Hantek 1154d vs Micsig Sato1004 vs Snap-on Verus Edge on Can-bus

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Alex Dragomirescu

Alex Dragomirescu

Күн бұрын

Пікірлер: 49
@labtekvenezuela 6 ай бұрын
Saludos, pudiste configurar mejor el hantek en adquisicion selecciona HR y 200k mejora mucho, el snap-on es practicamente automático a diferencia de los otros dos.
@wesleysf16 8 ай бұрын
Hello, I read all the comments on this video and saw that you do not recommend hantek due to some bugs in the software. Unfortunately I bought a to1254d before meeting you. Why don't you recommend it? I've just started using oscilloscopes in the automotive world and it was a timely investment. Do you think I should sell and try a picoscope? In Brazil, these Oscilloscopes are much more difficult due to import taxes. I got the hantek tax free for 500 usd.
@alexdragomirescu5084 8 ай бұрын
Hi! Hantek and pico are 2 complete different animals. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Pico is a pc based oscilloscope with an excellent software and an obscene price tag (for the automotive models), so you're not very mobile as a device and remains only an oscilloscope. Your Hantek on the other side is a good all-in-one solution at an affordable price. The to1000 line has a graphic multimeter built-in so it's more versatile (they should have built-in an 10A fuse for the amp meter!!!). It is excellent for finding parasitic current draw for example. In reality I was looking for a snap-on vantage pro because to my knowledge is still the king as an all-in-one solution, but the prices are out of control. My problem with the Hantek's oscilloscope side is the software. It doesn't have a buffer to review a long capture, which is a must in the automotive diagnostic. 99% of the time you are searching for a glitch when diagnosing, not a steady problem so you need to review your data. The other bug in the software is when the system freezes. Sometimes the device freeze and you need to reboot. That being said, for ABS problems, check CAN, PWM signals etc. is a valid scope. There in Brasil I saw you have a lot of diagnostic channels and use different scopes, with very good results. Check them out. I wouldn't sell the Hantek just yet, first learn how to use it and then invest in something more powerful. Cheers!
@wesleysf16 8 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for the sincere response. Here there is a national oscilloscope called advanced mechanics(mecânica avançada) But it is expensive, although it has support and eoscillograms. What I liked about Hantek is that it was portable, but I didn't know there was no buffer. I've even seen people saying that it does. Could it be a software update? Do you know how the font function works? I looked for information on working tendon and maximum current and couldn't find it. Here in Brazil we use a lot of pressure transducers for diagnosis too, have you heard?
@alexdragomirescu5084 8 ай бұрын
@@wesleysf16 I saw that oscilloscope. I don't know the price, but I wasn't impressed by the specs. I was talking about rotkee (currently unavailable). The specs for the hantek are available on hantek official page. It's a 10A amp meter (non protected) and a 300v pp voltage input (if I recall correctly) However use attenuators! No buffer tho. The software updates are very rare and it seems hantek doesn't concentrate on improving their devices. Just put out new models. Maybe the hardware doesn't support too much. Actually it would be a pretty nice device if the software could be more advanced. It would be great to have a modifiable time base even for multimeter graphing mode and a built-in viewer for the saved diagram. And many other tweaks could be made. They should take a snap-on vantage pro and copy the functionality. The hardware should be up to that task. In the meantime you must begin to use it to find It's limits. I do have multiple pressure transducers and if you know how to interpret the waveforms they do make a fenomenal diagnosis aid. 🍻
@wesleysf16 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for the clarification. The answers were enlightening. Congratulations for your work. I'm assembling an R8 that was submerged in the lake, I imagine I'll really need to use the oscilloscope.
@renzosilva5210 8 ай бұрын
​​@@wesleysf16eu também tava querendo pegar um desse tá 330 euros só que depois desse vídeo 😢 que achas do fnirse 1013d será que e melhor
@thesmartguy3523 Жыл бұрын
Awesome, would you recommend the micsig as a first scope ? Of course my budget is under 1000 USD
@alexdragomirescu5084 Жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm guessing you would buy it for automotive... Well...yes and no. The biggest drawback in my opinion is the lack of buffering. You can't save a "moving" capture. You can make screen recording, but it's not the same thing... it's just a playback of what you did at that time. There are some other minor drawbacks, like the screen (bad resolution) and the lack of a pressure transducer customizing probe (you can't create a custom pressure probe), you can create a custom amp clamp probe however. All in all for the money it's definitely a good package, it depends on what you're interested in. For the fast captures like CAN it's very good. For the injector/ignition captures it's pretty difficult to set up. I thought it is that hard with any scope...until I got the Verus:)) that's epic to work with on the engine side let's say, not so good for fast signals. Stay away from this Hantek. It's almost useless for cars. It could have been a nice tool, but the software is full of bugs. Cheers!
@thesmartguy3523 Жыл бұрын
@@alexdragomirescu5084 yes definitely for automotive of course, I have heard such about hantek hence I'm not even looking in that direction, it seems the micsig is the go-to at the
@alexdragomirescu5084 Жыл бұрын
@@thesmartguy3523 well...finding the right settings, like the time base and the trigger levels, the position on the screen...one capture would be ok, but when you want a parade of at least 4 injectors (or coils) they don't fit well on the screen. Let's say you want the 4 of them and you put 200ms on the screen. You get a capture and then you need to analyze it, but when zooming in you're not getting all the details you get from the M4 scope. Not having a buffer you must play only with that capture witch of course it won't be the one with the glitch you're chasing:)) The scope always tries to go to minimum sample rate so you have to bump it up to maximum, but then it catches every noise in the signal and then you get the sampling rate a little more down and so on... I'm also thinking to buy a pico 2 series just for the software experience, the 4 series became unattainable for the diyers. Try to get your hands on an used snap-on. You do get a pretty good scanner with it too and with the right accessories for the scope it's maybe even better than a pico... I did an injector capture video with it, check it out. The setup is a breeze, you can definitely see that it was made for automotive testing, in fact m4 remained the same tool for the last 15+ years...
@alexdragomirescu5084 Жыл бұрын
@@thesmartguy3523 checkout a guy here "the practical mechanic". He did a series of waveform captures videos. Great content.
@hidekimotosuwa7106 9 ай бұрын
@@thesmartguy3523 Hello =) I think I’m following in your footsteps and I also need an oscilloscope to view data buses CAN, LIN, in a car -Have you already bought yourself a device? if so which one?
@motorax.service.motociclete 10 ай бұрын
salut, ai testat cumva si hantekul pt computer?
@alexdragomirescu5084 10 ай бұрын
Salut, încă nu am un PC based osciloscop, aștept să se reia vânzările la rotkee. Din cate am văzut pe net Hantek-ul 1008 e cam jucărie, mai ales peste 2 canale in același timp. Și prețul e pe măsură, dar cred că e pierdere de timp, mai ales că software-ul e slab rău. Daca vrei ceva de început (ca preț) mergi pe pico 2204a. Are un software foarte bun și găsești multe informații.
@motorax.service.motociclete 10 ай бұрын
@@alexdragomirescu5084 da, ma uit la cele automotive dedicate, tocmai pt ca au software special pt testare de senzori. Asa un osciloscop digital benchtop se gasesc f ok calitativ in buget mic. Am observat ca si in US se foloseste mult Micsig. Nu e nici chiar ieftin dar nici mii de euro
@alexdragomirescu5084 10 ай бұрын
@@motorax.service.motociclete americanii funcționează foarte mult pe sponsorizări...și asta explica mult. Micsig e prea pompat. Nu merită, in viziunea mea. L-am cumpărat la un preț de super reduceri dupa un review facut de supermario diagnostics, dar nu e ce trebuie. Adică are lacunele sale si nu l-as mai cumpăra. Are același software (evident chinez) care vad ca a apărut pe modulele de la launch si de la topdon. Daca ai deja scannerul de la ei cumpără modulul de osciloscop si aia e. Altfel nu-l recomand ca unicul osciloscop (pentru pretul ăla). La fel...picoscope a prins tare de tot in US si UK, e standardul industriei, dar s-au dublat la pret in ultimii 4 ani. La polul opus sunt rusii cu niste analizatoare de motor - mult mai de automotive (rotkee si usb autoscope). Cauta pe KZbin ca au si subtitrări. Personal am mers pe rotkee pentru ca au sondele pe BNC. Am investit mult in linia lor - am cumpărat toate accesoriile pe care le au pe site și le pot folosi cu celelalte scule pentru ca sunt universale. De 2+ ani au vânzările blocate la osciloscop in sine cu scuza războiului....ma rog....sunt pe lista de așteptare. În fine, cred ca ți-am dat niste idei de pornire pentru research. Apropo de hantek vezi userul TheGibby3340. Cu el m-am tot conversat pe capitolul hantek si am ajuns amândoi la concluzia ca nu prea merită. Daca mai ai întrebări...baga
@motorax.service.motociclete 10 ай бұрын
@@alexdragomirescu5084 mulțumesc frumos de sfaturi 😁eram in dubii daca sa iau unul dedicat auto sau unul benchtop. Masini nu fac inca, doar motociclete dar senzorii sunt mai putini si asemanatori. O sa ma uit si la ce spui de la rusi. Daca as fi avut service auto as fi dat cu ochii inchisi banii daca.i face scula. Dar la motociclete sunt mult mai rare cazurile de folosinta si nu 0rea renteaza multi bani
@alexdragomirescu5084 10 ай бұрын
@@motorax.service.motociclete nici eu nu am service (încă) si oricum nu ma interesează ideea de service in sine. Ma interesează partea de diagnostica. Aici in Italia 99% dintre mecanici nici nu au auzit de osciloscop și cu ce se mănâncă, iar "diagnosticarea" se face pe baza codurilor de eroare și pe încercări de schimbat piese....clasic. Treaba asta o sa se schimbe mai devreme sau mai târziu pentru că am văzut multe situații în care o centralina de 2000 de euro a fost schimbată din cauza unei siguranțe arse. Faci bine sa te bagi pe partea de diagnosticare pentru ca nu e multa concurență și o sa ai avantaj. Evident si clientul trebuie educat (diagnoza costa bani). Pentru moto într-adevăr lucrurile sunt mai simple dpdv electronic, dar o sa te ajute mult sa știi cum arata un secondary ignition waveform sau un primary ignition waveform. La fel și pentru injectoare. Sa zicem ca o scula mai ieftină te ajuta la pornire ca să-ți faci o idee de cum arata imaginile însă te poate fura pentru ca nu vezi anumite detalii... Până acum, de departe, cel mai bun pe partea de "impulsuri" e snap-on. Costa cât o casa, e adevărat, dar te ajuta mult. Cauta ceva sh care sa aibă modulul M4 (verus, modis, vantage pro etc). Nu stiu la ce nivel esti cu teoria si ce stii ca trebuie sa vezi dintr-o oscilograma dar daca esti la început îți recomand scannerdanner. Tipul ăsta e probabil taticul clipurilor educative pe KZbin. Are cursuri puse online de acu' 14 ani. De acolo poți sa o iei in sus, dar ai multe de învățat de la el. Are si o carte scoasa cu multe tipuri de waveform etc. Cel mai important e sa stii ce trebuie sa te aștepți sa vezi de la o formă ca sa poti sa interpretezi ceea ce vezi. Oricum ar fi...nu recomand hantek. Incepi cu pico ăla mic (cu atenuatuare însă pentru ca nu duce mai mult de 20v).
@hidekimotosuwa7106 9 ай бұрын
Hello . I had an idea to buy a Hantek TO1112D to watch the bus signal. how do you view it or owon TAO3104 What do you think is better? .. Sato 104 is expensive but maybe you can buy it?
@alexdragomirescu5084 9 ай бұрын
Hi. Just to see the can signal the Hantek is ok. I don't have the owon tablet. But I guess is similar... The SATO1004 is a much more powerful scope than the Hantek, but more expensive of course. Has it's limitations however.
@hidekimotosuwa7106 9 ай бұрын
@@alexdragomirescu5084 since it is necessary to identify malfunctions in the operation of the data bus, but in the reviews they mainly show the signal shape but say little about the signal decoder and what can be done with it .. because for me now it looks like an indicator that the device is able to read the package. but without this signal decoder the device will also help (how useful is it?)
@alexdragomirescu5084 9 ай бұрын
@@hidekimotosuwa7106 in this case you'll have to go with the micsig. It does have can decoding, but I'm not sure if it's detailed enough for what you need... maybe you should buy something like a picoscope. Something PC based. The software is more advanced for can decoding stuff.
@hidekimotosuwa7106 9 ай бұрын
@@alexdragomirescu5084 thanks for your answer .. what I need is to quickly look for which unit in the car is spoiling the data bus .. I just recently looked at the Lin bus and there the signal shape was either good or bad and it was not entirely clear who the culprit is .. but here is the decoded code would or would not indicate the absence of data in the signal. picoscope. I also looked at what seems like an interesting device I also saw bus analyzers but it still comes down to an oscilloscope.
@alexdragomirescu5084 9 ай бұрын
@@hidekimotosuwa7106 in this case I don't know any device that can really decode what you're after... the decoding only gives you in real time the messages between modules. Every manufacturer has it's own protocols and you'll never find out witch module(s) ruins the signals... the only solution is to unplug one by one the modules and see the CAN signal improve or not. K-line is a relatively slow network with not so much information. The fast networks in a car are almost impossible to decode in real time. Maybe make a capture and try to decode, but in real time....no way.
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