a BC. The Scharnhorst class carried the same sized guns (albeit with more of them) and was built on a BB hull fell somewhere between a BC and a Fast BB. Germany’s interwar-WW2 design philosophy was heavily influenced in that they had a smaller fleet than Britain and they did everything they could to avoid contact with the British heavy fleet. I’m not really trying to make a point and I’ve been rambling for a bit so I’ll stop here.
@InsufficientGravitas 2 жыл бұрын
Theoretically BCs were intended to hunt down cruiser groups with speed and firepower, basically with the intention of killing stuff smaller than them, and fleeing from larger opponents.
@TerLoki 2 жыл бұрын
I've long maintained that the easiest way to start a fight in a group of naval history nerds is to ask if HMS Hood is a battlecruiser. Hell the debate over what a battlecruiser actually IS has lasted far longer than the concept of battlecruisers at this point. My main point of contention with the description Brock gives is that it ignores the fact that while most battlecruisers did give up armor or weapons for speed compared to a battleship, that didn't always make them much smaller. Indeed several of them, British designs in particular, were LARGER to accommodate the massive engines they needed. And that's not even counting the Alaskas muddling things further with the concept of "Large Cruisers".
@CvlturedSage 2 жыл бұрын
I’d utilise frigates mostly, but also have a Battlecruiser to be the centrepiece. My style of playing would probably be more defensive and hidden away from other to just manufacture, mine, process and design things.
@akinoffury2332 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the praise on the Oil :) I love that ship.
@GetBrocked 3 жыл бұрын
at this point its looks make it more endearing, not less. And tbh, I think it's probably the most recognizable ship in the series dude to the amount of battles it's partaken in
@akinoffury2332 3 жыл бұрын
It looks like a blobfish
@CaptainRhodor 3 жыл бұрын
She's a glorious indestructible gunbarge that brings honor to the Rider name.
@kradwolf5719 Жыл бұрын
I remember when the classification was just how big or how many reactors you had in the ship. Love how the game is evolving but here we are almost 10 years later and still growing.
@chillylytical9410 2 жыл бұрын
For me, I would kinda change the destroyer role as even lighter armor, good shielding, very powerful thruster packs and a very heavy focus on fast-firing turrets, high stealth, long scanning range, and large torpedos. The idea of destroyers would be when a fleet is engaging each other, they would flank using their low detection and fast speed to launch torpedos from a long distance to catch larger capital ships off guard. If they are behind cover, they can rapidly focus on turrets of larger capital ships or try to sever conveyors or thrusters. Or in exchange for less turrets, they could have more anti-missile defense to serve as effective missile screening.
@Cooldude-ko7ps 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah. In the role play server shields are very rare and advanced so most ships rely only on armour and other physical protection.
@connoissuer_of_class Жыл бұрын
Love looking at ship class/scale ratio and realizing my cruiser fits into your frigate
@TheRezro 7 ай бұрын
There is no such thing as size clarification. Size is related to current tech. Role based classification is actually quite simple: Battleships are literal flying bricks. Battlecruisers are somewhat mobile nests of guns. Cruisers are actually LARGE ships, what can serve as mobile base of operations. With rafinery and cargo space. Frigates are your default cheap base ships. You can spend long time with your team. Destroyers are heavy armed Frigate size prime combatants. Usually lacking rafinady or proper crew spaces. Corvettes basically are gunboats with jump drives. Only large enough to move between planets.
@centurygaming3374 2 жыл бұрын
Hey loving both series 1 and 2 are these ships on the steam workshop by anychance for all us fans I also feel that the balancing for your ships are amazing as it looks awesome Keep up the great work its dope
@luisuriarte4942 Жыл бұрын
This reminds me of “The Expanse”. I love it
@VestedUTuber 2 жыл бұрын
One thing to note - Your particular Corvette role description isn't really what corvettes are used for in either modern naval combat or in sci-fi, but rather what they were used for during the Age of Sail. Modern corvettes are sub-hunters and light combat vessels used for picketing and to support larger ships, while in sci-fi settings they've typically become a sort of anti-fighter screening vessel (although some are set up as either super-heavy anti-capital attack craft or fill the role of a submarine in space).
@BrianTaylor-AlwaysInTao 2 жыл бұрын
For a fun reference my TOS Era Enterprise is 131,000 blocks and 1 to 1 scale. Constitution class was considered a Heavy Cruiser.
@hayden-hr8gq Жыл бұрын
With my friends the difference between frigates and destroyers is although we have them at similar sizes, a destroyer must have torpedoes or guided missiles
@TheRezro 7 ай бұрын
Destroyer is literally a uparmed Frigate. Without proper rafinery and crew space.
@ReincarnationofiForgor Ай бұрын
12:03 "Next up we have the powerhouse of the cel- CDF military"
@CaptainFlips 3 жыл бұрын
Great guide, well done!
@Benpaul87 Жыл бұрын
What you refer to when talking about battlecruisers sounds more like a 'pocket battleship', along the lines of a Deutschland class
@OfficialUSKRprogram Жыл бұрын
The block count is the most useful in my opinion
@TheRezro 2 ай бұрын
Most misguiding, yes.
@gethwuh9107 2 жыл бұрын
oh dang that's a nice Pillar of Autumn
@jonumine6250 2 жыл бұрын
I would like to know if there's a classification for "Monitor" ships: Basically a destroyer sized ship trading most/all of it's "weapon points" for a few large, heavy turrets. *It may probably not be really effective in pvp, as direct confrontation with bigger ships is still dangerous, but having a heavy punch for it's size. >Or just buying heavy weapons isn't an option unless it is a bigger ship?
@GetBrocked 2 жыл бұрын
yes actually, but it's more akin to aa short range torpedo destroyer. we call it the DDK DD with a 1000mm gun. It's very inacurate though so it's basically a thompson contender in ship form
@si2foo 2 жыл бұрын
ill be honest all i thought about when you mentioned the covette stealth was turning one into a sub. having the bare minimum block count a good range high accuracy weapon and one directional thrust so you come to range you rfir on the target then you angle off charge away so if they try to blind fire you they wont hit. poking the bears till they die
@soundwave1568 3 жыл бұрын
great presentation!
@GetBrocked 3 жыл бұрын
thanks. Not sure how something like this would be received
@soundwave1568 3 жыл бұрын
@@GetBrocked Should be good
@lampshade6967 10 ай бұрын
This is great, been looking to get a sense of scale for my builds
@TheRezro 2 ай бұрын
Scale is actually relative. Ship types are defined by function.
@Edmar_Thorn Жыл бұрын
I got the Caelius class frigate and retrofitted it for the server I'm playing on at the moment, thinking like 'oh yeah I have this awesome new ship and it's huge! Then I see this and it's like... the second smallest in the lineup X'D
@Wayofswords 2 жыл бұрын
Gunboats a support troops and bigger vessels could be too damaging. Corvettes one extension would be defensive rings, frigates can have this as well destroyers are generally are specialized as long patrol and defense and harassing unit.
@questofknowledge8788 Жыл бұрын
Would love to see an updated version of this video.
@thehiredgun2443 3 жыл бұрын
So by your explanation. My Corvette and my first big ship is actually frigate. Because it can do everything has a refinery assembler and far firepower but is way smaller than the ones you show.
@GetBrocked 3 жыл бұрын
sure. this is just our system. Stuff like this works if everyone follows it. It's less so about grading other ships. The most powerful ship in the system after all would be a 1000-2000 block ship that ignores weapon limitation.
@dakaodo 2 жыл бұрын
Great context for your classification. Ships on the workshop are often overly exuberant exercises in creative mode fantasy, with corvettes bigger than your cruisers, etc. If this were a hypothetical real universe, I'd like to see the US-equivalent interstellar superpower with an economy to support "battleships" larger than that corvette. :P In SE terms, I'd like to see more than one of those 150k PCU ships loaded in at the same time, in a playable fashion. Their descriptions always include caveats about impact on sim speed -- so what's the point if the game can't handle playing with the ship? Lots of effort and cool aesthetics to be appreciated, but... not playable is not playable. :D I'll check your more recent videos to see how Warfare 2 has changed your players' usage.
@GetBrocked 2 жыл бұрын
some slight spoilers; it's mostly the same. Though Warefare II has pushed the power dynamic to the Light Cruiser which is a good middle ground against Destroyers, while being cheaper than a heavy cruiser
@admiralvendetta540 3 жыл бұрын
This is very helpful ngl
@uppishcub1617 Жыл бұрын
Cool video, but you really missed the mark on defining irl battlecruisers. Battlecruisers were not cruiser hulls with battleship guns. Battlecruisers were often as large as or larger than contemporary battleships. What differentiated them from battleships was their relatively thin armor and much higher speed.
@ShionWinkler 2 жыл бұрын
On an interesting note, while the Royal Navy goes Corvette, Destroyer(Type 42 destroyer Displacement: 3,500 long tons), Frigate(Hunter-class frigate Displacement: 9,800 long tons), Cruiser in size, the US Navy goes Corvette, Frigate, Destroyer, Cruiser. While historically in the age of sail Frigate is what we would call a Battlecruiser in a modern setting, smaller then a ship of the line but still a capital ship (see the USS Constitution). It just goes to show that even in RL the definition of ship classes isn't universal and one mans Cruiser is another mans row boat lol.
@darthtempest4722 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the info
@BrettLane256 2 жыл бұрын
Watched a few of your videos, and you have earned a sub. I'll look into your Discord server later, been thinking about getting back into SE. Just sounds like fun.
@johnsemeniuk8230 5 ай бұрын
"This smoking wreck is the CDF-" Unintended foreshadowing based on hindsight?
@eduardoroth8207 Жыл бұрын
interesting, normally i'd say that pvp in space engineers would be like, cheesed 99% of the time, but, on the way you put it, with role play elements and forced rules.... yeah, that does get my attention now
@igncom1 2 жыл бұрын
My choice is to basically make up classifications. Cut out all the sweaty business of needing to apply water ship classifications to space craft, in particular to classes which changed overtime anyway.
@mikewhitaker2880 3 жыл бұрын
that is definitely a different take on ship classes, using block count over size... though if i can get both and still have a functional ship, then ill be happy... when i say size, i generally go by length, using current navy avgs for each class... this does mean that most of MY frigates and corvettes would fall under the stealth classification for your server... however, i actually have 2 size class groups i use to be fair.. the first one i've already mentioned... the second scale is "lets melt my GPU/CPU and build a ""to scale"" 40k sized ships... heaven forbid i actually start a battleship there because 10,000 meters at 2.5 meters a block is 4000 blocks long.. and forget getting those weapons to scale, both in physical size and correct ranges and damage outputs.... i still think about building such a ship from time to time... i think the longest ship ive even attempted to build was just over 300 blocks long... as for weapons.... well that beast was dreadnaught scale for sure.... i had broadsides consisting of 96x2 small gattling guns on each side... did a test fire once and after 3 seconds my machine froze for 15 minutes before it started catching up... on a new machine now.. but not ready for that kind of test again just yet....
@a.e.richardson218 2 жыл бұрын
battlecruisers were also battle ship sized ships with cruiser armor
@P-nutBD Жыл бұрын
Looks like my build is absurdly massive compared to those numbers looking at 4M+ blocks when finished.
@isaiahsmith7123 2 жыл бұрын
I like your definition of a battle cruiser, but battlecruisers, even in their day were still thought of as Battleships lite. One of the reasons that the High seas fleet took the mauling that it did at Jutland was precisely because battlecruisers sported less armor, but were pressed into frontline combat against more armored foes ( we won't even get to the terrible accuracy by the battlecruisers in that engagement).
@schmoejoe4756 2 жыл бұрын
I love cruisers
@sh1be572 7 ай бұрын
What do i have when I got approximately 40 large grid blocks long dhip, which has artillery, 2 railguns, some point defence, some interior turrets, 1 max refinery with 2 speed and 2 yield modules, 2 assemblers with 2 speed modules each (ik its not best but i couldn't fit more modules) and 3 jump drives? Its also planetary capable when not fully loaded.
@breytac 2 жыл бұрын
Is there a list somewhere of the weapon points for each ship? I'm trying to build a diverse fleet, but trying to classify ships based on how many weapons they have is about impossible. I can build missile corvettes designed to take out fighters but a missile corvette with 30 missile turrets isn't a corvette.
@GetBrocked 2 жыл бұрын
The discord has a list. Join, and then checkout the folder called "Outlands Guidelines'"
@Cooldude-ko7ps 2 жыл бұрын
17:50 bulkheads?
@2xghostx2 3 жыл бұрын
please say your using weaponcore? that's almost a must for PVP servers these days!
@admiralmallard7500 3 жыл бұрын
Its not exactly a PvP server. Also weaponcore has a bit of a steep learning curve and would probably throw off quite a few recruits.
@TairnKA 2 жыл бұрын
A thought; Is their mine layers in S.E. if so is there a way to determine where a ship will drop out from hyperspace from a known starting point, thus laying mines so a ship entering an area has no (or little) time to avoid the field? ;-) If I heard correctly, with a 20 gun broadside ability (10 sec recharge between volleys), is it possible to stagger fire of 5 guns so when the 4th set of 5 guns (or 5th set of 4 guns) has fired the 1st set of 4 or 5 guns are recharged and can fire (however the math works out)? ;-)
@patriciusvunkempen102 2 жыл бұрын
i made a corvette taht is basicly some engines around a jumpdrive and some guns lol
@GodKitty677 2 жыл бұрын
Most effective way to deal with those ships is with large grid misiles. Hell you could just pilot them. There is nowhere near enough firepower to stop them and one hit and the biggest ship here is just gone. From a resourse standpoint that would be the most cost effective way. Any ship hit is going to need massive repairs and missiles can just be printed in under a minute.
@thomaspollington2215 3 жыл бұрын
Is there anywhere to see the full scale and limitations?
@GetBrocked 3 жыл бұрын
the discord has the rules written out.
@ChristopherPisz Жыл бұрын
How long does it take a single person to build the smallest ship vs the largest, permitted? Does one person typically build the ships or do multiple people get into creative every week? I'm just a noob, but it takes me near a week of 8 hours game sessions per day to even get a 1000 block ship!
@CaptainRhodor 8 ай бұрын
Everything is built in creative worlds outside the server, then admin spawned into the survival mode server for battles. As for build time... It varies. We have a few cracked-out speedhead builders who can crank out a heavy cruiser in a day, but they're definitely the minority.
@hlcwolfhunt9010 Жыл бұрын
Yonkers. That I now use this scale as well. Can we make this the SE standard
@TheRezro Жыл бұрын
Available scale change in SE constantly. Also terminology already exist.
@tropicalhorizongaming5459 3 жыл бұрын
May I ask what the second ship with the purple thrusters is at 4:16? I like it’s design lol
@GetBrocked 3 жыл бұрын
Search Caelius Class CDF Space Engineers on google, should come up.
@tropicalhorizongaming5459 3 жыл бұрын
@@GetBrocked thanks
@guillermoelnino Жыл бұрын
I'm here to do 2 things. Type angrily and chew bubble gum. And I have no idea how to type.
@shawnfortine3199 2 жыл бұрын
I want to see someone build nirvana from van-dread dita
@Crissymain 2 жыл бұрын
Can you do a overview of all factions ships
@TheJrade 2 жыл бұрын
Haha I see you saw my thread in the Steam discussions?
@michaelweddle7445 2 жыл бұрын
nice job....keep it up
@GetBrocked 2 жыл бұрын
thanks man
@Tkharbik 2 жыл бұрын
7800 blocks decent heavy armor layering 11.7 million KG of mass 8 heavy arty turrets 4 on each side. 20 medium guns assault guns, and 22 point defense. I was really hoping to know what to classify it. it is capable of flying in 1G. it somewhat fast for its size. I made to catch cruisers and battelship screening.. I ended up with a battleship.I think. unless you have a suggestion. id love to hear them. im really struggling what to call it. (editted) ohh yah, it also has a refinery and an assember. but short on space for crew. 1 large engine and 4 small emergency engines. bad cargo capacity. only one large cargo. 20% of hydrogen capacity from ground zero to leave planet 1G. so it can't stay for too long in atmosphere. fucking hell ive been struggling to find a specification for it for the past days. (eddited..again) i forgot to mention it has 5 docking areas. 1 large exterior landing platform with 4 connectors and 1 hangar 3*3.
@GetBrocked 2 жыл бұрын
It's a Battleship. Or actually by our system, it'd be a Light Battleship
@Tkharbik 2 жыл бұрын
@@GetBrocked fuck x) i wanted it to be a cruiser so bad. well can't be helped.
@Miku-2020 2 жыл бұрын
I know you said it is just made up universe etc. but as everything is based on something. I wonder why Corvette is considered only utility vehicle while real world corvette is smallest classification to warship that is mainly used in patrol. while frigate would be used for stuff like minelaying as corvette is too small for this.
@haydentenno6773 3 жыл бұрын
3:30 what's wrong with french names ? just to clarify yourself
@GetBrocked 3 жыл бұрын
just a small joke about how many French based names we use in the english language that don't really behave with standard pronunciation conventions
@gerv962 Жыл бұрын
Is your ship classification and rules document available?
@GetBrocked Жыл бұрын
on the discord.
@harozuken 2 жыл бұрын
in your server do you allow for automated drones and/or printed fighters?
@GetBrocked 2 жыл бұрын
typically no. On the survival bits we do. But those are more events, and not the norm
@GStarMan8844 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the great video, would it be possible to see a spreadsheet of all your server metrics for ship class, allowable block count weapon points, weapon types and price? I would like to use something similar for my server.
@GetBrocked 2 жыл бұрын
it's all on the discord. Join up, and check the outland specific channels.
@iitim2152 4 ай бұрын
I mean im using a star destroyer replica as a dreadnaught multiroll destroyer with light carrier capacity....
@TheRezro 2 ай бұрын
ISD is literally an Assault Ship.
@exchatche5823 2 жыл бұрын
I don't suppose you have any carriers in the works? Obviously, they'd have to be pretty big, and you'd need pilots for the bomber/fighter squads, but it could shake things up a bit. I also know very little about the game, as I just found out about it, so maybe it's not really an option
@GetBrocked 2 жыл бұрын
we do, there's about 3. 1 deployed. Ill eventually put out a video.
@exchatche5823 2 жыл бұрын
@@GetBrocked I'm disappointed in youtube for not giving me a notification that you responded, I'll have to dig around the settings for a bit. That sounds pretty dope to me. I came back here to say I quite like your ship classifications. I plan to use it as a general guide to the ships I build going forward. There's a tabletop mini game called Firestorm Armada, and I plan to make those, starting with Terran ships. They look dope imo, but I have no idea how effective they'd be in combat
@zatoby6705 2 жыл бұрын
Can you do a video on fighters in your server?
@odd_bobble9106 2 жыл бұрын
Isn’t everything technically a submarine?
@SofiaGaming006 9 ай бұрын
@brucecrockett1507 2 жыл бұрын
Carriers 😈
@DaRoach5882 2 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know where to get the mod for the awesome space background?
@vitheragingappleiv7855 2 жыл бұрын
I feel I build to small lol
@davethm75 Жыл бұрын
block as in length or block as in count of each item or block as in volume? because a beacon can be 1 block technically because you assemble it as 1 item. then you have as 2 blocks in length or is it 2 blocks in volume? just curious
@CaptainRhodor Жыл бұрын
Total block count. A 9000 block long battleship would be insane XD
@davethm75 11 ай бұрын
@@CaptainRhodor now is that just blocks alone or is that all things you can interact with as well?
@CaptainRhodor 11 ай бұрын
@@davethm75 The overall block count in the info tab. Armor, guns, systems, etc.
@davethm75 11 ай бұрын
@@CaptainRhodor ah ok. I'm making a USS Wisconsin hull with gun capability of the USS Texas. They are my favorite ships irl lol
@CaptainRhodor 11 ай бұрын
@@davethm75 Are you a member of the Discord?
@Nathouuuutheone 3 жыл бұрын
The intro is very confusing. I thought it was the video, a silent video with weird shots of ships with vague names in the corner
@ninjawizard7021 2 жыл бұрын
your 'cruisers' are frigates at top, the size discrepance is huge, i think you guys limit the size for a more stable battle play, idk, but def off scale
@GetBrocked 2 жыл бұрын
we're not trying to imitate real life scales. We've implemented a system where the largest ships that work in a 5v5 /6v6setting is ~10k blocks All ships are predicated off of that as the Battleship
@blisteringstars 2 жыл бұрын
step 1: completely disregard this guide and have 5km corvettes
@CaptainRhodor 2 жыл бұрын
Step 2: Permanently brick your PC by setting your motherboard on fire trying to make a light destroyer
@cron1807 2 жыл бұрын
Worse part of the server is people not using carriers imo.
@CaptainRhodor 2 жыл бұрын
With how powerful and robust the AA on all the ships is, fighters are virtually useless. They get ripped to shreds long before entering effective firing range, and eat up precious performance. Much more efficient to use full warships.
@professionalmoron2388 Жыл бұрын
Any carriers?
@TheRezro 7 ай бұрын
Escort Carrier is small ship caring a wing of fighters. Fleet Carriers is large ships what should be capable of moving several dozens fighters or/and few gunboats. Battle Carrier is stupid. Carrier Cruiser is a Cruiser with own dedicated fighter escort. Take a note that every ship type can have hangar, until it is less then 1/3 of its capacity. Without reclassification.
@laureeeeeeeeeeeeeeen 2 жыл бұрын
Got a modlist I can look at somewhere? I want some of these parts I see.
@GetBrocked 2 жыл бұрын
it's on the discord. The main ones you see are liked tiered engines, and AWP
@jakesafford237 3 жыл бұрын
anyone have any idea witch skybox this is?
@toothedacorn4724 2 жыл бұрын
Given you say historically speaking for your battlecrusier definition, it's an incorrect definition, HMS Hood was a battlecruiser the same with the splendid cats and various German battlecrusier, her hull was not cruiser in anyway, what you describe is a super cruiser, alaskas, invincibles and indefatigables. designed specifically and exclusively to engage cruisers with large calibre artillery, battlecruisers are faster battleships, a slight trade off of armour or guns for more speed though those trade offs do not bring them down to cruiser levels. Whatever you want to define a battle cruiser as in universe go for, but the historical definition you gave is incorrect
@thatrandomguycommenting1261 3 жыл бұрын
I have my own ship class for my uploaded bp for ships larger than a battle ship and smaller than a capital i call them warbirds. Meant for last resort im loosing so fk you situations lol
@cawfeecatt1553 3 жыл бұрын
have you guys been using weaponcore?
@GetBrocked 3 жыл бұрын
nope. Don't plan to, at least for the next season or two.
@cawfeecatt1553 3 жыл бұрын
@@GetBrocked you should it allows battleships with 1.0 sim speed projectiles which makes a massive difference in combat
@GetBrocked 3 жыл бұрын
@@cawfeecatt1553 I've considered weaponcore. We may do it one day. For now we're keeping it to as close to as vanilla as possible
@noahosborne6454 2 ай бұрын
Um actually, uhhhhh, boats
@raxamonbathory8633 2 жыл бұрын
Ohhhh you only allow 4 fixed emplacements, THIS is why I don't see broadside engagements on your streams. Thats a shaaaame...fixed guns require way more piloting skill to get on point, and have much less server impact. You allow me to build you a broadside cruiser with more than 4 fixed guns, and I'll fly you to victory! Tell you what, you let me have nothing but fixed guns, and I'll make you a design with only piddly pea shooter point defense weapons meant to shake flies (IE: shooting down missiles is their only purpose)! Course by the looks of the mod, what yall have for fixed guns seems....awful limited...1000mm and 1500mm only.
@GetBrocked 2 жыл бұрын
we have more, 220mm fixed for example. Just, in practice. Broadsides have been tried, and they end up pretty ineffective. Most ships have completely moved away from fixed weapons.
@thelostcause7983 17 күн бұрын
Bro had a 90 second intro😅🤦‍♂️
@mrp782 2 жыл бұрын
2 mins into the video, everything's wrong!!!! What are you talking about?!?!? Lol jk
@jarvensucksballslolo 2 жыл бұрын
I wish these server settings were part of the base game....
@ceilyurie856 3 жыл бұрын
All these designs are...mediocre to me. ANd number of thrusters make me think soem of these pilots aren't sure how to fly and spend a lot of time in combat adjusting position finely. "Only light Battleships are allowed." Ah, Washington Treaty type eh? I woulda already broken yer treaty, lol.
@GetBrocked 3 жыл бұрын
we're all learning. The "treaty" part is more of a artificial limitation. You couldn't break it because I would just not green light the ship. A lot of people are stumped actually on taking their ships to the next level. Since you obviously have better, hmu. Might give my guys some inspiration on what to do next .
@ceilyurie856 3 жыл бұрын
@@GetBrocked I don't ahve the game. But I was wonderign why the destroyers don't use dual cannons, or why they don't try the "all or nothing" armor approach. You don't need to armor the entire craft, jsut certain parts. I'm just somebody with an eye for design. ALso the Dreadnought and super dreadnaughts eliminate the cruiser-sized gun battery. And the Light and Heavy cruiser are fully viable against battleships in formations if they have torpedoes... I'd ahve to get the game and see what ya got available for weapons.
@admiralmallard7500 3 жыл бұрын
@@ceilyurie856 You dont even have the game and youre commenting on how it should be balanced? Space engineers combat is comparable in very few ways to real life.
@GetBrocked 3 жыл бұрын
​@@ceilyurie856 Torpedoes aren't really a weapon. you can make PMW (essentially tiny remote controlled fighters) but we don't allow that due to lag. As mentioned the the destroyers are allowed armor cores. And most have fully armored cores at minimum Destroyer cant use duel barrels because we don't allow them too. It's a artificial balance thing. There are no structural penalties. you can theoretically put a MAC/ main battery on a fighter if you want. We have artificial rules to create a fun dynamic. Why not armor the whole ship if able? There are serious benefits. IRL: The major powers only transitioned to citadel/armored cores only once speed began being impacted. In space, with incredibly powerful thrust/weight ratios. This is not remotely an issue. Especially with how this game is designed. Of course cruisers are viable in formation. No one said it wasn't. It's just not ideal. They were never designed to slug it out with battleships. Go read some history. Plenty of cruisers, destroyers, etc. Have torperdos. But the hit rate was dismal at the ranges a Battleship fight would take place at. Even destroyers struggled to get close enough where hits were remotely likely. I hope that cleared things up.
@CMTechnica 3 жыл бұрын
It's interesting to see how my ship design philosophy nearly mirrors that of yours for our servers, which interests me deeply Corvettes don't see much use outside of large range recon and escort missions, and it's usually these ones that get designated the "hero" ship. They only get one normal weapon slot, but they have 2 PDC slots, 3 of the ship is unmounted with an FTL drive. I guess the modlist is to blame here, but fighters don't see any real use since the "meta" is shifted to PDCs over most other weapons. Dropships have weapons, but they're dropships to begin with. It's a big rule that "main guns" can't target small ships, and PDCs can't target large ships (but players, missiles and small ships are fair game) Destroyers are in the same boat as Corvettes, with the only real difference being they get a +1 to main guns and PDCs Cruisers are the smallest ship type that can have a shuttle bay, which everyone has utilized so far. They get a +2 to both weapon types, with the addition of normal/heavy cruisers mounting MACs in place of the shuttle bay Battlecruisers are a step up with a +4, and they get both MACs and a shuttle bay Battleships... don't really exist with my rule set. This is in part to the modlist, and the fact that the obvious weapon of choice for BBs can reach out to 60km, shredding heavy armor and vaporizing light armor. It's for this reason the entire class was turned into the battlestation, which is the only class capable of mounting said weapon, a whopping +1 to the ultra heavy main gun, but a +10 to PDCs Without fighters, Carriers don't see any use either. The class was changed out for Support ships, which have the ability to allow ships unable to dock at stations to dock with itself. This little oversight came to be when we realized none of us had adopted standardized docking patterns, so a large portion of ships were unable to dock at stations if they were cruisers or larger This has the benefit of making support ships the most prized possession of a faction that has one, because there's only one, and they only get that one because they don't have many (or any) station compatible ships It's also temporary: combat happens often enough that a standardized docking pattern has to be agreed upon, or these factions will push themselves into a self-checkmate, which is always interesting to see play out
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