Great explanation. Very clear and easy to understand. Thank you!
@annauk6004 Жыл бұрын
@arashiXstorm Жыл бұрын
@k.h.happyday Жыл бұрын
@AppleDailyFriends Жыл бұрын
@shrs.3448 Жыл бұрын
First off, I want to express my gratitude to the host, Professor 沈旭暉 and the guest speaker, Professor 李偉才 to share with us this topic of nuclear fusion thingy. The 2nd thing I found it funny is: With Professor 沈旭暉's poker face throughout the show. I believe he must have lost the train of thought, like me, on the topic but kept his composure as a gesture of respect to his guest. Kudos to him!! This is something we all can learn from Professor 沈旭暉. The 3rd thing is: Professor Lee is really into his subject matters, and without notes or PowerPoint, he can keep talking for 1/2 hour or more and I can see that he is really enjoying his talk. He is really a professional in his field of study. Lastly, as Professor Lee has concluded, this 核聚變 thingy is really a hype. It is impossible to get a net gain in energy production from anything. Otherwise, it would become scary., unless we humans become the Almighty GOD. Blessings from LA.
媒體上的新聞最好不要衋信,就是國際大媒體也一樣,有可能這次核聚變技術突破的消息只是出於政治需要。 對國際金融或政治有研究的人可能都知到油元體系 (Petrol Dollar System) 對美國國力的重要性,問題是大陸最近居然出訪沙地,並討論以人民幣計算石油價格,這當然會從根基動搖整個油元體系。自己認為限於中國國力與人幣的不可自由對換性,成事機會有限,但一般大媒體對另一個對油元體系的挑戰幾乎是隻字不提,就是中、俄、中亞五國 (Euroasia Economic Forum)、沙地、伊朗、土耳其、印度、南非、巴西以及一些南美國家正合組一隻類似歐羅的新儲備貨幣,並且聲明目的是要挑戰美元儲備貨幣地位,他們更表明歡迎所有第一世界以外的國家加入。現時全球貨幣均是沒有任何支撐的紙幣 ( fiat currency),即白紙一張再加一點油墨,就是所謂最強的美元也是謹此而矣。新貨幣重要的地方是參予國承諾會以一籃子商品 (即石油、金、銀、礦產或糧食) 在背後支撐,即實行商品本位,較諸加一點油墨的白紙哪個更加吸引?而正在申請加入的包括:哈薩克斯坦、尼加拉瓜、尼日利亞、塞內加爾、泰國和阿拉伯聯合酋長國。單計算這些國家的總人口 (或市場大少) 與控制著多少戰略性資源 (主要是黃金、石油與天然氣) 你就明白對油元體系威脅有多大。有興趣的可搜尋 " Doug Casey on the Rise of Alternatives as the US-Led Global Order Falters" By Doug Casey 看看。 整個新儲備貨幣的設計者是俄國的 Sergey Glazyev ,有趣的是兩天前無意讀到一篇文章,裡面引了一段來自Sergey Glazyev 文章的段落,翻譯文字如下: " .......Transition to the new world economic order will likely be accompanied by systematic refusal to honor obligations in dollars, euro, pound, and yen. In this respect, it will be no different from the example set by the countries issuing these currencies who thought it appropriate to steal foreign exchange reserves of Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, Afghanistan, and Russia to the tune of trillions of dollars." 。 即新貨幣計劃的一個部份是所有加入國家會在同一時間對歐、美、日、英等國的債務刻意進行違約,試想象衝擊會有多大,會否引起第三次世界大戰也是一大問號。有興趣可自己搜尋 " Gold Could Reach Bruce Willis Level Soon" By Chris MacIntosh 看看。 核聚變突破是真是假小弟不知到,但美國要在沙地石油以外為美元找一個新支撐點則頗肯定。在這種背景下西方媒體要發一個假新聞,自己也不會覺得驚訝。就如嘉賓所講,這類技術突破消息聽也聽了幾十年,一直都是只聞樓梯響。還記得邱吉爾講過: In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies. (在戰時,真相是如此珍貴它必須被謊言的護衛嚴嚴看守) ,唯一分別是這次打的是貨幣戰爭。