I love the pin ball vids, have helped me a bunch with projects I've had in the past, was hoping maybe you could do one for a system 11 board sometime if you had one, I'm currently working on a Williams "high speed" now and think I need to replace some drivers, thanks some much for the great vids man
@arcadeuk10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the kind words buddy! Sorry I don't have any faulty System11 stuff at the moment, but if I do get some, I will of course do a video :) Good luck with your High speed (great game)
@8-bitBishop6 жыл бұрын
My Gottlieb Genesis(same sound board) is outputting almost inaudible/static sound effects. Most of the music sounds good. According to the manual, it requires 3 supply voltages. +5,+12,-12. I tested the input voltages just now... What should be +12 from the auxiliary power supply/audio amp, is actually feeding +32 to the sound board. I'm sure I can diagnose the issues with the auxiliary power supply, I'm just hoping it didn't do significant damage to my sound board. Why are 3 supply voltages necessary? What are +12 and -12 for?
@lackomalacko7 жыл бұрын
Hi! Could you tell me what's the current draw of this board? Currently I'm working on a Raven, and I tested the sound board a few days ago, and it draws quite heavy 860mA current, but the LED flashes and nothing warms up too much on the board, so I'm confused a bit (I've jus tried to test the sound with a scope, but I realized it has common ground with the power supply I used, so I could have shorted the output section.... although the opamp on the output can be shorted continuously according to the datasheet, so I hope I didn't ruin the damn thing). I highly doubt it works with this much current on a 5V supply. Nice vid by the way! Thanks!
@GadgetUK16410 жыл бұрын
Very interesting! Those PSG chips look like AY-3-8912 (2 of them), it's hard to tell on the video, do you know if they are?
@arcadeuk10 жыл бұрын
You are correct sir. Gottlieb pins seem to have some of the best sounds I've heard coming out of a 8912. Excellent engineers combined with great music composer.
@AndrewPBentley5 жыл бұрын
Hey buddy! I have the same board, same game. I have all my music by no sound effects (the opposite problem you had). I replaced the roms, Rams, and CPUs. Do you have any suggestions on what to do next? When I ground out the pins I can get music (like when I'm playing the game) but get nothing for sound effects.
@GadgetUK16410 жыл бұрын
6502 CPUs as well?
@arcadeuk10 жыл бұрын
Yep, 2 of them, almost entirely independent, one for the PSG's and one for the DAC
@MrSilverballmania9 жыл бұрын
Hi how did you wire it up to bench test it I have a raven and genesis that no op sound