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這個影片中所有照片來自海莉的 Instagram, 透過剪輯來幫海莉總結 2017 最精彩的一年喲! 獻給美聲天后及給所有的粉絲好好的回顧欣賞!
2017年的海莉, 一切的一切, 2017年的1月1日, 就從海莉的那隻叫做 Bowie 的貓開始!
2017年 1月, 2月 海莉基本上都在紐西蘭啦! 很悠閒的獨自背著背包到紐西蘭四處開車旅遊! 這對長年在國外的海莉, 真是難得的機會可以好好品嚐家鄉紐西蘭的美麗.
一直到 2月28日, 海莉才回到英國倫敦.
3月的重頭戲是, 海莉出席參加了跟海莉有私交, 大家彼此也非常相互支持的英國一位有名的二戰時代的演員跟歌星, 女爵士 Dame Vera Lynn’s 的百歲生日演唱會演出.
4月則是稍微跌破大家眼鏡, 海莉突然的旋風式地造訪台北. 4月10日海莉生日的時候, 大家還在台北幫海莉祝賀她的生日. 最後大家發現, 原來她是林志炫在中國湖南衛視歌手2017的節目, 歌手幫幫唱的嘉賓. 所以最後海莉跟志炫兩人一起從台北坐飛機到中國湖南參加了 4月17日, 歌手2017的現場演出囉! 兩人演唱了 “The Prayer” 的精彩對唱. 讓美聲天后海莉美麗的倩影, 再次出現在億萬人的華人中!
5月, 海莉回到倫敦, 悠閒的生活著!
6月, 另外一個重頭戲. 海莉受邀參加香港領賢慈善基金會 FIF 在6月22日所舉辦的慈善晚會. 這場可也是眾星雲集呢! 這讓海莉有機會認識了更多在香港新加坡發展的華人巨星.
7月, 海莉開始專心新專輯的工作囉! 跑去義大利米蘭拍攝應該是新專輯的照片. 其中的一張, 海莉先拿來作為 11月台灣演唱會的使用喲!
8月, 海莉還是持續專心在新專輯的工作! 她跑去德國的柏林, 猜測和 Alberta Cross 忙碌於她新專輯的事情.
9月, 海莉回到倫敦, 持續出沒在倫敦 Ian Barter 的音樂工作室, 為了新專輯忙碌著!
10月, 不知怎麼, 海莉跑去美國加州洛杉磯 LA 囉! 由於海莉在 LA 待的時間越來越頻繁跟越來越久, 甚至很多海莉的新創作, 海莉都說這是她在 LA 所創作的. 所以大家開始懷疑海莉在 LA 應該有個小基地啦! 隨時喜歡她就會回到這個小基地住一下.
10月15日, 海莉在 LA 出席參加了一個德國電影節的活動! Currents German film festival!
最後, 今年最重要的就是 11月的三場台灣演唱會!
11月5日, 海莉短暫的回到倫敦後!
11月9日, 海莉就到台灣囉! 11月12日台北演唱會, 11月15日台中演唱會, 11月19日屏東演唱會.
12月3日, 海莉回到倫敦, 參加了難得的 BBC Radio London 的電台節目, 還現場演唱了三首歌!
12月7日, 海莉又繼續回到美國加州洛杉磯 LA 囉! 海莉歷年來都是會回紐西蘭過聖誕節跟新年的呢! 也許是遭遇婚變, 小女孩真的長大了! 今年是很少見的, 海莉獨自在美國過聖誕節的喲!
新的一年 2018, 期待美聲天后海莉有更精彩的一年喲!
Hayley Westenra in Year 2017,
All pictures are from Hayley’s instagram, this video clip was edited on the new year’s eve for Hayley and her fans, to summarize her fantastic year 2017.
Jan - Feb
Year 2017, 1st Jan, all and all were started from her cat “Bowie”
Jan and Feb 2017, basically Hayley cozily stayed in New Zealand! She had road trip in her beautiful homeland New Zealand for many days! (or several weeks) For a long time London based international singer, that’s a rare chance to her to enjoy the beauty of her homeland.
till 28th Feb, Hayley came back to London.
The very important event this month, Hayley was invited as the guest singer and appeared in the celebration concert of Dame Vera Lynn’s 100th birthday.
Hayley gave a big surprise to her Taiwanese fans. She suddenly appeared at one unknown restaurant in Taipei. People also celebrated her 30th birthday in Taipei. Fans finally found that she actually went for the TV show “Singer 2017” live in Hunan, China as the guest singer with Taiwanese singer Terry Lin. They had a fabulous duet on the song “The Prayer”, so great people in China had the chance to appreciate Hayley’s talented performance again.
Back to London, enjoy the life in London.
Another import event for this year. Hayley was invited for charity dinner on 22nd Jun in Hong Kong by FIF (First Initiative Foundation). We believe Hayley got to know many new musicians and singers in this famous anneal charity event in HK.
Hayley focus her work on her new album. she went to Milano, Italy for some photoshoot works (Fans believe those are for her new album) And so lucky that she finally released one picture done in this photoshoot as promotion picture in her Taiwan concert tour on Dec. this year.
Hayley still keep her work in new album! She went to Berlin, Germany. Guess, worked with Alberta Cross for her new album.
Back to London again, stayed at Ian Barter’s studio in London for new album.
Somehow Hayley went to LA, United State! Because many of her new songs were written in LA and she frequently appeared in LA, fans start to think she should have her own base there for her short period work/stay.
15th Oct, Hayley appeared in the activity - Currents German film festival!
Last, the most important event this year - Taiwan Concert Tour 2017, 3 concerts.
5th Nov - Hayley was temporarily back to London.
9th Nov - Hayley arrived Taiwan for her 3 concerts
12nd Nov - Taipei Concert
15th Nov - Taichung Concert
19th Nov - Pingtung Concert
3rd Dec - Hayley back to London and appear on BBC radio London show with 3 live singings.
7th Dec - back to LA again. So surprising she stay there for her Christmas and New Year, not in NZ. Now, she is not the little girl, she is confident, energetic, fearless and independent new woman.
Happy new year, wish our princess the best and brilliant new year 2018.
Background song:
いつも何度でも, 永遠常在, Always With Me