國外聲樂老師超真實銳評《歌手2024》第12期|Vocal Coach Reaction

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@chiyilin3831 Ай бұрын
說個笑話: 黃宣沒進總決賽 香堤摩決賽沒進第二輪 凡西亞決賽進第二輪沒進前三名 譚維維進入冠亞軍之爭輸給了那英 常規賽排名普通的那英總決賽走音又忘詞但竟然能一路過關斬將拿到冠軍?2024年芒果台鬧了個最大的笑話。 套一句李玟說的話:大家都在看。
@playgameonly173 Ай бұрын
這三個真的是引爆我 黃宣離開的時侯,一堆中國網民硬解釋踩黃宣說,他唱得不好選歌不好甚麼都不好 你ma的,兩個外國人也不好是不是🙄
@user-yo2se9ji3d Ай бұрын
@@playgameonly173 他們說那兩老外在國外太糊
@96995758 Ай бұрын
@96995758 Ай бұрын
@@playgameonly173 客觀來計算網路上影片的觀看數,無論是在內地的芒果台本身或B站, 甚或是外網的油管, 黃宣 都是贏很多的第一名。 所以,那些所謂的“一堆中國網民”, 應該和比賽統計的“大眾評審”一樣, 都是脫離現實普羅大眾, 不符合科學數理邏輯 地 某種深層存在。
@playgameonly173 Ай бұрын
@@user-yo2se9ji3d 如果兩外算是糊,也能吊打你內娛。這解釋就是自己貶低自己國家,慘不慘
@ailynliu3148 Ай бұрын
這期左邊帥哥和右邊美女的發言更加符合我的感受!杰凱說”他早知道結果了!憋的很難受!”哈哈,感同身受啊!Flo憤慨的說聽了那英這麼多期?拿了幾次第一?決賽裡有什麼驚為天人的演唱?怎麼就第一名了! 沒錯!這應該是大部分人的看法!
@playgameonly173 Ай бұрын
反而右邊美女那位更敢講 左邊帥哥,有些「想說不敢說」的感覺 好評右邊那位多一些
@hognin3598 Ай бұрын
@kwoo24 Ай бұрын
@@playgameonly173 因为杰楷被中国观众骂过很多次。还批评他假装爱国。而橘老师也同样经常被一些网民和其他博主骂。只有Flo最没包袱,她自然敢讲。
@Jen998 Ай бұрын
2020年当打之年剧本也是很浓厚, 停办了4年之后,没想到剧本又再次上演。 见怪不怪。
@YZPYN Ай бұрын
@@hognin3598 他們兩個都是在外國長大的華裔,都不是中國籍
@kwoo24 Ай бұрын
Flo最后的压轴发言,杀疯了!好猛~~ 我好爱! 完全把大家对于这个决赛结果的看法,非常实在又有逻辑的狠狠吐槽了一番。 而且从她的声音听得出,那种对于不公平的愤怒。
@tanks4788 Ай бұрын
@user-ev9cf5ns2k Ай бұрын
@kwoo24 Ай бұрын
@@user-ev9cf5ns2k 在 59:09 过后,他们讨论「对于那英获得歌王满意吗?」。然后Flo开始发表她的看法。
@ilonailona28 Ай бұрын
@nostake9245 Ай бұрын
@@ilonailona28 你可能是对的,但这看来也是你唯一从她说的话里面能跳出的毛病吧。前面多集都没什么第一,突然就第一了,剧本明显就是写好的啊。冠军还是得哪姐拿。
@user-bk9nk1qi8x Ай бұрын
59:15 右邊助手好氣 好真實的反應 哈哈哈哈哈
@leo840617 Ай бұрын
橘老師不敢講 她幫她講
@user-qn3em5ty8x Ай бұрын
@@user-bk9nk1qi8x 她感覺踩到節目設置的捕獸夾😆
@playgameonly173 Ай бұрын
欣賞她,三個裡面最老實 如果交朋友,一定選她
@giovannichuang4229 Ай бұрын
最後聽到助手不高興還蠻解氣的 前面橘子老師講的很保守害我差點以為這頻道已經被買了 幸好看起來沒有XDDD
@ytkk6057 Ай бұрын
@carolchang10 Ай бұрын
Flo吃了誠實豆沙包,說出了大家心裡的感受! ❤
@user-gu9fh7kb7e Ай бұрын
@yhccc4219 Ай бұрын
Flo is very honest! 她很真實直接說出我們的感受。
@user-dx2ir2ub5y Ай бұрын
@AW_Sun Ай бұрын
@kodaeninc.6726 Ай бұрын
还好你说 最水。。。这不是 头一回。老手了。
@jesse小榕 Ай бұрын
@jesse小榕 Ай бұрын
@Tratniss Ай бұрын
@@jesse小榕 不要每次有事都先拿國外來說, 他們存在歧視已經是不被世界認可。不可以因為別人做得不好, 中國就擺爛, 一起玩歧視。做好自己, 才能檢討別人。
@AW_Sun Ай бұрын
@@jesse小榕 你说不必太认真然后你大段大段的回复这些的时候不就是已经在认真了吗我说…本身就是水哇怎么还不能讲实话了吗
@gunchiku7293 Ай бұрын
謝謝你們願意說真話!!! 能聽到你們真實的反應,以及播出影片的勇氣真的非常感動!!會一直支持你們的!!!
@yunnwing5564 Ай бұрын
Flo 說到大眾的心裡去了,第一次聽到如此真實的點評。I ❤FLO 同時也很驚訝橘老師也能夠猜得出內幕。
@chanmeng7461 Ай бұрын
@marcocl9278 Ай бұрын
First of all. Love the performance of Rozette in the end!! That’s stunning! Secondly Flo made a good point. We need this real reaction!! You go girl!!
@cyyji7847 Ай бұрын
coco李玟 : 大家都在看。 確實,芒果台讓那英奪冠真的是一個笑話。
@giovannichuang4229 Ай бұрын
大家都會看 大家都會說 但大家都被壓了下來 最後漸漸地,大家也不說看到什麼了 最後也沒人會記得這時候的大家看了或說了什麼 只記得有一個紅遍大江南北的節目叫歌手 然後那英是歌王
@wff49 Ай бұрын
@@giovannichuang4229 確實是,過幾年只會看到維基百科上面寫歌王那英,少人會記得這是一位沒提詞機就不會唱歌的歌王
@MrZhaowei Ай бұрын
@@giovannichuang4229 错有看过都会记得的
@Teo-ev2bq Ай бұрын
stop your coco la . This person already die so long . You please update yourself ! Coco die does not do with naying ! You really old uncle
@lecowardjames Ай бұрын
​@@Teo-ev2bqnaying sucks
@laicindy118 Ай бұрын
@RockSomething Ай бұрын
@playgameonly173 Ай бұрын
連那姐唯一第一名那首歌也被質疑,🤥 你節目組就不要害她給她冠軍好不好😮‍💨
@jinghuzhang9368 Ай бұрын
@user-zd1th3po2x Ай бұрын
@@RockSomething 同意你的观点,不知道他们到底在遮遮掩掩一些什么,刚开始的时候说对接国际,做一档所谓的直播不修音的竞赛节目,好好扯掉内娱艺人多年以来身居高位却不作为,躺在功劳簿上不拉屎的遮羞布,但到最后这层布又重新被节目组拎起来,盖在了每一个原本相信这档节目会让中国的内陆艺人业务水平走向更好的人的脸上,该骂
@kwoo24 Ай бұрын
@@jinghuzhang9368 如果盲果台把它称为纯综艺,或表演类节目,大家没意见。 但,他们却理直气壮的经常自称「竞演节目」「音乐类实境节目」「最真实 」「最公正」,决赛后还强调「肯定真实,无需设防」。这就恶心了。
@Jozzzz003 Ай бұрын
@@kwoo24 对,甚至还不停强调公证公证。。。
@May-dh1pt Ай бұрын
@annalie8899 Ай бұрын
@lorenzoxiong2611 Ай бұрын
@alexliu2466 Ай бұрын
@Christobykeller Ай бұрын
@user-gu9fh7kb7e Ай бұрын
@taecyeonhow9184 Ай бұрын
@kwoo24 Ай бұрын
从一开始,大家都叫这节目《那英历险记》。现在总算明白了。 因为每一部历险记,主角会在经过劫难后,总会迎来幸福的happy ending。哪怕不真实。 而在《歌手》,节目组也为那英铺排好了一个美好的结局。更无视观众觉得是否「真实」。
@u8702004 Ай бұрын
第一次這麼愛Flo! You're suuuuuper fucking honest!
@user-lv4ko5fn4h Ай бұрын
Me too
@loxuy Ай бұрын
@ooimeng6132 Ай бұрын
@charmedojw Ай бұрын
lol 平时 右护法Flo 的口吻大致上是 “nah u go first … “ “I can’t choose , I like both of them” 😌😂😂这次是整个机关枪的输出理由, 大爱她了 锡嗮你左啦 Flo🥰😉😉
@jnc4426 Ай бұрын
Well they are not unhappy with unfairness per se, they are just unhappy that it is not unfair in their favor. They are okay when Sitar, who they favor more, advances into the second round over Chante Moore, whose duet is obviously better than Sitar's duet. And what is the justification for placing Sun Nan's duet with Liu Huan in the bottom three?
@playgameonly173 Ай бұрын
1:00:00 The woman started speaking the truth 👏👏👏👏👏
@Nurikjjt Ай бұрын
Initially, Fauzia wanted to sing a duet with Dimash, but the organizers did not allow
@joeybao6064 Ай бұрын
@Ken-fj3uh Ай бұрын
@dannyqao Ай бұрын
中国顶级歌手必备技能: 1、 利用间奏发表煽情演讲; 2、 利用一堆小孩为自己造势; 3、 利用少数民族为自己造势; 4、 利用京剧、越剧、黄梅戏演员为自己造势; 5、 左手高喊“音乐无国界”,右手高喊爱国主义; 6、 这首歌献给我死去的爸爸妈妈、兄弟姐妹,等等等等…….
@amazingtnshmwu2982 Ай бұрын
I really want to see the first reaction when you guys told her that not only 那英 placed the champion but also Faouzia placed the 4th😅😂😂
@user-mz2xy1dg1c Ай бұрын
@yumichillout Ай бұрын
@HaoChen-os1lw Ай бұрын
@huantenghsiao0126 Ай бұрын
@liewsimmey7252 Ай бұрын
@@HaoChen-os1lw 这个title可以啊🤣👍 笑死我了
@s47846899 Ай бұрын
@joceyim Ай бұрын
I liked Chante and Dimesh's duet, I felt it was the most musically authentic
@ameame8958 Ай бұрын
me too
@wife_of_Dimash Ай бұрын
I'm a dear
@m0nicall Ай бұрын
覺得橘老師評價沒有以往直言不諱又犀利的真實感,變得有所保留且偏場面話居多...... :( 反之,Flo誠實表達己見,砲火擔當,實在太帥!
@lucasloke1797 Ай бұрын
@mercurylee8004 Ай бұрын
@raydanz Ай бұрын
最后一集,Roxette被这烂节目邀请采访,还说希望大家 "extend grace to the singers"之类的。所以这次留了很多情面。也知道谭维维有看她的RE.
@AmberLee-m1m Ай бұрын
我覺得橘老師除了講評歌唱上的問題外,對於比賽她也是能問「何謂公平」?在一個不是為了公平設計的比賽裡? 因為不像是選秀型節目,有專業評審會講勝敗理由(即使台灣的節目,有些地方也被人說某選手是某公司的,所以沒淘汰他),所以也很難去評價「公平」,因為沒有評審背負專業之名在給評價。(像那英淘汰周深,就可以評價她淘汰的理由夠不夠「公平」)
@Nina-bs1qw Ай бұрын
@c163252131 Ай бұрын
You guys earned my respects for being truthful. (Especially, Flo 😂)
@ceeport333 Ай бұрын
@kakinlee9174 Ай бұрын
@haohao-kb8ze Ай бұрын
其實老師不是怕,也不是不敢講 而是多說無益,沒必要多講 她肯定意識到,那些犀利直爽、專業又真誠的評語,在中國內娛面前是一文不值 所以,既然左右護法開噴了,那就不用輪到她了
@ellenzheng8773 Ай бұрын
毕竟橘子老师也上歌手了 有人注意到嘛 虽然只有几秒钟 就在最后一期最前面那边
@bluerose2345 Ай бұрын
对的,还是喜欢当初那种真实的评论,不是这种委婉 ,想说又不敢说的说法。
@user-qf3ml8fq5s Ай бұрын
@DongDongTouch Ай бұрын
🥰橘老師今天穿著很典雅很美 而這種節目也帶給了我們經典的: 👌『 ..They said, It must be Chinese before you.. 』
@DanielWang0525 Ай бұрын
Totally agree with what Flo says at the end. I guess they could manipulate the result by choosing the audience who show preference toward certain performer(s). BTW, Roxette is simply gorgeous today !!!
@kwoo24 Ай бұрын
Exactly. We can see how many "actors" were being there in the audience. MangoTV station has been known for that.
@user-lc7mi1zh2m Ай бұрын
@Na-hc1cg Ай бұрын
Flo thank you for speaking up you’re the best. i love you
@Plantofautumm Ай бұрын
Is Na Ying's reputation going to be okay after this show? I don't have weibo, but from the comments on KZbin and Tiktok, everyone was rooting for Fouzia and flabbergasted that Naying won and they said that it's an undeserving victory.
@mannie692002 Ай бұрын
😂 Yehanala Naying 😂
@user-wz7di8uf1l Ай бұрын
Almost all Chinese audiences hate this result except na_ying's fans, they curse the mango TV because of the worst script.
@lisayist Ай бұрын
​@@user-wz7di8uf1l Na ying still has die-hard fans? She paid for them.
@user-wz7di8uf1l Ай бұрын
​@@lisayist you're right, naying actually paid for most of them.😂 At the same time there are still some of her nuts fans, usually the haters of Faouzia or Chante.
@user-bj5hf7hi2u Ай бұрын
@coPochoco Ай бұрын
从第一期就已经懂她会是冠军😅😅😅 那时因为某个事件她已潜水一段时间,这个节目很明显就是让她复出的舞台。 只是很意外那么多期她的排名都不是很靠前,所以在想这个冠军会不会有个变数? 结果,没有,果然。 不过却没想到,真没料想到这个安排是那么粗糙劣制。从Chante Moore进不到final,再到重要的"时刻",Faouzia第一次跌出前三垫底,还真的是非常大胆的"赛果"。 但还是很开心这两位重在尽情享受舞台,而非虚名。毕竟抛开名次,舞台与奏乐团队是真的华丽庞大。
@PrideWeWin Ай бұрын
Flo you’re the best love what you said towards the end
@athomenotavailable Ай бұрын
This is the most emotional I've seen Flo
@jytou85 Ай бұрын
You mean "heard"
@roberthuang4075 Ай бұрын
I think she also had big reaction when 那英 singing Jay's "擱淺" lol
@fl0018 Ай бұрын
橘老師變了 上一期知道黃宣淘汰後 還敢怒瞪芒果TV 這期接受訪問後 什麼話都不敢講了 反觀Flo 直接開噴!! 這才是我要的!!
@lucasloke1797 Ай бұрын
@kiwifrenchie6036 Ай бұрын
@SC-fv6tl Ай бұрын
@haohao-kb8ze Ай бұрын
其實不是變了 是橘老師懶得多說了 因為她發現她最在乎的歌唱,中國內娛並不在乎 那就多說無益,講講好聽的場面話就好 其實當老師不想給予犀利真實又專業的評論時 就是中國內娛最大的損失
@wilsonyang3123 Ай бұрын
@@haohao-kb8ze 本来就没什么好说的,表现归表现,结果归结果。真的不想评就不做这个节目了。
@Tommy_M111 Ай бұрын
I saw a clip of Dimash telling Faouzia that the winner should be Chinese before her, and its really sad to see her reaction. But congrats to the winner still. 👏
@AmberLee-m1m Ай бұрын
He actually said "It must be a Chinese singer for her." His ng pronunciation is strong, lol, but I still find it funny. And I feel sad that they didn't give Fouzia top 3...
@mysticnebula23 Ай бұрын
after i read this comment i yt the clip. it's sad, it is the way it is. but i think faouzia knows that, which is why she didn't actually was giving off too much pride and sadness as reactions, she said ok, but because they are under camera, she was awkward with that comment. Her goal is definitely not just winning the show, but a place with great stage and market for her to showcase her voice and earn more international recognition plus a lump sum of money while doing it. #1 is not important to most foreigners on this show, seriously they know what they got themselves into. American reality tv has scripts too ~~
@arthurshevtsov3615 Ай бұрын
Where can I find this video? Or what is it called
@user-un5de9ev4d Ай бұрын
@@arthurshevtsov3615 kzbin.info/www/bejne/aafGl4GEq9Ciqtk
@mysticnebula23 Ай бұрын
@@arthurshevtsov3615 just yt dimash faouzia, it's camera footage from probably the team inside, and it's title in Russian, but the video has dimash leaning to faouzia's ear
@wen-yihsieh9142 Ай бұрын
看第一集的參賽名單就知道誰會冠軍了吧 不過我本來以為至少會留第二名給 Faouzia 不愧是我大天朝
@vivianhsieh6983 Ай бұрын
@lorenzoxiong2611 Ай бұрын
@keyshow13579 Ай бұрын
汪蘇瀧那段也是很好笑 古巨基不說 汪蘇瀧那程度真的跟唱卡啦ok沒兩樣 稍微練一下我也能唱成那樣😅 他能進決賽真得很好笑😂
@bi5259 Ай бұрын
@xenthe123 Ай бұрын
偶像歌手的水準…… 跟楊同級但他似乎有不用展示唱功的特權😂
@user-xy6pn5rp4w Ай бұрын
@Rosannasfriend Ай бұрын
By the way, it was Faouzia that did the high notes during the harmony, and found it was always her that did the high notes during their harmony. You guys thought at the beginning that it was Jason. You’re supposed to be a voice coach which means that you have a better ear than that.
@user-yo2se9ji3d Ай бұрын
You should go see what they say in the last ten minutes.
@SC-fv6tl Ай бұрын
I had the exact same reaction for "Shallow". Firstly, I too prefer Bradley Cooper's voice for this song, or put it this way, the texture of Cooper's voice suits this song/story better. Secondly, the two voices are fighting on the same sequence. Thirdly, these two do not seem to have any chemistry together, lack of emotional connection. My favourite duet are Chante and Dimash.
@user-sp8qv5zr2y Ай бұрын
Zhang and faouzia didn't meet till a day before the show unlike the other singers and the song wasn't even her orignal choice. Got forced too it. Overall i think Both her and chante should have sang alone. Kinda got over shadowed both ig them.
@Peachu_n_Goma_Home Ай бұрын
The duet is required, cant sing alone
@holohulolo Ай бұрын
The semi finals is actually one of my more anticipated segment, because of the pairing thing, you kinda wanna know which big star they're going to invite. Honestly, whether who shines doesn't really matter. You could argue you want the participant to shine more, but if you bring someone way more popular than you and take maybe even take a lead, it'd give you more points and therefore still help boost you to that finale. So it's a win win. I mean obviously you wouldn't want to overdo it and really let them take the lead, but you know what I mean if that guest shines a little more it's fine. The participants invited singers like Eason, JJ Lin and others which even at the time years ago, were more popular than the participant that invited them, but that's kind what's fun with the segment. It's kind of like a name dropping segment to see who is the most popular star you can invite I don't think they're assigned, in the past it's always the participant that invites the guest. Unless they changed the rules specifically for chante and faouzia, which only applies to them, which I dont think it is because first of all that would be too obviously unfair. I think the more likely scenario is both of them wanted a singer that China is familiar with, and Dimas and Jason Zhang are 2 of a list of singers they are introduced to. There's a possibility that they each invited some other western artist to help them but they couldn't come so they chose these 2 instead. But assigned pairing would make the segment completely pointless. I mean a prolific singer, Jeff chang from previous season invited akon as his guest singer, and nobody expected him to know akon personally, to this day I don't know how he invited him either, but maybe he just knows someone who knows him or happen to meet him somewhere. Also I like how you talked about SunNan and LiuHuan. I wouldn't have known that being I'm not a professional but it makes a lot of sense, because LiuHuan is a composer, he writes a lot of songs, is far more knowledgable and skilled at writing music than most of them, he mentioned in the interview that he didn't write the song that way originally, yes it's his song, he said he couldn't reach the high note, but now that he knows hes singing with SunNan who can, he rewrote it the way he's always wanted the song to be. I wouldn't be surprised that with LiuHuan's help the whole arrangement of it being a duet is much better executed. Honestly I think NaYing kinda pulled every trick out of the how to win a competition 101, for that 2nd last performance where she was with the band. I've watched this show since the first season and one thing that's been really consistent is that, when you make your performance like a concert, where you make the audience sing along and wave their hand with you, you get more points because youre engaging them. It used to be that singers always pick well known, and really popular classic songs whether it's a new song or those form the 90s or 80s, while this isn't that I think the music is still reminiscent of some 90s songs, its an easily relatable music. Then there's the lyrics where it's inspiring and meaningful, it also makes it more relatable to more audience. Of course non of that will really work if you don't sing it well, but I'm saying it's going to get you more votes. On top of that, she's playing an instrument which I believe the only purpose to to just bring a surprise element because I've never seen her do that in other performance and other tv shows. but talking to the audience like that about her personal experience, which by the way when she says "this stage" means the show itself, I think is kinda unfair, there's a reason they dont even show the singers interview before the performance, because they dont want the audience to be vote it based on anything other than the performance. She's kind of trying to get sympathy vote. Because during the first few episodes, as well know she got a lot of criticism because of her pitch issue and being nervous because everyone has such high expectations of her, the part where she's saying the stage tortures her is really her saying being on the show has. been a torture because people began question her singing ability and if she lived up to her image. I think it really shouldn't be allowed, to talk to the audience like that. I gotta say I actually like the song and the performance, but I really hate that she used all those tricks to get more votes, I wouldn't be surprised at all if that performance is the highest voted on the entire night. If she turns out to just be genuine with all that and not doing all of that for votes, I'm probably just an ass for being so pessimistic, but I've also watched her in multiple shows, and she never come across as a very sincere person, even though compared to most she's relatively blunt with what she says. I think her experience at the voice being a coach and also being the one with the most number of wins, probably also taught her how to win a competition. her last performance is also good but I wouldn't say it's really any better than most covers ive heard, I'm not speaking about her accuracy, but just as a regular audience listening to it. The song itself is a really popular song and again with meaningful and inspiring lyrics, even then I don't think it's that good that it deserves the first place by a landslide. I cannot understand how that performance got her so much vote, when Sitar Tan's performance is clearly mind-blowing. Sitar Tan is a pioneer with this Chinese folk rock music. There is so much more in her performance than NaYing. I honestly dont think picking NaYing is like china's preference, I think if it were, they would've picked Sitar. I'm curious to know how many netizens in China preferred NaYing, as popular as she is. I think if they were to do a poll online, I highly highly doubt they'd prefer NaYing. Because that song, while good, she really didn't bring anything new to it that makes you go wow, or connect to it anymore than who many other decent singers have covered it.
@mmhh6227 Ай бұрын
橘老師明顯口下留情了(以往比較直接開罵,這次非常收斂),當砲火擔當的護法FLO在開噴時,老師一直在思考措辭來緩頰,並且從節目方的角度來幫忙說話,應該是不想跟中方撕破臉吧? 可能是未來會去中國合作吧? (呼應譚維維近期邀請合作的影片?希望明年看的到)
@giovannichuang4229 Ай бұрын
感覺有被官方關注到了... 不敢說太明了
@chenglongwang3362 Ай бұрын
@thenkeying8762 Ай бұрын
@kenhuang7424 Ай бұрын
去看一下club zero media官網(業務方面) 多少可以看出端倪
@haohao-kb8ze Ай бұрын
其實橘老師變得保守、不這麼犀利直接 並不是不敢,而是不想了、不需要了 她這麼專業又資深的音樂人,看的可透透的 這個節目、乃至於中國內娛,根本不值得她花費口舌去評論 就笑笑說些場面話,打打圓場就好,大家都很棒嘛~~ 反正中國最不需要的就是真話 當一個專業真誠的專家開始敷衍你,不再掏心掏肺講那些專業的東西 損失的是誰?大家想想便知
@user-ce7yl3eq6i Ай бұрын
Its so satisfying yet heartbreaking to hear you say that these shows were never designed to be fair
@mysticnebula23 Ай бұрын
love how Flo is so honest! she is saying what we all think in our minds, but doesn't have a platform to. I also love Rozzette that she's also being absolutely honest that, what is fair? And it's ultimately entertainment, there is a script, it is a show, and no matter how it must go on, she's definitely an experienced and respectful artist as well as commentator. And Jake is also being more soft in his communications too, he is also truly enjoying these discussions as this series progress. Side note, I think Rozzette should go for Sisters, because the show is opening up for non celebrity enrollment. Tho, it's more physically demanding because it's not just about singing, but I do think Rozzette looks so on top of her game and health that she might be able to take that challenge on. Would lovely to see you guys as team glow up in China. For reals, I think with the amount of Chinese/Asian songs that Rozzette has been getting to know, she's much more equip to the culture, to the values and artistry than other foreign people they invited to sisters. Rozzette has shown so much respect and love for all culture. love u guys
@MA_2_ Ай бұрын
@image025 Ай бұрын
Flo is the boss, now I even question that one time that Na Ying got the first place, they were probably setting it up for finale
@hunterhugh7311 Ай бұрын
希望老師能誠實說出對那英拿到第一名的感受 哈哈
@leo840617 Ай бұрын
@cocoslover100 Ай бұрын
She said, this show is not designed to be fair😂
@pockethome2276 Ай бұрын
@0905CJL 29 күн бұрын
Please review the last episode!! I am so curious how Rozette talks about Chi-Yu!!
@ongxyz Ай бұрын
虚假的歌王:57岁依然保持着一定的水准,一听就是平时有维持基本功的练习,注重对嗓子的保护,挑战各种不同的风格给观众带来新鲜感,简单的歌曲也尽量要加入一些复杂的技巧,真心热爱音乐 真正的歌王:57岁水准退步严重,打麻将录综艺就是没时间去练习基本功保持自己的水准。选的歌尽量简单平淡,选了搁浅这样有点难度的全部做简化,再简单的歌也要盯着提词器,就这样也会忘词唱错走调。
@MnMPryoBanana Ай бұрын
Duet partners are definitely picked for them. In the past, I remember they gave Zhou Shen the duet king a really horrible duet partner and a really horrible song because they wanted Hua Chenyu to win. Then a week later, Zhou Shen gave a really amazing duet performance on a different show. I remembered it because it felt like a slap to this show face.
@user-sb5gx6wq5x Ай бұрын
@williamchan9382 Ай бұрын
After SINGER did that to Zhou Shen, the show is not worth watching anymore. What a shameful show. Can ignore SINGER & throw into dustbin.
@zr7974 Ай бұрын
超愛Flo這集的爆炸發言,但凡對音樂及vocal有點追求的人都很難忍受這種結局吧,尤其一整季歌手又臭又長努力把節目塑造成歌手技巧的純比試,結果最後還是被打回原型。 不敢說一切是假的但絕對有節目組設計的套路,作為節目方應該做點什麼去減少這種bias才對,不然這場比賽從一開始就沒有懸念,很不尊重那些努力追求挑戰自己的歌手。
@user-hr1ug6mx5n Ай бұрын
老師😂❤ 只剩你能伸張正義了😂❤ 那陰🏆 老師會不會吐血哈哈哈哈哈
@Teo-ev2bq Ай бұрын
You also rubbish uncle
@ImMrPlaster Ай бұрын
冠军之只是给乡民看的, 毕竟是主要收视率来源 这届歌手中国国内带火了faouzia, 国外带火了我们的橘老师, 杰凯和flo! 🥳
@lanusyo Ай бұрын
@ahteng3739 Ай бұрын
Honestly, as someone who watched this show from season 4 onwards, we already knew who would win after the list of participants came out. The only reason we still stay in front of the TV is to see how bad will Chante and Faouzia be robbed, and I must admit, this shit alone didn't let me down🙂 But for the real ranks, well that's shit anyways
@KO-jl3mg Ай бұрын
@@ahteng3739 how can be Faouzia be robbed when Mango TV has a bigger plan for her? 😅 She is already cashing in more than her previous market 😂
@ahteng3739 Ай бұрын
@@KO-jl3mg if you want to say it like that, you're not wrong either
@KO-jl3mg Ай бұрын
@@ahteng3739 during the live she had commercials already and just the other day, I saw her new music here in youtube i think it was for moviesoundtrack in China.
@jasleinei744 Ай бұрын
This season had incredibly bland or bad song arrangements and song choices in the previous seasons lolol. At least the previously seasons had many classic and memorable interpretations and arrangements. This season was generally just boring on a whole and musically bland
@MnMPryoBanana Ай бұрын
1) They filled the audience with Na Ying fans. You can hear them cheering for her even before she sings 2) They gave Na Ying favorable order to sing, gave her a huge production each performance 3) Allow her to speak half way performance to gain sympathy votes and a storyline to back her up 4) ''Make'' Fouzia and Sun Nan sing their own written songs instead of their signature typical performances that top the rankings throughout the season. I watched this show most seasons and they do this shit every time. Its always the most influential and ''respected'' singers that win. New and/or popular singers will get screen time but they are not allowed to win. This show is like every other ''reality tv''. Its scripted. Tbh, I really thought this time they will let Na Ying not win because she unlike previous winners, she is a really substandard singer. They really forced it and carried her though. Having said that, thank you for the performances. I added lots of new songs to my playlist. It was still fun to watch.
@mannie692002 Ай бұрын
😂 Yehanala Naying 😂
@user-hp1fv4wq4b Ай бұрын
@@MnMPryoBanana Agree with this.I never thought that Na Ying could be the champion of this show.But it really contribute to my song list🤣
@user-cr8jf5wg6u Ай бұрын
nah they just control the final support rate presentation
@HKStephenChan Ай бұрын
They don’t even have to fill Naying’s fans in, they never counted the votes in front of the audience
@SC-fv6tl Ай бұрын
My most precious gift from this show is Yellow.
@aj83design Ай бұрын
橘子老師整個儀式感滿滿...💯 ❤❤❤ 沒有黃宣就沒啥好期待的了... 主要是來看有一說一字幕彩蛋的樂趣!! 🤣🤣🤣
@music25288 Ай бұрын
@pinocchiotarator4590 22 күн бұрын
The sound is cut, thank you for this reaction
@garychang0323 Ай бұрын
“It must be Chinese before you”
@dorotheemoller457 Ай бұрын
No, he said Chinese for you
@garychang0323 Ай бұрын
@@dorotheemoller457 i can distinguish the difference between ‘before’ and ‘for’
@dorotheemoller457 Ай бұрын
@@garychang0323 sorry, Dimash explained that it was like that in an extra video
@huzhongli2788 Ай бұрын
@@dorotheemoller457 really funny that you actually buy it. Think the reason why he had to come out and make that video. Also very sad, your listing skill and reading body language skills need improved.
@mercurylee8004 Ай бұрын
1. Chante落選,那英晉級,Rozette都不吃驚?^^ 2. Flo這一集好閃亮,每一句都在發光呀!XD
@bcsky54 Ай бұрын
For me, the best performance in this episode was from Chante and Dimash.
@-mrt9598 Ай бұрын
1. Dimash : “They said it must be Chinese before you!” Faouzia : “ok it’s no problem” 😂 2. It’s Alright Chante : You have won hearts of millions regardless of the outcome. This is rehearsal of “It’s Alright” : kzbin.info/www/bejne/qpukZWeXgN9prbMsi=OQsEIqi0IKfaxmjH
@YabiRabbit Ай бұрын
橘子老師特別盛裝好美,不喝酒還硬要拿高腳杯裝氣泡水也太可愛(也很搭) 很多人會說老師變得很不敢講,雖然表達的方式一定多少有被影響到,但我覺得每次即便是與自己喜好相左的結果,橘子老師本來就都能同時不失專業與尊重去分析,當然Flo跟杰凱時不時會吐出的大實話我們也是看得很開心XDDD 本來對最後一集沒太大興趣,不過因為愛橘子還是來看了,真的很喜歡你們三位~🥰
@hsincheng738 Ай бұрын
橘老師畢竟是幕前的人 為避免被酸民攻擊太慘只好盡量圓潤一點可以理解 JKai偶爾露臉而且也已經被酸民攻擊了,砲火開50% Flo沒露過臉(吧?),本集獨自扛下了一切火力全開😂 好讚,但凡耳朵正常的人都知道這個冠軍很不真實🙃
@user-jy3xx8gm3z Ай бұрын
@-mrt9598 Ай бұрын
期待敲碗老師對 Chante 的 “It’s Alright” (Live at the finale of Singer 2024) 給予指教和意見,雖然無法晉級總決賽,相信也無憾了!
@Zoe-rp2lx Ай бұрын
@smallcat666 Ай бұрын
@lynnong2459 Ай бұрын
I totally agree that Fouziah or Tan Wei Wei should be first bec they are really good. Throughout the whole show, if you noticed, Na Ying has been given lots of camera views and they are prioritising her many times over. A contract must have been signed. Normally she is a good singer but when you have some powerful vocalists around, she loses out to them. Fair or not, the show is over . Must say , the programme was good overall…we were introduced to some good unknown singers.
@TheJunhao93 Ай бұрын
@fatimaWr2 Ай бұрын
@a04671 Ай бұрын
@@fatimaWr2 緊張自己要拿冠軍的意思?🥹
@superbriander Ай бұрын
@Yok_Knnn Ай бұрын
@@a04671 就相当于佛祖和白龙马签合同的时候告诉它:你最终会和节目组成功的,所以中途取经的时候跌倒不可怕,你说它跌倒他们多次,当然紧张。
@xiaowmusic Ай бұрын
@rockstone7156 Ай бұрын
@skykid0428 Ай бұрын
@Janet-cl5fe Ай бұрын
The winners this team pick are the true winners! So thankful we have such truthful voices! Enjoy your channel so much!
@sinyunleong6564 Ай бұрын
Hopefully Rozette will react more performance about Cheng Chu Sheng. He is really talent singer. 陈楚生和谭维维我觉得是最搭的一组,他们的合唱真的是 1+1>2 建议先听原曲,才听他们的合唱。真的改偏很多,变得很耐听,把这首原本就很小众的歌,让大众能接受。 也希望老师多多评价陈楚生,他是一位宝藏歌手。
@music25288 Ай бұрын
@@sinyunleong6564 这一期最喜欢的是陈楚生和谭维维《瞎子》,改编的最好,两人也最搭。最棒的一个舞台👍👍👍
@janeooi1386 Ай бұрын
Over all these years and so many seasons of the competition, there has been a rule that no singer is allowed to say anything while singing! But she actually gave a long speech? ... The result of the competition: speechless, speechless, the whole world is speechless!
@karenwtho9137 Ай бұрын
In reference to Rozette questioning whether the finalists would feel insecure with a bigger partner on Singer stage, Jay should bring out her favourite singer's first round performance in Singer 2020 where the helper became the main star while the main star couldn't keep up in terms of stage presence. I think it's all a matter of personal choice, to shine on MY STAGE or be outshone by someone else on MY STAGE.
@JashanpreetSingh-z7g Ай бұрын
Faouzia is the Champion of this season!
@dorotheemoller457 Ай бұрын
I am sorry but there is nothing like "Dimashes Genre". He studied pop and jazz as well as opera vocals😃
@lila1957 Ай бұрын
Here the contestant is Chante Moore
@dorotheemoller457 Ай бұрын
@@lila1957 I know
@noraaziz5458 Ай бұрын
Yes I agree with Flo that regardless how the rules of the games may not be absolutely fair, the final outcome is definitely rigged by the producers. And finally, I am so happy to be able to hear Rozette do a cover of Shallow. It is much more comfortable to hear as opposed to the rendition by Faouzia and Jason Zhang Jie
@sheldonli13 Ай бұрын
@teyuanwei457 Ай бұрын
电视台炒股 股價飆漲
@tiffanyovo6042 Ай бұрын
其實這節目有劇本第一名是內定這點大家早就知道,但是都沒想到會整個這樣的賽制直接不讓莫莫唱第二輪🙄希望杰凱可以播莫莫採排時唱的歌給老師做reaction 😢
@user-yo2se9ji3d Ай бұрын
@Fenty415 Ай бұрын
can't agree more with Flo, she's telling the truth, the show sucks🤮🤮🤮
@claudialin8898 Ай бұрын
@user-iq4lz2le1p Ай бұрын
好棒 有中文字幕! 然後張傑和凡西亞合作的聽起來真的很奇怪 明明都很強 也唱的很好 但是!整體來說 說不出的怪😂 老師說對了! 他們合唱 張傑和凡西亞 感覺很像是競爭對手那種感覺😂 就是歌唱節目 在這首歌比賽 看誰會被留下來 類似陳冰和另一個女生 現在很有名 那時候他們在我是好聲音 競爭那種感覺 反正我覺得很可惜 張傑和凡西亞都很強 合作起來說不出的怪 而且張傑呀你是幫忙的啦 怎麼感覺你在跟凡西亞競爭的感覺 但橘老師也說了 可能是節目組的安排😢
@不要太誠實 Ай бұрын
他們原本不是要唱這首歌 開演前一天才被改曲目的 所以基本上只有排演過一次
@jenniferlin9205 Ай бұрын
@soprecious1241 Ай бұрын
Please react to Chanté Moore's It's Alright at the finale, even tho she didn't actually made, they posted her performance anyway and it's amazing
@Crystalcheongnc Ай бұрын
恭喜橘老師看完人生中的第一套"陸劇"......ovarb👏 說到"合唱"部份, 真要給橘老師看看當年周深與新褲子那場, 估計橘老師都會暈過去!!🤣🤣🤣 為了讓周深輸, 節目組也真用盡全力搞了. PS: 橫豎下期要做周深的reactions, 不防把那場慘不忍睹的"周深與新褲子"給老師看, 看看內娛手段多"強悍".
@lowint-wokk Ай бұрын
@zaynhsu137 Ай бұрын
@jinghuzhang9368 Ай бұрын
还好吧,你以为张杰那么想去啊 ,他是因为欣赏凡西亚才答应节目组去的,他还在忙他的北京鸟巢演唱会。张杰并不需要这节目的流量,他本身就是个有八千多万订阅的歌手,这节目对他来说并不重要
@Christobykeller Ай бұрын
@@jinghuzhang9368 跟張杰有什麼關係,不都是節目組找的,故意找不搭的聲音去配兩位歐美歌手,才阻礙不了那演員奪冠囉
@jinghuzhang9368 Ай бұрын
@@Christobykeller 你都没搞明白,你以为所有歌手都愿意去啊,唱不好是要挨骂的,甚至你唱得好或者唱得不好都会挨骂,而且时间只有一个星期根本就不好找人去。最主要的是,帮唱环节只是pk她的另一个对手,跟最后决赛成绩没关系,决赛是要另外打分的,不存在你说的故意找不合适的人去的问题
@Kenneth-07 Ай бұрын
@@jinghuzhang9368 當時 Jessie J 說要請 Adele, Ed sheeran 之類的歌手來幫唱,最後還不是給芒果請了其他藝人(我認為 coco 和 kz 都很棒,但我想 Jessie J 應該有很多他更熟悉的歌手可以邀請),從此之後每屆歌手幫唱都是那幾位歌手輪流轉。
@tedking9564 Ай бұрын
我完全认同老师说“品味没有对错” “没有所谓100%公平”。若没有证据是黑箱,我尊重投票者。也就一个娱乐节目而已。不是谁赢就一定表示比较会唱。
@dlwc6223 Ай бұрын
Pls react to CHANTE MOORE it’s alright that she prepared for her 2nd round final performance ! That’s BOOOOOMED ! truly spectacular
@user-wg1pn5qz7q Ай бұрын
Would you react to The Love of Tired Swans by Dimash (New York 2019 ver.)? I think it’s perfect, full of emotion
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Рет қаралды 67 МЛН
Now it’s my turn ! 😂🥹 @danilisboom  #tiktok #elsarca
Elsa Arca
Рет қаралды 12 МЛН
Dimash & Chanté Moore - Lose Control (I Am Singer 2024, HUNAN TV)
Dimash Qudaibergen
Рет қаралды 699 М.
Рет қаралды 25 МЛН