It is said that in the Sukkah of moshiach we will eat טנינים גדולים. "In the Sukkah..." This refers to the time of the year. "...of moshiach..." This refers to the year itself. Now, one rendering of טנינים גדולים is "great sea dragons". Another is synonomous with dinosaurs: "giant lizards". Clearly a tyrannosaur isn't kosher, and we know moshiach isn't here to change the Torah, G-d [literally] forbid. How can we reconcile that we will eat something that -- seemingly -- isn't kosher? *Because the טנינים גדולים live in the sea, and are from the same time as the dinosaur, but are covered in real scales and have fins.* This will be something long thought extinct. It will be captured and we will discover a new kosher species. It will be similar to a plesiosaur but more fishlike than lizard like. And it will be captured somewhere on this earth sometime before Sukkot which is only about one month away. This will be a sign for us all that moshiach is here.