Beautifully done! Of all the hundreds or thousands of great guitar solos that I've ever heard, none touch my soul like this version that George played on Let it Be. I got the same feeling hearing you play it. In my opinion, that was the magic of George's guitar playing. He wasn't crazy fast and flashy but he always seemed to do something that was perfect for the song. Another example that comes to mind is on the song, 'And I Love Her.' Paul admitted that when he brought the song to the studio it was quite bland but George came up with that simple little riff that you hear at the beginning (and throughout), some arppegio and a soulful but simple fill that, along with Pauls melodic genius, the song becomes a thing of absolute beauty.
@kenken59343 жыл бұрын
半世紀以上Let It Beを聴いてきた還暦を過ぎたジジイです。アルバム版のこのギターソロ無くして心を揺さぶるLet It Beは有り得ないと信じています。このギターソロをこんなに素晴らしい音と表情で演奏できる「こさめ嬢」には禿げた頭で脱帽!!