I really enjoy both of your first part and the second part of these videos. And I'm really grateful for what you shared. You made me want to push myself harder and harder again. Thank you Dena. You are awesome and amazing.
@HeyItsDena6 жыл бұрын
awww i' so glad i got to make a positive impact for you! Thank YOU for letting me know :) this always means a lot for me!
omg i'm tearing up hearing your story😭 I LOVE that your mom supported your dream and how you still went after music despite so many obstables, it takes SO much courage and Taiwan really needs more people like you❤️ love you Dena!
@HeyItsDena5 жыл бұрын
Michelle Huang 貞禎 awww!! Thank you for your kind and supportive words! Ily2🥰💕
I'm feeling touched and inspired by your story. 我小的时候,我对唱歌,舞蹈和音乐非常感兴趣。想考进音乐学院,可是因为学习成绩未达标,最后落榜。我也哭泣了整整一个星期。现在,我已经是两个孩子的妈妈了,才领悟到,其实,每个人都是独特的,都是有他的魅力的,好像自然界的动物和植物都有它存在的意义。所以,不管我们梦想是什么,都有它存在的意义。为努力追求自己梦想的人加油打气!
@yuchinla6 жыл бұрын
hi, Dena :) 這是我第一次在youtube上留言哈,每次看到很感動的影片都想要給創作者一些回饋,卻重來都沒實際行動過,或許是Dena傳遞給我了這份勇氣吧~ 在兩支影片中的很多片段裡都很感動,就好像直接在錄製現場般的身歷其境以及心裡長久以來的徬徨與不安被說出來了一般,真的很悸動。儘管夢想不盡相同,不過想實現夢想的心境是一樣的。 再次謝謝Dena,讓我在追逐夢想的路上更有勇氣前行啦~ 願我們都可以開心地面對生活中的各種挑戰啦~
Hello Dena 最近蠻迷茫的,本身是資管系的學生,會一點SAX,但是非常的喜歡爵士樂,這學期有修音樂系的爵士課程,但由於沒受過什麼音樂教育,識譜也不快,最近也在專研爵士理論,背調性和弦等,但每天只是覺得受挫感越來越大,每天都想放棄,昨天看了進擊的鼓手,雖然好過點,但是隔天又想放棄,有的時候認為我好好的書幹嘛不念偏偏要去搞甚麼爵士樂,而且未來靠爵士樂能幹嘛,現在真的很迷茫,完全不知道要怎麼做
@AgnesLu6 жыл бұрын
my dream comes true!!!! 中間的時候一直在心中os Dena don’t cry Dena don’t cry哈哈哈 我還記得妳剛開頻道的時候叫Dena’s not that crazy 😆😆😆 真的很替妳驕傲哦!從看到歌名的時候我就很希望是你在berklee唱的那首daydreaming XDDD 因為我真的太愛那首 聽到你說是暗戀明星我就知道一定是了辣!!!John Mayer rightttttt so wake me up from this dream 💕 我都快要會唱這首了😆😆😆
it's always being that inspiring as watching your videos. the tears had almost streamed down your face. XD but, anyways, feel really glad that your dream is gonna be realized. super excited about your brand new single. that sounds pretty gr8!! (would it be one of the songs in your debut album? XD.