Ep82: Magical Thinking In Buddhism - Dhammarato

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Guru Viking

Guru Viking

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@alanscott7170 3 жыл бұрын
"You were taught to be miserable by miserable people. And that's our habit. That's our saṅkhāra. But you can lighten up." I feel this. I feel this deeply.
@OfficialGOD Жыл бұрын
@simonsays525 3 жыл бұрын
Dhammarato is spot on. Simple observing and deconstruction isn't Buddhism. In Buddhism, mindfulness is used for the service of right effort and that is precisely what Dhammarato is saying. The Buddha didn't teach mindfulness. He taught right mindfulness, and mindfulness is only right mindfulness when it is understood and practiced within the context of the entire eightfold path, especially right effort as right effort, right mindfulness and right samadhi are the 3 steps which comprise the development of the higher mind.
@acrowley5453 3 жыл бұрын
Dhammarato roaring the dhamma like a lion! a great way to spend a couple hours
@bdw690 3 жыл бұрын
nice avatar bro! loves that place.
@vivaldiwilson5449 3 жыл бұрын
what a LION of the Dhamma! May all hear this liberating message.
@maximlianmaier5964 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for giving that man a platform! What a guy!
@Mrtrainer100 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent explanation indeed. Sadhu!
@fraktaalimuoto 3 жыл бұрын
Nice discussion. Thanks!
@MegaMONI45 3 жыл бұрын
God, I love this channel...Thank you!
@ceruleandusk 3 жыл бұрын
Loving these.
@evandunbar5605 3 жыл бұрын
This should be entertaining
@mattrousseau3121 2 жыл бұрын
It's about time.we need more rational buddhist. Buddhism is a Rational psychology at its core
@tempname4 3 жыл бұрын
Thx great interview
@Mrtrainer100 3 жыл бұрын
Wise man.
@backwardthoughts1022 3 жыл бұрын
the buddha didnt say to assume rebirth. he said he observed it and found a way out of it and that you should too. even ancient greeks were able to develop the minor concentration required to directly perceive at least minor subtle results and causes.
@seynsverlassenheit3296 3 жыл бұрын
In other words, antinatalism is the only way out of suffering for all, but it is unlikely to happen.
@tenzinthomasmasami Жыл бұрын
The notion that you've understood the dharma is magical thinking, and you guide confused sentient beings into hell realms with you karma and rebirth "teachings."
@JonesysMomma Ай бұрын
Are you implying what he's saying is incorrect? If so, I'm sorry you're too brainwashed by fabrications of religion to understand his point. Dhammarato teaches an ending of pain and suffering and hell on earth that you can achieve at any time. Why would you try to wait for a "reincarnation/rebirth" to be a better friend/community member or try and end your pain and suffering. The suttas read very literally if you let them, why you would want more I can't understand. Sounds like some kind of delusion of self created by fabrications of religion. As someone with schizoaffective, I'd get it checked out by a doctor if I were you. It falls outside of the realm of normal for buddhism as a religion.
@bdw690 3 жыл бұрын
I'm excited to watch Dhammaorangudango fight Doctor Lord Octarine Ignorance Magic Arahant. Should be good.
@bdw690 3 жыл бұрын
Lobsang Thursday wad of Buddhism opened my thurd eye.
@mattrousseau3121 2 жыл бұрын
@@bdw690 I gather your talking about Ingraham. Yes he looses me when he talks about magic powers LOL
@bdw690 3 жыл бұрын
Dhammarato told me that anyone who believes is ghosts is an idiot. He lives in Thailand, and says this. Frankly, I don't wonder why he can't get PR status and has to spend money and time to get his passport stamped every 30 days. I found he makes use of a "conversational hypnosis" and believes, or at least presents his own limited understanding of a given doctrine as the whole thing. A reductive and postmodern rationalist with postmodern presumptions.
@vivaldiwilson5449 3 жыл бұрын
Are you sure you know about Thai visas? You might want to remove your snark about the visa.
@bdw690 3 жыл бұрын
@@vivaldiwilson5449 Are you sure you aren't missing the point? The visa is incidental represents material "mere indication" of the unfolding wyrd. Not the crux of the matter of contention. Perhaps you are sure you know all about Thai visas. Maybe correct your presumption about other people's motivations for issuing a criticism? I don't know you, and I don't presume to know anything about the Thai immigration laws. I know that a monk is an object of reverence in Thailand and I met several foreign monks who were very happily living in Thailand without passport problems or the need to spend money moving their wife and daughter across the border on a regular basis to satisfy immigration legal statutes. I know which monastery Dhammaratto says he was trained at and what they'll do if you want to stay in the country. I stayed there myself. If there is a specific reason you wanna say "oh hey it's hard to get a visa in X context," that is a relevant point. I've never had any problem getting in and out of that country, and I've not heard anyone complain about visas, doing government paperwork and getting PR status except when it comes to protectionist policies about business and land ownership. Those protectionist policies are totally justified. That the man calls a whole category of people retards and then in the same moment has to stress with his wife about his own position in society on camera and then tell me a story about why it's not a big deal for him because his daughter likes the traveling and the staying in a hotel.... 🙄 I also did see how protectionist policies led to a minor political struggle in a monastery between the Malaysian Thera and the significantly younger Thai monk who was the legally appointed leader of his countrymen, which led to concessions being made where the Malaysian was considered the informal leader by the community, and the de facto (but not legal) owner of some some land on a mountain within the monastery compound, having the highest vantage point and nice facilities. Whereas the younger Thai monk officially was the leader of the monastery, since the position could not be held by the Malaysian. Apparently this was a point of some bitter contention. The Malaysian showed his seniority by giving us permission to use his facilities, monastic facilities and the caves on site. The younger Thai leader showed his authority by giving out some special rainbow coloured metal talismans with a Buddha image on the front face and Khmer kabbalistic spells on the back. My Singaporean friend made sure we understood the situation in some capacity, as he was trying to teach us about the distinction between differing Buddhist groups, the Buddhadharma and the cultural Buddhism. BTW the Malaysian monk suggested that we (three yogis dressed as laymen) go down the mountain and eat with the monks in their mess hall. As you would imagine, we didn't do that. Because it is very much against the Thai Buddhist custom of the monks eating separately from the lay people. A subtle comment by the Malaysian monk whose significance was initially lost on me. Dhamaratto's talked about his personal need to get a passport chop every 30 days during conversations with myself. Visas or PR shouldn't be an issue for a person living as a monk. If they are it is indicative of something. I don't say what. The man has been in the country for several years, nearly a decade. It's an outward sign of something! He said you'd have to be an idiot to believe in Ghosts, before having a rather tense interaction with the mother of his daughter about money and passports. I saw it with my own eyes and I was tempted to say something. But the man has already explicitly stated that I, and the majority of Thai people are all idiots. He handed his wife his passport and had a grave look on his face. Their eyes met and both looked tense. I don't think I should have to spell out for you the meaning of seeing an American posing as a Thai monk sitting in his boxer shorts with his half Thai daughter saying anyone who thinks ghosts may exist is an idiot, before nervously talking with his wife about needing to secure his legal status as a long term temporary resident of a country that is quite bloody actively haunted. If you've been to Thailand you know something of what Thais think about ghosts. If you can't see the irony...! Imagine saying the country you live in is populated by idiots. Then imagine somehow you can't get PR status and have to renew your visa every 30 days, for years on end. It's almost as if people listen to what you say about them! Dhammaratto's home monastery is a place where I trained. The curriculum there places emphasis on the six realms doctrine, and the monastery grounds and international dhamma hermitage are inhabited by many wild animals in addition to being haunted. The former Ms. Chiang Mai is hanging on the wall in the monk's dormitory with a dead man and a baby. So if he sincerely thinks ghosts are just the imaginings of idiots, I don't despise him. Rather, I have to pity his insensibility. I don't imagine the three skeletons in the monk's dormitory are very lively as sources of scary haunting type pheonmena. Ms. Chiang Mai died of cancer and donated her body to the temple. So she's not a phi tang glom or a phi pop. Dhammaradingo has also said the Buddha was a great liar, implying that "talking out of both sides of the mouth" was a universal virtue in that it lets a snake to taste the air and twist to avoid an obstacle. Giving new meaning to lies one is caught in. In tantric Buddhism if you are having legal problems or have such financial expenditures like Dhammaratto, you can propitiate the Buddha who appears as a red Ganesh held up by and getting a blowjob from a monkey-faced witch. There are plenty of magic methods for resolving difficulties. If you connect to the sources of magic. Of course if you deride society as being "based in magical thinking" and claim that everyone is an idiot, well... people may treat you differently. Living people and dead people alike. It is foolish to think that the dead haven't any agency the world of living humans, simply because the material body died. Of course imagine now that death is the end, and that when you die that's it. Which Dhammarato said to me is the case actually. He believed it when he said it. There's nothing more. Living as a noble bum didn't have much benefit after the living, then. Then, living as a noble bum might have even been less meaningful than participating in society and making a offering to the resident ghosts and devas so that they'll help convince the local government to sign your paperwork and make your life easier and more meaningful. Or you know, magical thinking is the source of the problem, so we ought to return to dhammaorangodango monkeydom of simple living in noble bumhood of denying the existence of ethereal beings and the continuity of awareness into sleep and death, along with all magical thinking. Unless caught in the act of intellectual dishonesty. Doublethink of course has great utility when you are an active liar. That said, Dhammaratto can read comments on the internet made about him. My attitude towards his statements arises without any "noble" pretense. I think it is unbecoming of a monk to openly contradict the teachings and present his personal view as if it where doctrine. I appreciate the message of the Kalama sutta. But I think a "man of the cloth" should be able to speak in a way that is congruent with doctrine, even if the personal opinion is contrary to the standard doctrinal position. I simply speak as a person who has experimented with traditional magic, been haunted, and even had my life saved by a kindly Buddhist ghost. Not as anybody with a position of teaching people the Buddha dharma.
@vivaldiwilson5449 3 жыл бұрын
@@bdw690 Oh the point is clear. the hate comes through as laud and clear as the jealously. You are an excellent communicator. Bet you have been expressing your hate greed and delusion for so long you are established expert.
@vivaldiproton4413 3 жыл бұрын
@@bdw690 bet you don.t know Dhammarato, you are here just to be naughty.
@baizhanghuaihai2298 3 жыл бұрын
I can also handle the things he talks about at the end of the video, in the face of my own death, but I am unwilling to feel blissful in the face of burned babies in Yemen; if that makes me ignoble or unenlightened, I’m cool with that.
@baizhanghuaihai2298 3 жыл бұрын
@@lukewaxhaw5549 What a condescending and presumptuous response. Right. I choose not to be a sociopath, I’m fine with my choice.
@dotaboy888 3 жыл бұрын
@@baizhanghuaihai2298 yeh its your choice bro we dont really care
@baizhanghuaihai2298 3 жыл бұрын
@@dotaboy888 yahhh ok bruhhh. Not surprised, since sociopathy is all about not really caring. Cooool bruhhhh duuuuude bruhhhh. I just wonder why anyone would bother to comment who doesn’t really care lol. But ok bruhhhh
@dotaboy888 3 жыл бұрын
@@baizhanghuaihai2298 thank you for your understanding, but i dont think you REALLY understand
@baizhanghuaihai2298 3 жыл бұрын
@@dotaboy888 lol wtf are you even on about? I think it is YOU who don’t understand. I’m not interested in practicing what he’s talking about, of course that’s my choice. Rather I’m making a critique of his practice and ideology from an outside (non-Buddhist) perspective and saying that I don’t buy into his quietism. His view is no more than an ideology, regardless of what some religious people might tell themselves. Being blissful while others starve is sociopathic if you have the resources to help feed them. I work hard in my community to help those with less than myself, and I can’t stand people who justify their inaction by saying they’re so at peace they can just sit and bliss out. Yeah, I get it, that’s a human capacity, great. I don’t respect it at all, I respect those like myself, who take action to alleviate the material suffering of others in whatever ways we can. I don’t care a hoot about enlightenment, I think it’s a crock of crap and I don’t believe it’s a good goal. Lol
@bdw690 3 жыл бұрын
An air uh hot talking from both sides of his mouth!
@vivaldiproton4413 3 жыл бұрын
unwholesome..., pay attention, they don't need your ego
@scottm2553 3 жыл бұрын
Hahaha It was only a matter of time!
@connorwolden3861 3 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to it and already loved the first pod with dhammarato^^
@Zkadrove 3 жыл бұрын
This was super insightful, only watched a third so far, but the concept of "magical" aka nonsense/wishful thinking is a powerful one. Thanks
@kai19821 3 жыл бұрын
Oh what a lovely man. Sharp, direct and no-nonsense. Really like his presentation.
@johnhoag7819 3 жыл бұрын
I like it also Good attitude Good spirit
@jolove2241 3 жыл бұрын
Good job there Steve . “they can pause “ . Indeedy 😂🙏🏼
@bdw690 3 жыл бұрын
Please let the Dharma rap battle be big long and uncut.
@robbytuck 3 жыл бұрын
Benign dictatorship, ohhhhh boy, what a load of complete nonsense that was. A great example of why I need a strong dose of Marxism with my Dharma. Oh how lovely for you to be able to 'leave the fight'. Great interviewing though.
@robbytuck 3 жыл бұрын
@@lukewaxhaw5549 I think my point is this. (And it was late when I wrote that so I was being a bit unskillful!) Thinking "politics" would be solved under a "benign dictatorship" is actually magical thinking (which I agree must be rejected). It would be benign for some people and brutal oppression for the majority. Politics is precisely how we organise our society to continue our survival, it is how food is grown and transported etc, all those social relations that keep things going, it is therefore not something that can be discarded or avoided. You can decide to not think about it if you like, but the production of our means for subsistence do not magically emanate from a dictator (or a democratic government) but from the labour of the masses. I think this was being pushed towards very skilfully by the interviewer in suggestion Hinayanna is self defeating. We can't all renunciate of course, but neither would we be allowed to either. There is also the issue of power of force to deal with. I did enjoy the discussion on magical thinking though and agreed with all those points, I just got a sour taste in my mouth towards end, maybe I should have just let that go!
@FraterOculus 3 жыл бұрын
Check out Plato "The Republic"
@MrCastleJohnny 3 жыл бұрын
Marxism is the real dictatorship but i rather take a King. a real noble king. and laidback society. Tibetan Kingdom was the best society until Marxism destroyed it and killed everyone!
@vivaldiwilson5449 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrCastleJohnny that was not Marxism, he died long ago. That was the Chinese Gov, with a ruling class, no Marxism anywhere. If I have much and give you some thats socialism, and Marxism, If you take what I have from me that is Capitalism. Mostly you will never see real socialism, real Marxism, mostly you will see capitalism dresses in Social clothing. And it does not matter what name it is called, taking things that are not given is capitalism, and giving gifts and sharing is promoting friendship. Now that the King of Thailand died two years ago, there seems to be no benign gov anywhere.
@vivaldiwilson5449 3 жыл бұрын
@@FraterOculus Thats a lot of checking, got a clue?
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