don’t forget me | The Women Of Doctor Who

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5 жыл бұрын

“...and for one moment… for one shining moment… she was the most important woman in the whole wide universe.” - The Doctor - ‘Journey’s End’.
Special thanks to the KZbinrs within this video.
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The Crimson Horror / The Last Cyberman - Nightmare in Silver / The Name of the Doctor/ The Day of the Doctor / The Time of the Doctor
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Doctor Who
Wiliam Hartnell - First Doctor / 1st
Patrick Troughton - Second Doctor / 2nd
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Peter Davison - Fifth Doctor / 5th
Colin Baker - Sixth Doctor / 6th
Sylvester McCoy - Seventh Doctor / 7th
Paul McGann - Eighth Doctor / 8th
John Hurt - War Doctor / 8.5th
Christopher Eccleston - Ninth Doctor / 9th
David Tennant - Tenth Doctor / 10th
Matt Smith - Eleventh Doctor / 11th
Peter Capaldi - Twelfth Doctor / 12th
Billie Piper - Rose Tyler
Freema Agyeman - Martha Jones
Catherine Tate - Donna Noble
Karen Gillan - Amy Pond
Arthur Darvill - Rory Williams
Jenna-Louise Coleman - Clara / Oswin
Alex Kingston - River Song / Melody Pond
Caitlin Blackwood - Amelia Pond
Frances Barber - Madame Kovarian
The National Television Awards
Meanwhile in the TARDIS
Time / Space
Death is the Only Answer
Good as Gold
Ultimate Trailer
50th Anniversary
The Weeping Angels
The Fields of Trenzalore
The Fall of the Eleventh
The First Question

Пікірлер: 46
@esthergabriella8722 3 жыл бұрын
This got me so emotional these women were the role models of Doctor Who before 13 and they were the best 😭
@ggproductions6269 5 жыл бұрын
Hello people! I would first of like to say I am not against the idea of a women taking over from the role of the Doctor at all, I just believed that a lot of the strong female characters in Doctor Who were being overlooked about how the way they have influenced their female audience. That even though they weren’t the star character (even though they sought of were), they changed so much about women in the media. Hope you enjoyed watching this video as much as I loved editing it. Let me know your opinions :))
@mantra4ia 5 жыл бұрын
I agree with your take. I am excited to see what Jodie does with the role, but at the same time I feel like people who are only focused on her impact in the title role have forgotten or underplay the importance of other strong female characters in relation to the the Doctor as equally relevant.
@ggproductions6269 5 жыл бұрын
@@mantra4ia couldnt have said it better :))
@JDEhlert 5 жыл бұрын
What? This is perfect. And honestly, I think that, when it comes to the new Doctor, it will be the companions she calls on in spirit when things are the hardest.
@enorth7301 5 жыл бұрын
@ayayla7846 5 жыл бұрын
AWESOME VID. I missed the Classic Who women though (I mean more scenes). For the time, they were quite impactful. And no, I have not forgotten. And Jodie is a fantastic Doctor!
@milenaz4475 3 жыл бұрын
im sorry, BUT WHEN RIVER HIT THAT ✨REGEN✨ AT THE BASS DROP... i fuckin lost it
@lucymatthews2424 5 жыл бұрын
I loved this concept and video so much and 100% agree with you with the idea that 13 isn’t the first female role model in the show - she’s just one of many xx
@StillJustDreaming 5 жыл бұрын
"I'm easily worth two men. You can help too if you'd like" 2:09 Amy at her fierce and sassy best
@zowho 5 жыл бұрын
aaah!! that was very well edited haha loved it! can't wait to see jodie and it felt very nice to see all those badass moments again!
@myfavoritesutube1 5 жыл бұрын
Sarah Jane Smith!
@laura_gieger 5 жыл бұрын
Oi! This video needs more likes! I completely agree with you! Because there are soo many strong female characters people like to overlook! I'm really excited for Jodie's Doctor but never will I forget the strong female characters that appeared throughout the history of the show! Good work :)
@meglivsss 5 жыл бұрын
absolutely love this!! excited to see what this new season brings
@Sammy-fe7eb 5 жыл бұрын
@Buffy-ou9go 5 жыл бұрын
It's actually funny how people criticise Moffat and call him a exist when he produced some of the best female companions, even the female villains were portrayed as independent, which is a long way off what Barbara and Susan were back in 1963
@mrdoctorgilmore 5 жыл бұрын
Barbara really? Susan definitely but Barbara is a great character. She's shown to be strong and independent in stories like Edge of Destruction where she saves the day or The Aztecs. Not to mention Vicki and Sara who were also fantastic.
@Buffy-ou9go 5 жыл бұрын
@@mrdoctorgilmore yea but in some stories she was written poorly
@Buffy-ou9go 5 жыл бұрын
@@mrdoctorgilmore such as in the Rescue
@mrdoctorgilmore 5 жыл бұрын
True, but it's a double edged sword, some times great sometimes terrible, the same can be said for several companions old and new.
@shakes1026 4 жыл бұрын
@joshchannel3389 5 жыл бұрын
Great video shows how amazing the female companions have been in the past ☺️, even if the doctor is now female she still has a female companion so it’s all girl power now lol
@svenjawei7710 5 жыл бұрын
Great Work.... but you forgot the important woman.... the Tardis Sexy1😝
@harleyhartley3168 5 жыл бұрын
I love this sm it’s art but why would you count Jenny and queen Nefertiti as new who companions but not Sarah even when none of them would be there without her
@ggproductions6269 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I did include Sarah Jane Smith, not as much as I had wanted too. Just cause I aimed to include a veriaty of female companions :))
@ruthalber6169 5 жыл бұрын
, how can I forget the women of Doctor Who they were quite amazing women Rose Martha Donna Amy Clara Jackie her mother Rose's mother Martha's mother which personally reminded me of Cruella Deville if I wanted to smack her in the Coupe DeVille Queen Elizabeth guest starred but still a woman Cole I'm all right with that and some pretty new ones to yes is the 13th doctors what companion girlfriend whatever I'm sorry I'm just not into women on women Romance I'm sorry I haven't evolve that far yet and I pray don't thanks but no forgot about River forgot about River because she bored me to death yeah she might as well have been the 9th doctor's companion because she board me like he did got it he ever bore me I said oh God that the 9th doctor ever bore me oh good lord help I also remember can't remember what that lady's name was but she was the villainesses said oh for Queen and country was doing my duty. Duty girl or should I say dirty villain girl the turn into a cyber girl Monica saber bich and countless other ones but I can't remember all of them I'm probably don't want to either not to mention the men of Doctor Who don't forget about the men of Doctor Who like the doctor Mickey Alfred Pete Captain Jack Hardy sorry Jack hardest sorry that's a hard game for me to pronounce sorry Belgian there have the doctor does so few that himself so don't say you don't I seen the bloopers you do actually I enjoy the bloopers the outtakes that are fun they're funny and the doctor does a lot of bantering plus the mass of dogs that do you remember them Harriet Jones prime minister former prime minister I have a question their dock what would have been the words you would have used and she had challenge 2 here's a few that I speculated maybe you would have said you're an old grumpy old fart or you haven't gotten laid in over a month neither have you doctor or maybe you have brunette girl in the fireplace which person I'd rather not remember her because she's a tramp home-wrecking bimbo Interstellar home-wrecking bimbo Sarah Jane remember to her definitely remember her Miss some things are worth losing her heart for good Lord that's like saying okay Rose just go jump off a building yeah that's not going to hurt no that would hurt doctors no saint but he is good-looking mr. All about his looks brother he's not Mark Hamilton from Star Wars you know he's not drum Loop he's not Patrick Stewart who played on Star Trek the Next Generation as Captain John Luc Picard what does the French name French last name by the way no one understands that I on Zeke rap and if it does mean let's go just say let's go like a normal person
@mrdoctorgilmore 5 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't call Amy a good role model. The way she treated Rory was just awful. Same for Clara, faced no consequences and made everyone deal with her problems. Props for using classic who companions though.
@karmaispsycho5878 5 жыл бұрын
I agree, but i do love them as characters. Not necessarily as people, but as characters
@karensoto7843 4 жыл бұрын
They all had their faults. Even though Amy is my first and favorite companion, I can see her faults and still love her . They all had something they could be criticized for. If they were perfect, they wouldn’t be as interesting (in my opinion).
@ruthalber6236 3 жыл бұрын
Matt Smith akd 11th doctor let me give you a little knowledgeable history Billie Piper's character Rose followed the Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleston so that statement you just made is full of crap not to mention you also about the Tenth Doctor all the way to Journeys in which house are being trapped in a parallel universe so part of that statement you just made those complete Interstellar bulshit
@ruthalber6236 3 жыл бұрын
Let's just say that the women of Doctor Who all of them from Rose down to Billy we're not as fragile as the doctor thought that's the problem with men they underestimate us what's means they are in for a world of a surprise and pleading the doctor's own daughter showed him that she was not as fragile as he thought she was shame on you doctor sexist never thought that until now the women of Doctor Who are more Brave than that doctor is wow who would have known
@MichaelM28 5 жыл бұрын
R.I.P Doctor Who 1963 - 2017
@karmaispsycho5878 5 жыл бұрын
@ruthalber6169 5 жыл бұрын
Brianna Rose milliyet pain and all of them are badasses I don't really know that much about actually Rivers quite forgettable Rivers not even worth remembering sorry I just was not a big River Band she can even have a river band but I still wouldn't be a fan
@enorth7301 5 жыл бұрын
Say goodbye to great female characters! Chibnall doesn't have the wit to write them. Even a great actress like Jodie can't carry Chibnall's witless writing as evident from the leaked clip already!
@iagree4686 5 жыл бұрын
The prophecy is true.
@RebeccaCampbell1969 5 жыл бұрын
nonsensical video... we don´t know anything about this Doctor yet, yet we know how bad the previous one (or two?) were written. Celebrating what doesn't exist is propaganda, and as such it's a complete fallacy... just stop, don't make me hate the show more than I already do, they betrayed the fans... the fans that are crossing our fingers for this new one, woman or man or monster. Can't people understand simple arguments like this one? Oh well, another show lost to marxism? I hope not
@ggproductions6269 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your opinion, but I believe this video was made to celebrate the history of the show and the strong women behind it. Not to celebrate the upcoming changes :))
@harleyhartley3168 5 жыл бұрын
Hun casting a woman as the doctor isn’t betraying the fans as actually the majority of them are pro it apart from the middle aged men in the fandom who probs aren’t actually fans they just think women existing is PC gone made xx
@iagree4686 5 жыл бұрын
@@harleyhartley3168 chibnalls writing sucks ass
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