On the odd occasion that our Sky Echo has stopped working, I have re-set the tablet to use it's internal GPS. Of course, your tablet needs to have a GPS and Apple are notoriously tight in that direction. (we have a Samsung tablet - don't like Android but have to admit it's a clearer screen, doesn't overheat and does have an internal GPS). So I tolerate it. 😀
@CharlieLamdin Жыл бұрын
My SkyEcho packed up completely on me today. Had to switch to my Glonass backup receiver/
@IanFlyer100 Жыл бұрын
@@CharlieLamdin They can over heat in the sun, but maybe not at this time of year
@alzdeane Жыл бұрын
Charlie, I use SD on an iPad Mini with a PilotAware providing GPS. Never lose GPS fix from it. Seems a better solution than SkyEcho ?
@CharlieLamdin Жыл бұрын
I've heard that, but I've spent the money now!
@gwynsea8162 Жыл бұрын
Presume that was SkyEcho crapping out? Seems to happen a lot
@CharlieLamdin Жыл бұрын
@glennwatson Жыл бұрын
they push the hemispherical flying so much here, and as far as I can tell in the US as well. Seems strange its not happening in the UK as well.
@raisalhan Жыл бұрын
Have you tried turning your mobile to airplane mode while you fly? Maybe your mobile is interfering with the signal and your iPad is tethering to your mobile data when it experiences a connection issue.
@CharlieLamdin Жыл бұрын
I've managed to trouble shoot it now, it happens occasionally, but less now. Firmware update helped.