this will probably be the only time I'm rooting for the developer, 4.5 mil is nothing compared to the commissions he made from selling mainland homes. When bad things happened to good people we call it tragedy, when it happened to people like him we call it karma.
以事論事: 供得起嘅情況下,仍然揀呼吸plan嚟做,司馬昭之心啦 離咗職嘅人verbal嘢,幾時可以override written and signed contract,離職、拍完片就冇合作關係、就當賴帳;地產代理呢招玩得多,阿博士見唔少啦。至於當事人有冇用過,我諗好多其他留言都說明咗博士之前拍嘅片、做過嘅事有幾益街坊。 最後,你睇樓柒咗就即刻發難,即時停止泵奶,一個崩都算到盡,(同你用呼吸plan呢個做法同用心十分吻合) 構成違約不在話下,到同你傾轉俾下手仲要你一個崩都唔俾跌嘅前提下先可以進行交易,就嚟沙皇都冇你咁惡,淨係跟約咁睇,你斷奶嗰吓已經唔係業主啦,verbal嘢=“串爆夠話踩落月球”。 純屬黑吃黑,食相仲肉酸過UO 糯米哥,慎選合作拍片伙伴呀,尤其食相曳嗰啲