Hate Bandwagons and Doctor Who

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@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
Hope you all enjoy the video! This one's a little different- but the copyright issues are the same as always. Third time's the charm! I'll be back to be posting regularly from here on out so don't forget to leave a like and subscribe gamers
@ManiBatchelor 7 ай бұрын
Currently got copyright on my hitlist, in the death note and shi
@VaguelyRowlet 7 ай бұрын
it's as if they have a vendetta against you specifically
@AdamBlack 7 ай бұрын
39: 00 the USA has Charity Shops ( i think ) . We have "thrift stores" which support charities ( Salvation Army, goodwill other smaller ones )
@akakjb 7 ай бұрын
WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? "America doesn't have charity shops"? WHERE did you hear this complete load of 💩?! I've got 5 or more in less than a mile from my house! Some are religious or the same you have, like Salvation Army, St.Vincent DePaul & Catholic Charities. Others are community-oriented, like Goodwill, or Veteran-oriented, like D.A.V., or even a combo of for-profit & charity-ish, like Savers! (yes, the punctuation is part of their official name), which benefits Boys & Girl Scouts (aka Girl Guides; I forget what the UK name is for Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts). In fact, if not for charity shops, most early DW fan costumes wouldn't have existed. In fact, fan films that utilized original characters of The Doctor in US fan films routinely contained scenes of them getting their look from a charity shop, many times as a promotional trade for the shop's assistance in making the film by supplying everything from costumes, props, set decorations (or entire sets/shooting locations) and, in at least one instance that I know of, the video camera used to shoot the fan film itself! I know what you mean about the 80's gatekeeper intelligence, particularly amongst the US fans of that era who mistakenly believe themselves to be the official "original fans" in the country. That would actually be MY group, the ones who got to see a package made up of the early Jon Pertwee/UNIT serials, sans Spearhead From Space, that ended just before The Three Doctors 10th Anniversary special. As both of those serials referenced previous Doctors, it was thought the rest of the serials could make up a series that could more easily stand on their own and were sold alongside the original US syndication run of other BBC programs for the fledgling network, including Monty Python's Flying Circus, The Goodies, Upstairs/Downstairs, I,Claudius and other UK programs that helped shape the image of US's first (and, so far, only) public television broadcaster. PBS tried to emulate the BBC as much as they possibly could, particularly with their news coverage, an image they continue to try and maintain to this day, regardless of what individual opinions their viewers might have of their foreign counterparts or their native network levels of coverage and/or biases. Wandering a little further into the weeds here, PBS of that period had a much more independent attitude and for some reason were given a high degree of latitude regarding what they put on the air. They were sort of purists and amazingly, they got away with it. They wouldn't censor news footage or any television programs or films they aired. This was interesting because some of that programming seriously crossed the line of what was considered acceptable for broadcast then and now. Much of that BBC content contained swearing and nudity, content that went out untouched back then. whether that was because they were just not notified (or at least they could claim they were unaware of) potentially offending content, they'd get the benefit of the doubt. It should be noted that the complaints about a National Public Radio affiliate running George Carlin's Words You Can't Say on Television unedited was in 1972 while Python began airing on local PBS affiliates in 1974. Because of the immense popularity of Flying Circus and the not-inconsiderable amount of pledge fund money the series generated, my local PBS affiliate, KDIN, aired an unedited print of Monty Python and the Holy Grail in late 1975/early 1976. KDIN in Des Moines, Iowa, was (and still is) the flagship station for the Iowa Public Broadcasting Network so this didn't just run in one city in the Midwest, it was simulcast across the entire State of Iowa as part of the network's regular financial pledge drive. Holy Grail proved to be so popular that a pledge drive goal was set that would guarantee a second airing of the film was reached within minutes of being announced. To my knowledge, the broadcasts generated no complaints to the FCC, despite documented incidents of children below the age of 16 viewing the film, like the series that spawned it. As many as 15 of those children were in my bedroom for both broadcasts of the film. I mention this because now, the network is so neutered that they not only censor every little "shit" or "piss" that might be uttered in dialogue but they oftentimes blur nudity in paintings in the background that's so visually jarring that it's hard to pay attention to what's going on. Worse yet, if you pay them to be able to access their programming library online, a truly inexpensive fee that would be the best deal in online streaming if not for the fact they censor that content as well. I mean, couldn't you at least give us an option? They have a PBS Kids section so I would assume they believe that the adult programming is being viewed by, well, ADULTS. There's also an incorrect narrative that the Pertwee series of Doctor Who wasn't well received in the US and that it was only the act of the Gods on high bestowing the holy Tom Baker series in its place that saw the dawn of the true fans. This, of course, is complete bollocks. In Iowa, the Pertwee package of episodes ran 6 times/week. It had a daily slot Monday-Friday that was very popular as well an additional slot on Wednesdays. The Wednesday timeslot was its original original home where it ran as part of a 5-day rotation of foreign half hour programs. Most of these were comedies and included the original location for Monty Python's Flying Circus, The Goodies, The Paul Hogan Show from Australia (a series that pre-dates Crocodile Dundee by at least a decade and seriously deserves some KZbin attention). Flying Circus, Doctor Who & The Goodies were all promoted to Mon-Fri stripped timeslots but also continued to occupy their original weekly time slots, all three series continuing to run in apparent broadcast order, which contradicts the information presented. In the case of Doctor Who, this resulted in occasions where the earlier Wednesday episode would be the episode previous to the M-F daily episode running later in the evening. Other dates would see the same episode running in both slots or the two Wednesday episodes running in the reverse order. It continued to run this way until it disappeared one night in the cold darkness without warning or explanation. It was with the same amount of advanced announcement that saw Doctor Who suddenly appear back on the schedule, right back in its old daily timeslot. We were really excited and hoped that we'd not only see the return of favorite episode but that we'd see new stories of our fancy-dressed alien scientist and his daft girl companion. Imagine how we felt when the titles ran and the first thing we got to see was the Doctor die for some reason, to be replaced with whatever the hell this guy was supposed to be. I was on the phone the next day with the station, trying to find out what the hell was going on here. The station had no clue. As a kind of apology, the station sent me the entire media kit and sales information Time-Life had sent them. I still have it. The sales brochure had phone numbers for people at Time-Life so I started making phone calls. This was the start of a telephone adventure that would see me running up my parent's with calls all over the country, then to England, where I wound up speaking with Graham Williams, Douglas Adams, and several people who were fans then and run the series now in various capacities. This post has gone on far too long and I'm not even sure what the original point I was going to make before I got swallowed by the weeds, far more than knee-deep in the Who-plah. So I'm just gonna end it and leave this here for anyone whose interested. Thank you and goodnight. KJB
@DavidWright1138 7 ай бұрын
@ItsMeGPZ 7 ай бұрын
me melon balling my eyes out because doctor who has been declared "dead forever" for the 5th time this week:
@prettyoriginalnameprettyor7506 7 ай бұрын
@ItsMeGPZ 7 ай бұрын
@@prettyoriginalnameprettyor7506 no I'm melon balling my eyes out cuz i dont wanna see that sh- any more
@tzarg 7 ай бұрын
my god this hits so deep i've seen too much of this 😭 never read the comment section on the doctor who official youtube channel
@Comicbroe405 7 ай бұрын
@@tzarg Real
@YourBeingParanoid 6 ай бұрын
I think it was RTD who said it was dead, now he's just become another necrophile
@sophialotus6833 7 ай бұрын
finally, someone who actually LIKES the show
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
they do call me the dwfan91 for a reason🫡
@carealoo744 7 ай бұрын
I got my grandparents to watch Doctor Who from An Unearthly Child right up to The Hand of Fear (there's no real reason why we stopped there, I think it was just because we were all just kind of getting sick of it, and I was growing up, and I figured Sarah Jane's exit isn't the worst of hiatus moments). Point is, I remember when we watched the end of Planet of the Daleks, and It never really dawned on me that this was the first time The Doctor manages to pilot the TARDIS correctly, until both my grandma and grandpa screamed at the same time: "YOU MEAN HE CAN FLY IT NOW?!"
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
LMAO that is amazing
@maegor-targaryen 4 ай бұрын
‘They fly now?’ ‘They fly now!’
@tom_4615 2 ай бұрын
@@maegor-targaryengod damn it I was gonna reply this exact same comment this community shares one single brain cell 💀
@silvermoon332 7 ай бұрын
the fandom in a nutshell: oh, you've redecorated! i don't like it.
@senabecool7232 5 ай бұрын
What will make them say"You've redecorated, I really like it"
@worthybutter2004 3 ай бұрын
Oh yeah? You never do!
@babybear9443 7 ай бұрын
The one thing I disliked about some of Jodies episodes was: She wouldn't walk into a room and just take charge like the previous Doctors. She had to work to get people to listen to her. Now I know that was a choice to show how us women need to work to get recognition etc etc, but I felt the Doctor should be above that. There's literally a scene in Silence in the Library. The doctor has known these people for minutes. He then tells someone to do something. The guy starts doing it. Some else asks "what're you doing that for?" " cos he told me to" the Doctor remarks " spooky isn't it? ". That just sums the doctors ability to control whole rooms of people. That was really my only big problem with Jodies era. Did it completely ruin my enjoyment of it? No. I still had fun watching it, and that's what it's all about in the end.
@andrealiee 7 ай бұрын
i definitely get why you can see that as a deterrent to enjoying the era as a whole, but i also feel like you hit the nail on the head with the "that was a choice to show how us women need to work to get recognition" comment. as long as the doctor sticks around earth, especially in historical settings, its gonna be way less likely for people to see her as The Leader in a situation. shes a bubbly yet socially awkward blonde woman, while Ten was a tall, british (estuary accent to be specific) man who could demand a room with his frequent arrogance (no hate). It seems like a very natural process for both individually, and it makes me appreciate the episodes where she does have that leadership role immediately more satisfactory (TWWFTE, It Takes You Away, Eve of the Daleks)
@dsdots 7 ай бұрын
Nothing like sitting by the fireplace and watching dwfan91
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
nothing like drinking my cup of tea while reading a comment from dsdots :)
@tqrrible 7 ай бұрын
@@dwfan91- nothing like liking a dwfan91 comment as a means of procrastination
@Meritania 7 ай бұрын
Nothing like snogging Madame de Pompadour and watching dwfan91
@ohdarah 7 ай бұрын
Just started the video and already fist punching the air- loved Capaldi so much when his run began. So glad people are ready to celebrate him. Is it perfect? No, but it's peak Who for me. I hope in time people will view Whitaker the same way 💗
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
It was perfect in its own way🙏
@guyfaux900 6 ай бұрын
Capaldi had the worst companion. Fred was such a troll sidekick.
@navibanfield1591 3 ай бұрын
I was just n denial for a long time but Peter Capaldi is my favourite doctor. Whittaker was let down by unfortunately weak writing but she as a doctor was fantastic and very fresh, which was needed.
@andrealiee 7 ай бұрын
"The Music of Doctor Who" would be a classic dwfan91 video, i love it
@erinspross7548 6 ай бұрын
I really like the Capaldi era (writing of several episodes aside, lol) because Peter Capaldi looks just like my dad. Like, EXACTLY like him. So it was fun to imagine my extremely serious father who's told maybe 6 jokes since 2015 dealing with all the crap 12 had to go through.
@erinspross7548 6 ай бұрын
I even tried to use pics of Peter Capaldi as the doctor to try to convince my dad to embrace his curly hair and grow it out a little, still working on that one!
@squishking 7 ай бұрын
we do have charity shops in america 😭 they’re just called thrift stores or secondhand stores here
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
tbf thrift shops are different, we have both over here
@UranusMcVitieFish-yd7oq 7 ай бұрын
Except at USA thrift stores the profits don't go to charity.
@flour926 6 ай бұрын
The profits go to the members of the Goodwill family, consisting of. Janet Goodwill and her 7 kids @@UranusMcVitieFish-yd7oq
@ebetg4191 6 ай бұрын
@@UranusMcVitieFish-yd7oqsome do, but they tend to be very local
@mikaylaeager7942 2 ай бұрын
@@dwfan91- What’s the difference? I think we just use the same name for non-profit and for-profit thrift shops.
@doutorbolado7887 7 ай бұрын
The same fans who criticized Clara for her actions towards the new Doctor in deep breath are the same ones who hated Matt Smith when he took over Tennant, I understand your points 😂
@issh0 7 ай бұрын
My god I remember the Hell Bent hate. Funny how the script has flipped since then among everyone. Great vid.
@ohdarah 7 ай бұрын
wait people hated it??? (note i watched it in isolation on my own without fandom interaction..and made everyone around me watch it)
@issh0 7 ай бұрын
@@ohdarah yep. People swore it was one of the worst, more disappointing episodes of DW to ever air. It was genuine group-think. So dumb.
@ohdarah 7 ай бұрын
@@issh0 oh man. well, glad people are wising up now.
@Saltybuher 6 ай бұрын
I loved the Heaven Sent / Hell Bent episodes. I don't recall anyone disliking it at the time either, and I am very alive to these things.
@Quirderph 6 ай бұрын
@@Saltybuher My experience was that people loved Heaven Sent and hated Hell Bent. Wrap your head around that one.
@lbricks7631 7 ай бұрын
Side note here, I wish both Akinola and Gold would have reused motifs or pieces of music from classic who. They can be reorchastrated to fit the style of music at the time, I just want to hear them again.
@qwertyuio404 7 ай бұрын
I mean Akinola’s Master’s theme sounds a bit like the Sea Devils soundtrack
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
Segun Akinola did reuse motifs from Gold but not much from Classic
@cement_eater 7 ай бұрын
funny enough, Gold's Cyberman leitmotif sounds like it could have been derived from the beginning of their theme in "The Tenth Planet." but yeah, more musical continuity would be great across the board. e.g. Akinola's Cyberman theme felt like just a backing. Obviously that was setup for the cybermasters scene, which was (musically) incredible. But before then, it would've been so easy to incorporate the Gold or Revenge theme as the melody. Honestly, I'd be ok with Gold leaving whenever, as long as his themes stay this time
@cement_eater 7 ай бұрын
@@dwfan91- really? I was listening for Gold's leitmotifs whenever recurring villains showed up. Didn't hear any
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
@@cement_eater The Cybermen Theme has the Murray Gold 'dunanana' (i dont know how else to say it) when it gets quieter
@stark_harshly 7 ай бұрын
In Rosa, the fact that Krasko is underdeveloped IS the point. Not all racists have a Dalek masterplan. Mostly they're just people. Racism isn't an external threat, it's a shitty part of humanity.
@cannonbyrd1755 3 ай бұрын
Just because that's the point doesn't mean it's compelling. Just look at the newest episode, I think that handled a racist antagonist a lot better than Rosa.
@stark_harshly 3 ай бұрын
@@cannonbyrd1755 Dot and Bubble did an excellent job at portraying racist attitudes, but to call Lindy or her friends the antagonists of that episode is robbing it of its nuance. I find Rosa a very compelling episode because of her story. Overloading it with a villain that is overly arch would feel somehow like it would trivialise it too much.
@cannonbyrd1755 3 ай бұрын
@@stark_harshly I do think Rosa is a good episode, I just think the villain is the weakest part of that episode. And yeah I guess Lindy isn't the antagonist, but in the same way she kind of is once we change perspectives from her to the doctor.
@Jingles6466 7 ай бұрын
I for one, am happy to find another Demons of Punjab defender, as i understand, there are dozens of us.
@jackskellingtonsora 7 ай бұрын
I don't like Chibnall, but Demons of Punjab is one of the few good episodes of those three seasons, for sure. I quite liked it.
@zyg9 6 ай бұрын
its my favorite series 11 episode
@sb308 6 ай бұрын
I really liked that one 💖
@jamessolomon6106 3 ай бұрын
Tbh I never realised the ep had such hate I loved it I was moved to tears
@ohdarah 3 ай бұрын
@inshallah6930 7 ай бұрын
i think capaldi really was the modern doctor that was done dirtiest by the scripts provided to him. i feel like moffat’s writing very rarely fully exploited what capaldi was capable of.
@andrescarnederes2295 7 ай бұрын
Strongly disagree, I think this applies to Jodie.
@akakjb 7 ай бұрын
@@andrescarnederes2295 Absolutely. Whittaker had so much potential that was squandered, partly because of trying to pander to the "fans" who had been all for the consideration of a female Doctor for decades until they got one. It was like they expected the same character as before and for everyone to ignore the obvious lady bits & the impact that would have on a standard DOCTOR WHO story. I feel it wasn't explored enough and that they left a lot of good story potential on the table. We'll see how RTD handles the racial aspects of Gatwa's Doctor in the new series.
@ae0ns 7 ай бұрын
I agree with this for both capaldi and Jodie tbh. I don’t think the way Moffat saw the doctor aligned with how capaldi saw and performed the doctor a lot of the time (until maybe the Bill and Nardole season). I could almost say the same about the way he wrote 11 sometimes too, but also Matt was younger and more malleable to the scripts he got
@user-fu7zf4ck9z 6 ай бұрын
@@ae0ns Moffat is easily the writer who understands the character of The Doctor the most. His characterization of 11 and 12 is the peak of the character from an objective perspective.
@ae0ns 6 ай бұрын
@@user-fu7zf4ck9z I half agree with this for 12s sake lol but that’s an interesting take for sure
@domidude2864 7 ай бұрын
You actually made we rewatch all of the 13th Doctors run awhile back i’d always liked series 11 and flux but i was a huge timeless child hater but you bought me back to the light and now i quiet enjoy series 12 thank you dwfan91 you are a true hero
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
@LucyliciousDoccyWho 7 ай бұрын
There's so much value in knowing why someone loves something, coz it can be a window to learning to love it too. Learning why someone hates something is much less valuable in that way.
@ManiBatchelor 7 ай бұрын
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
@itsalwaysoniontime 7 ай бұрын
I actually really enjoyed series 13 on broadcast, and I was hit by waves of confusion by my mates who had watched about 4 episodes of series 11
@Musydid911 7 ай бұрын
About 4 episode's? That's like 66% of the series lmao
@itsalwaysoniontime 7 ай бұрын
@@Musydid911 yeah but none of them gave series 12 or 13 a chance
@brewster_4 7 ай бұрын
@@Musydid911 4/10 =/= 66%
@Musydid911 7 ай бұрын
@@brewster_4 what percentage is 4 out of 6
@brewster_4 7 ай бұрын
@@Musydid911 "my mates who had watched about 4 episodes of series 11" Seires 11 had 10 episode not including the special Resolution. They had watched 4 out of the ten episodes of the series. This means they watched 4/10 of the series or 40% of the series. I didn't think I'd have to explain this.
@ItsMeGPZ 7 ай бұрын
When i watched the chibnall era on broadcast, I didn't think much of it. I liked it, but I guess I kinda dissociated with it cuz I realized I didn't even remember half of the episodes. Then I watched the classic era and loved it. I got a taste of a bunch of different styles and eras and takes and showrunners, and I rewatched the entire whittaker era in a binge. I loved it. I loved it a lot.
@randomjoke69667 7 ай бұрын
Honestly who is such a fun thing to do rewatches for, especially the classic show, very different compared to modern but very lovely and as a fan of slow burns, definitely my preferred cup of tea. Glad you came out with an enjoyment of all those Eras!
@ItsMeGPZ 7 ай бұрын
@@randomjoke69667 I came to realize that I literally just love all of Doctor Who. I liked the bloody Twin Dilemma. Vengence on Varos is peak 80s. Doctor who is less of a show and more of a crazy rollercoaster ride that takes you to so many different places and all of them are good.
@randomjoke69667 7 ай бұрын
@@ItsMeGPZ While personally I wouldnt go as far on saying I agree with that, I do however understand and really appreciate that you feel this way! That's very awesome and nobody can take that away from you, Besides any love for 6 or classic is very good in my Books! Honestly a goated way of thinking!
@friendlyotaku9525 7 ай бұрын
I've always said that Jodie's era will be more appreciated in retrospect, and we're already started to see it which your comment proves and I love that!
@roguexxrenegade 7 ай бұрын
@@friendlyotaku9525Confirmation bias.
@brobs0463 7 ай бұрын
In 2027 we’ll all be looking back at the ‘jodie era’ and especially flux saying ‘Actually, this wasn’t that bad, and ‘we were really harsh on it.’ Recently I rewatched the Timeless Children episode and I actually quite enjoyed it. This is the way these things go
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
So true, you get it man
@JoshPinder92 7 ай бұрын
This comment is delicious as a colossal FLUX fan I can't wait for that day
@nodatastored684 7 ай бұрын
That is always the plan.... For future generations. If an alien came to Earth, beyond Star Trek and Star Wars Doctor who would be the one series I believe a peaceful race might enjoy
@parrot998 7 ай бұрын
TBH, my expectation is I'll still be loving it as unintentional comedy for it's charmingly bizarre character dialogue and characterization as I do with early 80's Who. Because as someone relatively immune to the bandwagon effect, and someone who has been kinda shit on for daring to compare Whitaker and Davison... The early JNT and Chibnall eras are pretty much the same take on the show, and those two Doctors are very much the same characterization. Questionable moral choices and all... The Fam is very similar to Nyssa Tegan and Adric... You have the one that kinda fades into the background despite having massive dramatic potential (Nyssa and Ryan) the character that is often used comically but has a twinge of tragedy (Adric and Graham), and the relatively grounded one (Tegan and Yaz)... None of which are characterized very well in series... Big Finish audios for 13 are gonna be so cathartic for patching that up... Both eras of the show got increasingly dependant on treating the fans for quick ratings boosts every season often leading to bad stories (Arc of Infinity, Warriors of the Deep, The Timeless Children, Revolution of the Daleks, etc) And as specific as it is, the show creating a giant spectacle drama where half the universe gets irreversably destroyed and despite that not following up on the consequences in any meaningful way... (Logopolis and Flux, and I'm willing to bet if the episode count hadn't been lowered it would have been Dhawan's master doing the "people of the universe" quote...) I think both of these eras are bad in some pretty notable ways... I also think time heals all wounds and both of them are unintentionally hillarious with the occasional spots of brilliance. And some people seem to genuinely think the Fifth Doctor's era is great, so maybe 13 will be highly regarded...
@parrot998 7 ай бұрын
​​​@@nodatastored684Heh... You may not know how right you are... I will always maintain that The Doctor is the most universally relatable main protagonist humanity has ever made in spite of looking identical to a human.
@idle_speculation 7 ай бұрын
I really wish that the Thijarians returned to watch over 13’s death in PotD. It’d be a great way to tie her era together, almost like the Ood’s presence in 10’s regeneration scene
@Rallink 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for talking about this. I'm so, so tired of people online getting irrationally angry about Chibnall stuff or the RTD2 specials of late for really no good reason. You're absolutely right to notice that the Capaldi era is suddenly loved now despite it being hated back in the day. It would be nice if people could just try to enjoy something instead of trying to hate it (sometimes without watching it)
@scifictionx 7 ай бұрын
nikola tesla's night of terror is actually so much fun. love the doctor and tesla's admiration for each other! the historical episodes in general were straight up bangers in this era, can't wait for people to celebrate that once the whittaker renaissance comes around lol
@dxctr_master 6 ай бұрын
THANK YOU for being such a breath of fresh air in the fandom! Seeing someone fairly enjoy the eras and episodes, I’m new to ur channel and videos so I was wincing in anticipation/fear when seeing the Chibnall era was approaching wondering if there was another person gunna shit on it, so glad not all fans r like that lol
@therevelers6581 7 ай бұрын
Genuinely could not agree more. This video is such a relief. I just rewatched all of NuWho while binging some of the older serials and it's like: Heartbreaking news, everyone: It's. . . it's all good. It's all pretty consistent, excellent TV. All the Doctors and companions are enjoyable and dynamic. Episodes remain unique and high quality with very little discernible departures. I had a blast.
@regaltoast 7 ай бұрын
I don't think American's have a problem with the accents. I didn't watch it myself, but Jodie was on Broadchurch, which was very popular in the US. It even won at American award shows. Believe me, we get plenty of British TV here and different British accents and I don't see that as being a reason people hated 13. Honestly, from what I see from the fans that hate 13, it's because the doctor was a woman. It's really that clear and if you read comments on Dr. Who videos you will always come across, "the show went downhill when they made the doctor a chick." Stupid as hell, but I think that's really the biggest reason for all the hate. As for charity shops, many have already pointed out that we have plenty of them in the US. We just don't call them charity shops. Honestly "Goodwill," while the name of an actual chain of charity shops, is what my family has used to describe any kind of charity shop. There are places like Savers, the Salvation Army, and then local shops that are unique to each town/city. My whole childhood was spent getting clothes from charity shops in the US, but not once did anyone ever call them charity shops even though most of them are actual registered charities. Loved the video and looking forward to watching more from you!
@idle_speculation 7 ай бұрын
I like how half of the rebuttals are just “B-but… *I* hate thing… and that would make me wrong! I can’t be… wrong!”
@crosskitelines 7 ай бұрын
What a great video! I feel this way a lot too! Like I stopped watching Doctor Who during Matt Smith. And I started up again last year and when I got to Peter Capaldi, I was like oh my God I love him. Why did young me deny me such great doctor who! Sometimes all the fan stuff makes me feel like I’m missing something. But if missing something allows me to have a good time with a show that I like it’s fine with me
@justynmatlock8873 7 ай бұрын
I'm a started-watching-when-Jon-Pertwee-took-over fan, and I have every episode, 1963 to Christmas 2017.. I wanted to see Peter Capaldi ever since I saw him in, 'Neverwhere' in 1996. When it happened, I felt fully vindicated, and I stand by it ! Clara outstayed her run, but Bill was excelent. It was like the 7th and Ace all over again. I'm glad now to see other fans realizing what they missed.
@---maez--- 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for this, 13 is my favorite Doctor :)
@Road_to_Dawn 7 ай бұрын
Haven’t finished the video yet, just gotten to where you start talking about The Timeless Child, but I just wanted to say something about that. I don’t think it’s a big deal. I think it’s perfectly fine. I like the idea behind it, and I think it actually helps broaden the mystery of the Doctor and give the show more room to grow. What didn’t we know about the Doctor before TTC? Quite a lot! What don’t we know about the Doctor after TTC? Well, we know that the Doctor was adopted by Tecteun, who performed experiments, and that the Doctor was part of a special force called Division, and beyond that, there’s quite a lot we still don’t know, and I would argue, there’s even MORE room for what we don’t know. We don’t know exactly what happened in Division, or before that, or even what may have happened between that and An Unearthly Child. It gives more room for future writers to have blanks that they can fill in.
@Jamess-tv 5 ай бұрын
This channel is so good I could cry - man it’s so high quality. Thanks for all the hard work
@Jamess-tv 5 ай бұрын
18:24 - the music here is so beautiful
@space_the_final_fronteir 7 ай бұрын
For me, being from Yorkshire, the characters being from Yorkshire and episodes being set here was one of my favourite parts of the Chibnall era. The same with the Flux episodes set in Liverpool. It was nice to see Doctor Who in the North, made the characters more relatable to me. I never even considered that the accents could be a barrier, as compared to most people I know, the accents are not that thick 😂
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
I was speaking with some americans and they said they couldn't understand anything was being said. They also said that Peter Capaldi's accent was too thick as well so that goes to show you something😂
@space_the_final_fronteir 7 ай бұрын
@@dwfan91- If Peter Capaldi's accent is too thick, they may have to start casting BBC presenters for the Americans to understand.
@JuliansStuffRoblox 6 ай бұрын
@@dwfan91-the *thick* of it
@HuntingViolets 7 ай бұрын
I think you mean it can't be overstated how much _Doctor Who_ you watch. I can understate it right now: You have only seen one episode ever. It's easy to understate it, in your case. :)
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
u got me
@MrPiggyman100 6 ай бұрын
I think the most annoying thing about the timeless child twist is that it would be perfect for the master
@mintbrownieangelfish-6114 4 ай бұрын
That makes sense and I like it
@ItsMeGPZ 7 ай бұрын
39:35 We have thrift stores which I think are the same thing as charity shops (ie people donate the clothes and appliances they don't want or need and the places sell them at low prices) The one that I know best is called Goodwill, but there are lots of local ones everywhere as well.
@Jeanette271 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, as an American, I totally related to the doctor in the charity shop scene because of shopping throughout my life in thrift stores. We have tons of them.
@Xavier.living.life. 7 ай бұрын
I got into the show right when the 50th was happening and Capaldi got announced just as I was sort of getting used to Matt Smith and David Tennant, and being like who is this old guy he's not doctor who this is gonna be boring and horrible, and I hated the idea of him right away, fast forward a few years later and I was deep into series 10 and Capaldi had become my favorite Doctor by then, like mans on my current pfp it's kinda ridiculous in hindsight how much of a massive one eighty I had on him as the Doctor.
@menembeck 7 ай бұрын
I wanna point out at around 44:00 you talk about the whole ‘lonely god’ thing compared to the timeless child. While that is a valid point I think the reason why myself and so many others take issue with it is because it feels as though the Doctor earned that title after hundreds of thousands of years, he became quite literally a living legend. The impact of him going from bashing a cave mans head in to cherishing all life and actively seeking out danger to ‘play his role’ feels so less inspiring if he was just born into being ‘the main character’.
@danielgertler5976 7 ай бұрын
I'll say, I generally liked the Chibby Era but I don't like the way he introduced these huge world shattering revelations and then... did nothing with them. We finally got back Gallifrey and Chibby destroys it again for shock value. I was willing to let the Timeless Child twist do its thing but then they don't do anything with it the next season...
@SanctumSanctorumVidz 7 ай бұрын
0.01% guy here! Watched EVERY episode (including missing eps via telesnap, recreations, and animations). And listened to every bigfinish audio up until 2020. (I'll get to the rest sooner or later) I love classic Who, But I love modern Who too! Not every episode is great, but none suck.
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
we gotta stick together🤝
@grandsome1 4 ай бұрын
We got a time lord over here!
@clario9114 7 ай бұрын
Just wanna say that thanks to you, I gave the Jodie era a second chance and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. There are some Chibnalisms that I don’t vibe with, but there are Moffatisms I don’t vibe with either. I’m so glad u put me on and made me remember why I love this show so much and the conversations I’ve had with my dw fan friends are much more lively now that we’ve given the eps a chance and can discuss them for real ❤❤❤
@calebdunlap7566 6 ай бұрын
The crazy thing is that Jodie’s run, especially her first season, was probably one of the more conservative leaning seasons. Multiple episodes saying that there’s nothing inherently wrong with “the system”, it just needs a little reform. There’s actually two episodes that I find have similar plots but very different responses; season 4’s Planet of the Ood and season 11’s kerblam episode. In the former, they take a strong stance against the slavery system and end up destroying it, in the latter they end up siding with the system of essential slavery and end up saying “the system is fine, people who are against the system is the problem. The system just needs a little reform”
@ChrisKeziahHyde 7 ай бұрын
I'll admit, I used to be one of those who didn't like Capaldi's era at first. But when it came to his last series my opinion changed. I've also been rewatching his era and my opinions on a lot of his episodes have changed for the better. I realised that he may not be my favourite Doctor but his era had a good arc. I felt similar with Smith during his first two series but warmed to him during his final series. Although that was due to me having a strong empathy for 10 and David's departure hit me hard. So when it came to Jodie's era I wanted to go in optimistic. I didn't want to give in to new showrunner/Doctor bias. I gave her first outing a go. It was okay, the writing clearly was the main issue. There are a few gems of episodes in her era, Haunting of Villa Diodati (hope I spelt that right) is the highlight for me. I will concede Jodie's era did have great VFX, possibly the best we've had so far. I just wished the writing was better. Going into Ncuti's era I was elated at RTD's return and despite Tennant's caretaker Doctor I was more excited to see Ncuti's debut and so far I've not been disappointed. Doctor Who I think is unique in the way a fine whisky is. The more an era matures and enough time passes, it improves in its taste than the newest batch would. I think one of the biggest problems is channels that claim they are fans of the show just to release a video critising literally any bad press, viewing figures, latest released episode or series or comments the showrunners/actors make. Channels that openly spew hate instead of providing proper criticism and scrutiny.
@Ericiswaiting 7 ай бұрын
Goated ass video once again and I just 100 percent agree that just mindless hate when you haven’t even formed the opinion yourself is just so stupid I remember when I was watching the chibnal era I would sometimes look at the reviews for it on youtube and it was just so dumb in retrospect, I remember thinking I actually liked this episode and then I watched one review and felt like a dumbass
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
You're not alone! I saw this happening to so many people!
@Ericiswaiting 7 ай бұрын
Also one very random thing to add to what you said earlier in the vid when you were talking about things you didn’t like in each era I do really agree with you on of moffats insistence on domestic violence is really bad but just to add to that is how with moffat some scenes were just really creepy like on that comes to mind is the crimson horror when 11 just kissed jenny for like 5 seconds unprompted which just made me uncomfortable and I thought creepy also in time of the doctor when the doctor is naked and then going to the church naked and clara doesn’t really want to is just first of all cringe and its weird I find that moffat just makes things to adult for no reason its kinda hard explain but yeah, also 11 saying sexy like a billion times there’s probably more examples of this but those were just on the top of my head hopefully this wasn’t to ranty also once again goated video
@tswizzle2020 7 ай бұрын
(tl;dr: i used to dunk on chibnall's era, and it wasn't until i repeated what i was saying to other people irl that i re-watched it and formed my own opinions. bandwagoning is bad folks, don't do it.) i gotta be honest... i came around on the chibnall era. i watched series 11 and 12 initially all at once, then immediately after i watched "the fall of doctor who". i thought there was some good points in there, but didn't completely agree with everything said (and there was quite a bit of "this video sucks" from people who haven't watched it, which is always terrible). i didn't realize how much i had let it color my opinions on this era of the show until i tried to talk to my friends about the timeless child reveal. look, i don't like the timeless child because it gives me 'chosen one' vibes from the dominance of mid young adult novels trying to be the next hunger games or divergent - i don't even *like* divergent, but the amount of books trying to be divergent felt never-ending. that's it! it's just that, and i'm pretty sure that's a me problem anyway. but the amount of people saying it "ruined" doctor who is ridiculous. this show is 60 years strong, nothing like a minorly mishandled reveal is gonna stop it. if that was all it took, it would've died out in the 60s. but that's what i told people online. that's what i told my friends; that it ruined it. they weren't doctor who fans - that is gonna color their experience of watching it for the first time, if they ever decide to. so i was like "wtf just came outta my mouth?" i examined that feeling, i rewatched the episodes, and honestly? truthfully? it's good! series 11 is good. i don't like rosa because it goes with the lie that all she contributed to the civil rights movement was refusing to move on that bus, but to be fair, where were they gonna fit that in? another me problem probably. it's good though! and rest of the series is mostly good! series 12 was a little more hit-or-miss with the returning villains (should've stuck to their guns for longer) but its highs are even higher! i love sacha's master so much, you have no idea. that man is genuinely terrifying. i say this as a "missy is my favorite master" fan: i'm glad they brought the master back. series 13 is the greatest car crash i've ever seen. yeah i'm a flux enjoyer now. also this whole era's cinematography is beautiful. i didn't like this era's tardis because despite the wide open space, having to dodge around those giant crystals made it feel claustrophobic to me? i dunno. but every time they have it in a wide shot i'm like "ohh i see the vision". i say all this to say that this era isn't that bad. it's even good! i dream of the day i can say that outside of this comment section and not get dunked on by bots - or even other people who haven't done the work of re-examining it. for doctor who, this bandwagon was particularly bad, but i've been in fandom spaces for a while now, and it's not the worst i've seen. i made the mistake of thinking dw was immune to that sort of mob mentality. i know better now. i do better now. the chibnall era gave that to me. so hey, hate it all you want if you've actually seen it. if you've read all of this then thank you! if you still hate it i can't change your mind. but it's special to me, and it always will be. (edit: misspelled sacha's name, i'm a fake fan /s)
@petrzelka8321 7 ай бұрын
I feel like I’m being gaslit, it’s genuinely making me want to rewatch the Whittaker episodes to make sure about my own experience
@andrealiee 6 ай бұрын
maybe you should 🤯🤯🤯
@francisgrizzlysmit4715 7 ай бұрын
I loved Jodie as Doctor, actually I liked all of them and all the companions never understood the haters
@fudgecicle2905 7 ай бұрын
I think the Chibnall era is the lesser of the three Doctor Who revival era, but a lot of the criticisms against it were overly harsh and incredibly unfair. Talking about Doctor Who became very unenjoyable back then. Also I still think series 11 is one of the better seasons of Doctor Who. Demons of the Punjab is my favorite historical episode, and yet I saw people tear it apart like it was trash. It left an incredibly bitter feeling in me. And contrast that with how people talk about RTD2 era, where people are praising the heck out of them while having a lot of the similar flaws to the bad Chibnall episodes, or having moments that people nitpicked the hell out of in Chibnall era episodes. The thing that really bothers me is just how the standards are being applied so unevenly. Anyways, glad someone talked about this because I genuinely hated the fandom at that point. Regarding Timeless Children, I liked all the ideas of it, it made sense to me and what I knew of the Time Lords (they have always been bad), and recontextualizing the Doctor as an orphan was very interesting to me. I just think the poor execution, along with coupling it with a Cyberman finale made it an especially bad episode. Two finales in one episode, both finales incredibly underserved. And yeah, 10th/Rose dynamic was incredibly obnoxious.
@wheatmann1601 7 ай бұрын
doctor who more like Doctor woke am i right lads
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
so true😹
@bronsonbronson5313 7 ай бұрын
Doctor Them
@brobs0463 7 ай бұрын
You are right lad😂
@thetallpancake 7 ай бұрын
Thanks lad
@phoenyx.21 7 ай бұрын
it was always woke
@stevelandmartin-khan2430 6 ай бұрын
In the case of Jodie Whittaker, I like her as an actress. I like her portrayal of the doctor. I got about halfway through her first season on two seperate occasions. But I couldn’t handle the writing. I felt it was all very on the nose. Something about the writing waa just. Not it for me. Although listening to your review I might have to give it a third try.
@NicolasPruitt 7 ай бұрын
7:37 I think a lot about this like A LOT. If Doctor Who fans hypothetically like really start hyping up a usually disliked classic Hartnell who episode I wonder if due to the fact most people havent watched it could he possible to gaslight casual Doctor Who fans into thinking its the holy grail of Peak Doctor Who content up there with Genesis.
@idle_speculation 6 ай бұрын
WDYM disliked? The Gunfighters beats Heaven Sent!
@dalexzenteno6565 6 ай бұрын
AYO american here! RAH RAH!! we def do have charity shops we just call them thrift shops such as salvation army and shit. I liked that the doctor had that scene honestly i have more complaints about what she found. ITS TOO CLEAN!! i am not a hater of jodies first season but the fit is bad. It is way too clean and calm.
@dwfan91- 6 ай бұрын
She looked better in 12's clothes I'm just sayinng
@dalexzenteno6565 6 ай бұрын
@@dwfan91-amen 🙏🙏🙏
@idle_speculation 6 ай бұрын
I think 13 should've gone for something vintage and bohemian, kind of halfway between what 4 had going on and 15's very '70s style.
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 3 ай бұрын
Someone once said to me if you want to be turned off or away from something you love join a club! I get what they meant. Thank you as I am feeling rather special, dare I say smug, as I have watched all DW. I began as a child with Pertwee but over the decades have watched the Hartnell and Throughton stories that were either not lossed or animated. Those still never brought o screen I have read the novelisations on. And you are right. It does give us the right to have a more considered and appreciated opinion. If you want to ask someone about a football match you would ask someone who witnessed all of it and not just the first half. Of course it doesn't mean later fans can't have and express opinions but as I get older I realise more and more than lived experience can never be replaced. So we are the lucky ones. I have tried on occasions to get younger viewers to understand why I might be more critical on a certain story or character simply due to that aged experience but they are unble to really comprehend. At that makes sense. The truth is wisdom really does (hopefully) from exprience and the passage of time. It provides greater knowkedge of what has been, is, and predict what is to come. You can't expect a 5 year old to understand concepts of a twenty-five year old nor equally a 25 year old with that of a sixty year person. That is just lived experience. As always with everything in life, exceptions exist amd nothing is a complete science.Too much waffle so I'll stop there. Cheerio.
@Ericiswaiting 7 ай бұрын
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
@Infamous-K 6 ай бұрын
I loved Jodie Whitaker's run so much and it broke my heart the hate and reactions. There were always low times, but some of it seemed so insanely dude-bro it just killed me. I like Ncuti, but I haven't stopped missing Jodie yet. Also, we do have a couple of charity shops, there's a chain called Goodwill that hires people with physical difficulties and resales used stuff. I dressed myself and my kids out of that place for years and years, from Texas..
@CrikeyItsDan 7 ай бұрын
For me I think it's mainly the performances of the main cast. As you mentioned every series of Doctor Who has had it's fair share of bad scripts, some more than others. But usually whoever is cast as the Doctor/Companion at the time, can just carry that bad script to a degree and I can still enjoy there performance, even in a script that's not great. Jodie as the Doctor just never worked for me. Hard to pinpoint exactly why and it's going to feel like a cop out answer but she doesn't feel very "Doctory" to me lmao. Not a fan of the way she delivers most of her dialogue and I think the exact same scripts, with someone else in the lead could of been much better. As for companions, I think this without a doubt is the weakest of the NewWho era. Ryan and Yas to me are straight terrible outside of maybe a few moments here or there. Graham for me like most people is my favourite and in large part I feel he just stands out in comparison to Ryan and Yas, because Bradley Walsh can act. It feels like he's actually trying. Long story short, this era for me was the first time in NewWho at least that the cast, was mis cast and I just can't get into the performances, I watched the whole era 3 times between Power of the Doctor and the 60th too and it just didn't connect :( PS. Your content is genuinely fire bro, I disagree with alot of your takes but still love the videos haha!
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
I like genuinely being able to talk with people about what they like/didn't like about certain parts of dr who. When people get specific and actually say what they think it's so much more interesting than "bad writing init." Thanks for the comment man!
@CrikeyItsDan 7 ай бұрын
@@dwfan91- I think that's why so many of us have gravitated towards your channel and content brother. You've created a space where it feels like you can start a dialogue with other passionate fans, where opinions may differ but it doesn't turn into a screaming match and petty insults. (Apart from the odd weirdo but that's inevitable lmao) You should be real proud of what you're doing here man genuinely, look forward to the next upload!
@JustChrisWillDoTa 7 ай бұрын
​@CrikeyItsDan I completely agree with what you said about the era. There was just something lacking in Jodie's performance. Like she was lacking a certain gravitas that all the others had when delivering speeches and whatnot. I found it hard to put my finger on what it was, but i never got into the performance. I was disappointed as well. Jodie is from really nearby to me, and I love seeing someone local do good, and was looking forward to her in the role, but just didn't hit. The 3 companions really was too many to have all the time. I think it just gave her even less opportunity to shine, when she was floundering anyway.
@HuntingViolets 7 ай бұрын
We do have thrift shops in the United States. I used to go in to Goodwill and walk out with ten dresses for $30. The prices are a little higher now, but not by much. We have Goodwill, the Salvation Army, and Threads, just in my town. I don't know what kind of ritzy (posh) Americans are making comments that these don't exist and only want to hear BBC newsreader accents.
@cipherfresh 7 ай бұрын
I’m incredibly grateful for this video, seeing the double standard where fans rip apart things in the Chibnall era that would have been perfectly fine if they happened the same way under RTD or Moffat makes me want to tear my hair out. I like being able to criticize media I enjoy, and I like having good-faith critical discussions, but it’s immensely evident when someone hates the Chibnall era because they’re misogynistic or “anti-woke”. I’d easily say that Chibnall is my least favorite of the 3 show runners for New Who but the fact people on the hate bandwagon refuse to acknowledge the era has any merit is so, so frustrating.
@ozzie1397 7 ай бұрын
RTD and Moffat were better. That's simply it, but of course, you have no real argument, and it's evident with people like you who have misogyny of the brain all day long anytime someone doesn't like the shit you do.
@veronica_azrael 6 ай бұрын
Ill be honest, I wasn't paying attention to fandom in 2014, but I also didn't like series 8 at the time. Capaldi was just so different than 9, 10, and 11 that I didnt continue to watch after series 8 finished. I am also only now watching the classic series so I had no reference to doctors 1-8 and how they were. I picked up Doctor who again in 2020 when The Timeless Child hate made its way to me. I had no clue what was going on so I started at Series 8 again and watched up to The Woman Who Fell to Earth and got less that 30 minuets in because I was bored. (Also I LOVED the Capaldi era after I finished it. I wasnt and am still not a big fan of Twice Upon a Time, even now having watched all of the First Doctors stories. If anything I like it less because of that) I think it was probably a year later I watched TWWFTE all the way through and then all the way to The Timeless Child. Revolution of the Daleks wasnt available to me (without pirating) at the time and I dont think Flux had started so I stopped until Autumn of 2023 where I caught up again. I didnt hate Whittaker's era, though I do think its boring, but I actually like The Timeless Child and think it opens up a lot of interesting doors. Ive watched everything that has come out up to this point and plan to keep up with the show and in the meantime continue to watch the classic series in full as Im only up to series 9. My hate or dislike was never a bandwagon though. It wasnt until December, when I rewatched the 2005 series from the beginning to series 11 that I actually liked Matt Smiths Doctor, and I remember that while his era was going people were huge fans of him (especially other girls and that confused me lol). Now im just excited to see where the series goes from here and I and I can truly say I love every actors interpretation of the Doctor (that I have seen) even if I dont enjoy all of their episodes
@justynmatlock8873 7 ай бұрын
The fact that you cannot accept anyone having legitime reasons for disliking 'Demons of the Punjab' is a little closed minded, to be honest. No matter how good you think it is, other people are allowed to disagree without that making them WRONG.
@grandsome1 4 ай бұрын
People are entitled to their wrong opinion.
@justynmatlock8873 4 ай бұрын
@@grandsome1 As you prove.
@SuddenBiscuit 7 ай бұрын
Great video. The massive over-reaction that certain people in the fandom have to things is so draining and it makes it so difficult to give genuine, good-faith criticism without being seen as part of that group. For instance, I'm really not a fan of the Chibnall era and there's a lot of your points in this video that I'd personally disagree with or counter. But with that said, I'm glad that people enjoy it and find things to like about it, and there are loads of things that I like about it myself. It makes it difficult to have discussions and voice opinions (which used to be one of the best things about fandom) without it turning into an all-out war held in Twitter/KZbin comments...
@oceangotvald5310 7 ай бұрын
I think the problem is the moral inconsistencies, the timeless child being WAY too game changing and confusing, and the weird and bad acting from supporting cast and villains. Also, the closeups start off well done, but as the era goes on, they become overused, even in situations where they add nothing to the scripts. This makes the direction feel off and the audience's proception of space within a scene hazy. I agree it is over hated, but it falls far shorter than any other era does for me.
@zyg9 6 ай бұрын
Here's the way i recall seeing the chibnall/whittaker hate train barrel out of the station: Them: the doctor cant be a woman! That will ruin the show! Us: the show's creator Sydney Newman wanted the doctor to change into a woman. Since 1980 everyone involved with making the show has been publicly saying the next doctor could possibly be a woman. Them: I dont have a problem with the doctor being a woman, i just hate them shoving all these sociopolitical messages down our throats! Us: the show (classic & new) has always been political [numerous examples]. The pertwee years were particularly notorious for beating the audience over the head with messages. Them: i dont have a problem with the messages or the female doctor, its just the writing is so bad! That last argument cant really be disputed because its subjective, yet they act like its objective. Its kind of a nebulous rorshach test type of thing. People see what they want to see. And its what they are able to make others see. The original chibnall haters actually hated bc of their sexism and intolerance. Once they learned those werent valid reasons to hate, they made up the seemingly valid reason of "bad writing" and made a bunch of videos and posted a bunch of comments to convince others the writing is "bad" and before long, groupthink settled in. The influencers led the lemmings off the cliff. I remain convinced if more people were more familiar with classic who, and had watched the chibnall era and formed their own opinions without going online to be told what to think, then the chibnall era would be more popular. Perhaps more highly respected than the rtd era. The truth is, every writer/showrunner has their pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses. If a few people devoted a bunch of videos to explaining everything thats bad about rtd, then a lot of people who watch those videos would end up only seeing the bad about rtd and hating every one of his episodes. Then those people would in turn spread their hate with their own videos & comments
@smilesinmay 7 ай бұрын
can't wait for people to see the title of this, hate on/criticize you for making it, then decide after a bit to actually watch the whole thing and discover that you made incredibly valid points and its a good video
@lauragreen5622 5 ай бұрын
I always watch each episode twice because you can’t catch it all the first time.
Remember kids! Actually watch the thing in question before forming an opinion! :D
@andrealiee 7 ай бұрын
mentally pinning this
@carealoo744 7 ай бұрын
14:20 What follows here is genuinely the most funny and creative edits I've seen in... Well months at least- I laughed a lot :)
@caacrinolass3501 7 ай бұрын
I do wonder where you get some of the criticisms you push back against from here - places like Gallifrey Base or the Reddit communities have always loved Capaldi for example. Similarly I recall McGann being liked even while the movie itself was not. There are others I could mention but maybe its a twitter/Tumblr thing? Its certainly true that a lot of the time these people haven't watched it and I do think you give them a little too much credit here - its bad faith, and designed to be bad faith. How could a culture warrior fool be a part of fandom? I don't think 90% of these people ever were, ratings etc are just the excuse for the war. I think you're totally spot on with the music though. If there was one way I'd describe Gold, its the word "manipulative". The guy brings out a full orchestra if someone's shoelaces come undone, telling you how to feel. Its very effective, but I don't care for that personally. In contrast when the music leaves the audience room to breathe and decide for themselves...everything feels flat to many of them? Weird, but OK.
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
I get them from my KZbin polls
@caacrinolass3501 7 ай бұрын
​@@dwfan91- Ah OK. I'm assuming there are indeed bots or whatever involved then, probably culture warrior proxies. KZbin comments are not exactly high quality.
@Kregnic 7 ай бұрын
Babe wake up king dwfan91 posted a new video
@BigJay-02 3 ай бұрын
I started watching the show in 2014 right when Capaldi’s run began (and had binged the whole series on Netflix before) and I loved him as the doctor and thought Series 8-10 was incredible and even tho the 13th doctor’s era wasn’t my favorite I’m still here going on 10 years now 💪
@hammerheadtheseawing3263 6 ай бұрын
I absolutely loved Demons of the Punjab, it was my favorite episode of the Whittaker era.
@nodatastored684 7 ай бұрын
At Three years old, a Saturday Morning, 1980, after cartoons went off on Channel 13 PBS, I saw the first Episodes of Tom Baker and Blake 7, and at Three I knew this being who said he was an alien, had powers of telepathy and technology humanity would never be able to have and senses beyond mortal man, yet appeared as normal in appearance yet so much more,he had a living temperamental ship that occasionally had more common sense than most in these dangerous concepts. This was beyond the original star trek and star Wars, for nothing was safe and usually him and companions vs extinction I also was pleased to catch all the uncanny X-Men and Excalibur and Alan Moore works that referenced Doctor Who. Even there most don't realize Saturnyne from Marvel is a Doctor Who analogue
@nodatastored684 7 ай бұрын
Actually, Merlin/Merlyn is also an analogue of Doctor Who, I mean his Starlight Citadel is a grown TARDIS and His Daughter Roma, looks just like Romana
@lillianseaman4598 7 ай бұрын
Great video, perfectly describes my experience interacting with the fandom. I was one of those people who uncritically took the fandoms opinions as their own for the whittaker era (and to a lesser extent capaldi but thats mostly because I only started interacting with the fandom properly part way through series 9 which for reference I would have been 13 at the time). I remember after any episode of series 12 aired going straight onto the internet to read what other people thought and that being the basis of my opinion and not the episode I just watched because whenever i decided i liked an episode and realised the next day nobody else did it felt like my opinion was wrong in a way. I didn't really have a great ability to realise why I liked or didn't like something and then I'd go online and see all these really articulate points about why it was bad and felt like I had to agree because I was not great at critically thinking about whether or not I agreed. It was very hard to recognise within myself because my opinions on episodes pre getting into the fandom were wholey my own and didn't change from knowing other peoples opinions (or at least would change back very quickly) thanks to years of watching and rewatching, "Love and Monsters is my favourite episode" was a thing I had been saying for years before I learnt people really don't like it, other peoples opinions on older episodes did what I tihnk the goal should be when reading them, they offered a different perspective that let me see understand why other people like or dislike something when I feel differently. It got to the point where I would start watching for episodes expecting to dislike it, to the point I wouldn't let myself like it. I was watching episodes almost trying to spot the thing everyone would complain about so I wouldn't accidentally enjoy something, that my opinion would be correct the first time and I wouldn't have to readjust I started to realise what I was doing around the time series 13 started, that a lot of my opinions, not just my ones on doctor who were mostly parrating things I had heard other people say, and I did not like that about myself. By that point it was sort of too late for flux (and really the rest of the era), I had an extremely negative bias going in, but at least I was aware of that bias, and at least I had figured out I needed if not a concrete opinion of an episode, and idea of what I thought. I did not end up liking flux, and like I said it was too late by that point, I was never going to get there, but I liked parts, even whole episodes. The specials were similar (or at least eve of the daleks and power of the doctor, legend of the sea devils was awful), I actually liked them, I knew I had a positive opinion and wasn't swayed by people complaining about dalek aim like I would have been before, I still thought they weren't great, but I thought they were good by Chibnall standards (which was dumb in its own way but better) I remember trying to watch through the era before power of the doctor and I could not do it, every time I left an episode thinking, "thats overhated I kind of liked it", it felt like my opinions were wrong all over again, by the time I realised I actually liked Ryan I had to stop I could not do it because everyone hates him so much. I could accept that I liked him and seemingly nobody else did, and I could accept that I liked the first half of series 11 and nobody else seemed to, but the idea that I could disagree on even one more episode would have wrapped around to me feeling like I was wrong and watching it wrong, and whatever else. Its really only recently that I've been able to go back and actually watch the episodes to form my own opinion, I got up to it takes you away just today (to be fair I probably could have been able to sooner but I was approaching a rewatch naturally as part of a rewatch of all of nuwho anyway). Watching through fresh eyes has been good, I can say I think the ghost monument is pretty boring but the final few minutes where they find the tardis is so good it propels the rest of the episode into being pretty good overall, I like it takes you away now, rosa is a bit heavy handed in places but you barely notice because its well made and well told, arachnids in the uk is bad but only really once everyone is at the hotel, the tsuranga conundrum has too many characters but thats the only significant problem with it. finally with the 60th I feel like my opinions are my own again. everyone was very positive about all three, at least from what I saw and had shifted more negative since, I thought the star beast was middling, wild blue yonder was pretty incredible, and I did not like the giggle, which was not really what i saw from other people, and realising I disagreed with what I saw as the dominant opinion felt great. I tihnk thats what happens a lot when people reappraise their opinions, because when you rewatch something with a bit of distance and less conversation around it bombarding you with what everyone else thinks before you've thought for yourself you have to form your own opinion, or at least add nuance to it. I don't think its necessarily something people notice themselves doing, either taking the common opinion as theor own or realising their opinion changes because it was never really their own. The thing that really made me realise was my mum also going into episodes expecting not to like them, which I found very jarring, because I have been watching doctor who with her as it comes out for as long as I can remember, and before the chibnall era I had never heard her think the show was just bad now. It was like a massive flashing sign telling me that chibnall hate had reached such a fever pitch and such a prevelance that it had reached her, and it made me realise what it had done to me.
@jaydee4697 6 ай бұрын
This was a really great video; I've been in the fandom for a while now and it does bother me a lot when people hate on an era of the show despite not having seen it. Great to see a KZbinr cutting all through the hate bandwagon nonsense.
@MarstedR 7 ай бұрын
I'm a very new Doctor Who fan, I haven't seen the classic series yet, but I caught up on the modern show in time to view the latest David Tennant specials and Christmas special as they came out. I own season 1 through 13 of the "new" show on DVD, my favorite era was definitely Russel T Davies, Matt Smith never quite clicked with me though I did like him in the part. I really liked Peter Capaldi but I will concede that a lot of his episodes were hit or miss. But Capaldi was so good in the role that I feel like he carried some of the worse episodes. I'd head for years about the Jodie Whittaker/Chibnall era, but I was determined to see it for myself. I was pleasantly surprised. It seemed clear to me that the people calling it woke hadn't seen the Capaldi era because it was pretty similar in that way. I thought season 11 was solid enough, I really liked season 12 though I have mixed feelings about how it effects the cannon (but it's not really a big deal. I thought Sacha Dhawan was great as the master. Season 13 really suffered from being made during caronavirus restrictions and wasn't very coherent in my opinion. I thought Jodie Whittaker's sendoff special was pretty good though. I actually disliked the return of Russell T Davies more than the Chibnall era so far. I thought the star beast was ok, but it could have been much better if it didn't get so bogged down on trying to upset people who didn't like the Chibnall era and I thought it really undermined one of my favorite Doctor Who arks. I was fine with them writing in a way for Donna to keep her memory but the fact it boiled down to "a male presenting timelord is too stupid and or ignorant to just let the energy go" was really unsatisfying. The wild blue yonder was good. I hated the toymaker episode, I thought Neal Patrick Harris was insufferable in the role. Bigeneration was a really odd choice imo, and if we never see the 10th/14th doctor again than idk what the point was (besides giving a version of the doctor a "happily ever after" sendoff). The church on ruby road didn't win me over. I'll keep watching and I'm sure it'll find its footing. I do prefer the generally more grounded camerawork of the first 4 seasons to the more cinematic look now, there's a charm to it and when done right it still hold up.
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
I agree, even in the darkest times, Peter Capaldi made every episode worth it to me. Honestly my goat
@andrealiee 7 ай бұрын
youre so real
@andrealiee 7 ай бұрын
@pottboy3544 7 ай бұрын
Watching Arc of Infinity right now. Is a pretty good story.
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
Massive W
@TeltStory 7 ай бұрын
I think fandoms in general hate things at first.
@hannaheichinger8498 3 ай бұрын
Around the 39:00 mark, late to the party on this video but we absolutely have charity shops here in America. We call them thrift stores or secondhand stores, some of the more curated ones are called consignment stores. Just add that to the list of unsubstantiated complaints people have about the first episode of Jodie’s era. I for one loved that bit of the episode and thought it was actually more believable than a lot of the other modern doctor’s stories of how their doctor’s ‘look’ came to be. Great vid as usual.
@bobjordan69 3 ай бұрын
Ive been off work for a couple of weeks after an operation, and your video inspired me to rewatch the JW era. Id never actively disliked it but realise now I’d been really distracted watching it. You’re right-i see the same few talking points recycled ad nauseam. Currently on episode seven of series 11 and really enjoying it!
@alberto.jaramillo 7 ай бұрын
The doctor choosing her clothes at a thrift store actually relates to me
@britanimations2002 6 ай бұрын
Honestly, I'm still not a massive fan of the Capaldi Era. Series 10 is pretty great, but I dropped off hard with series 9 and even 8. Even now a days my Doctor Who marathons tend to slow down here because the episodes don't grip me in the same way Russell era or even Chibnal Era stories do. I think most fans are re-evaluating Capaldi's era because it's not what the show is doing rn and distance is important for these things, Doctor Who fans are incredibly fickle and we struggle to vibe with the current eras
@ShamrockParticle 6 ай бұрын
I gave up in series 9 but decided to try 10. 10 is a step up for the most part.
@friendlyotaku9525 7 ай бұрын
a 1 hour video from THE dwfan91 about the Doctor Who fandom? *takes a seat and grabs some popcorn* yes please! Also I'm a Pokemon fan and I'm loving the Pokemon music in the background (yes I recognize it, two of my favourite things together: Doctor Who and Pokemon!) And fun fact: The Enemy of the World is my favourite Doctor Who story of all time so it's crazy to me that there was a time when it was hated! And it's really nice to see some proper appreciation for the Chibnall era, much like the Capaldi era I think it will be looked back on more fondly though I'm someone who appreciated it while it was the current era, it's not perfect but no era is, Doctor Who isn't perfect and that's okay! I love it, warts and all and THANK YOU Segun Akinola does not get the appreciation he deserves simply because he's not Murray Gold and that makes me sad, he did a fantastic job with the music and a lot of fans simply won't give him credit and I think that is so unfair. I'm someone who's not super pleased with Murray Gold coming back, Gold is amazing but I'd much rather have had either Segun stay on or a new composer outright (and there's many talented composers out there!), Doctor Who should not rely on one man and I think it'll make it even harder for people to accept something different when Gold eventually moves on again which at some point he most definitely will and that'll also be unfair to the next composer.
@Chronoson123 7 ай бұрын
The way the title is worded makes it sound like you hate both bandwagons and Doctor Who. And hating doctor who is the mark of a true fan
@mysticshawty1234 7 ай бұрын
In my opinion Capaldi had one of the best runs if not THE best in new who, the sheer amount of good episodes squashed any amount of bad and that trend just kept going up after every season. Season 10 was SOOOOOOOOOOO good the first time watching it and lets be honest here its still so fucking good. I have no idea why he got as much hate as he did but i have to imagine its a mix between new is bad and old (as in his age) is bad. A lot of the hate he got was literally just because he was older, but guess what that means HE IS A VETERAN ACTOR. He is my favorite doctor and probably will be for the forseeable future and that is absolutely NOT a diss to any other doctors either bc i love them all. But i can say that i was wary of him as well because he was the first doctor i had actually seen regenerate in real time, but he made me requestion myself about why i thought that in the first place. Even in Deep Breath his performance blew me away and i knew i didnt have to worry cause i would keep on watching. Anyways dwfan91, thank you for making this little community because i really like it here and share a lot of same sentiments that you do. I love Doctor Who and i dont want it to fail either, but im constantly seeing people basically praying on its downfall because of some woke=bad sorta narrative. I wasnt the biggest fan of the Chibnall era either but i did actually really like Flux as a whole, it felt a lot more cohesive to me than his other seasons (not that they were as bad as most say too). I wholeheartedly agree its like some sort of cycle of hate in the fandom. Now that Jodie and Chibnall are gone maybe theyll finally get the recognition they actually deserved for keeping DW alive, bc i really do hope that they do. Constructive criticisms are one thing but all out hate is a completely different beast and neither of them deserve that.
@mikaylaeager7942 2 ай бұрын
Alright I finished the video and I think you swayed me. I do want to like this era, so I didn’t need too much convincing. I just needed someone to make a legitimate argument. There are genuinely some really good episodes in this era. Demons of the Punjab has been one of my favorite episodes of Doctor Who since it first aired - right up there with Blink and Vincent and the Doctor. Maybe I should try giving the other episodes that I thought were “just ok” at the time another go. I think you are absolutely right that the main reason I don’t vibe with Chibs era is the music. Music has a big influence on my emotional engagement and Murray Gold just gets me hyped. Another reason I had a hard time connecting with this era was the choice to take the focus off the companions personal lives. You’re gonna be more forgiving of this since I know from your other videos that you don’t care for the interpersonal aspects of modern Who. I however love it! I want to know how the characters are feeling. I want to know their dreams and what they left behind at home. We don’t know any of there things about the companions in this era and it makes them less interesting for me personally. Lastly... It really doesn’t help that Chibs never managed to nail the landing in his three seasons as show runner. Your last impression of a series is super important when looking back at an era and Chibnall’s finales just don’t measure up to RTD or Moffat’s overall. I am glad that he was able to end the era as a whole on Power of the Doctor which feels like his strongest finale episode. I did like season 11 well enough aside from the finale which was a disappointment. And I loved Flux, aside from the conclusion which was a disappointment. I think I particularly need to give series 12 another chance because I was in a really bad place personally when it aired and I really wanted something joyful and fun and that’s not what that series was and that’s not really its fault that it didn’t meet my very specific expectations. I will never like the Timeless Child though… it will never make sense that the Master got so angry at both the Time Lords for what they did to the Doctor and at the Doctor for being the one that it happened to - like it was her fault. It would have made way more sense had the Master been the Timeless Child and the Doctor had to come to terms with being a member of a race (now the last member of the race) that did that to him.
@HudsonMedia 7 ай бұрын
Yeah I just agree with this. There’s nothing objectively wrong here. An hour of objective perfection is what we all need. Really enjoyed the essay as usual! It’s crazy how Capaldis era is getting a comeback… but I still don’t like it 😅 series 8 I really like. But 9 I can leave out and 10s pretty standard fare with some big fluffs. But I respect others for enjoying it.
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
Thank you man :)
@Acknowledgerofdoctorwho 7 ай бұрын
Only like 10 minutes in and I thought to myself: A great example of this bandwagon is people who were saying "RIPDOCTORWHO" and pretended they were fans like a month ago then stopped like 2 weeks in. They were never fans anyways.
@pearsareawful9006 6 ай бұрын
Yes yes, blah blah new thing hate, etc etc. I NEED THAT ORCHESTRAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE CURSE OF FENRIC FINALE AT 21:45. Where is that from. Also excellent video
@lewis14997 6 ай бұрын
@guyfaux900 6 ай бұрын
Clara was my favorite companion of the new era. She would have made a great doctor.
@Comicbroe405 7 ай бұрын
Genuinely loved how you summed up what's made this fandom last so long in the first 2 mins (even tho its become pretty shitty recently).
@danielgertler5976 7 ай бұрын
I loved the capaldi era the first time around, so I'm glad people are coming around to it
@blakeamazing12 6 ай бұрын
I feel like I can't even express my opinions on certain aspects of the show without being 'unoriginal'
@dwfan91- 6 ай бұрын
depends. I don't feel original when I say 'genesis of the daleks is good' but I still feel it. I think what matters is that you're not copying something word for word- make sure your opinions *are* your opinions and not just something you feel pressured or forced into believing👍
@chickenwinna 7 ай бұрын
I never liked how it became a common belief that the Doctor disabling the Spymasters perception filter was to give him a harsher punishment. In a lot of past uses of perception filters (Such as the Lodger) it's said that they can also trick your memory and stuff. Even if it wasn't the same thing, the Master with the Archangel network was able to become prime minister, the doctors plan then was to put a perception filter on them to cancel it out and reveal who he really was then too. I imagine if she didn't disable the Spymaster's perception filter, he could've just talked his way out of it really easily or something. Another common complaint I see is to do with the Doctor wanting the spiders to die naturally rather than get shot in Arachnids in the UK. While I like it significantly more than Arachnids in the UK, in the Family of Blood 2 parter the reason for the whole thing was that the Doctor wanted the family to die out naturally rather than just kill them. So, I don't think it out of character. The real plot hole is how in Arachnids in the UK the Doctor claims she "never had a flat before" but she clearly did in the Lodger. Maybe Craig is just more traumatic than the time war, so she suppresses her memories of it. In seriousness though, I appreciate this channel for giving your own opinions even if they differ from general consensus.
@dwfan91- 7 ай бұрын
See now *this* is the stuff I'm saying😂 that's a real inconsistency, the spider thing is a subjective point masked in objectivity. And thank god for someone else who realises that the Doctor had to disable the Masters perception filter because otherwise they'd still see him as their leader
@teneleven5132 6 ай бұрын
Don't you think that there are some pretty significant differences between the villains in Family of Blood and the spiders in Arachnids in the UK, and the Doctor's intent and reason behind their treatment? That seems like a weird comparison to draw.
@sammyprime 7 ай бұрын
thank you for being such a positive advocate for the show in the youtube community, you are doing the lord's work
@Samantha_76 7 ай бұрын
So I'm one of those people who watched 13 religiously but... Didn't enjoy it. I'd get glimpses of what I used to love but it just wasn't there. A TARDIS team that never gelled and a Doctor that was disaffected, drowning in toxic positivity. Having said that... RTD has written the 14th Doctor in such a way I feel like I understand the characterization of 13 better now. That the closed off nature that we just assumed was bad writing can be attributed to someone forcing a positive image because they don't want anyone to see the pain they're in. I think I'm gonna try re-watching series 8 through 13 again to give it a proper shakedown now that I've had time. I still hold Jodie was the best cast Doctor with the worst headwriter.
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