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Ballyhubbock Farm
Rhithdaith Ryngwladol | Zoom Around The World - Iwerddon | Ireland
Mae ein Rhithdaith Ryngwladol gyntaf yn mynd â ni ar daith fer dros Fôr Iwerddon i gyfarfod â Hanna a George o Fferm Ballyhubbock yng Ngorllewin Wicklow, Iwerddon.
Yn 2017, aeth y cwpl ati i drawsnewid eu busnes o system ddefaid masnachol a sugno i system godro defaid. Erbyn 2021, a bellach gyda diadell sefydledig o ddefaid East Friesland / Lacaune a thipyn o amser wedi’i wario yn arbrofi i ddatblygu’r cynnyrch, mae Haloumi Ballyhubbock Farm wrthi yn cyrraedd y brig ac i’w weld ar silffoedd archfarchnadoedd Aldi ledled Iwerddon!
Yn rhannu awgrymiadau a chyngor da, mae'r fideo yma yn rhoi mewnwelediad manwl i daith y cwpl i'r diwydiant llaeth defaid. Maen nhw’n trafod yr heriau y maent wedi'u goresgyn gan gynnwys cynhyrchu llaeth, canfyddiadau’r cyhoedd am y cynnyrch a phwysigrwydd datblygu’r cynnyrch wrth gael y cynnyrch i’r farchnad. Bellach yn frand sydd â gwobrau i’w enw, mae'n werth gwrando ar stori Ballyhubbock!
Our first Zoom around the World takes us on a short-haul trip across the Irish Sea to meet Hanna and George of Ballyhubbock Farm in West Wicklow, Ireland.
In 2017, the couple took the plunge and transitioned their business from a commercial sheep and suckler based system into a sheep dairy system. Fast forward to 2021, now with an established flock of East Friesland / Lacaune and numerous rounds of product development under their belts, Ballyhubbock Farm’s Halloumi has hit the big-time having appeared on Aldi supermarket shelves across Ireland!
Sharing top tips and advice, this video provides an in-depth insight into the couple's journey into the sheep dairy industry, discussing the challenges they’ve overcome including milk production, product perception amongst consumers and the importance of product development in getting a product to market. Now an award-winning brand, the Ballyhubbock story is worth listening to!