石工最流行的工具是鑿子(stone chisels)和錘子(hammers), 為什麼共濟會使用角尺(square rule)和量規(dividers)作為符號呢? 其實這個符號是經神的啟示而定,和聖經一樣,是預言將來一個很重要人的名字: Zechariah 1:18 Then lifted I up mine eyes, and saw, and behold four horns. Zechariah 2:1 I lifted up mine eyes again, and looked, and behold a man with a measuring line in his hand. "horn" 和 "measure" 是關鍵字.
@tsinchunpun76184 жыл бұрын
你真系! 当时乜设计师, 則师, 藝术师, 佢地集大成于一身。社会地位好高加.
@4horns8324 жыл бұрын
@@tsinchunpun7618 共濟會的祖師爺和很多學者是負責編制英皇欽定本聖經(King James Version),上帝給了他們很多啟示,才可以完成使命,現代的共濟會會員不知所謂.
It's not what happens in the lodge meeting It's what happens outside the lodge As the entry level members are not in the upper levels of power You need to be in the ruling council of the grand lodge of each country's jurisdiction Their basic intentions are good but obviously there will be abuse and misuse Certain countries forbid the military, police and judiciary to be members of freemason
你哋講嘅嘢都係錯嘅。首先,孫中山並不是共濟會會員。致公堂祇不過用咗Masonic呢個字係佢地個英文名。所以共濟會同洪門並無關係。冇錯佢哋地係用古英文但好可惜兩位主持都唔知乜嘢係古英語。比方說,現代英語without 代表失去,但古英語就係「在外面」,within, without ,明唔明呀?新鴻基同共濟會並無直接關係。祇不過佢地起雍仁會館旁邊嘅住宅時有合作啫。
@@orinochris 共濟會從來沒有所謂亞洲宗派。美國的共濟會基本上係由英國去嘅但中間有啲改變就唔係咁多人明。係共濟會裏面最重要係受到總陀的承認。即係Regular and Recognized Lodges. 否則人人都可以開個共濟會分堂。北美洪門致公堂從來都不是北美共濟會的成員。但係話自己係Masonic 睇起嚟會醒啲嘛!話佢地係祇不過係啲人一相情願嘅諗法。共實網上共濟會的總陀都有綱址。上去睇吓就知道!係解放前中國的共濟會分堂大部分都從屬英國總陀即係 The United Grand Lodge of England. 其中一個香港嘅分堂 The Royal Sussex Lodge 就係從中國解放後搬到香港嘅!