To embellish my thoughts on the whole JK Rowling situation, I can sympathize with the people who used to be fans of Harry Potter but no longer are, either because they can’t mentally separate the art from the artist, or because they feel they can’t participate with it anymore in good conscience because of what JK Rowling has said and done. That’s all fine. What I can’t stand are the people who act like they’re morally superior for giving up Harry Potter and actively sneering and attacking people who dare to still like Harry Potter. This kind of attitude is toxic and counterproductive. The truth is that JK Rowling is the author of one of the most popular and beloved series of all time, and it is far too late to take back the massive impact Harry Potter has had on our culture, and the enormous success that JK Rowling has enjoyed as a result. I know some people think that boycotting everything Harry Potter related is the moral thing to do, but when it comes to ethics one has to take into account the practical consequences of an action. And the stone cold fact is that even if JK Rowling never receives another penny for the rest of her life, she’ll still be rich and famous. Boycotting Harry Potter at this stage is like boycotting the Bible. It’s something I can respect in principle, but in practice it’s not actually going to accomplish anything. If you’re boycotting it simply out of principle that’s fair enough, but just be aware that it’s not going to hurt JK Rowling’s bank balance, and therefore you have no basis for acting superior to those who still enjoy Harry Potter. Plus, if you’re going to boycott Hogwarts Legacy because you don’t want to financially support JK Rowling, then in order to be consistent you need to boycott almost every AAA game, because almost all of them funnel money to people who are just as bad if not worse than JK Rowling. And the problem is that most of these companies are simply too big for boycotts to actually be effective, fuck capitalism and all that. Personally I think a better strategy would be to use the popularity of Harry Potter to our advantage, and use it as a platform to let more people know why what JK Rowling has said and done is wrong, while still celebrating the world of magic we all love. And on that note, if there’s anybody who has read this far who agrees with JK Rowling, or who is on the fence, I would strongly encourage you to watch the two videos I have linked in the description. Yes they are long, but if you want to be well informed on this issue you should watch them so that you can properly understand why people are so upset at JK Rowling.