Handling objections on the doors Sam Taggart - Chicago | Episode #26 Let's give it a two clap in a ric flair. See how that worked out so much better than that. Are you sick of not hitting the numbers you're supposed to hit? Making the money you want to make door to door is a professional collaboration to up level and bring honor and dignity to direct sales. What's up everybody? And it like has like the stabilizer anyway. It's pretty cool. It is high enough what an intentional Lupus is when I'm going like this. So here's my pitch, here's where I want to go. And I see them, I see a situation where it's like tension and there's like this resistance and I know that there's a wall that they put up. So I intentionally take them off the the pitch. So if I sense wall, like there's a lot of mistrust here, let's build some trust. I take them on an intentional loop and I talk about something completely irrelevant, completely out of the ordinary. My redirect, their thinking to help bring down some of the wall. Does that make sense? So that's how I'm going to do it with objections on, on the smokescreen gimme objection. We're on town. Beautiful alone. I understand how you feel so I understand how you feel. I uh, they were so and so. Oh my gosh. John who had just barely got it done with is actually had now as it for spring break and he kind of felt the same way if I'm really rushed cause he had to pack and you could be out of town for a while. But what he found was when he found, or what they found or what sells, what we found was actually just, I'm doing step one if you can take us to three weeks anyways to kind of start that process. So we're just going use step one, knock it out in five minutes and that way you don't have to like deal with it. And then when you're out of town means you can get your email, just hit you up when you back. That makes sense. Can you just come back, get him home? For sure. I'll for sure. Dot. I'm just going to get step one to get up. No, just like how Bob fell. He was kind of like, man, a busy and how often how to play 40 found is like, it's actually really simple, easy process and he knew he needed to get done. It was nice that he got us and pick it up. Does that make sense? Is there any way we just grabbed the ladder. Just take a couple minutes. I'll be back when I get that and sending pictures. Yeah, that works. I understand Phil cause what you're doing is you're validating so-and-so felt the same way then what they found was, and then you got to do, that's the objection. I really just want you to leave me to an information. Okay. Ready? Go. Hey, why don't you just uh, let me some uh, materials behind. Oh, I totally understand that it fell. Most people obviously want the information, anything like that. What they found is actually after I explain it and leave them the information and helping them through that process and understanding and they can actually answer questions cause like obviously the, the little folders and cards and stuff, they don't talk back and answer questions. Does that make sense? So I'll step in real quick. I'll, I'll jot some information down and lead that with just in half everything so we can get everything squared away. Is there a place we can sit down real quick? I'll leave you that. Yeah. Okay. Right here. Look down and just start walking opportunity. When somebody says, can you give me some information? I'll leave you that. Is there a quiz you can sit down and I'll give you that. Okay. So I agree. I so agree. Meaning I totally, so give me an objection. Give me an objection. Uh, I'm about the, oh, sorry. No, do a different cost insurance adjuster where he had an inspector ahead. Oh, totally. I would agree. I hope you've already had an inspection. Most of these people were, I'm glad you're already there. See, I'm agreeing with it. I'm glad you've already got there. As if he's trying to take away my hand. I'm like, oh perfect. That's actually right here. That helps us out a lot. And what he said, Bill found nothing. So say you have no damage. Oh yeah. Most inspections the first time. Most people don't really mind making it mixed. I'm glad that they've already purchased for him. Um, who was it that did it? I'm glad you've already gotten at least one Johnson and Johnson curve, so now I'm contradicting, right? I want to agree with it because what that does, the natural sales rep, what did they do? Oh, but they probably sucked. It's like a perfect, I'm glad you guys are the first set of eyes on there. Good. The opposite of what they're assuming you're going to do. Does that make sense? But you guys all learn and I learned about Alps. Sure. Culture and what's culture? Culture is just free energy. It's the free energy. We create 302 is the buzz in the air. Handling objections on the doors Sam Taggart - Chicago | Episode #26 Visit Our Sites thed2dexperts.com/ d2dcon.com/ d2dconvirtual.com/ d2du.com/