Hell Does NOT Exist

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Anita Moorjani Official YouTube Channel

Anita Moorjani Official YouTube Channel

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It must be hard to live a life where you believe hell is real.
#hell #fear #nde #neardeathexperience #anitamoorjani #spirituality #spiritualtiktok #soul #soultok #otherside #spiritual #spiritualawakening

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@tennesseenana4838 8 ай бұрын
As a child I was raised that I had to be a 'good girl' so I wouldn't go to hell. That made me become an extreme people pleaser and afraid of everything. The boogie man under my bed, shadows, etc. Thankfully I learned that yes, hell doesn't not exist. I like what I learned about FEAR - it's False Evidence Appearing Real. The first time I saw you was when Wayne Dyer introduced you. Thank you for living your life fearlessly.
@darkowolf396 8 ай бұрын
Actually, hell exists here on Earth and it is based on our perceptions and beliefs. We create and manifest into our reality what we believe in. Hell is literally the absence of self-love. It is self-judgment, self-critiquing, self-doubt, believing that we aren't good enough, worthy enough, that we are bad, and judging ourselves for doing things in life at times when it was all we could have done for we did not know better, while in reality, we needed that experience to have something to look back at and learn from it... This is the true cause of anxiety and depression and the latter has nothing to do with the lack of serotonin in our brains, but is it simply related to how we perceive ourselves, unrealistic expectations we have of ourselves that were either taught to us or are inherited through our DNA. This upside view of ourselves stems from generations of conforming to an idea imposed through religions about who we are and what love (God) is by portraying IT as a dysfunctional father figure. It is an idea with only one purpose, to control humanity and prevent them from learning themselves (God) through experience of duality.
@cherylniles9588 8 ай бұрын
Thank You Thank You Thank You!!! I get so tired of religious rhetoric trying to control people and keep them in fear. Hopefully more people will actually wake up to this fact, and what a better place this world will be 💙🙏🏻
@Julia_P. 8 ай бұрын
I really don't want to believe that hell exists!! But there is a big problem I face: How can you pressume that your experience is universal? That only your experience is the whole truth and the experiences of others, who HAVE experienced hell in their NDEs, are invalidate? I am scared that that's also true and that your experience is just one among many. 😢 Why do you think that your experience is universal? Any helpful ideas around? ...
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
Some helpful ideas below. See what even Jesus says, in these few short NDEs below. Notice what they were told and shown. A Jesus NDE - JIM S.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. WE ALL GO HOME. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God, he is awake." Another Jesus NDE, notice what she was told... NDE - KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I SPIED JESUS AMONG THEM and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are, and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus gives her an instructive mission to go tell people...notice what it is.... NDE - BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I KNEW THIS WAS JESUS, AND THAT I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN HIM. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God.... NDE - BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again, no hell, no sin.... NDE - L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this." Notice, he was told.... NDE - PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told.... NDE - ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told.... NDE - NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this... NDE - SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real, and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." She asked questions, notice what she says... NDE - L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told.... NDE - R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again.... NDE - JEWEL F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell", and religions are abuse.... NDE - GAIL A.: "I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt." Now, notice this one.... NDE - B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See, again... NDE - NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@NemeanLion- 8 ай бұрын
Imo, hell doesn’t make any logical sense, other than it being a perception we have. I’m not discounting other NDE experiences but I know what’s in my heart. I could honestly have a hellish NDE myself, but I don’t think it would change what I feel inside. Why? Because only you can choose how you feel. And since love is the best feeling one could possibly have, why would any being deliberately choose fear unless they’ve been swept away in a false perception of reality? But I will say this. Every nightmarish experience I encounter is an opportunity to grow for me. Sometimes we need to be shaken up to wake up. I’m grateful for the very terrible experiences I’ve had. They made my heart glow brighter.
@Julia_P. 8 ай бұрын
@@NemeanLion- Thank you for sharing your insights with me! 🙏🏽💞
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
No hell. Read more. NDE - LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL or evil. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE." Another Christian...and notice, again.... NDE - ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian." Again, no "hell" and no judgement.... NDE - JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY." Very consistent... NDE - JASON J.: "After my NDE, I walked right out of the catholic church. Everything I was taught and told was a complete lie. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS NO SIN, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT ON YOU WHATSOEVER. You are loved unconditionally. For all those still in the dark, they will have negative reactions to this." Yet again, no "hell" and can't be separated.... NDE - GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are." Again, no "hell" and no reward.... NDE - STEVE L.: "THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one." Notice, he clearly understood.... NDE - DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."
@hated_enemy 5 ай бұрын
in dreams people see what they experienced or got in touch in real life। even if people don't believe certain things, but still those info from real life is preserved in their subconscious mind. so they see those related things in dreams or near death experience. here she was from which background? what were being practiced or preached in her surroundings or society? i think the universal oneness where the concept is everything is God or in God. everything is connected that's why. so she saw such related things। he isn't any other separate entity. Christian people see Christian belief related things or jesus . so they think they are in true religion. funny thing is soul of a person is taken for travel in higher station when he is asleep. when a person is too weak or sick, he goes in deep sleep. in that situation, when his soul is on way of going high he sees everything from above, when it's time to return to body they are communicated by some invisible creatures which fool people by taking fake look, like someone's dead relative. they give false hope to enjoy life and not to worry about meeting real God and judgement.
@jessicaorellana3482 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for your wisdom, Anita ❤
@mytwocents848 8 ай бұрын
Thank you,, Anita. Fear dominates so much of the negativity that people aim at others. I also had an NDE and it made me completely unafraid of death. I wish more people could see that the only thing that awaits us is LOVE.
@crct2004 8 ай бұрын
Seperation from God is hell.
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
There is no such place or thing. See what Jesus says, in these few short NDEs below. Notice what they were told and shown. A Jesus NDE - JIM S.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. WE ALL GO HOME. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God, he is awake." Another Jesus NDE, notice what she was told... NDE - KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I SPIED JESUS AMONG THEM and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are, and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus gives her an instructive mission to go tell people...notice what it is.... NDE - BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I KNEW THIS WAS JESUS, AND THAT I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN HIM. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God.... NDE - BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again, no hell, no sin.... NDE - L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this." Notice, he was told.... NDE - PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told.... NDE - ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told.... NDE - NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this... NDE - SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real, and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." She asked questions, notice what she says... NDE - L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told.... NDE - R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again.... NDE - JEWEL F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell", and religions are abuse.... NDE - GAIL A.: "I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt." Now, notice this one.... NDE - B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See, again... NDE - NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@crct2004 8 ай бұрын
@@ros6111 LOL OMG not even gonna read all - watched hundreds of NDEs. I never said it was a place. This is my own personal experience of the Alpha and Omega showing it directly to me. God is outside of time and space = eternity - if you chose him, through Himself incarnate, Emmanuel, you will be with Him, if you chose to worship idols you will not be with Him. He is a father, He is the Father; fathers love their children, good fathers that is, and they always have a place if they return. Respect the father for he has wisdom you don't have. Respect the Father for He knows things you can not know. See job, see scripture, NDEs are a mixed bag.
@crct2004 8 ай бұрын
@@ros6111 Actually started to read one - total bull, there is a heirarchy - respect your elders is a clue
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
NO HELL. A Christian, and notice... NDE - LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE." Another Christian...and notice, again.... NDE - ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian." Again, no "hell" and no judgement.... NDE - JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY." Very consistent... NDE - JASON J.: "After my NDE, I walked right out of the catholic church. Everything I was taught and told was a complete lie. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS NO SIN, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT ON YOU WHATSOEVER. You are loved unconditionally. For all those still in the dark, they will have negative reactions to this." Yet again, no "hell" and can't be separated.... NDE - GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are." Again, no "hell" and no reward.... NDE - STEVE L.: "THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one." Notice, he clearly understood.... NDE - DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."
@victoriajohn6693 8 ай бұрын
Amen sister!
@dav220 8 ай бұрын
Excuse me if I may, but having a NDE does not mean you know all about the death process. What about the process of becoming? After you leave this body there might be a lot more then what you have experienced as you returned in this body. Karma is a law. Many realms of existence might be a real possibility of reincarnation including some hellish ones... who knows?
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
Karma does not exist. NDE - STEPHEN T.: "I was caught in a trough under water in huge surf. There was panic, knowing I am going to drown. I realized I had to give up, I could not hold breath any longer. Sudden calmness and resignation; lost track of body. Clear and graphic life review, as if events were cataloged. Sudden transformation into a realm of timeless absolute beauty, absolute love, and absolute infinity. The radiance was literally unbearable. THERE WAS ABSOLUTE FORGIVENESS, NON-JUDGEMENT, non-duality, timeless, NO BLAME OR RETRIBUTION, NO SIN, NO KARMA. Absolute Love can have no relationship with hell, purgatory, sin, karma, retribution, or any type of judgment, blame, and retribution. I COMPLETELY REJECT HELL, PURGATORY, SIN, DAMNATION, JUDGEMENT, BLAME, RETRIBUTION, KARMA. The deep ocean of the Absolute is absolutely forgiving and absolutely non-judgmental." No sin.... NDE - BARRY C.: "There is really nothing wrong. God has it all under control. SIN IS A CHURCH BELIEF, NOT GOD'S." If there is no sin, there is no "hell".... NDE - J. SMITH: "I was totally aware. I was in blackness. I couldn’t see anything. I was thinking to myself, 'This isn’t the way it is supposed to be. I’m not supposed to know anything and I do. What on Earth has happened?' At that point I felt something leave my body. It was a whoosh. It went up through the top of my head. I could feel it and I could hear it. Just a gentle whoosh. At that point I found myself standing in a kind of gray mist. Then I knew I had died. This love said to me, 'YOU ARE MY BELOVED SOUL, I LOVE YOU WITHOUT CONDITIONS'. When I said to him, 'I know what’s going on. I know that I have died,' he said, 'Yes, that’s true, but you are not going to be staying here. It isn’t time for you to be here yet.' I said to him again, 'Everything since I passed over is so beautiful. Everything is so perfect. WHAT ABOUT MY SINS?' I ALWAYS FELT LIKE YOU HAD TO PAY FOR THEM. HE SAID, 'THERE ARE NO SINS, not the way you think of them on Earth. The only thing that has any meaning here is what you think.' Then he asked me a question. 'What is in your heart?' Then in some incredible way that I don’t understand at all, I was able to look deeply inside myself, really into the very core of me to my essence. I saw that what was there was love, nothing else. MY CORE WAS PERFECT LOVE, LOVING PERFECTION. I had complete love and acceptance for everything. I simply was perfect and loving. NOW THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO JUST ME. IT APPLIES TO ALL HUMAN BEINGS. THAT IS WHAT WE ARE. THAT IS OUR CORE. This love, this perfection, this God-ness." No judgement, no sin, no "hell".... NDE - L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear. No, "karma" doesn't exist.... NDE - ANITA MOORJANI: "I UNDERSTOOD CLEARLY THAT THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT on the other side, THERE IS NO MORAL HAMMER THAT IS DROPPED; I saw clearly that this is a human device used by other humans to make us fall in line with the moral majority. KARMA WILL NOT BE WAITING FOR US, TO 'GET US BACK' FOR WHATEVER WE DID." A Christian finds out there's no sin.... NDE - PATSY D.: "I was born in Kansas in the heart of the Bible belt. I was raised a devout Christian. I had been baptized by the age of twelve, and taught the words of God; all the concepts of heaven and hell, as taught in the Bible, all of which I accepted and certainly believed. I was very religious. Suddenly I was floating above my body, which was lying in the carport. I had no sense of movement and I was not afraid. I was fully conscious. As they placed my body in the ambulance, I floated along with it. He put an oxygen mask over my body's mouth and applied electric shocks to the chest three times, each time taking a pulse. Halfway to the hospital, he stopped and told the driver to turn off the siren. I was dead. I turned around and was immersed in light. I WAS SURROUNDED BY UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, AND TOTAL ACCEPTANCE. A completeness, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and absolute safety. I knew I was complete at last. NEVER HAD I FELT SUCH SAFETY AND SERENITY BEFORE. Suddenly, I had all knowledge. All that I had ever heard or known was swept away. I KNEW THAT THERE IS NO SIN OR EVIL. I knew that I had existed since the moment of creation, that I shall always exist, and that all consciousness is in the act of becoming. I GAINED THE KNOWLEDGE THAT ALL PEOPLE CHOOSE THEIR OWN TIME, AND CREATE THE METHOD OF THEIR DEMISE. I floated over to my body and sank down into it. My body began to shake and the sheet fell to the floor. The nurse screamed. The doctor ran to the table. I sat up, trying to get off the table. The nurse did not want to approach the table again. Everyone in the room were frozen in place. As if their brains could not process what their eyes were observing. He told me that I had been officially dead for one hour. I went to church the next Sunday and couldn't even sit through the service. I WANTED TO STAND UP AND TELL EVERYONE THAT THIS WAS WRONG AND HOW WONDERFUL THEY WERE."
@katalinpuscas9722 8 ай бұрын
Thank you very much, Anita. I discovered you 6 months ago, and I'm listening to your videos every day!!! I feel that through you, I hear the truth and only the truth. As a raised Catholic, I no longer believe in any religion, only in LOVE, as you mentioned in one of your videos. Such a relief: NO HELL:) I now understand why some religions use HELL as a way of controling others. It's disgusting that they do that...Such an eliberation. Only LOVE!!! Thank you Anita!!
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
No, there is no hell. See what even Jesus says, in these few short NDEs below. Notice what they were told and shown. A Jesus NDE - JIM S.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. WE ALL GO HOME. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God, he is awake." Another Jesus NDE, notice what she was told... NDE - KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I SPIED JESUS AMONG THEM and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are, and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus gives her an instructive mission to go tell people...notice what it is.... NDE - BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I KNEW THIS WAS JESUS, AND THAT I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN HIM. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God.... NDE - BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again, no hell, no sin.... NDE - L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this." Notice, he was told.... NDE - PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told.... NDE - ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told.... NDE - NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this... NDE - SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real, and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." She asked questions, notice what she says... NDE - L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told.... NDE - R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again.... NDE - JEWEL F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell", and religions are abuse.... NDE - GAIL A.: "I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt." Now, notice this one.... NDE - B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See, again... NDE - NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@camillahaglund3896 8 ай бұрын
@dearlynotsodeparted 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this message of #truth! None of that ever made any sense to me, even as a kid LOL. 💖
@berthlubny5634 8 ай бұрын
Thankyou!!! When you let go of that belief of hell existing, you experience freedom, peace, joy, and ABOVE ALL ELSE, LOVE❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@NatureNomad61 8 күн бұрын
Those who claim nde regarding hell are the small % and are made up to install fear into people. The thought of God being pure light and love but will send even good people to hell if they don't believe is insanely ridiculous.
@ezcashflo 8 ай бұрын
thats fine and all ....but what about all those NDE's where the person experiences darkness , isolation , fear n trembling and God forbid ...encounters with evil entities ?? It happens very frequently but they get reported much less than the happy loving peaceful NDE's
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
Hell does NOT EXIST. Read and learn. NDE - LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL or evil. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE." Another Christian...and notice, again.... NDE - ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian." Again, no "hell" and no judgement.... NDE - JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY." Very consistent... NDE - JASON J.: "After my NDE, I walked right out of the catholic church. Everything I was taught and told was a complete lie. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS NO SIN, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT ON YOU WHATSOEVER. You are loved unconditionally. For all those still in the dark, they will have negative reactions to this." Yet again, no "hell" and can't be separated.... NDE - GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are." Again, no "hell" and no reward.... NDE - STEVE L.: "THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one." Notice, he clearly understood.... NDE - DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
No, there is no hell. See what even Jesus says, in these few short NDEs below. Notice what they were told and shown. A Jesus NDE - JIM S.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. WE ALL GO HOME. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God, he is awake." Another Jesus NDE, notice what she was told... NDE - KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I SPIED JESUS AMONG THEM and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are, and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus gives her an instructive mission to go tell people...notice what it is.... NDE - BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I KNEW THIS WAS JESUS, AND THAT I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN HIM. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God.... NDE - BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again, no hell, no sin.... NDE - L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this." Notice, he was told.... NDE - PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told.... NDE - ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told.... NDE - NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this... NDE - SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real, and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." She asked questions, notice what she says... NDE - L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told.... NDE - R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again.... NDE - JEWEL F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell", and religions are abuse.... NDE - GAIL A.: "I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt." Now, notice this one.... NDE - B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See, again... NDE - NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
No, there is no hell. Read and see. NDE - LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE." Another Christian...and notice, again.... NDE - ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian." Again, no "hell" and no judgement.... NDE - JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY." Very consistent... NDE - JASON J.: "After my NDE, I walked right out of the catholic church. Everything I was taught and told was a complete lie. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS NO SIN, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT ON YOU WHATSOEVER. You are loved unconditionally. For all those still in the dark, they will have negative reactions to this." Yet again, no "hell" and can't be separated.... NDE - GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are." Again, no "hell" and no reward.... NDE - STEVE L.: "THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one." Notice, he clearly understood.... NDE - DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
No. Read and see for yourself. She gained special knowledge, notice what it was.... NDE - FLORA S.: "DID I GAIN SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR INFORMATION? Yes. THAT THERE IS NO HELL, that we are all here to love everyone unconditionally, and NOT TO JUDGE ANYONE FOR MISTAKES THEY HAVE MADE. I was standing by a gate with other spirits and looking at my hands and arms realizing I too, was in spirit form. I knew if I went through the gate, there would be no turning back. I then heard a voice of a female in my head telling me I must return that it was not my time." Notice the consistency.... NDE - VERNON C.: "The NDE confirmed what I felt before, about religion. THERE IS NO HELL, OR A GOD THAT JUDGES." Notice again, she knows.... NDE - BOLETTE L.: "I now know that there is a life after death and I NOW KNOW THERE IS NO HELL. I know the most important thing is love between people and all beings. I now know that I am here in this life to, among other things, learn to love myself. I could see 360 degrees around myself. I could focus on what I wanted to, and keep it close-up without any problems. I then met a group of souls, who I didn’t know from this life, but when I saw them, I knew that I knew them deep in my soul." Notice what this catholic woman found out.... NDE - DIANE S.: "I walked away from the catholic church because I realized everything I was raised with was not true. It's a religion based in fear. And ON THE OTHER SIDE I REALIZED THAT THERE'S NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF BECAUSE THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT, THERE IS NO HELL. Its only unconditional love. It grew more, and I got closer to it, and all of a sudden the light was all around me and I could be at peace. This unconditional love just surrounded me. We are a direct connection from God. EVERYTHING WE EXPERIENCE, GOD EXPERIENCES, AND GOD WANTS TO KNOW IT'S GOD-SELF IN ALL WAYS, AND WE PROVIDE THAT." No other destination, no hell.... NDE - MANDY C.: "The light was beautiful and I knew that was where I longed to be. THERE WAS NO OTHER DESTINATION, NO OTHER POSSIBLE PLACE TO GO, except towards the one point of light. NOW I KNOW THERE IS NO HELL. I was traveling through a great black void at a tremendous speed. I had no sense of body, just the essence of my being hurling through this void. In the very far distance, I could see a single speck of light. There was no other light in this void. This blackness was enfolding me, comforting me, offering me complete safety. I knew that the light I was speeding towards contained every good, beautiful and pure thing. I had nothing to fear, I was safe and cared for." No hell, all religions are wrong, not possible to be separated from God.... NDE - JOAN LH.: "I 'felt' knowledge. It's interesting to me that what I most clearly remember is that 'religions have it all wrong: all religions'. THERE IS no 'heaven' and NO 'HELL'. It was an immediate knowing that we've been focusing on rules, on suffering, on trying to 'get right with God' when WE'VE ALWAYS BEEN 'RIGHT', AND IN THE HEART OF GOD. Additionally, I had this awareness of the vastness of Love - which nothing else existed. I remember 'laughing' at how complicated we had made everything. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO BE SEPARATED FROM GOD, BECAUSE WE ARE ALL PART OF GOD. Again, information entered her soul, notice what it was.... NDE - SHIRLEY R.: "Every question I ever wanted to know about the universe and life was answered at that moment, and not a word was spoken, but I could feel the information enter my soul. Life on Earth is our true 'hell', and that is comfortable TO KNOW THERE IS NO BURNING HELL THAT WE HAVE TO ENDURE AFTER DEATH. Standing at the light, I felt I finally was home after a long journey."
@ros6111 7 ай бұрын
Absence of evidence is not evidence. NDE - A. WILLIAMSON: "We are loved, understood always, forever. We are not victims, we are willing participants. On earth we take turns being a good person and a bad person. NOTHING BAD ON EARTH IS CONSIDERED BAD IN HEAVEN. It's all called a learning experience. I struggle with that while I'm on earth. THERE IS NO HELL. That is a man-made construct. There is no evil cabal, IT'S ONLY PEOPLE PLAYING THE PARTS THEY AGREED TO PLAY. Being a victim is also important and there are contracts for all those situations. We have to have contrast, that's why we leave heaven." No "hell", no judgement.... NDE - S. BOYD: "After seeing what I saw in my NDE, WHEN WE DIE WE DON'T GO TO HELL, WE AREN'T JUDGED, and I need to be more accepting of others as well. I was shown a room that had a soul in it, and the room was filled with really beautiful golden light. And IT WAS FILLED WITH THIS LOVE, love we don't feel here on earth, IT'S AN ALL ACCEPTING, ALL BEAUTIFUL LOVE. And my impression was this soul was kind of slouched over, and what I was shown was that he had done really bad things on earth, and HIS SOUL WAS BEING CONDITIONED AND GIVEN LOVE AND THEY WERE HELPING HIM get through what he had done." Notice this about guilt and judgement.... NDE - HERMAN V.: "I found myself falling into a black abyss and I knew that I was dead. Then I noticed my rate of fall slowing, and then stopping. I noticed pinpoints of fuzzy light all around me, which gradually came into focus. It was then that I realized that a being dressed in a robe of brown, purple, and gold, had broken my fall. The greatest awareness that came to me was that THE TEACHINGS OF CHURCHES WHICH FOCUS ON GUILT AND THE NEED FOR SALVATION VIA SOME CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR ARE WRONG. THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT, NO RATING OF ONE'S LIFE, NO PUNISHMENT FOR DEEDS DONE OR NOT DONE, just an overwhelming feeling that one is loved. Many times I'd like to take over the pulpit and tell people what is really on the other side, and that THE GUILT PREACHED BY CHURCHES IS COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE." So, hell is man-made.... NDE - BARBARA S.: "I LOST ANY FEAR OF JUDGEMENT AFTER DEATH. I believe that our lives on earth are for learning and growing as a soul. I DON'T BELIEVE HELL ANYMORE. THAT IS MAN-MADE. I believe that I AM LOVED BY THE CREATOR WITH ALL MY FAULTS and goodness." And this.... NDE - MAC WRIGHT: “EVERYONE GOES TO THE SAME PLACE. This includes Billy Graham, Hitler, and Jeffery Dahmer.” Do only "good people" make it?.... NDE - ALICE U.: "WE ARE ALL GOING TO RETURN TO THE LIGHT. No matter our creed, religion, or EVEN WHETHER WE ARE GOOD OR BAD. We all return home to the light."
@kimberlyhowland3905 8 ай бұрын
Is it possible that the people in Gaza are experiencing hell, the ones who are not dying? A doctor who is a father and had to amputate his own child’s limb without any pain medicine to give her while he operated, and then experienced her dying….that sounds like hell to me.
@LA-qm5jo 8 ай бұрын
Thank you thank you thank you for posting this! ❤
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
No, there is no hell. See what even Jesus says, in these few short NDEs below. Notice what they were told and shown. A Jesus NDE - JIM S.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. WE ALL GO HOME. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God, he is awake." Another Jesus NDE, notice what she was told... NDE - KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I SPIED JESUS AMONG THEM and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are, and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus gives her an instructive mission to go tell people...notice what it is.... NDE - BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I KNEW THIS WAS JESUS, AND THAT I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN HIM. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God.... NDE - BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again, no hell, no sin.... NDE - L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this." Notice, he was told.... NDE - PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told.... NDE - ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told.... NDE - NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this... NDE - SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real, and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." She asked questions, notice what she says... NDE - L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told.... NDE - R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again.... NDE - JEWEL F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell", and religions are abuse.... NDE - GAIL A.: "I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt." Now, notice this one.... NDE - B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See, again... NDE - NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@cordulas2948 8 ай бұрын
Why are you so sure, only because you didn't experienced it ? What is with all the very dirty souls ? Jesus is the way to Life in heaven .
@cute4ever00 8 ай бұрын
Jesus is the Way to the Father John 14: 5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. Hell is real, demons are real, the devil is real. But so is the Trinity, I pray everybody reading this will be saved, delivered and healed by Jesus Christ, Amen.
@GodHelpMe369 8 ай бұрын
I've been suicidal my whole life. Such a hard, hard, painful, difficult, abusive, traumatic life, so far... At the beginning of this year, to top everything off... The man whom I revered as my best friend, abandoned and betrayed me. He replaced me. NOW, I AM UNDERSTANDING/REMEMBERING: It's all a game. We are here to explore, to have adventures, to unlearn and to learn and to relearn... I keep getting the message: "it's not that serious"! The universe, the multiverse, she now sings inside me... Like I'm a sacred cathedral!✨💛
@NemeanLion- 8 ай бұрын
That’s wonderful.
@niconico4114 8 ай бұрын
there are many NDEs that involve hell experiences. the experience is temporary, but people do experience it. it might not have been your personal experience but you would have to ignore the NDE data in order to arrive at the assumption that there are no hell realms.
@tealeafs3824 8 ай бұрын
So glad you wrote this comment. The other day I've seen on TV the story of a woman called Justine Mattera, a famous dancer and actress, and she was invited to an italian show called Verissimo. She told the story of her very sick sister Jessica, that hated her all her life, but Justine still loved her sister. The woman said that one time Jessica was in a coma, in a very very bad condition, and she stood next to her bed in hospital, calling her back. When Jessica woke up she said she was in a dark place, she was scared and "demons"(negative entities) told her "you are not a good person how you think you are" and that she heard her sister calling for her and that brought her back.
@ros6111 7 ай бұрын
I'll give you some information. NDE - LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL or evil. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE." Another Christian...and notice, again.... NDE - ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian." Again, no "hell" and no judgement.... NDE - JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY." Very consistent... NDE - JASON J.: "After my NDE, I walked right out of the catholic church. Everything I was taught and told was a complete lie. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS NO SIN, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT ON YOU WHATSOEVER. You are loved unconditionally. For all those still in the dark, they will have negative reactions to this." Yet again, no "hell" and can't be separated.... NDE - GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are." Again, no "hell" and no reward.... NDE - STEVE L.: "THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one." Notice, he clearly understood.... NDE - DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."
@ros6111 7 ай бұрын
You'll be glad I wrote this comment on the NDE data. NDE - LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL or evil. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE." Another Christian...and notice, again.... NDE - ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian." Again, no "hell" and no judgement.... NDE - JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY." Very consistent... NDE - JASON J.: "After my NDE, I walked right out of the catholic church. Everything I was taught and told was a complete lie. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS NO SIN, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT ON YOU WHATSOEVER. You are loved unconditionally. For all those still in the dark, they will have negative reactions to this." Yet again, no "hell" and can't be separated.... NDE - GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are." Again, no "hell" and no reward.... NDE - STEVE L.: "THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one." Notice, he clearly understood.... NDE - DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."
@ros6111 7 ай бұрын
​​@@tealeafs3824You'll be glad I wrote this comment on the NDE data. NDE - LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL or evil. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE." Another Christian...and notice, again.... NDE - ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian." Again, no "hell" and no judgement.... NDE - JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY." Very consistent... NDE - JASON J.: "After my NDE, I walked right out of the catholic church. Everything I was taught and told was a complete lie. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS NO SIN, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT ON YOU WHATSOEVER. You are loved unconditionally. For all those still in the dark, they will have negative reactions to this." Yet again, no "hell" and can't be separated.... NDE - GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are." Again, no "hell" and no reward.... NDE - STEVE L.: "THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one." Notice, he clearly understood.... NDE - DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."
@ros6111 7 ай бұрын
You'll be glad I wrote this comment on NDE data for you. NDE - DENNY B.: "The best part about it all was the feeling of love. THE FEAR OF DEATH AND HELL ARE SUCH A COMPLETE FALSEHOOD, AND A CRIME AGAINST OUR CREATOR." Life review, no "hell".... NDE - A.J.: "THERE IS NO HELL. I had my life review, I accepted and understood what was meant to be. I gave God the control and he brought me up again. It wasn't a choice, it's just a feeling that you know is right, but THERE'S NO NEGATIVITY, NO HELL." Again, look what he learned.... NDE - M. SATORI: "I had an NDE and LEARNED THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. All a construct of the human mind. There is something over there but it's not as Eastern religions describe it. There is a creator, and there were what humans call angels, not those pretty things that sit on shelves." Again, look what she was shown.... NDE - CHERIE B.: "I WAS SHOWN THAT THE CONCEPT OF HEAVEN AND HELL ONLY EXISTS IN THIS WORLD. It’s a term we have created using an agreed upon vocabulary. But the truth is heaven or hell exists right now, NOT IN THE AFTERLIFE. The afterlife is beautiful, pure, loving, and safe." He knew everything, notice what it was.... NDE - BILL V.: "I felt instantly as if I knew everything, experienced the whole of creation. No heaven like what any religion states, NO HELL, just the purity of the universe as a whole. I was drawn to a huge white and golden light that seemed to encompass the whole universe. There was simply no time where I was and it didn't exist." Notice, this person was stabbed, and found out.... NDE - B. MACRELLI: "I too have died and brought back by doctors. In 2009 I was kidnapped and stabbed four times in the chest and died. I didn't feel it and was unaware that I was even stabbed, my spirit left my body and it was the best feeling in the world. Completely free, and you're right, THERE IS NO HELL. And I have also learned that religions are hard wired into the brain according to your culture."
@NemeanLion- 8 ай бұрын
I just see it as a contrast between light and darkness. Darkness in itself doesn’t really exist, it’s just a perception we have because we are not living in the light. And the further away we think we are from the light, it’s very easy to get lost in that darkness. But we’re only lost because we believe that darkness is real. Once we remember who we are, we realize that darkness does not exist.
@jbee4899 8 ай бұрын
Thank you ❤
@sylviesas2992 8 ай бұрын
Hell no! lol... I know you've said it before...that you've experienced first hand that hell is not a thing is such a gift to us who must go with faith... so please keep sharing... it never gets old... every time I pray that a few more people hear it... share it... and live it!
@covengad 8 ай бұрын
I believe in temporary hell, that is purgatory or Kama-loka, which everyone seems to forget about. I dont believe in an eternal hell, because it serves no purpose, because actions are confined in time and so are the retributions. If there was no right retribution of ones deeds, right and wrong, which is the law of Karma-action, then there would be no world at all, because this world is a spinning of the actions of spiritual beings, including us, is a weaving of light and darkness, a scale of lows and highs. This world is a Creation of God, it is an Act of God, it is the Karma of God. Karma means action/creation. You can't deny evil, as much as you can't deny night, if you deny evil, you deny this world. And evil has a purpose, suffering has a purpose, which is hard to evaluate until the fruit of it ripens. Perhaps it is right to say that the spiritual world is light, and this material world is hell, because hell is suffering, and we come into this world suffering, and we leave it suffering aswell, and encounter suffering throughout. You are not the only one who's had a spiritual experience, nor is it a complete experience of the spiritual, because that comes with innumerable gifts. Im not denying your experience, I'm not diminishing it, nor saying you are lying, but that theres shades to everything and you seem to miss those shades. If there were nothing to gain from this life, then let us all jump from a cliff, for it is just a vain illusion.
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
There is NO KARMA and NO TEMPORARY HELL. Read and learn. NDE - LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL or evil. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE." Another Christian...and notice, again.... NDE - ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian." Again, no "hell" and no judgement.... NDE - JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY." Very consistent... NDE - JASON J.: "After my NDE, I walked right out of the catholic church. Everything I was taught and told was a complete lie. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS NO SIN, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT ON YOU WHATSOEVER. You are loved unconditionally. For all those still in the dark, they will have negative reactions to this." Yet again, no "hell" and can't be separated.... NDE - GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are." Again, no "hell" and no reward.... NDE - STEVE L.: "THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one." Notice, he clearly understood.... NDE - DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
For your learning. There is NO karma and NO sin. NDE - STEPHEN T.: "I was caught in a trough under water in huge surf. There was panic, knowing I am going to drown. I realized I had to give up, I could not hold breath any longer. Sudden calmness and resignation; lost track of body. Clear and graphic life review, as if events were cataloged. Sudden transformation into a realm of timeless absolute beauty, absolute love, and absolute infinity. The radiance was literally unbearable. THERE WAS ABSOLUTE FORGIVENESS, NON-JUDGEMENT, non-duality, timeless, NO BLAME OR RETRIBUTION, NO SIN, NO KARMA. Absolute Love can have no relationship with hell, purgatory, sin, karma, retribution, or any type of judgment, blame, and retribution. I COMPLETELY REJECT HELL, PURGATORY, SIN, DAMNATION, JUDGEMENT, BLAME, RETRIBUTION, KARMA. The deep ocean of the Absolute is absolutely forgiving and absolutely non-judgmental." No sin.... NDE - BARRY C.: "There is really nothing wrong. God has it all under control. SIN IS A CHURCH BELIEF, NOT GOD'S." If there is no sin, there is no "hell".... NDE - J. SMITH: "I was totally aware. I was in blackness. I couldn’t see anything. I was thinking to myself, 'This isn’t the way it is supposed to be. I’m not supposed to know anything and I do. What on Earth has happened?' At that point I felt something leave my body. It was a whoosh. It went up through the top of my head. I could feel it and I could hear it. Just a gentle whoosh. At that point I found myself standing in a kind of gray mist. Then I knew I had died. This love said to me, 'YOU ARE MY BELOVED SOUL, I LOVE YOU WITHOUT CONDITIONS'. When I said to him, 'I know what’s going on. I know that I have died,' he said, 'Yes, that’s true, but you are not going to be staying here. It isn’t time for you to be here yet.' I said to him again, 'Everything since I passed over is so beautiful. Everything is so perfect. WHAT ABOUT MY SINS?' I ALWAYS FELT LIKE YOU HAD TO PAY FOR THEM. HE SAID, 'THERE ARE NO SINS, not the way you think of them on Earth. The only thing that has any meaning here is what you think.' Then he asked me a question. 'What is in your heart?' Then in some incredible way that I don’t understand at all, I was able to look deeply inside myself, really into the very core of me to my essence. I saw that what was there was love, nothing else. MY CORE WAS PERFECT LOVE, LOVING PERFECTION. I had complete love and acceptance for everything. I simply was perfect and loving. NOW THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO JUST ME. IT APPLIES TO ALL HUMAN BEINGS. THAT IS WHAT WE ARE. THAT IS OUR CORE. This love, this perfection, this God-ness." No judgement, no sin, no "hell".... NDE - L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear. No, "karma" doesn't exist.... NDE - ANITA MOORJANI: "I UNDERSTOOD CLEARLY THAT THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT on the other side, THERE IS NO MORAL HAMMER THAT IS DROPPED; I saw clearly that this is a human device used by other humans to make us fall in line with the moral majority. KARMA WILL NOT BE WAITING FOR US, TO 'GET US BACK' FOR WHATEVER WE DID." A Christian finds out there's no sin.... NDE - PATSY D.: "I was born in Kansas in the heart of the Bible belt. I was raised a devout Christian. I had been baptized by the age of twelve, and taught the words of God; all the concepts of heaven and hell, as taught in the Bible, all of which I accepted and certainly believed. I was very religious. Suddenly I was floating above my body, which was lying in the carport. I had no sense of movement and I was not afraid. I was fully conscious. As they placed my body in the ambulance, I floated along with it. He put an oxygen mask over my body's mouth and applied electric shocks to the chest three times, each time taking a pulse. Halfway to the hospital, he stopped and told the driver to turn off the siren. I was dead. I turned around and was immersed in light. I WAS SURROUNDED BY UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, AND TOTAL ACCEPTANCE. A completeness, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and absolute safety. I knew I was complete at last. NEVER HAD I FELT SUCH SAFETY AND SERENITY BEFORE. Suddenly, I had all knowledge. All that I had ever heard or known was swept away. I KNEW THAT THERE IS NO SIN OR EVIL. I knew that I had existed since the moment of creation, that I shall always exist, and that all consciousness is in the act of becoming. I GAINED THE KNOWLEDGE THAT ALL PEOPLE CHOOSE THEIR OWN TIME, AND CREATE THE METHOD OF THEIR DEMISE. I floated over to my body and sank down into it. My body began to shake and the sheet fell to the floor. The nurse screamed. The doctor ran to the table. I sat up, trying to get off the table. The nurse did not want to approach the table again. Everyone in the room were frozen in place. As if their brains could not process what their eyes were observing. He told me that I had been officially dead for one hour. I went to church the next Sunday and couldn't even sit through the service. I WANTED TO STAND UP AND TELL EVERYONE THAT THIS WAS WRONG AND HOW WONDERFUL THEY WERE."
@covengad 8 ай бұрын
I could say that the Bible and other spiritual books are NDEs aswell, in fact that's what they are. If you want to believe in something just because it brings solace to your ego than go ahead. But don't try to force it on others. I dont know for certain that my opinion is right, but to me it seems more reasonable that way.
@Chris-r5g9r 8 ай бұрын
I literally said to myself. "I wonder if hell is real?". And this video popped up. Lol and this video was uploaded 12 hrs ago 😮
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
There is NO HELL. Read these. NDE - LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL or evil. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE." Another Christian...and notice, again.... NDE - ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian." Again, no "hell" and no judgement.... NDE - JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY." Very consistent... NDE - JASON J.: "After my NDE, I walked right out of the catholic church. Everything I was taught and told was a complete lie. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS NO SIN, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT ON YOU WHATSOEVER. You are loved unconditionally. For all those still in the dark, they will have negative reactions to this." Yet again, no "hell" and can't be separated.... NDE - GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are." Again, no "hell" and no reward.... NDE - STEVE L.: "THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one." Notice, he clearly understood.... NDE - DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."
@hated_enemy 5 ай бұрын
she didn't die at all to experience real truth. people when are asleep their soul is taken for some purposes in higher state, when it's for too long time or they're too weak or sick, their souls are being targeted by invisible creatures who take various look like dead relatives to give them false hope. so that they don't try anymore to connect with real God. and anita saw what she learnt from her hindu background, Christian people see things which goes with their religious belief. so everyone comes with a near death story to say my background or social religion was real and true.
@hated_enemy 5 ай бұрын
also you will see whatever we talk about things pop up in mobile, they are working on creating such mind reading technology so that things can be shown about which think. i don't know whether they have succeeded but kept it secret. hell is true for justice. People control themselves from doing wrong things in fear of hell. if it wasn't the reason, more and more people would live like beast with no shame
@irenapoljanec7671 8 ай бұрын
Totally agree with you. ❤️❤️❤️💯
@Bolanboogie10 8 ай бұрын
Try living in Larne, and then you will know it does.
@bethmccall9254 8 ай бұрын
“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.” --Charles Baudelaire
@consciouspi 8 ай бұрын
Hell is charity in hopes a sociopath who has zero empathy will get on the train. Cannot learn any other way then. . Yogis may say, no one dies eternal. If this is so it is because it would have been anyone in his circumstance.
@AwesomePlaylists888 Ай бұрын
Mark 9:43-44 43 And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: 44 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
@nemrak4385 Ай бұрын
Anita, as an incest and childhood sexual abuse survivor could you please tell me what happens to evil people when they die since there is no hell??? What is justice in Gods eyes?
@mir465 8 ай бұрын
Thank you, Anita for your statements on this and thank you people for your comments. ❤ To me, it makes perfect sense that God loves us so much, that he wouldn't let anyone of his creatures suffer eternal hell. Proof of his love: he created us. We are made in his image, we are a part of him. So he just can't exclude anyone without hurting himself. We are divine, eternal spirit. In life, we often get confused und mislead, but God is in us, even if it's hard to see from outside. For me, it's hard to believe that there is anything good in a serious criminal, a psychopath or a toxic narcissist, harming others badly. But I don't know the person. God knows everyone of us in depth, he knows all of our thoughts and feelings. Even if I can't find any good trait in another person, maybe God can. And I like to believe that there is something good in every one. So that noone gets lost in the end. Still, I experienced hell and the devil and demons in several dreams. (I also was in heaven once in a dream, talking to God.) My mum died of an heroin overdose. We don't know if it was suicide. One of the first dreams I had of my mother after her death was her suffering in hell. She was lying on the ground, tied up with chains, together with lots of other people, not being able to stand up. She was crawling on the ground, moaning in agony. This was very painful and horrible for me to see. It was a dark place. A room without a door or a window, completely locked up. In a dream some years ago I finally saw my Mum free and happy. She was all loving and beautiful. So I know she is fine (now). I don't know if she was in hell for some time after her death or if it was just a dream of mine. The dream felt very real to me and was horrible. I also had once a dream about the devil. He was celebrated like a rock star and many young women were queuing up in front of a big building where he was inside, in order to get an autograph of him and to have sex with him. Somehow I could fly into the building and see what happened there. How he sucked the poor women's souls out of their throats. He was very ugly, and still quite seductive. I was repelled by his evilness and still could understand why the women couldn't resist him. There were demons all over the place as if they were living there together with him and they tried to catch as many souls as possible, to take them away. They were after me, too, but the moment I decided to rather die than letting them grab my soul I was out of the building. I warned the women standing in line in front of the building. I told them what would happen to them. They laughed at me, pushed me away, didn't want to believe me. Instead, they were so eager to meet the devil, they put on make-up for him, they were so excited. I could convince only a few to turn away from that house and to run away with me. I see people's point in this. How can God love even monsters who kill and torment others? Where is his justness? Should he not love the victims more? And why should we not hurt others if it is all the same to God? Why then trying to be good and loving at all? If there is no hell and we are here only for vacation from heaven, why do we suffer then so much on earth? If God really loves us so much, how can he allow that any of his creatures suffers at any point in life?
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
No, there is no hell. See what even Jesus says, in these few short NDEs below. Notice what they were told and shown. A Jesus NDE - JIM S.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. WE ALL GO HOME. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God, he is awake." Another Jesus NDE, notice what she was told... NDE - KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I SPIED JESUS AMONG THEM and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are, and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus gives her an instructive mission to go tell people...notice what it is.... NDE - BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I KNEW THIS WAS JESUS, AND THAT I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN HIM. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins, and he says in every way he can...look, you're mine and I PAID THE PRICE, so forget about that. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God.... NDE - BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again, no hell, no sin.... NDE - L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this." Notice, he was told.... NDE - PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told.... NDE - ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told.... NDE - NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this... NDE - SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real, and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." She asked questions, notice what she says... NDE - L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told.... NDE - R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again.... NDE - JEWEL F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell", and religions are abuse.... NDE - GAIL A.: "I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt." Now, notice this one.... NDE - B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See, again... NDE - NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@MikaJonas2024 Ай бұрын
God is love, but above all justice! he sacrificed his only son for his love for us. so that everyone will believe in him and declare him with his mouth as his lord and savior and believe in his heart that God raised him up and he will be saved. and God has attributes that make him God. One of them is that he is omnipotent, which means that he will fulfill everything he says. and so he can never lie. so we get to what Jesus was talking about. in the bible in the new testament, jesus mentions hell more than heaven. and Jesus is God and he doesn't just say that. hell is real and heaven is real. what a certain lady says here is demonic and it leads many people to the path of destruction. beware of false prophets. carefully. god bless
@bjd798 8 ай бұрын
I agree with Anita! Hell does not exist. A Source/God of pure love and pure consciousness would never allow this. The only hell is a delusion in ones own mind. The hellish experiences on earth are all part of learning and there is compassion behind it! Earth is a difficult school, souls come here to learn. The only hell is a delusion. Just know it is delusion and it disappear!
@misho6794 8 ай бұрын
Love you so much. Thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@joelstyle7869 8 ай бұрын
"Hell is only what the ego has made of the present." ACIM
@PH-hw5nx 8 ай бұрын
@annjames1837 8 ай бұрын
So does Heaven exist. Yes and so does Hell. An eternity separated from God
@berthlubny5634 8 ай бұрын
Check out Alex Ferrari next level soul podcast eveyone. He has many guests on that have had a nde and share the same truth.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤There is only love. Earth is a school.
@anthonyrice8528 8 ай бұрын
As much as I love your book and what you're doing, I've listened to hundreds of NDEs on various other KZbin channels and I've heard others say that hell very much DOES exist, and the horror they described in detail sent chills down my spine. Granted, these testimonies were not the majority (I've read that accounts of hell made up only about 2% of NDEs), but you can't just ignore or dismiss them because that wasn't YOUR experience. Also, how people describe the nature of God in their NDE testimonies is all over the map. Some say they saw Jesus, and that he was God (in line with the orthodox Christian understanding), others say they saw something entirely different. I don't know anymore. As much as I still find these stories fascinating and inspiring, I'm finding myself a bit more skeptical about these NDEs than I used to be. Though I'm not at the point where I'm ready to simply dismiss them as "all in the person's head," I no longer take them as Gospel. Anita, you seem like a wonderful human being and when I read your book it helped me get through a very difficult time in my life. Keep doing what you're doing. Just try to keep in mind there are others who've also had NDEs, whose accounts are very different from your own. I wish you peace, health, and happiness in the years to come. God bless.
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
No, there is no hell. See what Jesus says, in these few short NDEs below. Notice what they were told and shown. A Jesus NDE - JIM S.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. WE ALL GO HOME. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God, he is awake." Another Jesus NDE, notice what she was told... NDE - KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I SPIED JESUS AMONG THEM and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are, and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus gives her an instructive mission to go tell people...notice what it is.... NDE - BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I KNEW THIS WAS JESUS, AND THAT I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN HIM. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God.... NDE - BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again, no hell, no sin.... NDE - L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this." Notice, he was told.... NDE - PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told.... NDE - ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told.... NDE - NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this... NDE - SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real, and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." She asked questions, notice what she says... NDE - L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told.... NDE - R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again.... NDE - JEWEL F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell", and religions are abuse.... NDE - GAIL A.: "I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt." Now, notice this one.... NDE - B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See, again... NDE - NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
​​​​@@Jaynycreates NO hell. Read the truth. NDE - LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL or evil. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE." Another Christian...and notice, again.... NDE - ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian." Again, no "hell" and no judgement.... NDE - JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY." Very consistent... NDE - JASON J.: "After my NDE, I walked right out of the catholic church. Everything I was taught and told was a complete lie. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS NO SIN, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT ON YOU WHATSOEVER. You are loved unconditionally. For all those still in the dark, they will have negative reactions to this." Yet again, no "hell" and can't be separated.... NDE - GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are." Again, no "hell" and no reward.... NDE - STEVE L.: "THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one." Notice, he clearly understood.... NDE - DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."
@nt6911 8 ай бұрын
​​@@JaynycreatesThe world (mind) we live in is a world of polarity. The more you live through your soul, the less polarity. Yes the world is shifting through our consciousness. Love/God/Heaven where the soul is free is complete unity. This is what it means to bring Heaven down to earth. ❤
@covengad 8 ай бұрын
Exactly. You can't just dismiss peoples experience, and just blame everything on corrupt religious systems. Eternal hell is a mistranslation and a cruel and unjust invention of systems of power, but denying the existence of other realms of temporary suffering is ignorance and cowardice. Ask youre self if a serial killer or someone who causes immense suffering to other beings should not have a right and just retribution of his deeds. If we fear hell it is because we have evil and unjustice in us, and if we were just we would accept the just consequences of our actions, which are never for punishment but only to take us back on the right path. Maybe hell is just a nightmare and ultimately illusory, and in that sense it doesn't exist, yes, but we can still we get the experience of it. Also if there were no right and just retribution (not eternal hell, but revision and purgatory) of one' deeds, here or in the afterlife, than it would make the Creator an unjust God. Retribution is not arbitrary punishment or reward, its always of necessity that can't be separated from the action, action and retribution are the same thing, cause and effect are the same thing, just as if I throw a stone it is bound to cause impact and fall.
@NemeanLion- 8 ай бұрын
I’d just like to say that the existence of hell itself and having a hellish experience are not really the same thing.
@triciatallman4514 8 ай бұрын
100% !!
@donneesf 8 ай бұрын
My cousin believes God "talks" to her... so last year, I asked her did she believed God is love...she said yes, emphatically.....so I asked if she believed a loving entity would curse any soul to eternal damnation and suffering, in Hell.......she got very angry at me.
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
Here's the answer. NO HELL. Read these. Now look, an NDE back with an instruction message direct from God..... NDE - C. NAJA: "I died and met God, who took me to see my deceased daughter who passed away from cancer when she was three. God gave me the choice to stay or return to this life. AND IF I CHOSE TO RETURN, I WAS TO DELIVER A MESSAGE TO ANYONE WHO WILL RECEIVE IT. THAT MESSAGE IS THAT GOD LOVES ALL HIS CHILDREN WITH UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND FORGIVENESS, AND THAT HE WOULD NEVER CONDEMN ANY OF THEM TO SUCH THINGS AS AN ETERNAL LAKE OF FIRE AND DAMNATION. Thank you Father for allowing me to serve you in this way." A Christian who has changed, notice why.... NDE - MARK B.: "It was the most peaceful thing I have ever felt. SOME ASPECTS OF MY CHRISTIANITY HAVE CHANGED, such as the idea of hell. I NO LONGER BELIEVE HELL, and know that heaven exists and is waiting. I BELIEVE THAT WE ALL GO TO HEAVEN NOW. I was scared to die. Only after what I think was a brief moment, I felt a presence telling me that it was going to be fine. Just let go, everything will be OK. I accepted death. Then I felt this incredible feeling of love and peace that overcame me. There was no pain. I just want to go up to terminal patients and tell them that the next life is infinitely better than earth." Well now, look.... NDE - M.K.: "I was an atheist at this time. I went through a tunnel of light and had quite the Jesus-like experience. When I experienced this pure love, compassion, and all-knowing, THE COMMUNITY I CAME IN CONTACT WITH HAD NO GOOD OR EVIL TO IT. IT WAS A PURE NEUTRAL BLISS, IN WHICH EVERYONE BELONGED, WHETHER THEY WERE ONCE THE MOST VILE AND EVIL HUMAN ON EARTH OR NOT. I'm extremely confident THERE'S NO SUCH PLACE AS HELL, NOR IS THERE ANY JUDGEMENT AWAITING US. We're all a part of it. We all belong." No hell, all loved and nothing can change that.... NDE - HANLE P.: "What remained of this experience, was that I COULDN'T SEE ANOTHER HUMAN AS MORE OR LESSER THAN MYSELF. It doesn't matter who they are, what they do, or what they look like. I have seen our sameness and that thread underlies all interactions. I DON'T BELIEVE HELL ANYMORE. We are all loved beyond anything we could ever imagine and NOTHING WE CAN DO OR SAY WILL EVER CHANGE THAT." Everyone? But what about "hell" and "karma"?.... NDE - BRYCE A.: "I had an NDE in 1994. EVERYONE GOES BACK INTO THE LIGHT. RELIGIONS ARE JUST MYTHOLOGY."
@hated_enemy 5 ай бұрын
God is just. so he loves who is lovable and he is just in punishing those who deserve that. so he is love but not blinded by love
@teeraudi 8 ай бұрын
even science proves that this is an illusion of spacetime! no one has a reason to go to hell
@covengad 8 ай бұрын
Really? Not even a tyrant?
@teeraudi 8 ай бұрын
the spirit comes here to experience opposites - cold, hot, pain and pleasure! these opposites provide each other's value! this is a wild amusement park without these contrasts it would not be instructive, exciting, interesting and valuable! the most exciting attractions usually have the longest lines! in this place we are all blind to our own blindness, why should anyone be punished for it?
@teeraudi 8 ай бұрын
and if we're being completely honest, we interpret something as good or bad based on whether we like it or not! we live in the illusion of spacetime and think we are a body. almost anything that threatens it arouses fear in us and we interpret it as something evil
@covengad 8 ай бұрын
@@teeraudi so if I harm someone, and after death I dont go through the pain I made the other endure, would that be ok for you? Where is the justice in that? Where is the learning if I dont experience myself the consequences of what I've done? Our life is like a garden, our actions are the seeds and the consequences of that seed I will harvest. If I sow bitter seeds I shall taste bitter food. Karma is not something made up by man, its how life works. Its like gravity, Newton didn't invent it, he discovered it. Karma is for the individual souls, but it doesn't affect the true Self. To the true self the world is just an appearance, but the individual soul is a cocoon of karmas. And you can't deny neither. Ask yourself what really makes you deny the reality of karma? Is it the voice of fear, or is it the voice of peace
@teeraudi 8 ай бұрын
if we played a virtual game where you were the bad guy and I was the good guy and you attacked me! within the game we would fight each other, shoot each other. let's say you brutally defeat and destroy me, if I seek you out in real life after the game to punish or take revenge, then it would be clear to everyone that I am mentally ill. I am also deceived by the space-time illusion and I feel like a sufferer and a victim, but these circumstances give me the opportunity to become the kind of person I am satisfied with. it is easy to love others when you are treated well, but if we are able to love others in spite of their wrongdoing, we become pure from hatred, because hatred poisons its bearer! in the spacetime illusion we are all blind to our own blindness
@xy6634 8 ай бұрын
THIS IS WRONG. Hell is real. There are many NDEs that can prove this, and it is also written in the bible.
@trueforr8013 7 ай бұрын
kzbin.infozy_ueZBmxLk This church lady has seen hell in an NDE experience how is this possible
@cynthiasolomon885 8 ай бұрын
Thank you Anita ❤❤❤
@evelynpiapatriciaschimplau7821 7 ай бұрын
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
No, there is no hell. See what even Jesus says, in these few short NDEs below. Notice what they were told and shown. A Jesus NDE - JIM S.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. WE ALL GO HOME. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God, he is awake." Another Jesus NDE, notice what she was told... NDE - KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I SPIED JESUS AMONG THEM and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are, and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus gives her an instructive mission to go tell people...notice what it is.... NDE - BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I KNEW THIS WAS JESUS, AND THAT I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN HIM. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God.... NDE - BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again, no hell, no sin.... NDE - L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this." Notice, he was told.... NDE - PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told.... NDE - ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told.... NDE - NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this... NDE - SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real, and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." She asked questions, notice what she says... NDE - L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told.... NDE - R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again.... NDE - JEWEL F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell", and religions are abuse.... NDE - GAIL A.: "I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt." Now, notice this one.... NDE - B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See, again... NDE - NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@debrahabit4484 8 ай бұрын
@bethmccall9254 8 ай бұрын
Anita, please go talk to a Catholic priest--with an open mind. Can you do that? A serious question for you: After telling people how things are for so many years, can you even still have an open mind? At what age do you decide you know everything, or that your personal experience defines the world for everyone? What if your personal experience is (ironically) only one leg of the elephant? Just wrap your head around that for a minute. :) At least, please watch Catholic exorcists talks on this platform. I would love to hear a long video from you after you have accepted this challenge.
@bohemianslouch3749 8 ай бұрын
Do you think Karma exists? Because I think it definitely does, at least from my experience.
@satori2273 8 ай бұрын
We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. Every event that we experience or witness is filtered through our own experience, beliefs, convictions and views. How many times have you seen multiple peolpe witnessing the same event and then give different, even opposing accounts of what just happened in front of them all? I was raised Catholic and was taught the reward and punishment scenario, but now believe that both bitter and sweet water cannot be drawn from the same well, but that's just my experience and belief. I have also experienced a medically documented burning bush moment, yet sometimes my faith still waivers. We are all just human and have all walked different paths, yet I find that the overwhelming number of documented NDE's are along the lines of this womans' experience. In the end, we will all believe what we want to believe, even in the face of facts at times. Just saying.....
@LuxInfinity-ul5hw 8 ай бұрын
Dear Anita, please make a movie based on Dying To Be Me. I've read your book and totally loved it. Your childhood is so interesting with so many multi cultural and religious influences, perfect for a very colorful movie. Obviously the most important part is the nde but it's fundamental to understand how you got there. Please make a spectacular movie! Thank you. I love you! 🤗💖🎥
@sunshine885 8 ай бұрын
Interesting subject. I love research so when taught about hell, I researched and read the history of the teaching of hell as a place of torment. Hades (Sheol) is defined as " the abode or state of the dead". Also, research Gehenna. This scripture is worth reading: Acts 2:​31, 32.
@edwin3585 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for your wisdom God is all there is.
@icare6076 8 ай бұрын
@nicklashaglund3348 8 ай бұрын
@Tappingforbalance 8 ай бұрын
I just love you.
@LaurenceMartinSask 8 ай бұрын
Hell is real in Gaza...
@dubissokomisch 8 ай бұрын
That's what I was thinking. If there is any hell, then it's in this physical reality.
@LaurenceMartinSask 8 ай бұрын
@@dubissokomisch sure hell is real in our physical world. But from their cold spiritual perfectionism the so called spiritual leaders might say that it is an illusion...
@gruffalo911 8 ай бұрын
There are many people that have NDEs and experience hell. How can you invalidate their experiences and assume that your experience is universal? Our experiences of the afterlife may differ as vastly as do our experiences of life on the material plane. I've never been to India, but I believe it exists because millions of people have experienced it. Why wouldn't the same logic apply to the vast number of people of have experienced hell?
@Julia_P. 8 ай бұрын
I am scared that that's true... 😢 Anita, what do you think? Couldn't it be that you only got to see a part of all? Just shown "some" places"? Whats about the experiences of other peoples NDEs in which they have experienced/seen hell? Any helpful ideas around? ...
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
Read the truth. See what even Jesus says, in these few short NDEs below. Notice what they were told and shown. A Jesus NDE - JIM S.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. WE ALL GO HOME. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God, he is awake." Another Jesus NDE, notice what she was told... NDE - KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I SPIED JESUS AMONG THEM and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are, and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus gives her an instructive mission to go tell people...notice what it is.... NDE - BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I KNEW THIS WAS JESUS, AND THAT I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN HIM. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God.... NDE - BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again, no hell, no sin.... NDE - L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this." Notice, he was told.... NDE - PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told.... NDE - ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told.... NDE - NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this... NDE - SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real, and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." She asked questions, notice what she says... NDE - L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told.... NDE - R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again.... NDE - JEWEL F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell", and religions are abuse.... NDE - GAIL A.: "I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt." Now, notice this one.... NDE - B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See, again... NDE - NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
There is NO HELL. Read. NDE - LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL or evil. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE." Another Christian...and notice, again.... NDE - ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian." Again, no "hell" and no judgement.... NDE - JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY." Very consistent... NDE - JASON J.: "After my NDE, I walked right out of the catholic church. Everything I was taught and told was a complete lie. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS NO SIN, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT ON YOU WHATSOEVER. You are loved unconditionally. For all those still in the dark, they will have negative reactions to this." Yet again, no "hell" and can't be separated.... NDE - GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are." Again, no "hell" and no reward.... NDE - STEVE L.: "THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one." Notice, he clearly understood.... NDE - DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."
@gruffalo911 8 ай бұрын
So, I can't presume to dismiss those experiences, but to be fair, I've listened to NDE anecdotes and could cite an equal number of experiences that confirm the existence of hell. I don't subscribe to the Judeo-Christian theology, but I'm wary of believing only those anecdotes that confirm what I want to hear versus those that challenge my preconceptions. You still fail to address the fundamental question, which is how can you invalidate those people who have had NDEs and experienced hell, replete with all of its vivid horror?@@ros6111
@ambernai6352 8 ай бұрын
​@Julia_P. A hellish experience isn't the same thing as a permanent final destination of an objective place called hell. People have hellish experiences here and heavenly experiences here, too. There are different ways to find it, so going towards what resonates in the most empowering way for you is a choice you can make. With that in mind, there's a place inside of you where The Goodness/God is and it can't ever be taken away from you. All the other stuff is fear-noise-interference. Clear up your channels with some form of faith and/or practice, and the Signal for the Goodness comes through clearer and clearer until It's the main Voice you hear. The clearer the Signal for the Goodness, the more Heaven is inside, and ultimately, eventually, outside.
@debrahabit4484 8 ай бұрын
You can’t say hell does not exist , I can’t agree with you on this , Bible stated it that there’s heaven and hell, you can have a near death experience and be shown some certain places , you weren’t shown everything that is up there , stop misleading people and rather tell them to do the right thing in this world , Bible does not lie , hell is real and it exist , that’s what Bible tells us
@leva-lyckligt 8 ай бұрын
How you can state that Bible not lie? Who wrote the Bible?! Preasts och maybe you believe it is written by God itself?! Stop scaring people with your ideas and your own beliefs!
@ros6111 8 ай бұрын
No hell doesn't exist. See what Jesus says, in these few short NDEs below. Notice what they were told and shown. A Jesus NDE - JIM S.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. WE ALL GO HOME. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God, he is awake." Another Jesus NDE, notice what she was told... NDE - KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I SPIED JESUS AMONG THEM and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are, and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus gives her an instructive mission to go tell people...notice what it is.... NDE - BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I KNEW THIS WAS JESUS, AND THAT I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN HIM. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God.... NDE - BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again, no hell, no sin.... NDE - L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this." Notice, he was told.... NDE - PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told.... NDE - ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told.... NDE - NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this... NDE - SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real, and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." She asked questions, notice what she says... NDE - L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told.... NDE - R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again.... NDE - JEWEL F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell", and religions are abuse.... NDE - GAIL A.: "I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt." Now, notice this one.... NDE - B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See, again... NDE - NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@iamshebeeloloindigenous 8 ай бұрын
Where is hell written in the Bible? I'll wait. It's a state of Conciousness and that is all. Stop taking the Bible literally like Christians do. They are all dark occultic(hidden) sayings and parables. It's not meant for you to innerstand if you're operating from a religious point of view. The whole Bible is talking about you and your mind, overcoming the darkness within and finding your light through the raising of your kundalini and the opening of your pineal gland where Conciousness resides. Meditation(quieting the mind) is 🔑. It's also astrological. Source is light and love only.. Don't stay stuck. Peace
@barbkennedy9382 8 ай бұрын
In the time of Jesus and Old Jerusalem, there were cliffs and a valley outside of the city walls where there were gravesites in the cliffs but in the valley there was a burning garbage dump called 'gehanna' which was translated in the Bible to 'hell'. Bad things would happen out there.
@barbkennedy9382 8 ай бұрын
@@iamshebeeloloindigenous I realize that (and it has also been manipulated purposely over time) but most do not and those folks need a 3D explanation...see what I mean. Thanks for saying something tho.
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