Titanforge Podcast 205 - The State of Raiding w/ Dobi

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Titanforge WOW

Titanforge WOW

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@beallis2k8 7 ай бұрын
with the tooth situation, the longer dratnos's beard gets, the more like an old-timey prospector he looks.
@moridyn6501 7 ай бұрын
Perfect cosplay for when Delves hit
@casualonemmo-player2167 7 ай бұрын
Its amazing how just one tooth can make such a difference: "he aged like 20 years + looks like a homeless addict". :) *it sucks loosing a tooth :( Here in norway it costs 2 to 2,5 k usd to get a single new one (*implant*).
@Joel1031 7 ай бұрын
One of the other issues w/ comp restriction is that it has a daisy-chain effect. We had to replace our warrior who left, so we swapped our DK to Warrior. But because of grips on Fyrakk, we then swapped an Enh Shaman to DK to make it less of a headache. So it's not just one person having to change classes in some cases - it's several.
@Belugafishcat 7 ай бұрын
When it comes to raidbuffs, maybe make it more like healers bring fortitude. mage, lock and so on brings int. warr dh brings shout. Hunter, and feral brings wild. Ofc there is a lot of other classes that need to be grouped up. But to make it more easy, healers fort, tanks shout, dps more class and lore based raid buffs
@motiveation1 7 ай бұрын
You need to invite people that are not as hardcore as you. The Q&A answers are mostly looking at what the hardcore players want. Every non hardcore player probably wants 10 man mythic(similar to ice crown 10 hardcore modes you can activate).
@oktyno 7 ай бұрын
guys when you think about what can change in the game don't be limited in your thoughts. because often times it seems like you trap yourself into the exciting concept of how the game works rn and you carefully just making a small step aside from that concept instead of making a leap. everything which currently exists in the game can be and work entirely different. it's a fucking game. we are playing it to get joy and entertainment, turn on your imagination
@Hofimaniac 7 ай бұрын
People can't imagine a better future in real life; why would they have this ability for a game? They are not revolutionaries
@deesul4134 7 ай бұрын
I love knowing that my skill can be showcased and I can compete with the best players because of Skill and not IL. My best friends and I stay in the same guild and I can compete at the highest level. Adding end of tier loot thats BIS encourages me to leave all my friends and the fun guild im in with all my lifelong IRL friends for another guild because I'm more competitive. All that feels terrible just to reward less that 1% of the community. Buff the 1% of the community and the 99% gets a worse experience. no bueno
@Sykretts 7 ай бұрын
World first should have absolutely no implications/effects on the game in general whatsoever. People forget what the race actually started as and why it started receiving the attention it now gets. The public attention is actually what's causing the raid encounter design team to make raids more and more complex, because they want a good public image for themselves put forth through streams with viewers totaling upwards of 200-250k. The day they even started giving any thought to the Race is the day they started failing the wider raiding community. Worst part? They have yet to realize it. Mythic raiding needs to change from the ground up, with the most basic of its aspects needing the fix first and foremost - Accessibility. As long as mythic raiding remains this inaccessible to the players who were once taking part in it back in MoP/WoD & Legion, raiding as a whole is just eventually going to rot and die out, like PvP is these days.
@Melodeath00 7 ай бұрын
Pretty sure Tomb of Sargeras is still one of the raids with the lowest kill counts before the next tier they ever made, and it was so hard that it still comes up in the conversation about hardest raids of all time. Mythic raiding really wasn't any more accessible back then...
@goodthings7317 7 ай бұрын
Why should the player base problems affect the game? What I’m talking about is the race to world first is 10000% a player issue. Yes players should be challenged, but the ego of world 1st, or world top 100 should not affect the same game I play. The heroic splits is a you problem as in the fact of you place those standards on yourself. Players should accept that there might, just maybe, be content you can’t do. Or that it might take you more than a day, week, month, ect, to clear content or the opposite that it might be cleared in just 1 day. Because you are good at the game
@lovelywaz 7 ай бұрын
Dropped one right before MDI Global Finals! 👌👌🥂🥂🍻🍻
@mitchellkraemer9099 7 ай бұрын
52:46 I have a 7800x3d, and the fact that tindril was rough for me, even after turning off a lot of things, is a massive problem.
@mk99nc1 7 ай бұрын
Need to bring on a guest that isn't a top 100 world raider 1 trick. Of course they have hardcore raiding takes that very very few can relate to. Need more middle ground representation of the people pushing 25s with friends ~6-9 hours a week and raid Heroic just for gear. Mythic raiding is far too much of a commitment for the aging playerbase
@Tensooni 7 ай бұрын
Imo for balance, if they want to have any extra scaling than they do now, they should make it content exclusive. PVP gear already has its own thing going, then let heroic gear be the cap. Items you get from mythic are higher ilvl, but only inside raid. Items from whatever peak m+ content can be heroic capped, or also only scale higher than heroic while inside dungeons.
@baseboned 7 ай бұрын
delete all raid buffs, delete fort, delete mark, delete chaos brand, delete whatever monk debuff is called, delete ai, I don't care about class stacking
@zebulonbare326 7 ай бұрын
The middle ground is making all raid buffs come from Shaman. Make totems great again!
@motiveation1 7 ай бұрын
The biggest problem is that the top guild while having the best players also do things to gear quicker than the normal or even lower top end guilds. These include: heroic splits to trade loot, buying gold to buy BOEs and building crazy weak auras. This is why the bosses have to be so overturned. Just make RTWF rules that people could not buy BOEs, do heroic splits or use weak auras. This will make RTWF represent what the 80%+ of players experience is in mythic raiding. It will make balancing bosses better. It will also make more guilds participate in RTWF.
@deesul4134 7 ай бұрын
Giving more rewards and more incentives to the end of tier raid bosses actually pushes more people into M+ and removes the desire to Raid. it works the opposite of what you hope for. Adding more end of raid loot that is the bis demotivates everyone who will not kill end of tier bosses to raid. Knowing you will never be able to parse or showcase your skill because a worse player in a higher rated guild will out perform you destroys all incentive.
@raegon7627 7 ай бұрын
I don't agree with this at all. People raid for loot despite people pretending that raiders only care about progression. Dobi's intro told us this clearly, he saw raiders in Epic gear in Ironforge and wanted to get the best gear himself, so he started raiding. Give highest raid gear to the hardest content. Failure to do so will continue to remove the relevancy of that content.
@weedy4518 7 ай бұрын
@@raegon7627 i only play M+ and quit raiding cause i dont like all this commitment, we have a 5man premade grp and we sometimes just skip weeks and play how we feel like, but reducing our ability to push ourself cause we dont have raid gear, which we all had in the past with several CE and top150 Kills feels unfair, yes we would be able to get it but we dont want to besides playing M+, sure we lack gear aswell now but with vaults over time u get gear and having trinkets in heroic (and maybe even rare one with mythic ilvl) is good enough, but pls dont make that gap even bigger
@soulsharts 7 ай бұрын
Wow just doesn't have the player pool that it used to. My guild was dabbling in mythic raids just for fun and got the first 3 bosses down the last 3 tiers, but a big part of why we weren't going further is because of just not having enough people. Almost every week we were short 1-4 people and had to pick up a pug (and it HAD to be from our server because blizz didn't open up cross server mythic raids until later than they should have) to fill the last few spots. It wasn't from a lack of trying to fill the roster out completely, our recruiters had various routes of advertising and just didn't get very many applicants. Given today's pool of players, I think it's time they dropped mythic raiding to a 15 player raid size. I loved 10 man when it was a thing, but that may be too few. IDK, I'd be happy with either 10 or 15 man sized mythic raid going forward, but I'm kind of doubtful they'll do that.
@ironsideeve2955 7 ай бұрын
Why mythic is server locked its beyond me... Seems like some genius came up with that one to justify his job
@billjohnson2307 7 ай бұрын
I agree tho. This is content not everyone is doing and the people who do it is very little. 20 people who will always be there rdy to prog is pretty hard to find so be nice if they did drop it to 15 or 10 man cause i feel thats easier to get then 20 people
@Melodeath00 7 ай бұрын
Recruitment problems is nowhere close to a new issue. It has always been hard to recruit for everybody but the top 200 guilds in the world (random number pulled out of my ass). I'm sure other servers had the same issues even earlier, but on my original server, which had a healthy and faction balanced population for all of Classic and TBC, by the end of WotLK, the Alliance side had shrunk so low that the server could no longer support Alliance raiding, and people either faction changed or server transferred. At the end of Cata, the Horde side had suffered the same fate, and from MoP and onward, my old server never again had a dedicated raiding guild doing Mythic raiding (HC back then). Me and my guild from this server, transferred to one of the most populated servers in Europe at the end of Cata, but by early Legion, this server was also a ghost town that could barely support raiding guilds.
@MrPizzaboy19 7 ай бұрын
This game is more about skill expression than it ever has been. Why does it need to be changed.
@deesul4134 7 ай бұрын
Parsing is such an important aspect for everyone and every guild in the community that your idea about giving all the top .1% of players even more buffs/loot would literally kill the motivation for most the raiding community. I am a skilled player, you know what kills my motivation? When there's no way to move up in rankings because your guild don't have enough time to kill the end of tier bosses.
@PatrickQT 7 ай бұрын
I just want to add. As someone from a casual guild that is 5/9M at the moment. I think its good that the gear from HC + vault is pretty close to full mythic. My Raid is around 485 which is lower than top guilds ofc, but it still feels OK to play the bosses.
@harioas-jm3rk 7 ай бұрын
No doubt this person is a great player and a GM but these takes were something else. Especially the part where he said CE players should unlock a special loot tier. This is the typical selfish WoW player mentality where if your guild is US 67, you advocate for a special reward for the top 67 guilds. But US 66 guild will also similarly say US 67 having that reward is super unfair. I'll come back when the "who can piss the farthest" race is over
@Belugafishcat 7 ай бұрын
And a lot of guilds don’t even have a stable team and pugs the missing spots
@Schizim 7 ай бұрын
If they make mythic raiding 10 man, you’d have a 20% OR GREATER increase in mythic participation
@Bookofscrawls 7 ай бұрын
You can go a long way to fixing the legendary situation by making legendaries buff your whole group, that offsets the rarity downer so just having "someone' with it is a buff to the raid. Also less mindless farming and more lore appropriate stuff, more killing versions of Rag for Fyralath and less superbloom spam - I'd also let people frontload the work so that it's not just "I waited 10 weeks then had to farm for a week"
@jayjays_shed2158 7 ай бұрын
Dobi, great takes. 👍
@anthonytgameaddict 7 ай бұрын
making a stackable raid buff for mythic a couple months into the season would be the healthiest change they could do for raiding. raid buffs dont matter when you have 35% hp, healing and damage. hellscreams buff is a perfect solution and idk why they ever got rid of it
@NicholasAdamsDPM 7 ай бұрын
You could make mythic bosses drop the same loot as heroic bosses. The way the great vault would work is very much like mythic plus where if you killed two/4/8 mythic bosses your great vault would have a Mythic track ilvl loot. This would nerf the raid over time the way it used to with gear. It would also have the same gear progression as mythic plus players.
@NicholasAdamsDPM 7 ай бұрын
One step further. This would not impact the race to world first at all. It may actually make tuning bosses easier because blizzard would know that the item level the first guilds going into the raid would have for the entire first week is at max heroic item level. Loot from mythic would have the mythic transmog appearance so it wouldn’t change how you farm old raids for mogs at a later date.
@Orthus100 7 ай бұрын
I really wonder, is it a required trait of top raiders to be unable to pronounce words properly?
@wintera138 7 ай бұрын
what is tettles talking about? "everything's a damage check" there have been no real dps checks all expansion. every single boss dies when you live to the end of the fight
@Kingston.screams 7 ай бұрын
I do all of my guild recruiting via the discord. We are world 1400 plus or minus
@deesul4134 7 ай бұрын
How about adding an option to Fight a raid boss before or after the nerfs. This would make lower guilds kill more bosses and challenge the best guilds without taking anything away from what you desire
@weedy4518 7 ай бұрын
no one would do pre nerf bosses tbh xD if its not locked to better loot. do u go then into an encounter and choose to kill tindral 1.0? 1.1? 1.2? or maybe 1.3? idk this sounds bad
@Furtivexx 7 ай бұрын
That’s too convoluted. We already have 4 difficulties. I’d rather them nerf mythic. The last few bosses of each tier do not need to be ~6x harder than heroic.
@simppa441 7 ай бұрын
Mythic raiding doesn't need to be immersive and lore accurate, just add a friendly neighbourhood time elemental in front of boss and you can select which version you want to fight. Keep previously nerfed versions available and just make an achievement for each, either number them or make 5-10 tiers that are named a certain way and build a but of redundancy to guarantee that there wont ever be a boss that has to be nerfed more than 10 times or which number of tiers you create.Then you can nerf aggressively but also enable the ultimate raid -style achievement hunting without real rewards.
@Tkzlol 7 ай бұрын
I’m surprised they haven’t just bit off what FFXIV does for raid buffs. It’d be a lot easier to manage. Seeing how each type of class gives a buff (tank,melee,healer,range physical, ranged magic)blizzard could easily alter this to fit a wow theme. The only downside is you might have class stacking to some extent,but you could always limit it to maybe 2 or 3 of one spec in a raid.
@Ermji 7 ай бұрын
Trying to do a Mythic 10 man raid for a patch would be fun tbh. I hope there will be more teams trying to achieve RWF which will be more interesting.
@kristoferandersson6764 7 ай бұрын
Honestly, unless you either state "This is the hardest difficulty, its supposed to be hard.. Beat it or dont" or introduce an m+ like scaling system for raiding "LFM Antorus +12" style that slowly ramps up the difficulty to impossible and guilds setting it themselves I dont see a fix to this. Both of those have alot of more or less obvious flaws, but so does constant nerfing to alot of people. They might have some upside too though, differing depending on implementation (Stays hard.. But maybe only a couple items get a small boost in ilvl, not every item goes up +13 would have a very diffrent upside/downside to Dobi's idea of Stays hard but gives an additional +13 on top of current mythic)
@rokman5000 7 ай бұрын
What if they increase the ilvl gap between the different gear tracks with no overlap? Make each upgrade smaller so the overall ilvl stays closer than having like a 45 ilvl gap between the bottom and top. You still only get heroic eod loot and myth vault loot at a certain key level but it would effectively bring back the weekly nerfing of the mythic bosses for farm.
@Furtivexx 7 ай бұрын
Test the theory of mythic guilds “only caring about prog and finally getting that difficult boss down” by having mythic and heroic ilvl become equivalent. Let’s see where participation lands!
@beallis2k8 7 ай бұрын
For mythic raid gear, I think myth and heroic tracks should cap at the same max ilvl, but mythic raid drops the item at a higher level (say 2/4 myth track). Then, implement a lower aspect crest cap that raises over time (1 upgrade 1st week, 2 upgrades 2nd week, etc.). In this way, crests are the limiting factor, and there is a bonus to mythic raiding (you get gear at a higher ilvl, and have to spend less crests to get to BIS). This would solve many current issues with gearing (no target farming myth track gear in M+, very little nerfing of the raid over time as ilvl goes up, later boss loot in mythic raid being inaccessible).
@MrPizzaboy19 7 ай бұрын
Yee make it easier for guilds to do sale runs!!
@michaelb9683 7 ай бұрын
Yeah not a fan of making mythic raiding more lucrative for top one percent.
@handsomebear. 7 ай бұрын
I don't understand why it's *_"an issue"_* that some (or most) guilds can't kill mythic end bosses... ...even with all the nerfs, the vast majority of raiding guilds can't/couldn't get past more than the first 2-3 mythic bosses. If that. Are they supposed to continue nerfing all bosses until the entire playerbase can clear mythic raids or? Why is the cutoff where it is now? I'm guessing that these guys actually know people in guilds that are struggling with these bosses and therefore they see it as an issue, whereas they don't personally know people from guilds who are struggling with the first 3 mythic or even the heroic end bosses so they don't see that as an issue _(even though there are far more guilds in this camp lol)?_ _I personally think they should leave all bosses on all difficulties unnerfed aside from mistakes or fixing unintended interactions and whatnot, basically things that legitimately needs fixing..._
@weedy4518 7 ай бұрын
if you are stuck on the 4th boss mythic you clearly have alot of ppl not knowing their rotation or they dont have the awareness, but u cant compare that to players who mostly do things right and "beat the game" allready few times by having that awareness and being able to perform your rotation/dps on a high level... guilds being stuck at 4th boss, need other stuff or systems so they can train and get better at the game.
@jneal713 7 ай бұрын
I started playing the day after the game came out in 2004 too. I think a big problem with the game is there are too many people that play now that didn't play back then and they don't know how awesome and fun it used to be before you had to have a million addons and watch 10 videos before going into a raid. You just logged on and got in a raid and had fun. It shouldn't be this min maxed simulator. It should be fun.
@joserobertotrevinosalinas9910 7 ай бұрын
But what if people find min maxing fun?
@jneal713 7 ай бұрын
@@joserobertotrevinosalinas9910 those people are in the minority. The game has never been less popular than it is now when it is min maxed to the limit.
@crutchfield7231989 7 ай бұрын
Less raid buffs 10 man raiding and I would be in love with raiding all over again
@paulbaird219 7 ай бұрын
Today is my birthday, sad news to see you go. Hope to see you guys still making content in the future, and hope to see you in azeroth
@weedy4518 7 ай бұрын
whats the difference of releasing 2 5 boss raids at 2 spots or 1 raid with 10 bosses... u will anyway look to kill the easiest bosses and switch between both 5 boss raids..
@Hofimaniac 7 ай бұрын
Hearing lukewarm takes from top 0.1-1% of players about gear and its accumulation is tiresome. It all boils down to their desire for exclusive items and feeling superior to the other 99% of the player base. At worst, their perspectives could make the game worse for everyone else.
@LiffuvirLiff 6 ай бұрын
the legendary was the best thing ever created, not waiting for all your guild to get their leggo before you could.
@Dooferification 7 ай бұрын
Council fights suck because they always need to die at the same time. A council fight should ramp down or have a good reason they have a spirit link so its fun when it happens not a given
@baseboned 7 ай бұрын
if farm is less rewarding then don't farm. no one is making you play
@weedy4518 7 ай бұрын
maybe u want to stay in your guild but dont want to farm and thats not happening for them, farm should be more easy no doubt
@wm-wl8ws 7 ай бұрын
running the hardest content is hard, who would've thought!
@Khanqor 7 ай бұрын
I honestly don’t think it’s a problem if there is loot off a final mythic boss that people who only play m+ and don’t raid aren’t able to get. And this is coming from someone who only plays m+. Why should m+ players be able to get the same rewards as the people who are spending weeks to months progging a mythic raid with their guild? To me it seems worth the reward, and if someone wants it for m+ they can join a guild and work for the items they want. That’s what this game is built on.
@skakid88 7 ай бұрын
Just make Mythic raiding easier. The first 6 bosses were perfect mythic difficulty. No need to have content in the game at all that takes 500+ pulls to kill a single boss. Most guilds do not want to prog a boss for 2months.
@ВиталийСозонов-ш3ш 7 ай бұрын
Dumb take. Pick a lower difficulty or just clear the first 6 bosses. Why do you feel entitled to cutting edge if you are not good enough? The game should keep giving players challenging content, it's up to players to understand if something is not for them.
@skakid88 7 ай бұрын
@@ВиталийСозонов-ш3ш because of engagement metrics. There are only ~600 guilds that have killed mythic Fyrakk and that's not healthy for the game. With over 10x that amount currently progging either Fyrakk or Tindral. All this does is get people to quit raiding. It has very little to do with how good you are at the game
@skakid88 7 ай бұрын
@@ВиталийСозонов-ш3ш I am currently progging mythic Fyrakk and it took up 564 attempts to kill Tindral. Which is roughly average for all CE guilds. However it's very possible we will run out of time to get CE before the fated season of it takes us about the same amount of time on Fyrakk. The majority of the difficulty comes from the logistics of raiding raiding for the amount of pulls that are required to kill the boss. Specifically this tier having 2 500+ pull count bosses will leave a lot of guilds that typically get CE not able to. Even tho pull counts are average. This means instead of "get better" the actual answer is "raid more"
@ВиталийСозонов-ш3ш 7 ай бұрын
@@skakid88 Yeah I'm not reading anything after "engagement metrics", dumbass phrase for dumbass people.
@skakid88 7 ай бұрын
@@ВиталийСозонов-ш3ш clearly you have a very informed opinion on this topic then
@PharaohofAtlantis 7 ай бұрын
I enjoy raiding a lot more than M+. I want to get 2K, do each new dungeon a few times, and call it good. I dislike needing to repeatedly do M+ for raiding early in the season. I don't have a good solution without reworking the gearing system - again. I do have a cook for it though.
@soulsharts 7 ай бұрын
I'm the same way. I enjoy m+ the first couple of weeks, but after that it becomes a chore that my raid lead requires you run to fill out your vault. I also hate sitting in 20-30 min queues waiting for either a tank, healer, or both to do a m+, it's just not fun.
@Furtivexx 7 ай бұрын
Regarding raid buffs, just remove them. Allow class stacking. I thought it was cool that some guilds wanted to run 5+ boomkins. The player just needs to find a guild that isn’t doing cheese strats like that for some what should be minor gain if blizzard can tune the fight correctly.
@TheKalazar 7 ай бұрын
@ItsYent 7 ай бұрын
Not to call anybody a liar but complaining how the last boss dropping something didn’t massively replace something you got in the same raid is total BS . It’s been like that even since Classic vanilla where you get a BIS item from early in the raid and the item slot that drops off last boss is barely better or even worse.
@Schizim 7 ай бұрын
I find it extremely hard to find mythic guilds recruiting. I play shaman and monk and I can heal and dps on both and tank on the monk. My healing and dps on the shaman is high purple and my dps on the monk is high purple, healing is high blue (I don’t heal on him often so he has 7% haste). I don’t know if there just isn’t enough room in mythic guilds or if I’m just not good enough, though I don’t see many people doing over 200k dps on a ST.
@Furtivexx 7 ай бұрын
Same. The mythic recruiting scene is becoming so self serving. They want players that have already cleared the content and/or only recruit orange parses and above. It’s hard to get your foot in the door
@Schizim 7 ай бұрын
@@Furtivexx i actually havent check my logs but i applied to a mythic guild the other day. im actually more orange than purple in healing and dps on the shaman and dps on the monk. idk, havent heard from them. i did check logs from random top 500 guilds and i am at or above their bottom 1/2 of dpers (i checked their heroic logs vs my heroic logs)
@rhammpy4507 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, just use the lfr buff but you get it each time you kill the mythic boss
@duetobe 7 ай бұрын
I thought this is what the helm enchant was supposed to be, i thought the more bosses we killed the stronger it would get, so they wouldnt have to nerf bosses they would just buff people still at it
@ghost_in_the_system 7 ай бұрын
What if, for upgrading, instead of having set tracks, we just made each piece of gear upgradable 3 times from whatever ilvl it dropped at?
@LATHSPELL70 7 ай бұрын
I see no reason as to why heroic raid needs a lockout. It would make it competitive with M+. I also believe that vault picks out of heroic raid spot should go up to myth tier like m+. Mythic raiders will still obtain loot faster, achieve the end of the raid before others, and have access to better rewards in the short term (and perhaps on last two bosses still). It would be an exceptional change to add tertiaries to an alternative vault reward. Taking a seemingly bis item and being able to add tertiaries would prolong the exciting feeling of the vault AND give players a more deterministic means to an end. It’s quite frustrating as a tank (prot pala) to not have any leech gear at this point, being 3650 io and have killed fyrakk.
@LATHSPELL70 7 ай бұрын
Would removing a lockout remove a ton of splits in RWF?
@roflcopturz 7 ай бұрын
To be honest, who gives a shit about rwf splits@@LATHSPELL70
@LATHSPELL70 7 ай бұрын
@threedoubleyoudotcom751 yeah that would end splits earlier. Nobody wants a tournament realm. RWF is a live realm thing - a player made thing unlike MDI/TGP/AWC. I’m also down for a vendor! Lol. Everyone wants deterministic loot. Imagine if you were upgrading pieces for longer throughout a tier but had access to the gear sooner - essentially what they did with tier.
@rodeo457 7 ай бұрын
@threedoubleyoudotcom751 ?? Why would they make a gear vendor? So what if they farm heroic. They're still putting in efffort. It's not free.
@LATHSPELL70 7 ай бұрын
@threedoubleyoudotcom751 I’d love a vendor and no one wants a tournament realm. 1. Heroic doesn’t need a lockout. I would love have a vendor. 2. I don’t like the tournament realm idea. I don’t think anyone wants that. Simplifying the difficulty system is my solution. Normal for story players, heroic for something in between what heroic and mythic is now, and then a difficultly for RWF players. It’d be simple, if you wanted to compete in RWF (blizzard for example could add an in game leaderboard) you would do this difficulty. I think adding transmogs, titles, and mounts exclusive to the raid difficulty is perfect. 3. Make the RWF mode and heroic mode evergreen content. I think it would be really cool during prog to go back and complete old content, achieving an AOTC mount for example. CE/AOTC are bad for the game in my opinion. There are a lot of players that say “I wish I played during legion” for things like mage tower weps/ challenge mode as an example. If they kept content difficult and meaningful, who cares if people go back and conquer content 10-15 years later? Why should new players never experience the excitement of killing the Lich King or Illidian in a 25 man raid or flex system?
@jefjon423 7 ай бұрын
Mythic raiding is not hard for the right reasons. Nothing about the individual mechanics in any of these fights are particularly difficult to pull off. There is just too many fucking people and they make it so if one person fucks up, the fight is usually over on most late raid bosses. You end up just sitting around for 15 hours waiting for everyone to not fuck up collectively. If you aren't part of your guilds "core" or social group its absolutely exhausting.
@jefjon423 7 ай бұрын
There are also so many fights where i feel like my HPS or DPS is pretty much irrelevant to the boss fight. I know not everyone shares this opinion but I vastly prefer fights like rashok and terros where the mechanics are simple but deadly, and you actually need to push your class to its limit to keep the raid alive or kill the boss before an enrage, and it feels like we get maybe one of those in each raid.
@thechartech 7 ай бұрын
I think blizz is forcing the comp to also make tuning easier. If they know your comp already they can just tune around that. Not that it's better but it's a possible reason.
@ragnarmcorcy 7 ай бұрын
The reason I'm glad they don't make it where you have to mythic raid to be relevant. Else, those who have to work a job and live life can be relevant in wow without having to play 12 hours a day 7 days a week.
@wowsew 7 ай бұрын
Progging mythic Fyrakk right now, and this is a great episode. gg guys
@RobertWinkky 7 ай бұрын
I would like to see mechanics not always one shot but definitely add like a damage debuff when you get hit along with taking deadly damage next time you get hit. Your dps losing 50% damage for 30 seconds will teach them mechanics fast!
@zumzici1234 7 ай бұрын
Strongly disagree on the topic of being harder to make mechanics feel engaging for a smaller number of people by Dratnos. Quite the contrary, having less people can enable machanics to engage every single player and make them feel impactful. I mean look at ff14, they raid in 8 people and the mechanics are way more impactful and engaging that than WOW.
@Treefee 7 ай бұрын
That's my GM 😍. Great episode, lads
@deesul4134 7 ай бұрын
sorry for all the comments I just was commenting as the show went on. last comment lol sorry
@Banjoofdeath 7 ай бұрын
Tune mythic lower and cap Ilvl in mythic until the world first kill
@Delebriel 7 ай бұрын
REintroduce the weekly +5% dmg and healing increase that can be turned on and off, but tie it to Realm First Mythic clear unlock, like the legendaries. There can be an achievement for killing it without to not ruin parse and prog guild mentality. Warcraftlogs would have separate logs for ON/OFF and much more people would be able to experience mythic raiding with the feature.
@Heyitsfreddy 7 ай бұрын
Do the raid additional gear tier thing AND make it unlock at 3.5k M+ rating.
@billjohnson2307 7 ай бұрын
Council of Blood from Castle nathria & The 9 from SoD are the only 2 council fights i actually dont mind but i agree council fights absolutely suck. they are so boring and just a fight id rather just do once and never do it again.
@PossiblyJustARandomGuy 7 ай бұрын
So you don’t want to be forced to do mythic plus to raid, but you want better gear to be locked behind raid, forcing mythic plus players to raid? Surely you see the hypocrisy.
@ItsYent 7 ай бұрын
Basically what this guys issues are is he doesn’t like doing the things you need to do to be the TOP .01% which is entirely his choice . People who WANT to be the best SHOULD have to put in MORE effort than the casual person. For the casual player that are struggling with Normal or AOTC these issues he’s bringing up are actually benefits . In a bad guild that struggling to kill normal or heroic ? Few good players can farm M+ and other things to improve their character and help carry the load. I hate this mindset “oh I’m trying to be apart of the best top .01% however it’s really hard and time consuming can we please nerf this cuz it’s not fun”
@nmc400 7 ай бұрын
Th problem is tunning raids for rwf players who are like the top 0.01% and spend all day playing for money instead for the general playerbase who are all middle aged dudes with jobs or famiies.
@u3pyg 7 ай бұрын
Raid buffs are easy solution: Ele sham - Fire skin totem - vers Dev evo - Int buff Surv hunt - Stamina buff etc etc
@ironsideeve2955 7 ай бұрын
No. No fuckin totem.
@peterjenkins3423 7 ай бұрын
But Patchwork wants to play!!!
@ztormur6504 7 ай бұрын
i think getting a buff from killing the end boss on mythic would work. this buff would be 5% damage and healing increase on the current seasons raid encounters, stacking up to 3 or 4 times and lasting through the season. i imagine this would eleviate the tediousness of farm for the top raiders. it would also be visable to other players so you could show off a little bit in the main hub city.
@dommguard 7 ай бұрын
At 1hour! Tettles! I'M NOT DOWN FOR THAT. Fuck us rogues, eh? There's no way blizz created a rogue only legendary...
@eonarose 7 ай бұрын
The farm issue is even worse for heroic guilds. You get heroic item level gear from M+ long before you even get to Fyrakk. So a lot of people get burned out on progression or don’t see the point in staying in the raid once they’ve got that gear. Imo the way to fix this is to put a cap on the amount of gear you can get per week from end of dungeon chests and add more deterministic ways to get specific pieces that’s timegated. Also this is really only a problem for top guilds but find a way to stop heroic split runs. As for making farm easier, I vote we bring back the legendary ring from HFC. Who doesn’t love killing bosses in less than a minute? Also FF14 has a good answer to binary mechanics. When you get hit by a mechanic, you don’t die the first time, instead you get a debuff that increases the damage you take, so the next time it happens you do die. It’s still binary but it gives a bit more wiggle room.
@Alurin93 7 ай бұрын
To me it really feels like back in the days each mythic kill had some worth, guild would be separated rankings depending on being x/9, y/9, z/9, 9/9. Now, to me, it looks like Blizzard wants every guild trying to do mythic seriously full clear it.
@gala5000 7 ай бұрын
imo lfr just needs to be removed it serves no purpose and it deters people from raiding, normal is easy enough and its easy to get into a normal raid. normal also needs to give cosmetics that are not similar to heroic and mythic. that feeling of seeing someone with juiced gear doesnt exist cause some of the lfr colors are better.
@Drew71707 7 ай бұрын
Hellscreams warsong sounds nice, but ultimately there’s still a problem in this game that my guild (and a TON of late CE guilds) don’t need numbers buffs, we need an IQ buff to our raid every week to get through these wild bosses.
@johnthebarbarian 7 ай бұрын
Cant believe you managed to get adobe acrobat on the pod!
@ThrallsHammer 7 ай бұрын
The current gearing system ISNT good. It just manages to not displease anyone. It is the most dull and boring gearing system the game has ever had, and it does not allow for anyone to actally outgear content. So both the chase is boring, and the gear doesnt even provide any benefit, since Mythic raiding is balanced around full tier and almost maxed ilvl. A lot of the takes in this vid were completely out of touch with reality. Look at the clear rates, barely anyone raids M anymore. Its a disaster.
@JpDeltell 7 ай бұрын
I hear a lot of complaining and not a lot of solutions. My philosophy in life is that if you can't make something better, just accept it and don't spend your energy whining about it 🤷‍♂️
@TooMuchTuna7 7 ай бұрын
Good way to live life. More people should follow that
@hr329085 7 ай бұрын
This is the dumbest take I've heard in a while. If you don't point out the mistakes then they'll never get fixed. It's not the player's job to fix the game.
@wowcnmovie 7 ай бұрын
Easy solve, they can make final boss drop item can attach to gear with additional attributes like leech, movement speed etc.
@nickyfredriksson9436 7 ай бұрын
get lockout like hc so you can ez get a pug
@northik5045 7 ай бұрын
Personally, the upgrade system is great, but i think the gap between hero and myth track gear is too small. Thus making farm less rewarding. In the past, a jump in difficulty was 13 ilvl, but now it’s 6. As a member of a raid team that aim for 50% mythic kill, we started mythic and some loot were already pass by everyone. That being said, if increasing the gap from hero to myth track fix raid gear, it is bad for m+ player…
@tttt-dx2nu 7 ай бұрын
dookies volume was too low, couldnt watch
@cody5495 7 ай бұрын
The game was dead to me when augmentation was added it's so stupid I just hate it
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