父モモタロウはいつもと違う!二足歩行かつ超速い🌸Dad Momotaro is different! Bipedal and fast🌸【Kyoto Zoo 京都市動物園】UP 2021/10/27

  Рет қаралды 6,408

Gorilla Life (GL) / ゴリラ ライフ

Gorilla Life (GL) / ゴリラ ライフ

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Пікірлер: 46
@Gorilla-Life 2 жыл бұрын
Chance!!!! 🦍Yay やるぞ! Talk in person with Mr Junichi Yamagiwa、Big chance! 山極先生と直接トークチャンス He is an expert of researches of the gorilla family and entirely support them directly ゴリラの専門家であり、京都市動物園のゴリラ家族を全面サポートされてます。 At this event I am supposed to participate in a forum on behalf of a couciler at kyoto assembly. このイベントにおいて、私は、京都議会の議員代理として出席します。 www.pref.kyoto.jp/earth-kyoto/en/index.html
@cologne_jasmin3046 2 жыл бұрын
@Gorilla-Life 2 жыл бұрын
@@cologne_jasmin3046 何かしらゴリラコネクションを得たいですね。 当日は、かなり少人数ですから接点は多いかもです。 こちらのイベントは、オンラインでは誰でも参加可能です! シンポジウムでは、私は議員席に座ってますから確実に映ります。(^^)
@cologne_jasmin3046 2 жыл бұрын
@@Gorilla-Life 返信ありがとうございます。何らかの形での配信楽しみにしております。全くのアナログ世代ですので、こちらのチャンネルのみでゴリラファミリーを楽しませて頂いております。直接関与できるとは素晴らしいです!頑張って下さいませ!
@seasonsofphilly1993 2 жыл бұрын
Look forward to hearing what information you can share with the rest of us.
@cologne_jasmin3046 2 жыл бұрын
Its amazing to see when Momo walks with bipedal. Momo is so big and magnificent that I have never known the Silverback can walk and fast like that. Truly he looks a human✨💓 Its very cute his hips is swinging slowly right and left while he walks🤗💕
@katewaterbaby 2 жыл бұрын
The Handsome Boys Morning! Some very funny shots-the branch flying around in the hammock, Kinny slapping himself on the butt. Good to see his face on the mend. Remembering when he was all head and massive ‘’little’’ muscular arms from swinging, now he’s broad across the back, big in the belly, and only coming three.
@Johanna040713 2 жыл бұрын
Momotaro collecting fruits in his mouth 😄
@Gorilla-Life 2 жыл бұрын
Good Morning! It’s half past five in the morning. I shall be sorting out several tasks . おはようございます!朝5時半です。ちょいと仕事を片付けます。 It’s still dark outside. In a way under the quiet environment anything won’t disturb me. まだ外は暗いですが、何にも邪魔されない静けさです。
@angelsantiago4952 2 жыл бұрын
Tnx for the videos...more power to your channel...god bless...
@eagleblack6254 2 жыл бұрын
Buon appetito Amori belli!!!❤️🍀❤️🍀❤️🍀❤️🍀
@shelliepoitras2473 2 жыл бұрын
Momo looks like he's in food heaven today,big smile kicked back eating yummy fruits,he is such a treat..love that big beautiful boy....looks like a good morning for the momo fam....ty to the ppl/places donating fresh fruits n veggies
@MySkinnydip 2 жыл бұрын
Kinny zoomed out after Momo!😅
@estherayma6115 2 жыл бұрын
Omg! Finalmente mi bb Gentaro está comiendo la fruta , ya que Momo es dueño de esa fruta.
@marbear4273 2 жыл бұрын
I've never seen them eat those. They seem to love them.
@JewelSweetpea_373 2 жыл бұрын
I am enjoying watching them eat Glad food was donated for this gorilla family. Thanks 😊 ❤
@seasonsofphilly1993 2 жыл бұрын
Momotaro walking bipedal so he can get to the persimmons faster. Glad Gentaro got persimmon, too. Kintaro happy with his favorite carrots and green pepper. I don't regret Momotaro getting a lot of food, as he still has weight to regain from when he was sick this summer. Hopefully, he's getting extra portions when he's alone in his room in the evening.
@widyarita860 2 жыл бұрын
Sooo sad, i didn't watch genki get that fruit. Just momo get so much, why the keeper not share the fruits ???
@seasonsofphilly1993 2 жыл бұрын
@@widyarita860 Momotaro doesn't like to share the food. But in the evening, when Genki is in her room with Kintaro, the keepers give her fruit to eat.
@widyarita860 2 жыл бұрын
@@seasonsofphilly1993 i'm glad to hear that info. I hope this is true. Thanks
@samol5456 2 жыл бұрын
@mariavera2884 2 жыл бұрын
Baby adorable as usual 🥰 eating his carrots 🥕 and peppers 🫑. Won’t have none of those persimmons. I haven’t seen mama eat some, maybe she can’t get her hands on any of them.🦍
@ellenknell9645 2 жыл бұрын
Gorilla Life: Do you know how much Kintaro weighs?
@Gorilla-Life 2 жыл бұрын
20kg or over (44lb or over) It differs from each time in a day.
@ellenknell9645 2 жыл бұрын
@@Gorilla-Life Thank you!
@MySkinnydip 2 жыл бұрын
@@Gorilla-Life wow I thought he would be heavier then that! Still a little guy!
@chericonnolly4810 2 жыл бұрын
He appears bigger than that thru camera lens!! He weighs the same as my 3year old grandson! Amazing to me 😊
@yvonnejones9940 2 жыл бұрын
We forget how small he is until we see him next to Genki and Momotaro. By himself he looks huge, but next to mom and dad he's still a little baby, not even 3 yet.
@いわさききょうこ-b9t 2 жыл бұрын
あら? 登場順番がちょっと違いますね。
@Gorilla-Life 2 жыл бұрын
キンタロウは本当は一番先に出たいのでしょうね。W 昨年とは出る順番が変わりました。また、数か月すると変わるかもですね。
@mariemannix8432 2 жыл бұрын
Notice how there getting a little more fruits, hmmmmmm, I wonder why!!! All the complaining I , and others do they don't get Enough FOOD!!! OMG,. SHUT UP PEOPLE!!!! I don't know how the animals stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT UP!!! My GOD!!!! Put tape and a mask on there MOUTH'S!!!!! My POOR MOMOTARO FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@PinkCottonCandy88 2 жыл бұрын
I really hope the glass is sound proof for them. It's just awful how loud the people talk.
@glynisakabonniekenzie7664 2 жыл бұрын
A little while ago Gorilla Life said that Kyoto zoo was struggling to buy food and asked local businesses to donate, I think the good people of Kyoto have done just that as we have never seen Momotaro family enjoying fruits and nuts before. It’s wonderful to see them getting a varied diet. On the noisy visitors, I have suggested displaying polite notices requesting quiet please but I don’t think it’s been done. Really up to parents and guardians to explain to the children that gorillas need quiet visitors. 🙋‍♀️🦍🇬🇧
@jomill7572 2 жыл бұрын
It's funny how giant Momotaro takes bites of his persimmons whereas, Gentaro stuffs the whole persimmon in his mouth and eats it.
@hrisanthidimitriou1893 2 жыл бұрын
This family makes my day every day! All are beautiful but seeing the face of Kintaro and watch him how he behaves, it put a smile on my face! Thank you for the beautiful videos and information about them!
@gorillabff1003 2 жыл бұрын
I love these guys enjoying their assorted healthy treats. I’m loving Kintaro’s Genki-like beard. Screencasted this one and on my big screen Kintaro’s facial fringe is nice and fluffy 🦍♥️
@widyarita860 2 жыл бұрын
Sooo sad, i didn't watch genki get that fruit, gentaro get 1, n kintaro get 2. Just momo get too much, why the keeper not share the fruits ???
@Gorilla-Life 2 жыл бұрын
Genki and other members were given much fruits after going back to the interior quarters.
@hiichan9381 2 жыл бұрын
モモタロウが柿を持つとまるでハウスみかんの様に小さく見えてしまいます🤣💦 山極先生とのトークチャンス。 頑張ってきてください(頑張れは違うかな?😅)
@Gorilla-Life 2 жыл бұрын
議員の代理なので、名刺交換が出来ます! また、議員席に座りますから、山極先生と必ず会って話が出来ます。 今回は、環境フォーラムです。 私は、大量消費時代からの変換。日常におけるフードロスの意識改革。 新しいものを作るのでなく、いかに無駄を省くかです。 意識における部分ですね。 誰でも出来ます。 大量消費になれると、大量受注によりビジネスが成り立ってますが、そういったビジネスはやめる必要あります。 飲食店は仕入れた食材の3割以上を毎日廃棄してます。 かなり無駄です。 しかし、消費者も悪いです。 見た目重視!食べ物を残す! 結果として、ゴリラ家族のエサ不足に繋がります。 なぜなら、形が悪い野菜や果物は消費者が嫌がるので、廃棄されます。味は同じですがね。 国民意識から無駄を省くことが、ゴリラを助けることになります。 今回のシンポジウムでは、その辺を消費者目線から発表します!  私が出来るかな?苦笑
@中田圭子-j5s 2 жыл бұрын
@Gorilla-Life 2 жыл бұрын
この音量は、実際の半分です。抑えてこの音量です。 お子さんですからね、大きな声を出すことは仕方ないです。 私達も幼少期にそうしてたでしょう。 課題は子供でなく、大人です。子供はなぜ?大声がダメなのか分かりません。 そう、大人の無知が課題です。 大人が大きな声で、 可愛い!大きい!こっち見て!など大声でずっと話してます。 ゴリラを呼んだら寄ってくるかもよ?と名前を大声で子供に呼ばせる親や保育園や幼稚園の先生達もかなりいます。 ゴリラが正面を向かないからと文句を言う大人や親もかなり多いです。 子供は大人の写し鏡です。
@Gorilla-Life 2 жыл бұрын
私は、子供達に、バルーン アートを教える機会が多いです、 バルーン は扱い方により危険です。 子供達には、説明が難しくてもなぜ?危険なのかを話します。 子供達は内容を理解できないですが、これはダメなことだと認識します。 無理に優しく説明すると逆に、子供達に誤解を与えます。 分かる分からないは関係ないんです。 子供言葉は不要ですね。逆効果です。 1人の人間として、大人に話しかける感じで良いのです。 子供言葉で話そうが、子供向けに話そうが、子供へ否定から入る話し方を大人はついやってしまう。 ダメ!と否定から入ると、自主性のない子供になり、大人になっても自己表現が下手な日本人になります。実際、そうなってますよね。 ゴリラがビックリするからもう少し静かに観ようね。これなら肯定的なので子供は自己否定されません。自主性は保たれます。
@catherinemushaw1956 2 жыл бұрын
Kintaro didn't drink any milk! Sad and happy his growth🅷🅾🆃【KyotoZoo, Gorilla
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