Is there more to the story of the Good Samaritan

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Gospel Lessons

Gospel Lessons

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@TH-ze7sh 6 ай бұрын
This doesn't strike me as speculation that detracts from the Spirit or that puts one's faith at risk, but rather trying to connect the dots and adding context to the Savior's life in a faith-promoting manner. To me, this is the sign of an open mind that is seeking more truth and understanding. I really enjoy listening to your perspective on the Gospel. After watching any of your videos, I always leave having learned something new. So thank you very much for the videos that you've done!
@dinocollins720 5 ай бұрын
In my mind, it would make sense for the mother of such a faithful "good Samaritan" to be blessed with the gospel and a sacred experience like the one the woman experienced at the well!
@sydneysi7705 Жыл бұрын
Awesome, I have had similar thoughts about that parable, with Jesus being the certain man.
@dinocollins720 Жыл бұрын
I'm so excited every time I see a new video posted on your channel!!!
@mstalcup1973 Жыл бұрын
I just love how you explain the stories for easier understanding
@dinocollins720 Жыл бұрын
I love bro Hilton's "seeking Jesus" series!!! Watched the entire series multiple times!!! So good!
@redich8290 Жыл бұрын
This is exactly the thought process I have for so many things in the scriptures and I am so grateful there is atleast one other person who can think the same!!!!!
@dinocollins720 Жыл бұрын
So interesting! I loved this. Regardless of the actual events, this is a powerful lesson we can take so much from!
@MoroniReviews Жыл бұрын
That is an interesting perspective. It brings new light to the instructions that if ye do it unto the least of these my brethren you have done it unto me
@carolyn3117 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing these thoughts, it's really what I needed to hear tonight. ❤
@scottmartin1845 Жыл бұрын
Of all videos you have put together this one has a lot of information and is very thoughtful. It makes one wonder the level at which the veil was pulled back for Christ and at what point in his earthly life!
@11thhourworker38 Жыл бұрын
Very good commentary
@heden1460 Жыл бұрын
Good points.
@leswalker2639 Жыл бұрын
Even though you bring up many different explanations in different ways, it causes you to think more outside the box, and that's good. It helps a lot with this type of method is always helpful with different parables when studying these events. Just like the Bible has been more of a confusing book because of its translations and then you have the Book of Mormon, they all try to paint a picture for our understanding of the things of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But we all know that these writings are only a tip of the iceberg and there are so many more things and understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ. With prayer and that Holy Spirit of Truth, we can explore many different directions in the Gospel of Christ , the research never stops! With the past and now, also the future, then eternity. That's a lot to explore.
@aqueenchi117 Жыл бұрын
John W. Welch does a paper on this too? Just read it not to long ago.
@wendybrimhall3395 Жыл бұрын
Love the videos. Keep up the great work please! Can you do one on the sealed portion of scripture?
@perrymorris3594 Жыл бұрын
Christ did say: "in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these ye have done it unto me." So, whether or not the parable is about an experience he personally had, He is still the beaten man in the story metaphorically.
@timbeaman4156 Жыл бұрын
For me it would be hard to think this is about himself. He, being the sacrificial lamb with out blemishes, could not have suffered an attack that would have most likely nullified that trait. But good thought, maybe one of his brothers was the one who was attacked.
@tiffanyseavy565 Жыл бұрын
That was spiritually without blemish.
@dianemramsey1 Жыл бұрын
Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. What other ways do we rob Him?
@uwu-zv9we Жыл бұрын
I love the scripture No one sews a patch of unshrunk (new) cloth on an old garment; otherwise the patch pulls away from it, the new from the old, and the tear becomes worse.. only one that sew wn mend clothes knew that. I need to mend my husband pants and put a new fabric to cover the wasted Jean and of course it was worse. the trousers become useless because happens exacly what the Lord said. he knew because he saw
@Fraevo10 7 ай бұрын
The angels that came and ministered to Jesus after He fasted for 40 days and was tempted by the devil must have had to minister to like intensive care nurses to his physical health. I imagine he extremely malnourished and severely dehydrated and delirious possibly. Must have been some direly needed medical help. Sometimes you hear someone ask,”Was Jesus ever sick?” Well he went 40 days without food in the wilderness. No hotels, no beds, no sink, no bathtubs…
@rebecaanderson1935 Жыл бұрын
I always thought Jesus were middle class, but if Joseph died and Mary became a widow, I see why they would be poor. The reason I thought he were middle class is because the kind of job Joseph did required specialized skills and he worked for himself, and Jesus and his brothers would help, so it was almost like having his own little business. Another reason is that I truly believe Jesus were an example of paying tithing, and receiving the blessings for it, he probably wasn’t rich (though being rich would explain how he had time for his ministry) but he would be at least middle class, think about the apostles and the prophet of today, they all went to college or have their own businesses. Also Christ grew in many ways, the scriptures say, so he were probably well educated. In the Getsêmani he suffered in a way beyond our understanding. So the fact that he wasn’t poor does not make him less worthy or less understanding of our afflictions. It actually upsets me that some churches use this believe to keep Christians content with poverty.
@ovelia636 8 ай бұрын
@Fraevo10 7 ай бұрын
Augustine’s Commentary on the Good Samaritan A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho; Adam himself is meant; Jerusalem is the heavenly city of peace, from whose blessedness Adam fell; Jericho means the moon, and signifies our mortality, because it is born, waxes, wanes, an dies. Thieves are the devil and his angels. Who stripped him, namely; of his immortality; and beat him, by persuading him to sin; and left him half-dead, because in so far as man can understand and know God, he lives, but in so far as he is wasted and oppressed by sin, he is dead; he is therefore called half-dead. The priest and the Levite who saw him and passed by, signify the priesthood and ministry of the Old Testament which could profit nothing for salvation. Samaritan means Guardian, and therefore the Lord Himself is signified by this name. The binding of the wounds is the restraint of sin. Oil is the comfort of good hope; wine the exhortation to work with fervent spirit. The beast is the flesh in which He deigned to come to us. The being set upon the beast is belief in the incarnation of Christ. The inn is the Church, where travelers returning to their heavenly country are refreshed after pilgrimage. The morrow is after the resurrection of the Lord. The two pence are either the two precepts of love, or the promise of this life and of that which is to come. The innkeeper is the Apostle (Paul). The supererogatory payment is either his counsel of celibacy, or the fact that he worked with his own hands lest he should be a burden to any of the weaker brethren when the Gospel was new, though it was lawful for him “to live by the gospel”[1] ---- Augustine, Quaestiones Evangeliorum
@Beef_it_to_be_fit 11 ай бұрын
Joseph was known to be Jesus father when there was questioning how Jesus could be the son of God
@matthewglosenger3180 Жыл бұрын
It is a fascinating speculation to have. But the further truth that can be gained from the points you made is that Christ, himself, HAD to sin in order to learn obedience. Part of the suffering in The Garden was for his OWN sins as well. For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. For does not Christ tell Peter, who called him "Good", "Why callest thou me good? There is none good but the Father." Now some may accuse me of being outside the doctrine, however, Joseph Smith taught that " The same sociality that exists among us here, will exist among us there". That sociality must include the learning process. Christ HAD to suffer in order to be prepared for the 3 temptations he would be subjected to. Suffering, in its proper role, should bring to us a clarity of things we could not otherwise have. An alcoholic will never take the advice of someone who has never tasted alcohol because they can't relate. It comes across as judgmental and hypocritical. And some may say it's blasphemy to say that Christ sinned because the scriptures teach that he was perfect and sinLESS. But that is what he BECAME, not what he was born into. He died sinless. He did not LIVE a sinless life. He had to know what the atonement was for himself and the only way to get to repentance and the atonement is through the path of sin. And, just to continue the speculation, maybe the prodigal son story (if it's really Jesus in the story) is connected to the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus teaches the people to "turn the other cheek". Nothing like being a smart mouth and getting punched in the face to make one consider that maybe that wasn't the best idea? LOL In the end, whatever the truth may be, I know that our understanding of the gospel changes as we follow the prophets and apostles counsel to "FEAST" on the scriptures. When you do, it will become clear that others you thought you could trust on matters of doctrine are probably not as trustworthy as you once thought. That said, President Nelson and the Quorum of the 12 are Gods servants for our generation. PERIOD. They aren't required to be "RIGHT" on every gospel principle they expound upon but the Spirit will tell you when they ARE and that's what's important.
@Sablespartan Жыл бұрын
Sorry, but I disagree. Christ did not sin. One does not learn obedience from sin. Rather, one learns obedience by choosing not to sin. Christ was tempted, yes. But, He did not give into those temptations. If He had, He could not have performed the Atonement. The Atonement required a perfect sacrifice. He was not made sinless because of the Atonement. He made the Atonement because He was sinless. The Atonement is what allows us to repent and be forgiven. He couldn't have been forgiven prior to performing the Atonement and couldn't have performed the Atonement after sinning.
@matthewglosenger3180 Жыл бұрын
@@Sablespartan you cannot repent by not sinning. There’s 0 teaching in any scripture to “not sin”, but plenty to repent of sin. The condescension of Christ had to include sin or else the atonement could not have been opened. Christ was made perfect by the atonement and so can we all. Thinking Christ could not sin means he could not condescend to our level. Which he HAD to do. The thing that made Christ our Savior was that he did what he said he would do. Sin is the path, repentance the destination.
@Sablespartan Жыл бұрын
@@matthewglosenger3180 Christ had no need for repentance. We do. That is why we needed an Atonement. Christ was made perfect not by cleansing His sin, because He had none. Instead, He was made "whole" by completing His work and casting off mortality. Christ took upon Himself our sins but they were not His own. He was and will forever be, spotless. Christ experienced all of our afflictions, sin included. That experience is what allows Him to succor and understand us. Sin is not the path. Sin is deviation from the path. Repentance (Atonement) is how we get back on the path. The path, or way, is Jesus Christ. It is aligning ourselves to Christ's will and changing (through repentance). This is from the Church's website: Our Savior, Jesus Christ, was the only one capable of making an atonement for mankind. “Jesus Christ, the Lamb without blemish, willingly laid Himself on the altar of sacrifice and paid the price for our sins,” said President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency.1 Understanding that Jesus Christ was without sin can help us increase our faith in Him and strive to keep His commandments, repent, and become pure. “Jesus was … a being of flesh and spirit, but He yielded not to temptation (see Mosiah 15:5),” said Elder D. Todd
@Sablespartan Жыл бұрын
@@matthewglosenger3180 Also, there are plenty of scriptures teaching that sin is bad and that we shouldn't sin. Romans 6, 1 John 5:17, and 1 John 8:11 are but a few that come to mind. The goal is not to sin and thereby gain repentance, the goal is to repent and thereby stop sinning. Sin is not a good thing. It separates us from God. Wickedness never was happiness.
@espmind68 Жыл бұрын
here's my humble take on this: Jerusalem is a holy city because of the temple, it therefore represents the dwelling place of God, Jericho is the lowest city on earth, it is below sea level so it represents a telestial sphere, our earth. The certain man is Adam, ultimately all of us. Adam left the dwelling place of God (Jerusalem) on his way to mortality (Jericho), he fell among thieves (Satan, sons of perditions?). At the time of Jesus that trail from Jerusalem to Jericho was known as the trail of blood (mortality emphasized) they do not kill him, as they cannot but left him for dead (fall of Adam). In this level of the parable the priest and the Levite are not doing anything wrong, the man appears to be dead and it is forbidden for them to approach a corpse as it would make them unclean. They would have to go through a ritual of purification and would not be able to perform their duty until then. The good Samaritan enters the story, it is Christ. He tends to the man, he redeems Adam (all of us) from the fall. He only has the power, the authority to do so. Not the Priest, nor the Levite nor any of us. By placing the man on his donkey, he emphasizes his role has the beast of burden, he alone will fulfill the role of Redeemer. Note that the Samaritan does not take the man back to Jerusalem where he could more easily find a good physician than in the little village of Jericho. He takes him to Jericho, Adam must be born. The inn keeper could represent prophets and apostles of all ages but it could also represent God the Father as the Samaritan (Christ) offers him 2 pence, the price for physical and spiritual death. His atoning sacrifice, a price that only the Father can accept. The Samaritan then says when he will return he will pay more if necessary, showing Christ's total submission to whatever the Father requires and his willingness to save us all. In this parable Christ is of course asking all of us to be good to our neighbors like the good Samaritan, but on a deeper level he is telling about the Plan of Salvation, what a brilliant way to do it. He is truly a master teacher. But hey it's jus my take on the story!
@Lilbuddi1958 Жыл бұрын
How do we know that it was not Jesus that got robbed and beaten?
@timwatson1544 Жыл бұрын
My understanding is that Jesus' family was rich. He had done a lot of world travel and had a very good education. His uncle was Joseph of Arimathea a rich merchant in fact, he was one of the richest men in the world at that time.
@tiffanyseavy565 Жыл бұрын
How do you get that?
@KumoriGurasu Жыл бұрын
It's possible 'cause a carpenter could've totally made a profit even in those days, but perhaps those riches dried up as a result of Mary's "out of wedlock" pregnancy with the family disowning them save for mayhaps Elisabeth and Zacharias since they were righteous (we just don't have word that they ever saw each other again after Jesus' birth), and _if_ Joseph of Arimathea was indeed related, he may have taken pity on Mary in her time of grief because that's what families do. Jesus' childhood can only be speculated since we have little to no knowledge about how he grew up. It's more likely the family was poor so they could remain humble, but if he was well-off, he might be more like "new money" and not of "old money", hence why he would say it's "difficult" to get a rich man into heaven. It's an interesting thought experiment.
@rebecaanderson1935 Жыл бұрын
He were at least middle class, to be a carpenter you needed specialized skills and your own tools, space, etc. Also I see the example of the apostles and prophet today, they are a proof that if you pay the tithing and follow the commandments you will at least be self reliant.
@timl9495 Жыл бұрын
Very good ananogy, and something to think more about. The word “certain” definitely brings in different thoughts. Thank you! Love reading these.
@robertsaenz Жыл бұрын
I can appreciate most of what is asked here about the early life of Jesus and the disappearance of Joseph but it's curious to me to wonder if Jesus had experienced the suffering he described in his stories. For all we know Jesus was all the men in the stories OR perhaps he knew of all the stories because as the son of The Father; The Holy Spirit he would have seen or witnessed these things happening. I think wondering on these things is sort of a waste of time and thought. Whether experienced, witnessed or made up - somehow the focus in this video isn't about how Jesus told these stories as symbolically about himself - the Holy Spirit, the life force from whence all life originates ie - The Father of Life and those whom he was telling the stories to: The Pharisees or more likely, the Sadducees and their past, present and future abuses of Him.
@michaelphelan423 Жыл бұрын
I wonder about your take on how Jesus was treated because of His questionable parentage. Why would he have the moniker of Joseph’s son? Wouldn’t He be called a more derisive term if your speculation is correct?
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