Explorers: CLnhihQSEEZpbmxleSBFeHBsb3JlcnMYASJBCgsI0wIQmAMY0gQgAAoLCPUCEIEDGJIFIAAKCwj/AhCPAximBSABCgsI+QIQiQMYnQUgAQoLCJUBEOABGIwCIAAoYw== # Sir Finley # - Maxwell, Mighty Steed 4 # Brann Bronzebeard # - Extra Spirit 4 # Elise Starseeker # - Oasis Canteen 4 # Reno Jackson # - We're Rich! 3 # Cookie, the Cook # - Appetizers 4 Murlocs: CMHBkRQSDkZpbmxleSBNdXJsb2NzGAEiOwoLCNMCEJgDGNIEIAAKCwi4AhDhAhi0BCABCggIKRA8GFwgAAoICCgQOBhZIAAKCwiVARDgARiMAiAAKGQ= # Sir Finley # - Maxwell, Mighty Steed 4 # Murky # - March of the Murlocs 4 # Morgl the Oracle # - Spiky Pufferfish 4 # Old Murk-Eye # - Bubble Wand 4 # Cookie, the Cook # - Appetizers 4 Cariel Samuro Xyrella: CKjCkRQSFUNhcmllbCBTYW11cm8gWHlyZWxsYRgBIkQKCQgSEIsBGCIgAQoJCDUQ0QEYfCABCgkIExDIARglIAEKCwiVARDgARiMAiAACgkIFRC4ARgrIAEKCQgcELcBGEAgAShl # Cariel Roame # - Tome of Light 4 # Blademaster Samuro # - Burning Blade 4 # Xyrella # - Radiant Wand 4 # Cookie, the Cook # - Appetizers 4 # Bru'kan # - Lightning Rod 4 # Guff Runetotem # - Earthen Bracers 4 Budget Nature: CM2I0AwSDUJ1ZGdldCBOYXR1cmUYASI8CgsInQIQqwIY7QMgAQoKCD8Q1wEYlgEgAQoJCBwQtwEYQCABCgkIFRC4ARgrIAEKCwiVARDgARiMAiAAKGA= # Yu'lon # - Jadefire Spear 4 # Lady Anacondra # - Signet of the Wilds 4 # Guff Runetotem # - Earthen Bracers 4 # Bru'kan # - Lightning Rod 4 # Cookie, the Cook # - Appetizers 4 Pirates: CJvEkRQSB1BpcmF0ZXMYASJOCgsI7QEQ8gEYnwMgAQoLCJ8BEOYBGLwCIAAKCwj2AhCDAxiWBSABCgsI7AEQ9QEYmwMgAQoLCJwBEOMBGJ8CIAEKCwibARDcAhicAiABKGY= # Mr. Smite # - Sharpened Scabbard 4 # Edwin, Defias Kingpin # - Black Flag 4 # Patches the Pirate # - Arms Locker 4 # Eudora # - Primed Armaments 4 # Sneed # - Extra Blades 4 # Kazakus, Golem Shaper # - Wildvine 4 Beast party: # # Rexxar # - Mama Bear's Claws 4 # Trigore the Lasher # - Razor Claw 4 # King Mukla # - Refreshing Bananas 4 # Xuen # - Celestial Chestplate 4 # Blink Fox # - Arcane Fang 4 # Cookie, the Cook # - Appetizers 4 # CPLM6iYSC0JlYXN0IHBhcnR5GAEiRQoICAEQBRgBIAAKCghHEPsBGLEBIAAKCAgqED4YYSABCgsImgIQpgIY5AMgAQoJCGQQngEYBCAACgsIlQEQ4AEYjAIgACiLAQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Orcs: CNPCkRQSA09SSxgBIkMKCAgxEEgYbSACCggIMhBLGHIgAQoJCDQQgQEYdyAACgsI+gEQkQIYswMgAAoKCAYQhAEYqwEgAQoJCDUQ0QEYfCABKGY= # Thrall # - Ring of Strength 4 # Garrosh Hellscream # - Tusks of Mannoroth 4 # Varok Saurfang # - Serrated Shield 4 # Captain Galvangar # - Fury of the Frost Wolf 4 # Grommash Hellscream # - Halting Sash 4 # Blademaster Samuro # - Burning Blade 4 C'Thun! Old Gods: # # Y'Shaarj # - Idol of Y'Shaarj 3 # Yogg-Saron # - Awakening Roar 2 # C'Thun # - Heart of C'Thun 3 # N'Zoth # - Eternal Torment 4 # Cookie, the Cook # - Appetizers 4 # CKXN6iYSB0MnVGh1biEYASJBCgsI2AIQ7QIY3wQgAQoLCLQCEOkCGKsEIAEKCwjIAhCSAxjDBCABCgsI1QIQ5gIY2gQgAQoLCJUBEOABGIwCIAAojAE= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Y'Shaarj Shadow: # # Y'Shaarj # - Mark of Y'Shaarj 4 # Murky # - March of the Murlocs 4 # Kazakus, Golem Shaper # - Wildvine 4 # Vol'jin # - Ring of Haste 4 # Queen Azshara # - Xal'atath 4 # Cookie, the Cook # - Appetizers 4 # COLb0hoSD1knU2hhYXJqIFNoYWRvdxgBIkwKCwjYAhDrAhjfBCABCgsIuAIQ4QIYtAQgAQoLCJsBENwCGJwCIAEKCQg+EGwYkgEgAAoLCKICEKICGP4DIAAKCwiVARDgARiMAiAAKIUB # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Bainegore Yu'lon: # # Baine Bloodhoof # - Totemic Mastery 4 # Trigore the Lasher # - Razor Claw 4 # Yu'lon # - Jadefire Spear 4 # Niuzao # - Helm of Niuzao 4 # Cookie, the Cook # - Appetizers 4 # CIqD6iYSD0JhaW5lZ29yZSBZdWxvbhgBIkAKCwjzAhD3AhiMBSABCgoIRxD7ARixASAACgsInQIQqwIY7QMgAQoLCJsCEKkCGOgDIAAKCwiVARDgARiMAiAAKIoB # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Holy Yrel: # # Yrel # - Libram of Wisdom 4 # Cornelius Roame # - Shield of Dawn 4 # Tyrael # - El'druin 4 # Anduin Wrynn # - Harmonic Mallet 4 # Prophet Velen # - Tome of Inspiration 4 # CNuu1BoSCUhvbHkgWXJlbBgBIjwKCwjvAhDyAhiBBSAACgkIXxB2GMsBIAAKCwi3AhCFAxivBCABCgkIXRB0GMUBIAAKCggFEMYBGIkBIAAoiAE= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Nature: CM2I0AwSBk5hdHVyZRgBIkgKCghAELwBGJgBIAAKCwidAhCrAhjtAyABCgoIPxDXARiWASABCgkIHBC3ARhAIAEKCQgVELgBGCsgAQoLCJUBEOABGIwCIAAoYA== # Malfurion Stormrage # - Liferoot Staff 4 # Yu'lon # - Jadefire Spear 4 # Lady Anacondra # - Signet of the Wilds 4 # Guff Runetotem # - Earthen Bracers 4 # Bru'kan # - Lightning Rod 4 # Cookie, the Cook # - Appetizers 4 ### Dragons # # Yu'lon # - Pearl of Yu'lon 4 # Nefarian # - Chromatic Dragonflight 4 # Sinestra # - Mana Brooch 4 # Brightwing # - Pixie's Pouch 4 # Onyxia # - Razor Sharp Claws 4 # Cookie, the Cook # - Appetizers 4 # CKez6yYSB0RyYWdvbnMYASJLCgsInQIQrQIY7QMgAQoLCLICEM4CGKUEIAEKCwj9ARCGAhi/AyABCggIGBAuGDIgAAoLCKMCENACGIEEIAEKCwiVARDgARiMAiAAKIsB # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Frost: CObhywwSBUZyb3N0GAEiPgoLCPsBEIsCGLoDIAEKCQgmEI4BGFIgAQoKCGEQkgEYzgEgAAoLCPkBEIQCGLADIAAKCwiVARDgARiMAiAAKF8= # Lokholar the Ice Lord # - Frigid Winds 4 # Varden Dawngrasp # - Potion of Ice 4 # Jaina Proudmoore # - Ice Block Talisman 4 # Balinda Stonehearth # - Lesser Water Elemental 4 # Cookie, the Cook # - Appetizers 4 Fire: CMH7ygwSBEZpcmUYASI9CgsI+QEQhAIYsAMgAAoJCBQQmAEYJiAACgkIFhCtARgsIAAKCwieAhCuAhjyAyABCgsIlQEQ4AEYjAIgAChe # Balinda Stonehearth # - Lesser Water Elemental 4 # Ragnaros # - Blazing Rune 4 # Baron Geddon # - Mark of Conflagration 4 # Chi-Ji # - Blazing Band 4 # Cookie, the Cook # - Appetizers 4
@Brand00d2 жыл бұрын
Love it
@derekedit7 ай бұрын
I recently checked back into this long dead mode to get the hero gear for the last batch of mercenaries, and I came across some videos of a couple of cheese comps for anyone who might ever be curious. One of these is a frost build with rogers. It uses Khadgar with bitter chill, Lokholar with icy focus, and Rogers with scout's spyglass. The idea is that it kind of plods along until you get "For the Alliance!" Then you just blitz through the rest of the map. The other one was a cheese fire comp using Nemsy with bog moss, Khadgar with bitter chill, and Baron Geddon with mark of conflagration. It used "can't touch this," which was removed. It still worked well enough without that, and this is what I used to blast through Whatley.
@SomersBugtopia3 ай бұрын
Can you flesh out and elaborate on those comps? What were the other mercs and gear? Resources are rare and PvP focused
@Giannis_Krimitzas2 жыл бұрын
Thank you OG for the amount of work and passion you bring into Mercenaries
@OldGuardian2 жыл бұрын
My pleasure!
@mariosblago942 жыл бұрын
I started 2 weeks ago and I don't think I could understand the game as quickly as I have without OG's help.
@Vaalferatus Жыл бұрын
I just started playing Mercenaries two days ago and found your content to be the most valuable encyclopedia on the net. Simply thank you.
@LyricalSeattle2 жыл бұрын
This video is so appreciated! Your content has helped me through many road blocks in mercs. Thank you! :) I hope you continue to make mercs videos
@mendinja2 жыл бұрын
An alternative way to use #2 Frost I've found is Balinda (Water Elemental), Varden (Equip that gives Frost Damage when enemy is frozen), Lokolar (Equip that increases his Hailstorm count to 9). So you have Balinda give Frost Weakness, attack with water elemental at speed 5, and use Varden and Lokolar ability at speed 5. You don't get the super high Frost Damage this way, I've noticed that at speed 5 for Varden and Lokolar main damage abilities, you usually outspeed many of the encounters anyway, so the Frost Damage you would have gotten doesn't help too much plus if you don't one turn kill they are all all slower next turn thanks to Varden.
@NezzFtw2 жыл бұрын
I also prefer this frost variant since it also has an even role distribution, I don't even bring Jaina sometimes
@macheezm02 жыл бұрын
Is it possible to get Balinda's Water Elemental if you aren't maxed out?
@Giannis_Krimitzas2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Zozoth very much
@mendinja2 жыл бұрын
@@macheezm0 yes, but you will need to beat heroic Drek'thar which is fairly challenging. But Old Guardian has a video for it if you need help.
@GlacierRain2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the hard work OG. in regards to Dragon comp, I personally found Long'xin with bottle of infinite stars to be more versatile than Brightwing and helped save my mercs easily from getting destroyed by opposite colors during the climb. The only down side for me is how most of Long'xin's treasures are plain not good. Now we just need to make Arcane have a comp
@big123lak Жыл бұрын
just started trying mercs after getting back into hearthstone and playing standard needed this video because I was clueless now I know where to start and can figure it out thank you
@chrisoaten1652 жыл бұрын
I half expected a “and now let’s see allthese comps in action” at the end there 😂! Thanks OG, you are a legend!
@JayKayK2 жыл бұрын
Murlocs have a much easier time staying alive if you include mutanus with iridescent necklace. I find mutanus+murky+murk-eye can beat most things with relative ease, even protectors, despite being an all green team, due to mutanus being immune to crits.
@shiruken6662 жыл бұрын
I have no idea mutanis isn't included on any of his murloc teams
@Araxeus2 жыл бұрын
Yeah definitely, murloc team is so much weaker without mutanus, very weird that he didn't include it
@shoopi12342 жыл бұрын
I prefer oracle+murk-eye+mutanus trio since I find oracle (dousing rod) to be so much better than murky. That being said yes mutanus gives you survivability and a way to keep all your murlocs alive during the climb
@wasdfgh92612 жыл бұрын
Thank you for all the valuable information you got me into mercenaries and I like it more than the actual game
@Nerubico2 жыл бұрын
thx for the update ! the change to holy is exactly what I was thinking of already before the buff to Yrel, that she would be a great help against casters, as otherwise with Anduin/Velen it's often a stand against casters but somewhen still losing a hero during the fight :( something was missing, didn't think of Cornelius yet, I tried Cariel before in order to get some tank for the holy-heroes - unfortunately, casters quickly cut her down....
@_Enerdor2 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot for this video and for you recent renewed effort in presenting alternative comps! I know you've said that keeping up with youtub comments is a lot of trouble but I at least greatly apreciate you dedication to you viewers.
@OldGuardian2 жыл бұрын
My pleasure!
@valdez08312 жыл бұрын
Does the addition of Ysera make a difference in your Dragon team? My main dragons (plus Cookie) are maxed out, still working on Long'xin and DeathWing. And also which EQ do you use for Nefarian and Sinestra , CD and Mana Brooch?
@Bemxuu2 жыл бұрын
Why isn’t Malfurion Brightwing Yulon considered? It ramps up super fast, it’s very durable (especially with Bite treasure).
@VarjoPira2 жыл бұрын
Love the mercenary content, got me back into the game mode! Beasts and Fire have been working the best for me, and they actually combine fairly well - Mukla for caster protection, and Rexxar even has a fire ability.
@NocturneCrowz2 жыл бұрын
For PvE i've been using a nature comp that is working wonderful for me: Main: Malfurion - Liferoot Staff; Elise - Talon Trinket; Guff - Earthen Bracers. Bench: Baine - Chieftain's Feather; Anacondra - Toxic Venom; Bru'kan - Crackling Band. All of the mercs benefits from the "Tauren, Night Elves get +x/x stats and y Nature Damage" treasure, you can get insane healing from Malfurion's item, Baine stacking the Mulgore Might and Chain Heal and either Elise's Guiding Path or Anacondra's Mend Beast. You have infinite BH and BD scaling (depending on the mercs in play), with Elise being extremely versatile and capable of dealing insane damage with enough Starseeker scaling, since it benefits from the Nature Damage if you combo it. I usually start with Elise's [3] to buff up a bit, Malf [1] for speed and Guff [2] for damage, and decide on turn 2 either I want more damage, some tankiness and damage or just going straight survival. It's a bit slow, but pretty much unkillable if you play it correctly. Usually my go-to comp together with dragons (Yu'Lon, Nefarian, Brightwing with Alexstraza, Sinestra, Onyxia as bench). Might not be "optimal", but I love full themed builds with treasures where all mercs can benefits and synergize.
@smokinggun84182 жыл бұрын
isn't onyxia too weak? works only vs reds but they rush her 70hp down before she can eoe them.
@rantom872 жыл бұрын
Great video! I think the fire team is really toxic for the game though. It's just so powerful, that it makes it less appealing to try any other team that requires thought or planning and has cool interactions.
@davidebonino87182 жыл бұрын
Beasts comp be like: And then there's Mukla He attac he protec but most importantly he gives bananas
@OceanTidesSunsets Жыл бұрын
Hey OG, if i was going to raise one of these teams to get through as many heroics as possible, which one would you suggest at this point?
@vilsbol2 жыл бұрын
My absolute strongest Pve comp is not reflected here: Baine (with totem), Cho (with scrolls), Kazakus (with wildwine) and cookie for the hp. Put the first 3 down in the same order written here - have Cho spamming patience. Kaza easily gets big already in turn 2/3. I have cleared almost all heroic events easily with this and you have 2 free spaces for coin farms or added “security”. Valeera e.g. can get assasinate on reg bounties - and so can kaza. And tyriel is great as he often get the bench treasure to save a friend
@macheezm02 жыл бұрын
What abilities should be focused on first to upgrade? During battle, what does Baine and Kaza do? I'm trying to see what is going on here since I just leveled them to 30 to try it out. From what I see, this just makes you harder to kill.
@HKLives2 жыл бұрын
Your guides have been a huge help getting me into Mercenaries, thanks so much! I stumbled into building up Rexxar and Trigore so i built Beast comp first, but due to how early it is for me i didn't have access or pull Xuen. I found that King Krush was available where i was at and slotted him in as an alternative, only to find he makes farming SO easy.
@ausangater Жыл бұрын
Would this still be relevant? I started hearthstone and I love mercenaries! I know the mode isn't popular but I want to know if these decks are still good
@OldGuardian Жыл бұрын
For the most part, the comps still work. Dragons are weaker after the last treasure change and this is missing the last batch of Mercs, the most notable of which is Nemsy, which is a great Merc for various Nature and Trigore teams. People have played Nemsy over Yu'lon in Bainegore, for example, although the original Bainegore is still a functional team. Nemsy should also be played in Nature. The Fire and Frost teams work the same nowadays as when this video was made.
@ausangater Жыл бұрын
Thans! Much love from Peru
@darkcap62652 жыл бұрын
Would you consider making a BEST PVP teams comps list ? Awesome video btw really usefull !
@dandimit84632 жыл бұрын
Great stuff!
@Flash33c2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this, it'll be helpful in team building for pve.
@bronislavkodera92808 ай бұрын
What mercenary is chees to nature comp ?
@dandimit84632 жыл бұрын
I love this video! I hope you do the same for the newer mercenaries that just came out.
@OldGuardian2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I plan to do that.
@bescheradoful2 жыл бұрын
Is this List still uptoodate :) ?
@meeqsb35212 жыл бұрын
Is there a reason you don't run Morgl in big anaconda comps or nature comps for the health gain?
@nachomateos63422 жыл бұрын
Thanks, great guide!
@mczaga2 жыл бұрын
They are good but if we talking about PVE there is Treasure factor too because we are taking a lot of treasure so we should talk about too.For instance Cookie'e two fish spawn its so good combining with any Aoe Team. So we should add the lists "Bench treasure reward" too.
@boucekv3 ай бұрын
Finley + Murk-eye + any other murlock + treasure to reduce damage - > kills even heroic Darkmoon rabit with low levels of everything
@edplu28072 жыл бұрын
I noticed your murloc comp doesn't include Old Murkeye, have you tried him with Finley and Morgl? I think that comp is amazing, and loads of fun
@Neothejew2 жыл бұрын
Seriously. I don’t find Cook too strong, but find Murkeye to be OP
@exro5722 жыл бұрын
Can anyone tell me if Alex is any decent in dragon comps? Just pulled her and wondering if its worth some investment
@Ireniicus2 жыл бұрын
I hope I can get these mercs one day
@dandimit84632 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the help.
@decope9759 Жыл бұрын
Any updated PVE comps aside from just mythic ones as I feel lots of us are still quiet not there yet
@OldGuardian Жыл бұрын
I am sure there are. Celestials probably have potential in regular bounties too. But I have been focused on Mythic testing and have not had time to test regular that much yet.
@FrancescoRonchieri Жыл бұрын
I don't know if it has been arleady asked, i searched in comments without finding it: Why almost every comp has Cookie? Could you please explain how to use it, why it is so versatile? his treasure are all almost related to murlocs, except +3 natural damage and make X damages to enemies
@OldGuardian Жыл бұрын
Cookie's equipment gives additional health to your Mercs even when Cookie is on the bench. This helps your main team survive better. In PvE, you generally do not want to lose any Mercs during the climb. Contrast this with PvP, where you use the entire team and bring new forces from the bench and build teams with this in mind.
@FrancescoRonchieri Жыл бұрын
@@OldGuardian Thanks a lot!
@aevintiri65722 жыл бұрын
I find that Yu'lon, Ragnaros, and Geddon make the best fire comp at the moment. Yu'lons Jadeflame Buffet only has 1 speed, and being teamed up with Jadefire Spear, it can keep the team healed up and make them a lot more tanky while also always giving a Fire Combo for Ragnaros and Geddon. Yu'lon also has great treasures that give additional fire damage buffs for the team. I feel like Balinda lacks a lot and doesn't provide big support or damage for the team in my experience so far. Maybe something worth looking into if you haven't already.
@OldGuardian2 жыл бұрын
I have made lots of content about that and even talk about it in this video. Balinda is still by far the superior option when not doing easy farming content where Yu'lon is better for speed.
@aevintiri65722 жыл бұрын
@@OldGuardian Interesting. How are you getting Balinda or Ragnaros to stay alive? Geddon can usually hold his own but Ragnaros flops pretty fast unless you stay the crit immune treasure and Balinda as well.
@OldGuardian2 жыл бұрын
@@aevintiri6572 Water Elemental easily keeps everyone alive.
@alero772 жыл бұрын
Why do you have Cookie in every comp?
@OldGuardian2 жыл бұрын
+9 health to everyone from the bench with Appetizers equipment.
@Incident002 жыл бұрын
Could you prepare something similar for Battlegrounds (comps)? Or you don't play that mode:)?
@OldGuardian2 жыл бұрын
I play Battlegrounds a bit. I used to be on the leaderboards when it was new, but I'm more casual now. Comps in that game are a lot different, as it is very dynamic: what hero you use, what Rewards you get, what minions you manage to find. There can also be many paths to an end-game comp, and you cannot decide what you will go for before the game with most Heroes, although some do need to force their synergy tribe. Much of the time, trying to force some ideal comp can do more harm than good.
@nathones2 жыл бұрын
Is Mutanus not good enough for the Murloc comp?
@tombraathen531 Жыл бұрын
He is the bread and butter in my murloc team, always on the board.
@fabioalbuquerque142 жыл бұрын
Thanks for all content on mercenaries, can you do a guide for PVP too?
@_Enerdor2 жыл бұрын
PvP requires a lot of grindind and he's stated before it just doesn't appeal to him or much of the PvE fanbase. Zombiesgonom is also a Mercenareis youtubers that's focused on PvP if you would like to give it a try
@fabioalbuquerque142 жыл бұрын
@@_Enerdor thanks 👍🏻
@marvin.a.flores2 жыл бұрын
Hey old guardian, was wondering is there any reason you only have 5 in each list? What happens to the 6th?
@OldGuardian2 жыл бұрын
You usually need to carry someone for coins or equipment.
@blacksepikseye73002 жыл бұрын
I'm trying out mercenaries again, is there some reason why some of these comps have only 5 mercs? Do you just throw in a random sixth or keep playing with 5
@OldGuardian2 жыл бұрын
You only need 5 for them and can use the remaining slot to bring whoever you want. You need to bring some Mercs to Heroics to unlock their equipment, for example, and you get more coins for Mercs that are in your party over time because one bounty slot gives coins for a random Merc in your party.
@blacksepikseye73002 жыл бұрын
@@OldGuardian ah ok that's what I was thinking, thanks for the reply!
@bakuretsu9187 Жыл бұрын
It's so sad how I have collected 42 mercs at this point but none of them except for cookie are in the fire comp :(
@vecsia38112 жыл бұрын
I am only using the old gods for pve now is so fun
@Smrt9272 жыл бұрын
Why is Kazakus good with Sneed?
@OldGuardian2 жыл бұрын
It gives Sneed more attack while also protecting the team with Taunt golems.
@Smrt9272 жыл бұрын
@@OldGuardian oh just from wildwine. I was thinking maybe some ability interaction.
@nordos2 жыл бұрын
I don't understand why you said 'C'Thun makes Old Gods Comp viable'? Because it has been viable before C'Thun, albeit arguably a bit weaker. If you max the Yogg treasure, you get 4 reduction from the battlecry. Yshaars taunt gives another 3. Since you spawn a Spawn of Nzoth before using Mind Joggle, you get another 2 (at least) from Yoggle. That totals to 9, meaning next turn all 10 CD skills are avaible - which are the Yshaar Rage and the Eviiscerate. Now, yes, you do need to account for two things: - the Spawn can sometimes die due to bad luck / matchups. Rarely, but still happens - Yshaar can be slowed and thus acts after the Nzoth AoE. But these things are pretty rare, and while the first point is not important when CThun replaces NZoth, the slow can still happen. I do agree that Cthun IS superior to Nzoth for climbing, but that doesn't mean that the comp wasn't viable before. I farmed quite a few bounties with it prior due to the relative fast speed (T2 ends all encounters except about 1% and bosses) and being quite resilient (thanks to 2 speed). Things can always happen (especially when taking the damn bomb), but in general ... ? I don't think that Cthun made a qualitative difference, albeit it does become a tad stronger.
@Kamikazeray2 жыл бұрын
With pirates I just use vanessa instead of smite and triggore instead of kazakus due to sinergy with patches. With orcs I just give windfury to thrall and I prefer drekthar cuz he freezes while buffs attack.
@Matiargentino1002 жыл бұрын
Hey i have a question my malfurion healing equipment is not working, is that a known bug?
@AsaSpades822 жыл бұрын
Why is Cookie in basically every comp?
@OldGuardian2 жыл бұрын
+9 health from the bench.
@Gronmin2 жыл бұрын
Why is cookie considered so good in pve? He seems like he's only okay unless he's paired with something he can heal
@TH-bl5wl2 жыл бұрын
You can keep Cookie on the bench and his 3rd eqipment gives friendly characters +9 health because its a "start of game" effect. A little life insurance for your important mercs. It can be relevant in heroic and harder bounties.
@AlexF57942 жыл бұрын
Why does some of your comp only use 5 mercenaries ?
@OldGuardian2 жыл бұрын
They are all that is needed and you can add others for coins or equipment according to your own progress.
@nat05952 жыл бұрын
why only 5 mercenaries ? (sry if he explain in the video my english is bad ^^)
@OldGuardian2 жыл бұрын
One slot can be used to carry someone.
@Darkwyrm882 жыл бұрын
Why is Cookie in every single build despite not having synergy with any of them (except murlocs)?
@OldGuardian2 жыл бұрын
Appetizers is +9 Health for all of your Mercs from bench.
@mczaga2 жыл бұрын
@@OldGuardian Also it has 2 fish spawn treasure when aoe damage they are killing easly when in fire team you can pick an another stacking fire treasure for killing bonus.
@rainerh.41742 жыл бұрын
I don't fancy the holy Yrel team at all. Sure, Yrel has received a big boost, but the comp still has no means of healing Cornelius, who is supposed to take most of the heat. Also, Tyrael doesn't contribute a whole lot. He does melee damage. Okay! But that's it. The freeze is situationally good at best and the taunt is ... well just a taunt. Uther has a lot more utility. The same goes for Xyrella even though she only indirectly profits from the +6/+6. And here comes the ultimate problem: Tyrael is ... nothing. He is neither Horde nor Alliance. And also not a human. His treasures suck. There is just no synergy, other than him beeing a holy user. And that alone just doesn't cut it for me.
@Araxeus2 жыл бұрын
Tyrael does alot of green damage with his combo, especially with yrel buff from her skill + item, on turn one its almost 40
@smokinggun84182 жыл бұрын
Murlocs are much better because of treasures and Mutanus, which OG haven't noticed. Trio Adwin+Trigor+Mutanus will kill everything but elite blue or fast (less than 5 speed) opponents. Can switch Edwin or Mutanus for Mr.Smite for a fun bloodbath on turn 2. Actually Old Murk-eye+Trigor+Mutanus work even better.
@odyth2 жыл бұрын
you. can have six people why are all your builds only 5?
@OldGuardian2 жыл бұрын
You can carry whichever Merc you need for coins/equipment.