Lakiaro update was a SH*T, please buff more. Also better rewards for Dungeons and realease the last dungeon. fulfill the promises PA make in his ball and banquet.
NA/EU here. Over 4 months ago you did the worst nodewar rework in the history of this game. It had the most people unhappy about it and the most guilds leaving the game or retiring from nodewars because of it. It basically killed nodewars above tier 1. Now you are saying it will take you two more months to bring old system back but only for uncapped. At that point you will be half a year late. Who is going to play it? Those people left because you ignored them for too long. Whoever is responsible for pvp related content and especially that nodewar rework just give up, resign and let someone else do your job because you people have been successfully sabotaging pvp in this game the last few months if not years. You have no idea what you are doing and you are too stubborn to listen to feedback. Give up. Let someone else do it.