The BEST Naval Templates For HOI4

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@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
If you want to see a full Naval Guide for HOI4 in a reasonable time flame try this out!
@matthewcherrington2634 Жыл бұрын
Pt spam?
@bombidil3 Жыл бұрын
Ham: "Don't do it!" Me, producing 5 SBBs as Japan: "I'm gonna do it."
@thomasgoes962 Жыл бұрын
1500 hours In HOI4 and i still did not know how to build or design a navy. This video helps a lot. Thank you
@katsgr12 Жыл бұрын
Same situation here with 700hours lul
@Olipakerranoiva Жыл бұрын
I knew how naval combat woks in hoi4 however dispait having almost 2000h I still did't know what and how to design good ships. This is the video I was lookong some months ago but didn't find
@Glc42 Жыл бұрын
I have 3200 and when the Man the Guns was out i didn’t even care about navy lol
@agentzinker Жыл бұрын
Same bro
@313Truu 7 ай бұрын
I have 4700 hours and didnt even knew that they have ships in the game
@Aiphiae Жыл бұрын
I really, *really* appreciate the fact that you are making guides for more "casual" play. When trying to learn the mechanics of this game, it has always been a source of frustration to me to find myself bouncing from one "guide" to another and all they talk about is the "meta." Ridiculous strats that only serve to exploit the system instead of actually being fun and based in some semblance of reality. Who wants to make 1,000 roach destroyers or play the "bathtub" meta when you can actually build a *fleet* that fights like a *fleet* would? Again, thank you!
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it! I take a similar view point, these games are supposed to respresent a degree of realism and the era, cheesing mechanics which are really just lapses in our ability to represent reality always feels empty. Winning without them also feels way more enjoyable. Hope you enjoy navy from here on out!
@TheVoodooMaker Жыл бұрын
Don't blame the players for playing the game the way it works. Navy doesn't work, blame the devs for it. We are only adapting to what the game has to offer. Say what you will about "realism", I'm not jeopardising my army and air force for fancy BB designs thay will be combat ready in 1944
@gfdx3214 4 ай бұрын
I agree! He actually said that battleships might not be as OP, but can be fun, which is exactly why I personally use them. I am fully aware navy is not intuitive in HOI4, but damn gimme my battleships
@n3ct0d2 Жыл бұрын
The problem with the navy is that it is terribly expensive to produce, I remember that when the old meta for the navy were cruisers, you could even produce a fleet as Poland and destroy the German fleet because this meta was very cheap and effective. I would love to see some videos on how to build a cheap and effective fleet because honestly speaking I had more fun creating a fleet from scratch as Poland than playing as Italy or even UK...
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Thats true, its all about prep and then a few high risk high reward battles in the late mid and late part of the game. A video on making navies for smaller nations is a great idea! Ill look into doing that
@n3ct0d2 Жыл бұрын
@@Hammurabae Thanks for the reply, I'm looking forward to seeing it! :D
@Daboys1278 Жыл бұрын
There is a mod called better government which makes navy cheaper to produce
@42carlos Жыл бұрын
I also still fail to find the usefulness of it. Yes, you are sinking their convoys. Yes, you are disrupting their supply. Yes, you sunk a bunch of their navy. But all that could have been invested into army or air and it would have been even more benefficial. Then again, i suck at Navy, so that might just be me.
@dirtbikeryzz Жыл бұрын
Been playing this game since 2017, never touched the navy lol
@elynolamat674 Жыл бұрын
My navy is build around carriers: 4 CV, 4-6 BB-BC(AA/tank), 8-16CL(DP), 8-16DD(Anti-sub), 30+ DD(Torp or roach) (~80 Ship). In SP, I lost 4 to 5 DD while every surface vessels of IJN, KM, RN decorating the Pacific and Atlantic.
@Raptorsified 9 ай бұрын
One key thing to note about battleships and battle cruisers is shore bombardment. To get the max bonus of +25% you need to have either 500 light attack or only 250 heavy attack. So throwing in 2-4 battleships can boost your naval invasions and coastal advances greatly. This is even more important as carrier CAS currently does 0 damage.
@lukecooper2845 Жыл бұрын
This is good for a quantity over quality approach, me personally I like having only 50-66 ships in my strike force, 50 if I have 10 capitals, 66 if I have 10 capitals and 4 carriers (DO NOT USE MORE THAN 4 IN A BATTLE AT ONCE IT MAKES THEM USELESS!!!) with a mix of light cruisers that are super light attack heavy and destroyers that are super torpedo heavy, capital ships don’t matter if you do well enough with your screens because any heavy attack will penetrate once your screens evaporate the enemies. I’ve been doing this Strat for a few months, mostly effective with Italy but Germany works well too if you do navy focus Edit: always get positioning bonuses wherever you can with this Strat especially in the officer corps
@benlex5672 Жыл бұрын
dual-use gun is pretty important with DD and screening ships. The more AA the less damage your fleet takes from planes, and their attack values are not that much different. This is especially the case if you are doing fleet in being. I'd take radar over sonar if you plan to only choose one since radar still give detection for subs and gives AA stats. The addition of floatplanes makes planes deadlier than ever. Patrol planes are best at hunting down submarines now so your escort DD can be more well-rounded in terms of balancing ASW and AA capabilities (2 dual-use gun + ASW equipment with radar III/IV)
@OlivePeel Жыл бұрын
You won't take less damage from naval bombers with high AA attack, you will simply kill more planes when they do or completely avoid the attack more often.
@ezeepeazee765 Жыл бұрын
Listen man, I cannot explain how much this helped me, over 1k hours and i have found a new enjoyment for the game because of this. Thank you so so so much for your time and effort in this video
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Glad it helped you! Welcom to the naval addicts
@w1ngZ_ 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for not going for full meta but for designs that are actually fun to use
@Hammurabae 11 ай бұрын
As it should be
@Alvaromutti Күн бұрын
Thank you bro,you're a god of grand strategy,damn!
@Hammurabae 4 ай бұрын
More HOI4 Guides To Learn:
@zebedaeus1432 Жыл бұрын
This is genuinely one of the best videos i've ever seen. Not even exaggerating or whatever, it is informative and fun to watch. Earned a sub, and I'm not even that much of a Hoi4 player
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Thanks dude 😄
@royalwolf7115 Жыл бұрын
The thing is though, you can DEFINITELY do Super Heavy Battleship as Italy. In exchange, you have less battleships/carriers. I've done it before, the Super BB. I've pumped out 1 before 39 and it didn't really do much to the RN, but it was fun for sure. Watching the enemy desperately trying to kill the ship but to no avail because they can't get through my screens.
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
If you stack enough fire power on it and have the screens, its a ton of fun an viable. Can never compete with proper carrier fleets or heavy cruisers though
@royalwolf7115 Жыл бұрын
@@Hammurabae I know. But I was just fking around with the RN mediterranean fleet. Sure I manage to sink quite a lot of their ships but I was never able to slam dunk it. It’s frustrating as hell. It’s like you’re about to bust your nut but your urethra are closed up.
@jacobweeks6526 Жыл бұрын
I'll be honest, I play SP most of the time as GB so while this is great, I'm a champion of the all-round DD. I think it's heavily slept on and although expensive, I only lose one or two in major naval battles. I typically focus on my DD's and CL's, I don't think I've ever taken one look at building CA's in SP or friendly MP games with me and a bunch of friends that aren't super competitive. I'm the only person who understands the navy system and they're always suprised I smack them around with it.
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Theyre very viable for singleplayer! I hope that folks will start to use these templates which are specialized and start to just merge them at some point themselves.
@Jorge_Alvarado Жыл бұрын
Thanks, I didn't know anything about navy and just throw random stuff at the enemy's navy and watch mine disappear. Now I finally got an idea of what to do.
@royalwolf7115 Жыл бұрын
Bit of an Italian Navy tips here, if you want to go for carrier build, it's definitely doable in By Blood Alone but you'll only be able to get carrier 1s out before the war and carrier 2 if you're going for late 39 war. Obviously this would be different in multiplayer since some mods gives you double or ten fold the amount of factory that you would get, so you have to manage it a bit. In BBA, you research carrier 1 immediately. But since you only get like 16-17 dockyards at the start, that means the 2 battleship 1 that are in production have to go. You put 3 dockyards on each carrier and you'll be able to get 2 carrier 1 out before 39 while still have enough screens to cover your fleet. If you want to go full carrier then you delete all the battleships that are in production and put the dockyards on the carriers. But since your heavy attack will be lower than what you would normally get, you want to refit the existing battleships that you have with better guns as well as radar and fire control. This requires you to do a lot of production micro since it's time intensive if you want to get them out on time for WW2. I'm still testing out some of the things about AA and naval bombers, but usually if you have 4 carriers going against the royal navy mediterranean fleet that's based in Egypt, you can wreck them badly while taking minimum losses yourself.
@madtechnocrat9234 Жыл бұрын
Have you tried to convert your ships to carrier on italy?
@royalwolf7115 Жыл бұрын
@@madtechnocrat9234 Do you mean converting heavy and light cruisers to carriers? No, I haven't. I really don't like to do that beccause it hurts the heavy and light attack stats. If you really want it you can check the layout of each ship and convert the worst ones into carriers I guess.
@royalwolf7115 Жыл бұрын
@@madtechnocrat9234 Another thing to note is the size of your industry. Given that you'll have around 100 factory by 1939, unless you're going all in on navy, and somehow micromanage everything, it just isn't worth the effort to convert cruisers/battleships into carriers. You'll be stretching your available resources REAL thin if you're going to make that many capital ships at the same time. I had anther run last night with battleships and I ran out of steel at Jan 1939 because of how many ships I was building at the same time. I had 5 on destroyer 2 (shit ones, 1 gun, 1 aa and 1 trop), 10 on pew pew light cruisers designed to kill screens asap, and the rest on battleships and refitting destroyer 1s to submarine killers. I was on -8 deficit for steel. At that point, I only had 25 mils on inf equipment, around 15 on tanks (light tanks and tank destroyers), and around 17 on planes. It was barely enough to push into Africa because I did not have time to build up logistics in Africa.
@madtechnocrat9234 Жыл бұрын
@@royalwolf7115 i dont think cheap so stuff ships are good anymore after the speed nerf. also i think converting few worst cruisers or battleships to carriers could be an option. Although i question point of carriers as italy because you have air ports everywhere. my idea is that those few ships are soo bad that they only slow fleet, soo converting should make them less useless.
@royalwolf7115 Жыл бұрын
@@madtechnocrat9234 There's a ship designer that gets you 10% increase in speed for screens and capital ships at the expense of range. The conversion can work but you have to know, it takes 40 planes to fill up cruiser converted carrier and 60 for battleship. You do that plus the 2 fleet carriers in production and you'll need at least 250 planes for the carriers. That's quite a lot given that Italy doesn't have the largest industry and even if you rush mils starting from 1937, you'll have problems with the army unless you are not doing tanks. it all comes down to how you manage your industry. Sure you can use interwar template for the planes but they'll be massacred in their first encounter with enemy ships, either shot down by AA or fighters.
@ghnanrohit3029 10 ай бұрын
The biggest problem with navy is that ur only limited to 5-10 dockyards to produce a ship if only we could use it mils
@montecarlo1651 7 ай бұрын
There is a law of diminishing returns applying to dockyards in naval construction, something I haven't seen on mil production. For example, one dockyard on a BB gives the baseline construction time period (several years). Adding another dockyard halves production time. Adding another takes 12 months off the time. A fourth dockyard takes about 8-9 months off and the last one only removes something like 3 months off the total time required. Don't quote me on these exact numbers, they are illustrative. You get the point. So if you time carefully when you lay down a ship for construction, you can get better use out of your dockyards if you only use 3 per ship instead of 5. Of course, if you are in a hurry, then 5 is fastest but if you have a limited number and want to build say 5 BB then you only really need 15 dockyards to get them in just a little more time than 25 dockyards deliver. The key to naval production is ensuring you have the industry tech up to date (dispersed or concentrated), as the dockyard output bonuses stack and take years off your production times. Ok I thought I would check the construction times for my example and the figures are even more surprising than my memory suggest. Laying down a G3 BC for Britain on the opening day of the game (1 Jan 1936) with a single dockyard, gives you a completion time of 27 July 1943. Adding a second dockyard gives revised completion for 14 Oct 1939 (a huge bonus). A third dockyard revises the date to 11 July 1938, a fourth gives 23 Nov 1937 (only 7 months) and the fifth dockyard gives completion date of 8 July 1937, only 3 months. Clearly the advantage lies in applying at least 2 and ideally 3 dockyards per ship to maximise efficient use of dockyards, hence 15 dockyards would give you 5 G3 BCs by mid 1938 WITHOUT the effect of the industry bonuses (of which, you should be able to research 3 before this ship launches). 3 Industry bonuses will give you 30% production output bonus, meaning that these G3s should launch in 1937, a lot less than the original expectation of mid 1943.
@MundaneThingsBackwards Жыл бұрын
Actually IIRC, ASW ships are much MUCH better on the offensive vs subs unless that changed with the naval rebalance. All you need for convoy escorts are roaches with just one depth charge to get the enemy subs to run away. Than you have your recon and fully kitted out hunters root them out from the area on the offensive.
@tbeller80 9 ай бұрын
I've tried using ASW DDs several times as the USA to protect early war convoys from Japanese subs, but they get massacred by the Japanese fleet. In a few months it doesn't matter because my main fleet wipes out the IJN, but for that early period those ASW ships just suffer. What's the trick?
@tobodedodo987 Жыл бұрын
my man said, DONT DO IT, meanwhile me who has 4 in production and 1 finished with the Kriegsmarine 😐
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
@Nikola95inYT Жыл бұрын
In singleplayer you don't need to put any depth charges to convoy escorts, bot subs will flee anyway. Also being at defensive side negatively affects sub detection, basically the only good way is to put them at ASW task forces. In case of locating and attacking first, enemy subs will become visible so depth charges will be used with the most effective way and at full potential.
@bravo2966 Жыл бұрын
I've read your post three times and I'm still not sure what you're trying to say.
@jakej2680 Жыл бұрын
​@@bravo2966in single-player, the AI sets it's convoy-raiding SSs to "medium risk". This causes them to not engage DDs and retreat as soon as any DD enters the battle. With enough ships assigned to convoy-escort missions, you will get 100% convoy escort efficiency, which means convoy escort task forces will instantly join the battle, and instantly chase away the SSs. The catch is that SSs cannot be attacked while hidden. When SSs attack first (like in every convoy raid battle) they will always start hidden. Finding SSs during a battle takes expensive equipment that you do not want to put on your numerous convoy-escorts, in addition to the depth-charges you would put on the DDs. Additionally, the SSs will always retreat, almost certainly before you can find them. Thus it is best to use the cheapest DDs on convoy-escort missions. They are cheap enough to produce in the numbers necessary, and render the convoy-raiding SSs useless. If you wish to kill SSs, you need to spot them first so you can be the attacker, thus preventing them from starting the battle "hidden" and allowing your weapons to attack them. This is usually done by specialized patrol task forces which are single ship CLs with all spotting gear. You can also use planes on the naval-patrol mission with the float plane module too. Then you can use specialized strike forces made up of ASW ships to attack them, or naval bombers.
@reverendnon5959 Ай бұрын
1500 hours in, I decided to learn how the navy works
@JDothan Жыл бұрын
One of my favorite things to do is build up the German fleet with superheavy and BB2s and just absolutely smash GB in a decisive battle… is it a suboptimal use of resources? Yes… Is it unbelievably fun watching the ruler of the seas sink to the bottom? ALSO YES
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Beating the British navy as Germany is the most fulfilling moment in HOI4 change my mind. Its doable but very very hard. I mean properly too, no cheese, no extreme meta, just making reasonable use of game mechanics and playing smart.
@JDothan Жыл бұрын
@@Hammurabae I didn’t have man the guys so it honestly wasn’t that hard… tried it again with MTG and got smashed. Did return of the Kaiser so I’m wondering if it’s because I lost half my fleet in the civil war or if MTG nerfed the shit out of the German fleet
@simineelamkav793 Жыл бұрын
Alright, so I have been wondering ever since I have tried to learn the navy (I have ignored it for 400 hours ;-;), how do I compose task forces within flotillas and fleets? I usually keep 20 submarines in a task force (usually have 2-4 of these task forces in my navy) and set them for convoy raiding, like 15-30 destroyers + cruiser combination for patrol / spotting in order to find enemy ships (usually have like 2-3 of these task forces), and I put the rest of my navy into one massive strike force (a single task force, sometimes with 100-200 ships; maintaining 4:1 ratio) and right click the zones onto the areas that I am patrolling with my cruisers and destroyers. I was wondering if there is a different / superior way of composing a fleet (I don’t necessarily need help on the patrol / sub flotillas, since I think that ~20 is good for each task force, unless I’m doing something wrong), but I was wondering if I had to split up my massive strike force into multiple smaller strike forces for different zones, or if I should just leave all ships in a single task force. Finally, if all of my subs are in a single task force, are they able to convoy raid multiple different naval zones, or only one (also can a single patrol task force spot ships in multiple naval zones)? Any help is appreciated!
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
I am going to refrain from answering this here as it is a really long response and complicated topic. I have a naval tutorial on fleet composition, movement, and organization as the last one I plan to make which will be out semi soon. Will like it to you here when I do!
@simineelamkav793 Жыл бұрын
@@Hammurabae Alright, thank you
@Thonieler Жыл бұрын
Great summary of everything you need! Now I have a good basis to experiment on. Of to play some navy DOM with the US :)
@Itachi-zn5rm Жыл бұрын
thanks man i need it so much
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Youre welcome!
@doktertjiftjaf5186 Жыл бұрын
Question: what is the ideal speed of a task force (Battleships, cruisers, destroyers, submarines, aircraft carrier)?
@christianmoore7932 Жыл бұрын
As fast as possible
@ronlackey2689 Жыл бұрын
"Maxing your ____ model to two is your #1 priority as that's what gets you kills". I listened 10 times and still can't make out what you said. Can anyone help me out? Thanks.
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Max Sonar modules
@ronlackey2689 Жыл бұрын
@@Hammurabae Thanks
@open_minded7983 Жыл бұрын
Was the ship designer updated recently for HOI 4? my ship designer is different it's only showing Reliability Deck space Armor and Engines...How do you I get the template you have
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Do you have the man the guns dlc?
@open_minded7983 Жыл бұрын
@@Hammurabae I do not
@plopyxX Жыл бұрын
hi, am new player and am a bit lost with all that navy stuff, and i have a few question: -why some ship can only have 5 dockyard working on their construction, other can have more ? -can you produce the same template twice ? (i'd like to have 2 line of production for the atlantic side and pacific side) but i cannot find my template when i want to had them into production, i don't get it. (my template is probably shit anyway, but i would like to get the opportunity to see it fail ,right now i just cannot put a fucking boat in the water ffs) -also playing with usa is it normal that i cannot trade with anyone ? does it have to do with the neutrality law on the focus tree ? i could trade at the start of the game, but now
@dxaniol 10 ай бұрын
Which template for converted battleships and converted cruisers is the best? I was wondering that
@Hitoribocchi_tokyo Жыл бұрын
There are two types of Navy users; The (boring) effecient way; Nav bombers, sub spam. The cool way; Battleship supremacy, carriers everywhere, who needs destroyers? Cruisers? Eh, if you can fit them. Battleships are more important!
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
@marthvader14 Жыл бұрын
Would you design your Torpedo Cruiser as Japan as Light or Heavy Cruiser?
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
@marthvader14 Жыл бұрын
@@Hammurabae Yay me too
@tbeller80 11 ай бұрын
Should all of your ships be of similar speed if they're working together? You mentioned DDs and CLs needing to be fast, but there's simply no way for BBs to keep up. Does this have an effect on the battlefield?
@thatnnoob6109 9 ай бұрын
I believe the slowest ship in your fleet dictates how fast the entire fleet moves.
@jensdanbolt6953 6 ай бұрын
When doing missions and moving on the map, slowest ship sets the speed for the whole fleet, so don't put a slow 20kt ship in a patrol group with 10 fast ones. No need to be too rigid about it, but yeah. BBs are usually sitting on Strike Force, if the engagement is far from their base then slow speed is a major issue, if it's in the Mediterranean and your base is in Sicily it's no concern. Except if you lose the battle; then the fast ships will retreat first and your old BB might be destroyed by all the enemy torpedoes when they're alone the last few hours.
@damn664 Жыл бұрын
I'd love a plane design video in BBA if you're up for it!
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
In the works rn
@EWH2008 Жыл бұрын
Should we do light attack or heavy attack for capital ships? If our screens are just shields, idk whether to try to max light attack modules on my heavy cruiser or to use heavy attack?
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Light attack as much as your can put on heavy cruisers. For capitals you want a mixture of both. Make sure they all have at least 1aa module, carriers should have lots
@khaledalhamdan2627 Жыл бұрын
thank you so much
@kianvandenberg6364 Жыл бұрын
On the first ship designs you use radar tech that is only available around 1940. I assume that’s a mistake?
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Yes it is, generally though as soon as your get it put it on your ships though.
@MrPapajohn4 Жыл бұрын
I have problem with the heavy cruiser design. Cant use the parts on front 1 and rear 2 slots as shown in video...
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Those are later designs, are you trying to do that on the 36 hull or the early one?
@MrPapajohn4 Жыл бұрын
I have takes a screenshot of every design but I am still confused of how to proper use each ship. some its easy ok. I play small nation, so I am not going to bother with battleships. I guess the anti-submarines destroyers are for convoy escort missions. The Spotting Cruiser is for Patrol? My Main Fleet then is it going to be Light Cruisers and Roach Destroyers? Or heavy Cruisers and Roach Destroyers as Screens? Are DPS Destroyers same as Light Cruisers? Since both do light damage?Is there any reason to create both?Would it be better to make Heavy Cruisers to battle enemy capitals and DPS destroyers as both screens and also fight enemy screens? I dodnt need to make carriers as I am going to fight defending war on my territory, so my airports are nearby and my naval bombers there!
@Adrock89 Жыл бұрын
Spotting Cruiser for Patrol. Strike Force made of heavy cruisers (CAs) and Roach Destroyers (DDs) as screens. Though I like to spend a bit more on my DDs. 71 Cloak did a video where there's a rock paper scissors effect between DPS DDs, Light Attack CLs with no armor, and Light attack CLs with armor. Basically armored CLs beat DDs, which beat unarmored CLs, which beat armored CLs. But CAs with max secondaries beat all that. Does that help?
@MrPapajohn4 Жыл бұрын
@@Adrock89 haha :P thanks for clarifying about spotting cruiser and strike force! Well yes the other part doesnt make sense indeed, but I am simple casual gamer looking for something like "dont worry, you are doing it correct" even if I lose... if that makes any sense
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Alan gave a great answer if you are looking for the mechanical approach. Generally destroyers and light cruisers both do the same thing, though light cruisers do way more dps. They both will screen the back line. You would make both if you want lots of light attack on a cruiser, though how squishy and easy to hit on the front line it is makes it kinda useless. DPS destroyers can fight enemy screens but they don't do a ton of damage, heavy cruisers can do light and heavy damage to hit both which is why they're the better one to take. A good land airforce with long range is the best way to deal with and supplant navy in hoi period.
@kingmortales8257 Жыл бұрын
Does the whole navy get aa from the ships that have it, or would a destroyer with aa be useless for defending a battleship from naval bombers?
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
AA on ships effects both. The ratio of AA compared to fleet size is important as the total number is multiplied by 0.25 and added to the damaged reduction on income damage to ships. Total fleet anti air is added separately so teh total is doubly useful whereas individual ship AA is added on top and is smaller in impact. "received air damage is calculated using following: 1 - ( (ship_anti_air + fleet_anti_air * SHIP_TO_FLEET_ANTI_AIR_RATIO )^ANTI_AIR_POW_ON_INCOMING_AIR_DAMAGE ) * ANTI_AIR_MULT_ON_INCOMING_AIR_DAMAGE" Adding extra on ships that need to be protected more like carriers and Battleships is key due to how important they are, and due to naval bombers and carrier planes in particular target them first so that extra is really important.
@luigiplayer1547 10 ай бұрын
hey which of the 3 variants of destroyers do you prefer, shield, sub attack or light attack?
@Hammurabae 10 ай бұрын
Shield and a few torp destroyers if you really want some attack. Generally shield roaches and focus on cruisers or carriers for real damage. If you want to actually add attack to destroyers and have the time refit them later with torps using the officer corp options for refit speed.
@powermoises7436 Жыл бұрын
Yeah the only bad thing is that unless you are UK, USA or Japan, you can't build good carriers, cruisers or battleships. And when you are finally able to do so, the game is almost over
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
True, it happens really late. But thats HOI, build up and a mega war
@Ksankawaii Жыл бұрын
Great video
@alexsilent5603 Жыл бұрын
This is a video about naval templates without naval templates. Damn you.
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Were you looking for marine div templates?
@alexsilent5603 Жыл бұрын
@@Hammurabae I was looking for navy templates, not ship designs. Do you know what is the optimal number of destroyers in escort template? (I use 12) Optimal number of submarines in raiding template? (I use 20) Striking task force can't have more than 4 aircraft carriers, but how many battleships and heavy cruisers is optimal for this template? It's hard to find any info on this.
@bravo2966 Жыл бұрын
@@alexsilent5603 You'd be better off searching for 'fleet composition' mate, nobody uses the word template for that.
@alexsilent5603 Жыл бұрын
@@bravo2966 The game itself uses the word "templates" for navy.
@bravo2966 Жыл бұрын
@@alexsilent5603 Suit yourself
@rookie3104 Жыл бұрын
Amazing video, still pretty noob on HOI4 specially on navy, could somebody give me some insight on how the mechanics of a naval battle work? (I imagine there has to be some differences between surface fleet combat, convoy raiding, naval bombing, etc)
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын This should give you some help with things like that!
@OMoanaigh Жыл бұрын
Did you really delete my comment saying that your video could use more visual pointers?
@henrikhaugen1457 Жыл бұрын
I built the super heavy Battleship
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
@simpson1372 5 ай бұрын
What kind of planes should I put on the aircraft carrier?
@guitch14 Ай бұрын
Carrier naval bombers
@Prankester6856 Жыл бұрын
Who need fleet formation when you have Submarines
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Viable, but not nearly as fun
@psychoticmania_ Жыл бұрын
would one research slot be enough for navy for italy?
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
It would, but you would not be as competitive, most players just use one though
@psychoticmania_ Жыл бұрын
@@Hammurabae so what do you recommend doing? how many research slots should be used, when to do navy focuses?
@tankenjoyer397 Жыл бұрын
so is armor just redundant for cruisers? should I even bother with armor 1?
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
The cost you take to speed is mechanically not worth it, but it wont single handedly lose you a battle. Its a personal preference unless you intend to play erally sweaty stuff.
@tankenjoyer397 Жыл бұрын
@@Hammurabae I tried out your templates and they worked great! Thank You!
@shaggy3038 Жыл бұрын
What's that movie in the background?
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
@Simon_the_penguin 7 ай бұрын
How to navy in hoi4: spam carriers and screens
@keihndeth Жыл бұрын
There is a ton wrong with this video. A little cruiser has a 3:1 screen value over destroyers.
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
It's mad to be as quick and simple as possible to give beginner or new players a good understanding of templates. You are right about screen values of course
@josiahmcelyea2387 Жыл бұрын
3:1 ratio gives you the bonus. 4:1 allows you to maintain the bonus if you lose a heavy cruiser (redundancy). If you only build 3:1 and lose a cruiser, you lose the bonus
@bobby000 Жыл бұрын
THANNKK YOUU. I have won more money through hoi in tournaments than I have spend on it but I never understood navy. But there is one question remaining, how many? How many ships of each time. For example you got one carrier how much battleships? how much cruisers and and and....
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
4 screens for 1 heavy ship. 1 heavy ship for 1 carrier
@bobby000 Жыл бұрын
@@Hammurabae ahhhh Thx :) Keep up the good videos!
@arichikutaki5037 Жыл бұрын
so basicaly bath tubs go brrrrrrrrrrr
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
😢Its viable
@Hoffman2319 Жыл бұрын
Oh,oh,so you haven't heard?
@DrewPicklesTheDark 8 ай бұрын
lol I made the SHB build once.
@Hammurabae 8 ай бұрын
So fun looking at them destroy fleets and rack up kills.
@matthewmclean9734 Жыл бұрын
Screens anti air does nothing, fyi.
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
It is added to the total fleet pool which is very impactful, less important than on Battleships and carriers by miles though
@inadaizz Жыл бұрын
5:14 ..... end of the video.... "If you to learn Navy properly I have a full guide..." You really couldn't lead with that?
@vickiesona3682 Жыл бұрын
Don't make heavy battleship, looks at my 30 heavy battle ship that I personally named and build with the heaviest gun and armor... I'mma ignore that tip
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
Absolutely disgusting behavior, stop having fun
@vickiesona3682 Жыл бұрын
@@Hammurabae 😞 sorry
@quincyames2014 Жыл бұрын
carries are don't work rn
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
They do for me? Whats happening
@quincyames2014 Жыл бұрын
oh oops they patched it... but they were broken last time i played
@kingkonut Жыл бұрын
no armor on the cruisers? better to have the extra speed?
@Hammurabae Жыл бұрын
For cruisers yes, speed is king.
@-_Athen_- 2 ай бұрын
can you update this with the latest patches and update of the game please ?
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