G2 Won Dallas.. What Happens Next?

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27 күн бұрын

glhf g2 and hooxi
/ hawka_cs
/ hawka_cs
Business Email - alexander.hawkins@hotmail.com
Music Courtesy of Epidemic Sound
#Hawka #cs2 #astralis

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@warlordmerv8958 26 күн бұрын
Congrats on getting analyst hawka
@sketchycard887 25 күн бұрын
What I don't think people are really realising about this is that hooxi was still helping the team in calls for strats/antistratting before and after games Also the stats are fairly misleading because hunter definitely DID step up this tournament, you could tell he was more confident and hitting better shots, but it isn't reflected in the stats because they were playing literally the best teams on the planet on after another after the other so it was a lot more difficult to get a consistently high rating, but I promise you if the same hunter from the rest of CS2 had played those games his rating would be a 0.95 max
@onemicyeehaw1583 25 күн бұрын
Fr. He was much more consistent and looked so confident peeking people again. He looked like he was having fun fr
@huh-vc5ke 25 күн бұрын
If this is the case, then why can’t hooxi win with his strats while Niko can? It’s not like Stewie is a massive upgrade in firepower and because arguably performed way worse in this event. If these are indeed all hooxi’s strats, this means if given the same strats, Niko calls better than hooxi which means Niko is a better igl than hooxi which means hooxi is useless on g2, might as well get another young star instead.
@sketchycard887 25 күн бұрын
@@huh-vc5ke because hunter stepped up this tournament
@onemicyeehaw1583 25 күн бұрын
@@huh-vc5ke because hunter stepped up this tournament
@MillieVanillie38 23 күн бұрын
@@huh-vc5keg2 can win with hooxi. They did it at Kato 2023 where they looked absolutely unbeatable and they certainly could have had an identical performance at Dallas with Hooxi. G2 only work when their core is showing up, and I imagine the stand in lit the fire at Hunter and Niko’s feet that they would have to show up to win the rounds. Hooxi is garbage but Hunter, Niko and m0nesy in firepower alone can win plenty of rounds like they did at Dallas. I think their strats also looked a bit more primitive with Niko, which may help a team like G2 who have pretty bad teamplay and coordination. And of course the team are also prone to mental boom.
@jms94 26 күн бұрын
Congrats on the analyst, well deserved !
@GTheGecko 25 күн бұрын
People be shitting on hooxi too much. He helped so much during Dallas, every player and Taz mentioned it in interviews. This is still hooxis system that niko was calling around. After a few tournaments, teams will counter Nikos calling, and it might be bad just like in Faze and Mouz. He still has time as a peak rifler, and I think he should win a major as a star before transitioning to IGL. Also, Stewie was used very often like hooxi - going in first often, buying worse weapons, basically constant bitch roles. Hooxi can still do that, they just need a better, more aggressive lurker in than Nexa. Even tho I also think he doesn't deserve all the hate he gets, but he doesn't really belong in tier 1, especially if he's not IGLing. Great video as always, congrats on the analyst spot!
@benson43 25 күн бұрын
This is the answer. G2 removes JKS and brings in Nexa in a sort of “locker room” move I.e., JKS mood/attitude wasn’t helping the team. So who do you replace Nexa with?
@belgiumball2308 25 күн бұрын
@@benson43 jks jks is my love, i would change sexuality for him
@jakethomas1279 25 күн бұрын
@@benson43 If you could get Jkaem from Bleed he puts up some consistent secondary star numbers from anchor spots is the most possible Then their are some very unlikely but not completely impossible ones like NAF if he's frustarated with Liquid or Krimz/BlameF from fnatic If Krimzs wants to finally leave/ BlameF wants the tier1 opportunity
@biggusballuz5405 25 күн бұрын
Hooxi to coach is the best move then, NiKo should IGL soon, when he still feels good about it. Funny if he wins a major as Star Rifler IGL.
@MacMate_ 25 күн бұрын
Thoughts on Hooxi being a baller analyst/coach for a team instead of igl and should just fill stews spot with someone who shoots better and fits the team?
@myrinam 24 күн бұрын
From the outside looking in, I think stew brought two things to G2: 1. Stewie isn't afraid to speak his mind and be vocal. I think you can see him get more comfortable and speak his mind more every map he played. It looks like his comms helped solidify the team, and especially helped huNter not shut down when he's playing rough. NiKo having to IGL I'm sure stew took a lot of pressure off of him with mid round comms/audibles and ideas in freeze time. 2. Hooxi entries/takes space a lot for G2. But he isn't naturally an aggressive player. Some people are wired for it, to see space and take it. Hooxi has to because of his role on the team, and the players he has. Stew is born for it. Stewie helped make G2 function smoother than they do normally, and they played much more fluidly and dynamically, and it really brought more out of the team as a whole.
@coreylahey1397 25 күн бұрын
You did stew dirty with that thumbnail😂
@RatedX29 25 күн бұрын
I haven't watched the video yet but something should happen. It shows that G2s system works but the constellation of people doesn't. Stewie didn't frag out of his mind, Niko didn't call anything they weren't used to and have practiced. Some people performed worse than usual, some stated the same. They either need to make a change, which doesn't have to be hooxie but would make sense or build a system that works with the people they are having, which would probably mean a new coach. I wouldn't get rid of taz necessarily but make him learn under someone, like mouz do it. Taz did jump into the deep end with coaching. They had long enough with no results worthy of the names. This was just another wake up call that something has to happen
@jmundito 25 күн бұрын
i feel this win mostly came down to intangibles. the crowd, the atmosphere, stewie's vibe or calls or whatever. it was a perfect storm. i swore g2 would never win a trophy again with their roster, and im still convinced in that it required a stand in to see it happen. hooxi will be back, nexa will still struggle and g2 wont win again unless they somehow apply what they learned from playing with stew. regardless if they do, im still not convinced this roster isnt a waste of monesy's time
@belgiumball2308 25 күн бұрын
every roster is a waste of m0nesy's time he needs to play with aliens
@hadoct1315 25 күн бұрын
Stats never tell the whole story, G2 had the talent to win they always did. Is it luck they won with a stand in, is it a team chemistry or mindset change that lead to the win. Ultimately Stew did what the best stand ins do he came in did his job and made enough plays and didn’t cost so G2 could ultimately secure the win. Maybe he didn’t carry or lead them in stats but he did the dirty work to get the job done this event
@ghosty6881 25 күн бұрын
Imo the stats dont tell the full story, stewie, hunter having impact moments on maps that they win, furthermore the stats may be misleading because of the losses they garnered at the group stage. Also m0nesy and Niko having multi kills in crucial rounds. IEM Dallas highlight reel is just m0nesy and niko obliterating everybody.
@jasonli2167 26 күн бұрын
Looking forward to see you on the desk
@Stfugb2s 25 күн бұрын
The moment in comms when Stewie literally said “shut the fuck up, you’re all talking but nobody is listening” was very revealing.
@biggusballuz5405 25 күн бұрын
He said, "Let me say something guys, we are not listening to each other, listen to your teammates." Not STFU.
@Stfugb2s 25 күн бұрын
refer to my PFP
@vaso3174 23 күн бұрын
It's weird when people lie for no apparent reason
@lburger404 25 күн бұрын
Hawkkaaaaa! Can't wait to watch you on the desk, congrats man!
@timlikesdragonball259 25 күн бұрын
Excited to see you on the desk in London!
@jp2498 25 күн бұрын
You really violated stew with the thumbnail
@itszaque5031 25 күн бұрын
Hooxi and Stewie had a very similar rating. The main differences this tournament were 1) Nikos calling and 2) Hunter (and Niko) playing their best CS2 so far. Only the people inside the team know if those 2 are related. If they are, Hooxi should go. If they aren't, then G2 just needs to figure out how to get their big 3 consistently playing well.
@8roma8 24 күн бұрын
This is the complexity syndrom. U have good player, a good vibe, no preasure and a new and unknow way of paying. The next couple of games, u get figured out and ride the one win nostalgia
@KeefeL 25 күн бұрын
Congratulations on the desk hire! 🎉
@Captain-vz1vf 25 күн бұрын
Stew is the anti-tilt, he even managed to solve Liquids choking habit for a good bit, he broke the NA curse and won an NA major. He's usually very good at just going next and making the most out of any situation. Not to mention when it comes down to it and you need someone to step up and make a play he has the talent to do it.
@kivori3438 25 күн бұрын
I wanna argue they also used their chances perfectly, inferno against vitality spinx wasnt there and almost lost it alone with those lurks not working all the times and they were quick to get that win fast cuz then anubis went to vita’s favour. Then nuke they just continued on
@Amik 26 күн бұрын
They know how good your Liquid football is
@swizzinrkookoo9 25 күн бұрын
best all around take on this topic ive seen yet. other popular creators giving the most biased takes revolving strictly around stats, dont take into account player tendencies/personality. Great takes!!
@slowv 25 күн бұрын
Crowd buff definitely helps. Momentum is constantly in your favor if you’re the home team in a stadium.
@okx8805 25 күн бұрын
Great analysis. First of all I would replace nexa and then I would try to improve the mental of the players because even they lost so much Ecos, they always comeback and the reason of this was their motivation, mindset and probably stewie
@Taziod 20 күн бұрын
I agree. I think they maybe needed a chill out tournament to realized they can play well without the pressure of having to perform. I think with Hooxi back they can go into their following tournaments with a bit more confidence, they suffered some pretty bad loses and even some bad WINS (the lag win on Inferno). They had some great matches and I think Mone knows he needs to step up to win, and realizes he can.
@craigswords 23 күн бұрын
reminder that the stats were a little skewed under actually I think since they got destroyed by vitality in groups
@xavierbaltazar2453 25 күн бұрын
No more TP in the background 😢
@KJ_XCV 25 күн бұрын
It may have been HooXi's system but you still need to make decisions within that system and those strats. NiKo clearly felt good when he was in control of the team and it helps that teams were not used to his tendencies as an IGL.
@yaroshiroki5472 25 күн бұрын
I think we’re missing the main point here. Hooxie is bad at mid round calling (not loose structured calling). That’s poor in game leading. The even more worrying part, is how bad he is on the eye test. He uses a lot of resources to get very little results. He’s very bad! G2 should get a new IGL and I agree it’s hard to find one who’ll fit here rn, but that’s what they have to do…. Then obviously get rid of nexa asap
@vivekdarklord 25 күн бұрын
Bluf waffled for 20 minutes, brought no new derivatives from his analysis and gave no solutions.
@LarryJL 25 күн бұрын
People don't realise that replacing people is not the only way to improve after such a situation. G2 could just use this information to improve Hooxi. They don't have to "kill" him.
@IVEdge 25 күн бұрын
I love a Snax standin story. That was my favorite.
@Joke89ful 25 күн бұрын
I think that worst enemy of G2 is themselfs in a way.
@marcelihryniewicki4992 24 күн бұрын
Let's not forget that on a pro level (tier 1 especially) there is a lot of anti-stratting going on - this means that it was impossible for g2's opponents to be fully prepared. Speaking of stew vs hooxi - I've always been a huge fan of stewie but even I don't think that Jake is currently a better player in general. His aim is all over the place, kinda looks like he increased his sens just before the tournament and couldn't control it lol. The decision making was also a bit off. However because of his 'wild' playstyle he was making a huge amount of space for the team - maybe that is the thing they were lacking before?
@CSSrbija 25 күн бұрын
I might sound mad insane but - does G2 really need a standard IGL , when all this is said ?
@de_prod1gy965 25 күн бұрын
Ill just say this. As much as CS is a complicated game. CS could be seen as very simple game as well. Sometimes close to pug style gaming works way better than structured gaming. That’s how NA (C9) won the Boston major. Very puggy style but simple and impactful just rolling hard on enemies. I think that is what Stewie brings to the table. Puggy and sacrificing (open spaces) and the rest of your star players do the clutches.
@m8mZ 25 күн бұрын
You forgot about the other igl on the team niko he was the primary igl this tournament hooxie provided the antistrats and watched vods with the team. Which leads me to believe the best g2 is Niko igl with hooxie coaching
@jasper1772 25 күн бұрын
Stew did help with some calling. You can see him yapping at the start of alot of rounds
@larrbear2100 25 күн бұрын
Can we just admire that stew’s first event in cs2 and he won like he has x factor potential still over hooxi even though i love hoox
@benjaminlanigan7254 22 күн бұрын
Honestly G2 have been kinda close all year, just feels like this event they got those 2 or 3 more rounds at the end of a game that breaks money and allows them to roll over the other team. Didn’t feel like there was a massive breakthrough in terms of a single player or even there calls
@Xsquishi3 25 күн бұрын
This just makes me think Astralis was ahead of the curve when they tried to have a 7-man roster. A good system with rotating players would keep gameplay fresh while giving players a break from the grind.
@DonnyDonnMendoza 25 күн бұрын
Great video but it’s hard to see you in the centre of defence. For some reason I think of you as some form of creative midfielder lol
@DocYAYAYA 25 күн бұрын
they need to replace Nexa with a better fragger. Its insane to me Nexa played worse than a guy who has been grinding against NA players for this event and has not play competitve in years. I would love to see Yekindar replace Nexa then it would take a little pressure off Niko on T side.
@crk190 25 күн бұрын
Stew is much better than hooxi on midrounding. Thats a major winning midround caller right there my guy and gets real great entries clearing almost 60% of sites😂
@sanders2strong 25 күн бұрын
stewww brings another element to the server. he doesn't play for stats
@Greyimm 25 күн бұрын
Love the vids, keep em coming sexy ❤
@IVEdge 25 күн бұрын
Winning over stats. Not all players are willing to do that. That’s why they’re not winners.
@AnirudhTammireddy 24 күн бұрын
logic left the chat when buddy forgets all the standin losses. Better people than me call it survivorship bias.
@Doverbendoverben 25 күн бұрын
It's so simple -hooxie +trophies
@RobCooper-Bachatador 25 күн бұрын
Finally someone speaking to cadiaN's inability to adapt his game style to Liquid. Even though he did indicate he was going to. I know it was an aside but it just spoke to my own issue with TL's dysfunctional game plan.
@Darker1607 25 күн бұрын
I honestly agree and disagree with people. G2 should swap out both Nexa and Hooxi, by all means add stewie as an anker as he showed potensial even tho he haven’t played in a while. G2 really need a caller that calls a lot on the fly. Something Hooxi does, but idk it’s just something missing, if Monesy don’t deliver a 10/10 they insta loose. Kinda like Navi 2018-2021/2022 with S1mple and by all means please don’t force NiKo too IGL. Maybe Siuhy could be a Good igl for G2
@bennyaufreisen2855 26 күн бұрын
they picked you in the middle... aBcd...gHij...klMn... as an analyst.. you need to see it xD
@biggusballuz5405 25 күн бұрын
Maybe i missed it but Im surprised you never mentioned Hooxi to coach or analyst, it will still allow him to be part of the team and contribute with his strats and inputs, but it is clear NiKo is a better IN-GAME leader (aka mid-round calling) than him. NiKo literally has 6 trophies after Dallas, 5 of which are with a dysfunctional Faze that had constant stand-ins.
@turkeyman631 25 күн бұрын
I think he would be better than hooxi as Niko kind of proved his calls have improved since his last igl stint in Faze I believe was the last time. It’s just more firepower at that point then.
@lukeX2m 26 күн бұрын
See you on the desk cawka, much needed, I personally need large center defender with a big personality to hold down the commentary and not twiddly little ex Ibp players. Congrats
@ElmerOmero02 25 күн бұрын
@BeunT_ 26 күн бұрын
Stew happens to be American... this is the content team, they needed the crowd
@Bulghiskhan 19 күн бұрын
Monesy step up and carry the old ass
@MrFriendlyCsgoContent 25 күн бұрын
vibes don't mean shit, it is all about playing good cs.
@LeominsterFC 25 күн бұрын
Nexa is the real problem here he is awful let’s be real
@Flynnly 25 күн бұрын
they just need a rifler that isnt nexa hahaha. hooxi isnt all bad but surely they can poach a better caller considering theyre fkn G2
@kieran1348 25 күн бұрын
@jR0xas 25 күн бұрын
Why would he downgrade?
@banker3417 26 күн бұрын
its insane to me that people defended hooxi so hard, when he had so many bad performances. Its just too hard to win with that weight. Maybe he is a very smart shootcaller, but he is too bad microwise to play t1
@Hawka 26 күн бұрын
I do agree.. just hard to find an improvement they can realistically get that would suit these players imo
@Jerome-iwnl 26 күн бұрын
​@@Hawka it might be time for Niko to officially be IGL, and then they can get another star rifler so they have even more firepower.
@xlgapelsin6173 26 күн бұрын
​@@Jerome-iwnlWelcome to Niko 0.80 rating then. Hooxi did all the anti strats for G2 lets not forget that
@Jerome-iwnl 26 күн бұрын
@@xlgapelsin6173 Niko at 0.8 rating would still have clutch potential. And if they bring in a 1.2 rating player, they'd destroy everyone.
@DatCheeseCake 26 күн бұрын
​@@xlgapelsin6173niko was putting up 1.2's and 1.6's against top 5-10. Wouldn't say 0.8. I would say get hooxi to teach niko proper calls and go from there
@6z0 25 күн бұрын
What happens next? Nothing, probably wont even make the playoffs in Shanghai
@joseaveiro6693 25 күн бұрын
Keep stew, hooxie and nexa out! Sign donk, omg ahhaa let me dream 😊
@illusive7883 25 күн бұрын
Hate g2 more then ever major L fluke run.
how is this working?
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