@mantung cheung 性行為不只是性器官的結合。 當心裡帶著慾望,即便是親吻、愛撫-- 當然也包括「眼目的觀看」, 都是在「靈裡的結合」。 *世俗說不安全的性行為是指兩個人發生性行為時沒有戴保險套, *但聖經說的不安全的性,是指沒有在婚約的保護下的性,會讓雙方的靈、魂、體產生錯誤的連結的性。 看色情片也是跟裡面的人在靈裡結合,就是淫亂。 From the Bible's perspective, if one is married and looks at, thinks about, or touches another person with lust (sexual desire) in their heart or \mind, it is considered adultery. By this stapdard, lust is also adultery. Pornography is lust (sexual desire), and lust is adultery. Therefore, pornography is adulterv.