HELLUVA BOSS 1x1 REACTION | Murder Family | New Fan Reacts | First Time Watching

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@ryanhall533 10 ай бұрын
The main characters in this show are all hell-born not sinners so they were never humans that died and went to hell they’re just the creatures that are born in hell
@renimusprime 10 ай бұрын
Fun fact about Imps: when they get wounded, they grow a white spot on said wound as a scar.
@RandomGuyAsking 10 ай бұрын
Correct! Almost every white spot in an Imp's body is a scar
@amiileeee 10 ай бұрын
The question is the scars natural or caused by someone or something?
@RandomGuyAsking 10 ай бұрын
@@amiileeee Most are wounds (caused by hellfire, knives, guns, etc) but there are others that are just birth marks, like Moxie's freckles
@9tobeoti786 10 ай бұрын
@@RandomGuyAskingby fire u mean hellfire right?
@RandomGuyAsking 10 ай бұрын
@@9tobeoti786 my bad, I corrected it already
@claritale_ 10 ай бұрын
I don't know if you know the hierarchy in hell yet, but just letting you know that Stolas is a Goetia Prince, which means he is stronger than all of the Overlords in Hazbin Hotel. The hierarchy is like this: Lucifer > Lilith & Charlie > 7 Deadly Sins > Ars Goetia > Overlords > Sinners > Hellborns > Low-Class Hellborns (Imps and Hellhounds)
@AimeeFrizzyAnime 10 ай бұрын
Also a fun fact, the deadly sin of Lust is also a member of the ars goetia and is a cousin of stolas
@RandomGuyAsking 10 ай бұрын
Exacly!!!, also there are 7 rings in Hell, the first and biggest being the Pride Ring, home to Lucifer and the setting of Hazbin Hotel!!! The other rings in order being: Wrath Ring, home to Satan Gluttony Ring, home to Beelzebub Greed Ring, home to Mammon Lust Ring, home to Asmodeus Envy Ring, home to Leviathan and Sloth Ring, home to Belphegor
@MeatSim9 10 ай бұрын
Oh shit, is he? I didn't know that. @@AimeeFrizzyAnime
@jjsstikbotvideos4421 10 ай бұрын
@@MeatSim9Yeah, thats why he has the similar eye appearance and is rooster themed. Idk if they’re literally cousins, but he is Goetia. I looked it up to make sure and it says, “One of the sins is Asmodeus, a Goetia who already outranked Stolas (Asmodeus is a king and Stolas is a prince), but being one of Lucifer's direct subordinates only increases his power.”
@pol_eo 9 ай бұрын
that has never been confirmed, not all of the goetia are close relatives or they may not be relatives at all, Viv expanded on the concept of the Ars Goetia, there are more than just 72 demons (considering Octavia and Stella exist, and that Stella definitely has parents of her own, there are quite a few of them that showed up to Not Divorced Anniversary, we see some at the cafe during s2e4, so it already would like 30 of them) it seems like they are a separate spices of hellborn of which there are probably hundreds if not more​@@AimeeFrizzyAnime
@professorbutters 8 ай бұрын
Funny story: the pilot episode Stolas did the bleeped out language with nonsense babble, which supposedly is normal. When the new Stolas was cast, he actually went on a three minute long rant on all the things he wanted to do to Blitz that made the show’s creator’s jaw drop. They bleeped it out because they HAD to bleep it out. Also, the new one has an amazing singing voice.
@SCP_Wandsman13_13 4 ай бұрын
Now I need this clip.
@MadHatterGrellAJ 10 ай бұрын
Stolas is a Goetia Prince and his job is astrology. To help navigate that, he has a grimoire that Blitz uses that allows him access to anywhere in the universe.
@monochromesoul5873 10 ай бұрын
You're just gonna spell out the entire show for him huh
@Goikuchan 10 ай бұрын
​@@monochromesoul5873 Huh? Stolas pretty much stated the whole thing from his bathtub in this episode.
@theirishviking9278 10 ай бұрын
Also herbology but that doesn't come up much
@monochromesoul5873 10 ай бұрын
@@Goikuchan yeah but he's already posted 2 comments over explaining certain things. Its ok to clarify when its annoying when it gets spoilery, the whole poibt of a reaction is to watch him get invested and figure it out. Too much "clarifying" just makes things boring.
@melodydiagames 10 ай бұрын
I understand wanting to tell him things that aren't spelled out in the show very clearly, or at least not until much later. But at least let the guy theorize a bit. 😂
@melodydiagames 10 ай бұрын
I think the character that recieved the biggest change from pilot to show proper is actually Stolas. It's not actually very noticable on the first watch thru, as we don't REALLY know Stolas very well for a bit. It's something thats really only obvious when rewatching the pilot after getting to know him.
@thewalrus45 10 ай бұрын
It's pretty obvious from episode 2 onward id say.
@chelliespider 10 ай бұрын
I think originally he was supposed to be a villain of the story, but that changed somewhere before episode 1.
@jjsstikbotvideos4421 10 ай бұрын
Exactly, him being all ruthless wanting humans to die on Earth from climate change because he’s “bored” is a bit uncharacteristically brutal lol
@jjsstikbotvideos4421 10 ай бұрын
@@chelliespiderYeah I’ve heard that too. Then they decided Blitzø and he would be a good couple and have relationship drama, so they went that route
@thewalrus45 10 ай бұрын
@@chelliespider Don't think he was ever supposed to be a villain but more so he was going to be more of a gag side character mostly just there for the sex jokes rather than pretty much the Duteragonist of the show he is now.
@CommanderSteelTrap 10 ай бұрын
It’s interesting to think these guys are now down in Cannibal Town and likely helped Charlie fend off the Angels in the Hazbin season finale.
@jjsstikbotvideos4421 10 ай бұрын
Oh YEAH lol!! I never even thought abt that. Martha and her family are probably in Cannibal Town😂
@MarkMark-lx6gl 8 ай бұрын
I can see probably their future role in Hazbin Hotel. Ralphie and his kids want to be redeemed and going to Heaven. But Martha not, bacause of her cruel satanic views and believes. Also I really want Mrs. Mayberry getting her own second chance. Its episode are really shows two types of humans, ones who are just accidentally going there, and the others really deserves Hellish agony.
@JacobDarkk 10 ай бұрын
If you look at the back ground of the familys home, you'd see furniture and decorations made of human remains, indicating their cannibalistic nature before the kids grab moxxie
@Breylen51 10 ай бұрын
Yeah that’s a detail I just realized and I’ve watched this ep tons of times
@SaberStash 10 ай бұрын
Fun Fact - Richard Horvitz is also the voice director for both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel!
@rain6957 10 ай бұрын
Stolas also got recast, but episode 2 will justify that change handsomely
@ringer1324 10 ай бұрын
I’d say two episodes a week because that’s the groove we’ve already gotten into with the hazbin hotel reactions and these two videos we got today. Also 16 episodes (including the pilot) divided by 2 is perfect and would get us caught up without any weeks having one less or one extra episode. It would always be perfectly split
@jakeoliver9167 10 ай бұрын
All you need to know us hazbin hotel is a show about the sinners. The ex-humans. They reside exclusively on the pride ring ruled by Lucifer. This show however is about the hellborn. The office is in the pride ring, and sinners are their clients, but it's mainly about the creatures born in hell (imps/hellhounds/goetia like stolas) and we see every other ring and the demons who lead them, the seven deadly sins. Though don't expect to ever see Lucifer or anyone from hazbin Hotel. Rights issues.
@ShinxLoLMLWr 10 ай бұрын
But aren't they all made by Viv? (Questioning about the rights issue)
@techi4584 10 ай бұрын
the main difference between the pilot and the actual show is actually the character of stolas (the owl prince guy with the magic book). however, the differences aren't super obvious in the first episode, but if you compare the pilot to later episodes, the difference is REALLY clear haha
@osito1329 10 ай бұрын
Thought I'd jump in here with trivia! The voice of the teacher is Mara Wilson, who played Matilda if you've ever seen that movie. And the satanist housewife is voiced by quirky drag queen Jinx Monsoon (who has done some voice work in a few other animated shows too, like Steven Universe). 🙂
@Ultimaniacx4 10 ай бұрын
9:15 That VA's been doing that noise since the 90's. I'm surprised his throat is still in one piece. I remember his character Daggett from the Angry Beavers doing it.
@Omn1Media 10 ай бұрын
Angry Beavers might be my favorite Nick Toon and most of it is thanks to Daggett!
@GalekC 10 ай бұрын
@@Omn1Media i miss it so much right alongside rocko 😭maybe i should react to it
@moonlitdraconic1107 10 ай бұрын
One thing that helps your understanding of this series especially is the power hierarchy. Top dog is Lusifer, wife Lilith, and Charlie. 2nd teir are the 7 deadly sins themselves. 3rd is the (forgive the spelling) Gouitia. 4th are the overlords. 5th are the Sinners. 6th are other various Hellborn. 7th, bottom of them all, are Imps and Hellhounds. Also note that Hellhounds are half known as just the bottom, half known as just pets. Love watching your experiences ,and keep up the great work 👍.
@Omn1Media 10 ай бұрын
Thank you I was really confused about how Lucifer fits because I've seen that he's only the King of the Pride Ring and not ALL of Hell but he was Hell's creator so I was like huh wait what? So he is technically ALL OF THE ABOVE.
@FenixTheSnolx 10 ай бұрын
​@@Omn1MediaHe is the ruler of the pride ring as well as all of Hell. Whereas Satan is just one of the other 7 sins and is the ruler of the Wrath ring.
@Omn1Media 10 ай бұрын
@@FenixTheSnolx I think some people made it seem like when they called him the Ruler of Hell it was really just his ring. I appreciate the clarification!
@jjsstikbotvideos4421 10 ай бұрын
Goetia* btw lol
@moonlitdraconic1107 10 ай бұрын
@@Omn1Media glad to help where I can.
@The_dandy_zombie 10 ай бұрын
One big change is Stolas role in the story changed a lot but I think that becomes more clear in episode 2
@dyproxus1806 10 ай бұрын
7:48 Well, each ring of hell appears to have at least one representative native species, colloquially known as the Hellborn class of demons. As far as we can tell, the Loan Sharks appear to be natives of the Greed ring. Hellhounds appear to be native to the Ring of Gluttony, as they are very similar in appearance to its ruler, Queen Beelzebub. Succubi/incubi are Lust natives (obviously 😅). Imps on the other hand can be found on any ring, and their Ring of Birth often alters the appearance of the imp itself. For example, the larger crescent horns and pointier head on Blitzø are indicative of a Pride Ring native, while straight pointy ones like Millie’s are common in Wrath.
@bunnybi4910 10 ай бұрын
I’d love it if you were able to do 2 episodes per week! Even when you catch up, the wait for Helluva Boss episodes is way less time than the Hazbin wait is going to be (they usually come out every few months, sometimes less). I’m loving watching your reactions so far! Thank you for sharing them with us!
@lurieelcari 10 ай бұрын
Richard Horvitz is also, notably, the Voice Director for Hazbin Hotel. Man just realllllly knows his shit on top of being fantastic.
@JoshBou 10 ай бұрын
I love how this episode plays with your brain visually to prove it's point about not knowing who someone is in private, or behind the scenes if you will. If you ever rewatch it pay close attention to the furniture and background of the scenes when Blits is aiming through the window especially around where Moxy makes him miss his shot and BEFORE the family is confirmed to be cannibals, the context and lighting of the scene literally trick your brain into thinking everything is normal, and much like the family, that is NOT the case.
@tytoguardian 10 ай бұрын
Fun fact! The voice actress who did the teacher is the child actress who did Matilda!!
@lonely_viking6219 10 ай бұрын
since there's no watch-alongs on patreon you could pause the episodes when you have longer things to say, also there's a lot of fun details that you can catch if you pause to read or look. very excited for the reactions:)
@kfphunter1315 10 ай бұрын
This is a very important episode for the general lore. Because we saw cultists of the root of evil here and maybe some elements will later intertwine with them. The Root of Evil may be the main villain in Hazbin Hotel
@nachocabo4221 10 ай бұрын
In this show, as much as I would love to have it all fast, Helluva is super episodic so one per week feels right
@Nyxthermite 10 ай бұрын
Do 2 a week please this show only gets better each episode and we need you to see it!
@The_dandy_zombie 10 ай бұрын
the sheer speed I clicked on this link
@zachthegleeful 10 ай бұрын
I'm here to add another voice to the veritable chorus saying imps are all Hellborn, not Sinners. Stolas is also Hellborn, as are all Hellhounds, Succubi, Incubi and other major categories. It can be hard to tell visually between Sinners and Hellborn at times, but an easy way to tell is that if you see a type of demon outside the Ring of Pride, they are definitely Hellborn as Sinners can't leave Pride.
@matthewletexier 10 ай бұрын
Wait I don't remember why sinners can't leave pride?
@emilyschomer6715 10 ай бұрын
11:38 He's an incredibly powerful Prince of Hell and can do as he pleases
@Cry_ct 7 ай бұрын
I still can't get over how cute the tail animations are in helluva boss
@ringer1324 10 ай бұрын
These reactions are gonna be amazing I’m so excited. Helluva boss despite its flaws is a great show with a lot of great episodes and I know you’re gonna love it
@Ramen_dealer 10 ай бұрын
It would be cool to see that family in cannibal town in hazbin hotel as a easter egg
@ShadeOnTheUtube 9 ай бұрын
Fun background detail: The billboard ad sign you noticed to is the wrong way around, as a jab at the advertisement joke from the pilot. The arrow points away from the I.M.P office, making it yet another wasted advertisement budget.
@rebeccapettersson1908 10 ай бұрын
I prefer 2 episodes a week. The thing with Helluva Boss is that there isn't a specific planed date that new episodes come out, if we're lucky we get 2 episodes a year but 1 is more common since HB doesn't have an official studio/network working on it like Hazbin the episodes are all written, produced, voiced and animated basically from home, whenever people can and therefore not on a specific deadline so the EPs just come out when there done so planning reactions to new episodes are basically impossible and there will always be a wait once you're caught up so I say do 2 EPs a week, really enjoy yourself until you are done with the current EPs and have to wait like the rest of us 😉
@bignaturalsenergy 10 ай бұрын
There are 4 new Helluva Boss season 2 episodes planned for release this year as well for your planning purposes.
10 ай бұрын
7:49 While Hazbin hotel is about sinners helluva boss is about hell borns and hell royalty (don’t worry I’m gonna answer this in a none spoilery way) Sinners: dead humans, immortal unless killed by angelic weapons, cannot leave Pride ring, can get stronger by dealing souls, cannot reproduce, have their own hierarchy Hell borns: Mortal, can be killed by almost any weapon, can travel through all rings of hell, safe from angels, can reporduse, weaker then sinners, devide in three categories : 1. Demons 2. Hell hounds 3. Imps Hell royalty: some mortal some semi-immortal and some immortal, can only be killed by angelic weapons, can travel through all hell, can reporduse, no sinner can beat them, devide in 3 catagories: 1. Rulers of hell (Lucifer [Immortal], Charlie [Semi-Immortal], Lilith [Immortal]) 2.sins (Immortal) 3. Goeisha (mostly mortal) Sins: the seven deadly sin who each rule over 1 ring of hell Pride: Lucifer (aka king of all hell) Wrath: Satan Gluttony: Beelzebub Greed: Mamon Lust: Asmodeus Envy: Levithan Sloth: Belphegor Lust: Asmodius Hope this answer your questions
@whoissabal 10 ай бұрын
the comedy in this show is golden but i’m so excited for you to watch the heartfelt moments in this show 🥺
@nathannathan419 10 ай бұрын
7:53 If you're talking about the loan sharks from hazbin hotel they are sinners, but there is a hellborn species of loan sharks in hell too. Hellhounds are hellborns too.
@ximechata 10 ай бұрын
i am so excited for this. you have by far the most thoughtful commentary on the hellaverse projects i’ve seen from reaction channels so far, you catch so many little details and make connections that you’d expect from a long time fan! i hope you enjoy helluva just as much as you did hazbin :)
@JoshuaM1306 10 ай бұрын
I know him from my childhood as well, from Skylanders he voices Kaos! He's also the voice line director for Hazbin Hotel
@dyproxus1806 10 ай бұрын
11:43 Tbh, there are a few ways to do that, especially if the one doing so is a higher ranking demon. Succubi for instance have gems granted by Asmodeus (ruler of Lust) that allow them to legally travel to earth to seek fun times with unsuspecting humans. Stolas’s book is far more thorough, as he needs it to study the stars of the living world.
@missrubyphoenix 10 ай бұрын
Stolas is a beautiful Goetia Prince with a filthy mouth 🤣 Love how he kept going and going on the phone during the entire ordeal with that devilish family
@no-._-.5974 10 ай бұрын
Ive been so exited to see you react to heluva boss, your hazbin hotel reactions were great!
@VerchielxKanda 10 ай бұрын
Oh, I cannot WAIT for you to see Stolas in his true form. You will start to like him quite a bit. I can imagine Moxxie's phone call going like "Hello. I need the police. My wife, boss, and I were all kidnapped by a cannibal family. Please hurry." Also, Satan and Lucifer are two different characters in this series.
@jayxxautumn2422 10 ай бұрын
FYI alastor is one step under sassy owl Stolas if we say in power and hierarchy. he is Ars Goetia so his position and power is no question for able to open moral world.
@odins_eye3257 10 ай бұрын
I'd say go for 2 a week. S2 ep. 8 of Helluva should be coming out within the next couple months
@carlotacosta9193 10 ай бұрын
One thing I really like about Helluva Boss is that it shows much more of the world and how it works
@jjsstikbotvideos4421 10 ай бұрын
Ikr? Hazbin is really great, but it’s limited to only showing the Pride ring and sinners. Helluva is able to explore different species of hellborn demons, the different rings, the Sins, and Earth.
@Gremlin_Boi_ 10 ай бұрын
a good bit of advice is, when someone has a moment with Blitz, pay attention, his character is much deeper than he seems.
@danielflorinduta4713 10 ай бұрын
Youve got no idea how good this is gonna get the more you watch
@redevolution686 10 ай бұрын
I would LOVE to watch two a week... your reactions are so much fun to watch! Some of the best on youtube I promise.
@urfavv_rubzie 10 ай бұрын
@michaelinthebathroom7560 20 күн бұрын
12:25 I just realized something. Martha is voiced by Jinkx Monsoon. I wonder if that line was paying homage to Biance Del Rio, a fellow drag race queen who said that on Drag Race and I'm pretty sure is the reason the phrase got so big. 🤔
@bloodphoenixab 10 ай бұрын
Just want to point out 4:51 that pink bow girl was just fine after going through the roof. I know everyone was SUPER concerned for her. Also, at 9:10 there have been several creepy things in the background but I find the fact that they set dinner for the urn in a wheelchair to be the most unsettling besides the mounted head.
@q.s.w.9074 10 ай бұрын
Fun fact about the Hell of thr Hellaverse, demons whi were born in hell like Moxxie, Blitz, Loona and Stolas can traverse and inhabit all the rings of hell. While sinners are only allowed to reside in the top most ring, Pride, that is where Hazbin is set. We don't know how or why thst is thr case tho, maybe it was a deal that Lucifer had to make with Adam since we know that Lucifer in thr first episode of Hazbin is stated by Lute to have spared Hellborns from the tip of an exterminator's blade Edit: also fun fact, Angel's family was a mob family, that was confirmed by Vivziepop, thry were mobsters and both his father and brother are in hell, his mother and sister are in heaven Also thr root of all evil is a fan name for a character thst viv showed in a Livestream called Roo, she was said to be important to Hazbin in the future. We don't know if thr name is true but she could be thr root of all evil
@DiamondDev45 10 ай бұрын
It could also be because the angels wanted Lucifer to see all of the bad and evil of humanity as punishment so they probably made it so sinners are sent to Lucifers ring and nothing else.
@Pondero36 10 ай бұрын
Happy you're doing Helluva Boss right after Hazbin. It's gonna be a good ride🎉🎉 In Helluva Boss the only sinners(people who died) are I.M.P's clients.(almost) We'll see a lot of demons and most of the rings of hell, but sinners can't leave the Pride ring, where I.M.P. office is located. In this series 99% of characters are hellspawn and while imps and hellhounds live and die almost like humans, demon Overlords existed since the beginning. (But Stolas is not that ancient, he's a demon prince/son of one of the overlords. Whichis very privileged position, but he is very much not unique in that.)
@emilyschomer6715 10 ай бұрын
16:54 Moxxie is like 50/50
@EternalPhoenix33 10 ай бұрын
Fun fact: That back and forth between Blitzø and Martha was actually more of a sexual innuendo 😂
@morgfeatures 10 ай бұрын
I’m so happy you’re covering this series as well! Can’t wait to see what you think
@emilyschomer6715 10 ай бұрын
7:51 We haven't seen the loan sharks yet??? Do you mean Imps?
@Omn1Media 10 ай бұрын
There were loan sharks in Hazbin
@emilyschomer6715 10 ай бұрын
@@Omn1Media I thought you meant in this show, makes more sense now. To answer the Hellhound question, if it wasn't answered yet, they're pretty much treated like dogs. They're the lowest of the low along with Imps
@reddieweeb 10 ай бұрын
Blitzo with a silent o 👍
@AntGar-bw8ym 10 ай бұрын
I just found they started recording for season 2 of hazbin hotel
@math9172 10 ай бұрын
Oh you're starting Helluva Boss ??? It's so great ! I absolutely adored your Hazbin Hotel reactions, and I already know you're going to adore Helluva Boss ! In some aspects it's even better than Hazbin Hotel, and it'll get reeeaaal deep surprisingly quickly.
@christophercervantes5753 10 ай бұрын
0:36 I was surprised by that to when I first heard it!
@Timebomb_19 10 ай бұрын
Stolas is an Ars Goetia, who are above Overlords but below the Deadly Sins. His Job is to study the stars and constellations of Earth (for whatever reason), and so he was given his grimoire by his father in orders to carry out those tasks.
@RaphaelCGA 10 ай бұрын
ok... that mob family statement made me do a spit take laugh
@ErickDarkArts 10 ай бұрын
I vote for doing two eps a week! Maybe more!
@rain6957 10 ай бұрын
If you do one a week there may be a new episode by the time you get caught up. When HB is in season they drop an episode somewhere each month, but they've been on the back burner recently for some reason /s (the sarcasm being that the focus has been on Hazbin)
@brigade7678 9 ай бұрын
The voice of Moxxie being the voice of Invader Zim & Billy&Mandy in particular is really cool, the creator Vivzie was highly inspired by them and this show's designs take a LOT from those character styles ^^ Blitzø in particular reminds me of Nergal from B&M and The Tallest from IZ ^^ I hope you do 2 a week!! They flow a lot better as the season goes since the plot is slow to develop, details are easier to forget since they're drip-fed really well. An example of just HOW detail oriented this show is: Mrs. Mayberry's hand on the chalkboard actually smudges her writing! The background details (the chalk is a silly one ofc) often provide more fun world building or even plot info!
@johnfrancisgillman6806 10 ай бұрын
The fifth episode has a big-enough ‘Hazbin Hotel’ connection, which should be interesting to see someone take note of on having seen ‘Hazbin Hotel’ first. To say having that one be a single-episode discussion might be best.
@00Kalypso 10 ай бұрын
I think 2 would be great just because these episodes are much more episodic so you wouldn't get the same sense of progression if that makes sense? There's still 2 seasons and 15 episodes so they would last a while anyway!
@brunhilda180 10 ай бұрын
I strongly advise watching one episode a week. Savor these while you can, because once you're up to date, you'll have to wait long months for more like the rest of us.
@Okk681 10 ай бұрын
You don't have to but I think for these episodes where you don't have to cut anything out anyways it's perfectly ok to pause if you want to go on a tiny tangent! This is just what I notice other reactors doing
@daddyjhin3258 10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for uploading another episode so quickly!
@Thewallace7347 10 ай бұрын
Another person gave a brief powerscaling scaling summary, so i will give you some basic functions of each teir. All hellborn are able to traverse to other layers of hell such as the greed or lust ring, but sinners are forever trapped in the pride ring even though, on average, they have more physical power. Additionally, the higher teirs have access to the mortal realm through innate magic within them. it is known that lucifer is trapped in hell, but idk if the other sins can leave themselves or if they are trapped too. Also, each layer of hell has a natural hellborn. We dont know the names of all of them. The ones we do have are imps- wrath, hellhounds- gluttony, loan sharks- greed, succubus- lust, candleheads- sloth. We dont know what the name of the fish people from envy are called and we dont know if the goetia are the hellborn of pride or moved there for business.
@michaelbrowne3088 10 ай бұрын
The cast of Helluva Boss are not Sinners. They are Imps and a Hellhound. Hellborn demons like Charlie, but unlike Charlie they were not born with blue blood at the top of the ladder. Which is what makes this show interesting. Hazbin shows us what life in Hell is like for those that are sent there, this one focuses of the demons that are born and grow up in Hell. As Sinners can't leave the Pride Ring we also get more chances to explore this version of Hell from the perspective of the lowest demons. How life treats them, how they make ends meat, and more about the hierarchy of Hell.
@amberestie6605 10 ай бұрын
Helluva Friday sound like fun. I don't wanna run out too quick
@jessicamurillo7914 10 ай бұрын
In helluva bus, you will learn more about hell, and how it’s ruled, including see more of its people who live there besides those who died on earth like the imps, hell hounds, succubus, and other hell creatures. You also be seeing those who rule the rings of hell, the seven deadly sins, and the racking of everyone like who’s on top to very bottom.
@ninjahaz0180 3 ай бұрын
Congrats on 100K
@leadingblind1629 10 ай бұрын
"The O is silent, asshole" lol. You'll get there with all the names. Of course Stolas' voice was highly different too. I'm sure someone already told you, but just call Moxxie and Millie the M&M's. Everyone else does.
@yuuhs5439 10 ай бұрын
Stolas be part of the Ars Goetia, its like a big bird demon family with different functions, Stolas have the responsability to study plants, the universe and HUMANS. Thats why he get the "free pass" to the living world. Also, hes very powerfull, being part of the thirty most powered group in hell.
@EclipseAnimationStudio 10 ай бұрын
Stolas's duty is to examine the stars and everything astrology related, therefore he's given the ability to enter the living world for that purpose. I won't say more as more is revealed later.
@Montaq_ 10 ай бұрын
I'm good with one a week. We're in no rush, let's draw out all the enjoyment we can out of this and it gives you more time to think about where you think things may be going that you can share with us.
@NEONBEAR007 10 ай бұрын
Awesome reaction. Your gonna go crazy over episode 2 and 6. 😂
@hayleynienow3786 10 ай бұрын
You are embarking on a wild ride my friend can't wait to watch
@TJTora 10 ай бұрын
Richard is the voice director for Helluva and I think Hazbin as well :D He and Viv work very closely together.
@adelina201 10 ай бұрын
just a quick bit of lore info for you: hazbin hotel mainly takes place in pentagram city in the pride ring, aka one of the 7 rings of hell, pride belonging to lucifer. sinners, aka humans that died and got sent to hell are mostly confined to pentagram city, though IMPs clients being sinners imply that theyre allowed some roaming outside pentagram city. helluva boss mainly deals with the other rings of hell, as well as hellborn beings, to differentiate the two series. so, completely different scaling of powers and creatures hear. from the various hellborn native to each ring (which all seem to have a certain theme to them too), to hellhounds and imps, none of them were humans, but rather were born in hell like charlie. (which is also the reason why extermination doesnt matter to them, having that exemption lucifer bargained for with heaven, as is mentioned in episode 1 of hazbin hotel)
@adelina201 10 ай бұрын
also regarding your question of how stolas has access to the living world, easiest answer is that he is a more high ranking demonic being that can do that type of magic. why exactly he has access, you will find out later on.
@emmapalermo8128 10 ай бұрын
I also have to start it. Friends love it! Great video!
@ZeebouSpace 10 ай бұрын
Fun Fact: The VA that plays the teacher is the same actress that plays Matilda in the 1996 Matilda movie.
@Omn1Media 10 ай бұрын
Mara Wilson right? I don’t know if I’ve ever actually seen Matilda
@ZeebouSpace 10 ай бұрын
@@Omn1Media Yep, that's her!
@jamesstutz6907 10 ай бұрын
​@@Omn1Media Maybe you can react to Matilda it is a great movie.
@YourPrinceStolas 10 ай бұрын
I would say do 2 a week simply because Viv herself said that Helluva Boss lends itself to being Binge watched, so fuck it! Up that dosage!
@leadingblind1629 10 ай бұрын
I'm a new fan to this series myself. Just started watching two weeks ago. I'm very glad you are watching it as well. And I love your videos even when we have different opinions about things. Because I love how you aren't afraid to show emotions in your reactions. (Hamilton was a great one. Hazbin too, right?)
@KaitoGillscale 10 ай бұрын
You’ll learn way more about the cast this season. Definitely an essential part of the Hellaverse
@AimeeFrizzyAnime 10 ай бұрын
Season one is an introduction season to the baseline of the story and characters, more with little hints of their backstory. The second season goes more in depth about the story and the characters, so a lot of your questions will be answered soon, but in general Moxxie's backstory is why he is confident, but timid so he can't talk back to authority figures like blitz, but he wants to take charge and show he's capable. Stolas's Grimoure(don't know how to spell it) is a spell book. In general, the story is known only in the show. However, the higher ring demons are based on real-life demons. Stolas is very much like what the Ars Goetia describes him as. Vivziepop is well versed in demonology, so it's very interesting to watch. You're going to love the next episode. Also the thing about I.M.P. is that they are all lower born creatures of Hell. Loona is a Hell-Hound who is bound to Blitzø because he adopted her. This is still cannon and will be discussed more in season 2 episode 2. Blitzø, Moxxie, and Millie are all Imps of Hell. For the most part the story is pretty caught up on the current characters we know and now we're moving on to the whats going to happen next part whichbis why the whole Hellaverse is on the edge of their seats waiting for the release of Season 2 Episode 8 named Full Moon. This will give us a difinitive answer on what is going to happen between Stolas and Blitzø and I personally need them to be ok. You will love this show.
@xthegamingninjax2361 10 ай бұрын
I hope you watch episode 2 soon, it has the first songs (not including the pilot one)
@KrillixKai 10 ай бұрын
Pay attention to the various horse references. 14:09 You'll notice a pattern.
@imaferretmaster 10 ай бұрын
So stolas is hell royalty from the lesser key of Solomon, the ARS goetia are edsentially the "dukes" of hell, below the "princes" of hell, like belphegor or satan or beelzebub. All the goetia in helluva boss are bird like demons, but in the actual mythos theyre all different, but stolas was always depicted as an owl like creature. Long and short is hes actually powerful as fuck haha.
@Luzarioth 10 ай бұрын
Imps (and Hellhounds) are like Charlie, "Hellborn" beings. They never died
@cassandranightshade696 9 ай бұрын
i would like to see more episodes cause lord knows there are so many things to watch in the meantime
@nevermind9835 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for the reaction
@Hanmacx 10 ай бұрын
8:33 the moment when you need to check the background 😅
@johnbowersox738 10 ай бұрын
While the grimoire is one way to traverse the realms, there are other ways as well (i.e. Asmodeus crystals, etc.).
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