Deeply fascinating for me, thanks. If the self of the person is relational only and moves between objects, then law is that relational governance, and the objects of access can be arranged on different "levels". The relational self as ecosystem for planet object, sharing the kinetic availability via shape, frequency and kinetic availability in the photon exchange which is on the level of solar system relation via Sun object. This from (perhaps) the black hole object at the center of the galaxy with the various suns and planets in the galaxy as the relational many. So what is traded is not what is consumed in/as the object, when I look at a green plant that frequency is true (why I can infer), the shape is moving and somewhat ambiguous or approximated because everything is moving, and there's a certain available kinetic energy, that's sequestered for an objective in modern materials. I see this with the sensory array object as the many to one perception, and infer with the brain object what is there, the not-green plant. Objects as access arrangements. The tribe as first tech from humans, fire and reproductive tech from the ecosystem relational. International law as the relational for the planet object in the allowance of the sequestering of the available kinetic of the planet ecosystem, national law the same for the country against other countries as assigned geographical objects, ditto for tribes and families but not the person since their objects are from the ecosystem and not built in the ecosystem. The person and the ecosystem of the planet as equivalent, manifesting from objects as access arrangements and moving between objects.