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God's Name In Hebrew Is Yahweh (YHWH): Jesus Is The Singular Person of Yahweh Incarnate As Saviour

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Shattering False Foundations

Shattering False Foundations

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After learning about the numerical singularity of God's being (His Person), we can now look more deeply at His name Yahweh (YHWH) in Hebrew. But first we need to define what a "person" is. When I use the term "Person" with regards to God, I am referring to a conscious rational being. So God would be considered a person who is divine. Angelic beings would be considered angelic persons. Human beings would be considered human persons. God is a divine Spirit and that is His Person (His Being). This video series has established so far that the Father who's name is Yahweh is the only Person of God that exists.
In this video it will be shown how denying that God's name is Yahweh is to some degree denying that God's name is Jesus since the name Jesus means Yahweh has become our salvation. There are many people who believe that we must pronounce God's name in Hebrew perfectly or else we are taking the name of the LORD in vain. But this is a flawed understanding to have. God's name is associated with His very Person. When we read Proverbs 18:10 we learn that the name of the LORD (Yahweh) is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it and they are safe. Does this mean that the literal name of Yahweh is a tower somewhere that we can run into? Of course not! This is revealing that we can run to Yahweh's Person and we are safe in Him as our tower. We also learn that Jesus manifested the Father's name (Yahweh's very Person). Yahweh's name also dwelt in the temple, referring to His Person (2 Chronicles 2:1; 6:10). We also need to understand that God's name Yahweh, is a description of who God is. It's letting us know that He is the self existent or eternal one. Jesus being the name above all names is conveying to us that the Person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the most exalted Person that exists. This is letting us know that Jesus is the great I Am (Yahweh) from the Old Testament who has become our salvation.
We will learn that the name of God consists of four Hebrew letters (YHWH) and is known as the Tetragrammaton. Hebrew is read from right to left, not from left to right like we read in English. Hebrew contains no written vowels, though they are pronounced. The name of God YHWH is generally accepted by most Hebrew scholars to be pronounced Yahweh. Jehovah is the name written in our King James English Bibles. It is the Latinized/Anglicized version of that name, but in no way is Jehovah the Hebrew name of God that He revealed to Hebrew speaking people. The letter "J" and the sound associated with it doesn't even exist in the Hebrew language.
God revealed Himself to Hebrew people using Hebrew words to let them know who He is. God's name YHWH is a full sentence in Hebrew and it means "He is" or "He exists" in English. It describes God as the self existing or eternal One. YHWH (Yahweh) is the third person singular form of the Hebrew "Hayah" which is translated into English as "I Am" (to be/exist). The meaning behind God's name is what matters most because it let's us know who He is. There is much debate over how God's name is pronounced. The first syllable of God's name is actually contained in the Old Testament in the Hebrew phrase "Hallelujah" which means "Praise ye Yah" in English. Yah is the contracted (shortened) form of Yahweh. "Yah" is found almost 50 times in the Hebrew Old Testament (Ex: Psalm 68:4). When God's name was combined with other words, it described what God does or what He is to us. Jehovahjireh (Yahweh Provides-our Provider) - Genesis 22:14. Jehovahrapha (Yahweh heals-our Healer) - Exodus 15:26. Jehovahnissi (Yahweh our Banner) - Exodus 17:15. Jehovahshalom (Yahweh our Peace) - Judges 6:24. Jehovahraah (Yahweh our Shepherd) - Psalm 23:1.
The name Jesus (Yeshua) means Yahweh saves - Yahweh our Salvation! Jesus is the express image of Yahweh's very Person (Hebrews 1:3). There is only one God, the Father and His name is Yahweh and Jesus Christ is that one Person of God incarnate!

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@judywein3282 Жыл бұрын
Hello brother! I was sure happy to see a new video from you! You are a great teacher of the True, Pure Word! This was a great blessing. Thank you for your obedience to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
@ShatteringFalseFoundations Жыл бұрын
Thank you Judy for your encouraging words. I’m glad to hear it was a blessing to you. Such an important subject! Richest blessings in the name of the LORD.
@vernalongwell1648 9 ай бұрын
YES, you make it so clear. That is what I was trying to say in the last teaching. God is spirit, angels are ministering spirits, and when we are created in His / their image, its because we also are spirits - just inside a physical body. And yes again, the name represents the very character of the person - the person themselves. I love the way you teach so clearly - definitely your gift, and I just sent a link to a friend who really wants to learn about this too. Thank you.
@ShatteringFalseFoundations 9 ай бұрын
You're welcome! Thanks for your encouraging words! All glory to God! Thanks for sharing this with your friend. I hope and pray your friend is blessed by whatever they watch.
@bigredog100 Жыл бұрын
Wow! Essentially when folks say that Jesus is not the Father, they deny the very name of Jesus Christ which is "Yahweh becoming our salvation" or "Yahweh saves".
@huntsimple9527 Жыл бұрын
Hello. Do you have videos on Daniel? I would be curious to get your take on the entire Book of Daniel. The kingdoms, 70 weeks, all of the timelines, etc. Thanks!
@ShatteringFalseFoundations Жыл бұрын
Hello again! I have been wanting to do videos on Daniel for a long time since the 70 weeks are critical for our understanding of so much in the New Testament with regards to the last week and how Jesus was crucified in the midst of that last week and the gospel going to the Jews only for 3.5 years fulfilled that last week. Daniel was told to seal the book of the prophecy and then roughly 500 years later John was told to not seal the book of the prophecy for the time was at hand. This wouldn't make sense if we have been in limbo for over 2,000 years waiting for the time that John wrote about to actually take place. I have a good friend, Mike Blume, who has done many videos on Daniel and Revelation and I highly recommend checking them out. He is very thorough and we share much of the same views on this subject. Let me know what you think. Bible Prophecy Series (starts with Daniel) Daniel's Prophecy Simplified In Depth Revelation Series (Chapter by Chapter)
@huntsimple9527 Жыл бұрын
@@ShatteringFalseFoundations Thank you, I will check out those links. For the longest time the meaning of Daniel (at least some of it) was not opened to me. I had stuff all out of context and I knew it did not make sense. I kept asking God to open the meaning of Daniel to me as He would. There are several things about Daniel I see in summary, and I am sure many more that I cannot yet understand. 1) The Book of Daniel is a parallel to today. We live in a time when Babylon is rising and is here, and we live in it. Daniel was taken to Babylon and lived there. His entire process in Babylon is a flowchart of how we are to try and cope with Babylon right now. If one reads Daniel with this in mind, the parallels to today become amazingly obvious. Of course, it was Daniel's faith in God that not only carried him through his time in Babylon, but made him thrive. 2) Daniel could not have made it more clear that the Kingdom of God would be set up during the other 3 kingdoms. More proof the Kingdom of God was set up long ago, and has been here, and is here now. 3) Daniel knew his people (Jews) were Godless and evil. He prayed for them, but he knew they were a total mess. That is why he wanted so badly to know what their future was. God showed him their future, that they would be finished as a people group/nation at the end of the 70 weeks. Of course we know the end of the 70 weeks aligns perfectly with the one time ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ. 4) The prophecy of Daniel is fulfilled, completed by Christ in the first century. I am so sad that dispensationalists have deceived many into thinking the 70th week is yet future. Christ ended the Jewish age/nation and revealed himself as the one true Israel.
@acts238kingofkings6 Жыл бұрын
Hey brother i hope u and your family are ok in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
@ShatteringFalseFoundations Жыл бұрын
Thanks for checking in my friend! All is well with me, just been a really busy time for me so I haven't been able to do any more videos. Thanks for your prayers as they are needed and appreciated and Lord willing I will be able to continue this important series as time permits. Peace and blessings in Jesus' mighty name!
@acts238kingofkings6 Жыл бұрын
@@ShatteringFalseFoundations Amen
@anitan5983 Жыл бұрын
Hi brother, do you believe in tri-une God? Or do you believe oneness?
@ShatteringFalseFoundations Жыл бұрын
Hey Anita! Great to hear from you again. That's a really important question, which is why I have started this video series on One God and how we are to understand the singularity of God in light of the distinctions between Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. This is video #6 of the series, so I encourage you to watch the previous videos as well because they explain why I believe that there is only one singular Person of God. They should be watched in order for best understanding as foundational truths about God from the Old Testament need to be understood first in order to understand this subject. I don't believe that God is composed of three Persons that make up one God in essence. I believe in the absolute numerical singularity of God's Person/Being. There is only one God, the Father; and there is only one Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 8:6). The Scriptures reveal Jesus Christ to be the one singular Person of God (the Father) incarnate (1 Timothy 3:16; 2 Corinthians 5:19; 1 John 3:1-5). There is a distinction between Father and Son but it's not a distinction with regards to different "Persons" of the eternal God. The distinction between Father and Son is solely due to the incarnation. Since the incarnation, God now exists in two ways at the same time; as God and as man. As man, God was limited by the humanity/human consciousness He willfully chose to take part in for the redemption of mankind. This is how He was able to be touched with the feeling of our infirmities. He humbled Himself and took on the form of a servant. This is also how He purchased the church with His own blood (Acts 20:28). But God never ceased being God as omnipresent Spirit outside of the incarnation which explains why the man Christ Jesus prayed to the Father and other similar instances that require distinctions between Father and Son. The rest of this video series is going to go into great depth on looking to the Scriptures alone to establish that Jesus Christ is the one singular Person of God incarnate. Jesus is not just one of three Persons incarnate. It will also show the errors of Unitarianism which teaches there is only one God and that Jesus was just a man who God indwelled. It will also show the errors of "Modalism" and help one to see that what I believe should not be labeled as such. I hesitate to use the label "oneness" because of the negative connotations associated with that label these days which I describe in my first video of this series, but if by "oneness" one is referring to there only being one Person of God (the Father) and how Jesus Christ is that one Person of God incarnate, acknowledging that ever since the incarnation, the one singular Person of God now exists as God and man simultaneously, then yes I believe that. But if by "oneness" one means "modalist" then no I don't believe that. The rest of this series will help explain these important distinctions.
@STROND Жыл бұрын
Sorry, not sure where you got your info from but it is not correct. Yahweh is not even a Hebrew word. And there is something else that has been staring most people in the face........There is also a clue in the names of people in the Bible whose names were made up in part from the names of their gods, referred to as THEOPHORIC NAMES IN THE BIBLE,,,,,,theophoric names are names derived from a god. For example: False gods: Bel and Nebo: Bel = Belteshazar (Daniel) Nebo = Nebonidus, Nebuchadnezzar, True God Yeho(vah) ….Yehoyakim, Yehoram, Yehoshua, Yehoshaphat, Yehudah, Yehoash , Jeho-a-haz Yes there are those who will say Yehvoah, and those who will say Yahweh, so unless YOU are a scholar you pout your faith in either side.....HOWEVER, look at the Theophoric names, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, the NAMES are crying out. If it is Yahweh then Yeho-shu-ah would have been Yah-shu-weh or similar. Look at the names, the clue is right there staring you in the face The CLUE is in the name. The Hebrew scholar Nehemiah Gordon will point you in the right direction as he does NOT have a horse in the race, and will prove how the name was NEVER LOST, but rather was hidden !
@ShatteringFalseFoundations Жыл бұрын
Opinions are just opinions. Try watching the video instead of responding after just reading the title. I base my beliefs on the Word of God and a plethora of scholars who back up this understanding with their in depth studies. God’s name is YHWH in Hebrew and it is pronounced Yahweh. You can disagree and pull opinions from outer space but it doesn’t make them true. Jesus saves because He is YHWH incarnate! There are numerous different opinions out there in the religious world of people who think they can “prove” what the name is in Hebrew. I agree the name was never lost. In fact every time we say “hallelujah” we are saying “praise ye Yah” in Hebrew. Yah is the first syllable of God’s name. Yehovah is not God’s name in Hebrew. God’s name is not three syllables in Biblical Hebrew. There are numerous scholars who do a great job at dismantling that opinion. The last syllable of God’s name can be understood by looking to words such as Nineveh which in Hebrew is pronounced Nineweh. Nineveh is the modern pronunciation. This is elementary level Hebrew. But again, the point of this video was not about the importance of being able to pronounce God’s name perfectly, it is about the importance of understanding what His name revealed about Himself. His name is associated with His very person and leads to a powerful revelation regarding the name of Jesus and who He is, Yahweh manifest in the flesh!
@STROND Жыл бұрын
@@ShatteringFalseFoundations NO....please get it right, it is NOT Yahweh who was manifest in the flesh, it was HIS SON, manifest in the flesh, please do not distort Gods word, and you call yourself "shattering false foundations" I think you need to change your name !
@ShatteringFalseFoundations Жыл бұрын
@@STROND God was manifest in the flesh my friend. The Son didn’t exist in eternity past except for in God’s plan. The Son of God was born on a particular day in history. God existed as omnipresent Spirit in eternity past and He was manifest in the flesh as says the Scriptures. Jesus is the mighty God manifest in the flesh. 1 Timothy 3:16 KJVS [16] And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. 1 Corinthians 8:6 KJVS [6] But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. Isaiah 9:6 KJVS [6] For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. We need to stick to what God’s Word says and what I have presented does indeed shatter this false foundation you are built upon. Learn about who the great God and Saviour is, the Lord Jesus Christ by following along in this video series. Again, Yah is the contracted form of Yahweh in Hebrew. Not Yeh. This along with what I already presented regarding modern Hebrew compared to original Hebrew. I’m referring to the non modernized name of God in Hebrew. If someone wants to call God Yehovah and they truly understand who He is and it doesn’t cause them to have a wrong understanding of Jesus, then that’s fine. Again, how we pronounce His name is not required for salvation. It’s the Person behind the name that matters and who we put our faith in. The understanding of Jesus Christ being the express image of God the Father’s (Yahweh’s) very person. Hebrews 1:1-3 KJVS [1] God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, [2] Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; [3] Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
@acts238kingofkings6 Жыл бұрын
@annapaulineogrady9184 Жыл бұрын
Hi brother. Nice to see you again. Jesus was in the beginning. He IS DEITY. Not called a trinity though. The trinity seperates Father son holy Spirit. Father word holy Spirit. Thats where im at with this. Do you have a video on tongues? I've yielded to this much and I stopped. I know Satan counterfeit everything. Is it vain babble? Is it only a language? What about tongues of angels and praying in mysteries? When I've yielded to this, it comes like a language but I want to understand if it's error.
@annapaulineogrady9184 Жыл бұрын
I'm a wife Daughter Sister Still one Anna
@ShatteringFalseFoundations Жыл бұрын
Hey Anna, great to hear from you again! Hope you are well. I agree with you regarding Spirit (Deity) being eternal. God consists of one singular Person, and by Person I am referring to a conscious rational Being. God is a Spirit; a divine Person (conscious, rational Being). He revealed His name in Hebrew to Hebrew speaking people as YHWH which means "I Am." God is the eternal One. All throughout the Old Testament, there was only one God and His name was Yahweh in Hebrew, written as Jehovah in our King James English Bibles. This is the only Person of God that exists and He is the Father (1 Corinthians 8:6). There are distinctions between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit but it's just not a distinction between multiple different "Persons." When the fulness of times was come, God (the Father) put His plan of redeeming mankind into action by manifesting in the flesh as a man. As a man, God was able to be touched with the feeling of our infirmities. As a man, God purchased the church with His own blood (Acts 20:28). The personal subject of the Lord Jesus Christ is Yahweh (the Father). But Yahweh never ceased being God as omnipresent Spirit after the incarnation. When Jesus was born, God for the first time existed in two different ways simultaneously; as God and as man. Philippians 2 talks about this willful self limitation by taking on the form of a servant and being found in fashion as a man. All for the redemption of mankind. This is why Jesus declared that He was the Root and the offspring of David (Revelation 22:16). We know that God was not the offspring of David from eternity past, but when He manifested in the flesh as a man, He was the Root and the Branch! What a powerful revelation regarding Jesus Christ the LORD! Jesus means Yahweh our salvation. Jesus Christ is the singular Person of God who has become our salvation. What a mighty God we serve! I will leave a short response to your question about tongues on that videos comment saying that you found it. Lord bless you!
@annapaulineogrady9184 Жыл бұрын
@@ShatteringFalseFoundations yes I agree !
@annapaulineogrady9184 Жыл бұрын
@@ShatteringFalseFoundations yes the way you explain it, I believe exactly that!
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