That was an AWESOME cover of the Beatles. These guys are such competent veterans. They’re like the Canadian band: Rush. They can play anything.
@ChandlerTV100 Жыл бұрын
Wow, never thought I'd find a fellow Rush nut in the YMO universe
@richardyasushiii3848 Жыл бұрын
@@ChandlerTV100 HAHA. Actually, it kind of makes sense. Rush and YMO are aligned in their philosophies and their pure technical prowess as musicians. Takahashi was one of the biggest proponents of Ringo Starr's style of drumming - which everyone dissed - and over the years he's been proven correct. Neil Peart was one of the best drummers ever and both guys share similar ideas as well as being complete nerds. Rush and YMO fans are real hardcore nerds and it's a badge of distinction/honour.
@paulmcg17604 жыл бұрын
Hello TokyoAIM and YMO fans, I absolutely LOVE this - loved YMO s music in the 80s as a teenager and still a big fan! greetings from Scotland
新聞少年だった頃、12月初め頃の或る朝、何時もの様に最後の1軒を配る前に、第1面をパッと見た時の衝撃即ち「(当時世間で囁かれて居た)ビートルズ再結成は、名実共に幻となった」現実が信じられず、ソレから十何年か後にジョージ・ハリスンが癌で逝った時も追い討ちをかける様でありながら、その直前に放映された年末特番の為に作られた、ジョンのデモテープからのFree as a Bird、更に最近のNow and Thenを聴いて「肉体は失われても曲と精神(+映像)は永遠」だと気付きました。
@xt225298314 жыл бұрын
細野さんのベースにこだわり心を感じる うまいな~~ すごいな~~ カッコイイ
@mmrs37113 жыл бұрын
YMOによるビートルズ曲としては、鮎川誠のギターが冴える"Day Tripper"と、衛星中継もされた"All You Need Is Love"以来だろうか。原曲をあまりいじらず、リスペクトに満ちている。
@akita19342 жыл бұрын
@radiostation256hazacomura78 жыл бұрын
@jaguarnordestino9 жыл бұрын
Perfect! Congratulations from Brazil.
最高にかっちょええ叔父様方 大好きや
@sbfcms2 жыл бұрын
@pedrofraga43664 ай бұрын
Yukihiro-sama captured really well Ringo Starr’s drumming style. If you close your eyes it sounds like Ringo himself is playing ❤❤❤❤
auto replay機能で、何度聞いていても飽きないから、やっぱりマジックだ。 自分の持ち味で表現したいものを、これだけ殺して、BEATLESへの敬意をこめて スマートにコピーしているところにホント敬服。音に関する彼らのレベルの高さを痛切に感じました。なーんて、素人が言ってごめんなさいですけどね。感じたことをストレートに書かなければ、始まらないしね。音楽もね。