For those who care: This game is old so it uses the old submarine rules. There are some differences to the current submarine rules that were not explicitly highlighted in the video. If you're an experienced player skipping through the video (with the assumption that the combat rules are the same as in the newer games), this will be worth your while. 1. Surprise Strike is attacker ONLY. Defenders never get the Surprise Attack option in phase 2B. This is no longer true in the more recent games in the series but is a pretty big deal in this version. 2. In the old version of the rules that this game uses, the choice of submerging is the choice of the CURRENT player rolling the dice. In more recent versions, both players get to decide if submarines submerge at the same time in phase 2A. What this means is that in this game, only attacking submarines can submerge without having to fight (substalling). The defending submarines HAVE TO SURVIVE a whole round of attack before the defending players gets to decide if the submarines will submerge, as he can only do that during his OWN step 2A. Thanks for the great video!