Here Are 7 Heroes You MUST AVOID! | Hero Wars Dominion Era

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00:0000:24 Disclaimers
01:11 Tanks
03:54 Marksman
06:33 Mage
09:09 Control
12:08 Healer
16:43 Warrior
Every hero in the game can be a Rank 1 Arena Hero!
This video is about the heroes that have the least opportunity to be successful, or has the fewest team options.
With the right heroes paired with them, however, they can beat any team in the game.
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@vensakarakorwien5768 9 күн бұрын
actually since polaris was introduced in the game, Phobos got a new life. And that energy burning skill is highly effective. also also his ultimate works independently of the hero, so he can do his attacks while his ultimate is doing damage. it will even continues if he dies and it will not let go even if the hero will resurect. What he needs now is just to get ascension skills to become more interesting. Dark star is a physical hit hero and that include her ultimate ability. so with all those dodgers around she will have hard time to hit. and of course with sebastian and khorus around, her stuns are way less effective. What talks for her, that she is actually a dodger as well (also not as good as most of other dodgers).
@Altlifestyle 9 күн бұрын
Want to add some more to the 'avoid list' and also some pointers. Take these from someone who regularly wins vs red patterned teams on buff buildings in COW: 1. Helios is useless these days too because Yasmine (whom he is meant to slay)as a crit hero is severely outclassed by Ishmael who does well vs Helios. Yas is also destroyed by Corvus and Iris. Dante who is often with Seb and Jet making him act as a crit hero is also strong vs Helios. Bench this guy and build Amira instead. 2. Phobos is way too good to be avoided because he is needed for Ishmael/Dante especially if you are the one in your guild who needs to take 2-3 Dante/Ishmael teams in COW so having heidi, aur, arach is not enough. He stops Ish from doing anything entirely if used in the right set up with Amira, Corvus, Morrigan and Jorgen for example. Darkstar is the worst control hero easily because she does not gain enough useful stats from the control branch and does not synergize with most mages/ctrl. Polaris with her to lengthen the control effect is weird because her freeze effect impairs Dstar's dps. 3. Karkh is no longer the fearsome alien/pirates monster he was in the first 3 years of the game. Agree. Trash and outclassed by other warriors. Elmir still sucks and needs to be reworked as a dodge weapon wielder not armor pen. 4. Markus needs huge investment to be good as a tank vs magic teams and even that I still prefer to lead with Arachne. 5. At the high end of the game Jorgen needs to be built quite high to be useful. I have seen too many orange builds get smashed before they do a second ult, so the old advice of him being 'ok at weaker levels' is passe. Fat Jorgen is extremely good vs tank teams at the Foundry too. 6. Cornelius is useless in PvP and I recommend building him if only if you can have the luxury of using him solely against Osh at Asgard. His ult will ALWAYS miss vs Heidi/Aurora centric teams so no, he does not 'squash/OHKO mages' reliably. An old man who is only good vs teams who dont dodge is not a wise investment for players on a limited budget. In all my time at GW and COW I have not seen a strong opponent field him in defense.
@benjaminste 5 күн бұрын
I'm glad somebody else agrees that Phobos is good because I just decided to invest a lot in him after I had previously written him off, but then this video made me think that my new investment was the wrong one.
@SamuelHDyga 9 күн бұрын
Strongly disagree with you on Ginger! After the introduction of Vex, not only is she a good ode remover, she deals a TON of damage . Combined with Dorian and Fafnir, she can be very hard to kill. She is not great against Aurora or Dante, but she works really well against Rufus/Amira teams, especially with Jorgen tank. Also, I know you didn't pick her as worst mage, but Peppy is a good/necessary hero to use with Julius on the facebook/web version, since her shield keeps Julius alive, deals damage, helps Julius recover from status AND increases his physical attack! Thought that should be mentioned since you didn't talk very highly about her. As for Dark Star, her mind control makes the enemy unable to use their ult, so they can't target their own team with their ults, only the other abilities. I've also seen some fun Aurora/Tristan lines, where Tristan spams his ult because of Aurora's increased energy gain. Works pretty well when you need armor penetration for an agility hero that wants Fafnir. You can use something like Aurora/Tristan/agility DPS hero/Fafnir/healer, and it can work pretty decently. Let me be clear, I don't neccesarily disagree with all your picks. I don't think Tristan is a "must-have" hero either, and Phobos, Dark Star, Ziri, are defintively not on MY priority list. I just thought I should mention these things for players that do level these heroes, to let them know there are still teams that work well enough with them! Also, loved that you mentioned Alvanor for the Osh battles, I've started using him there recently on my third/fourth team, and while it isn't a team that deals massive damage, it does way more than it should since Alvanor just blocks the spheres completely
@maltphilistine923 9 күн бұрын
How can you not love a steampunk redhead with a gatling gun?
@HeroWarsCentral 9 күн бұрын
For me, it comes down to utility.
@user-nu3ps3mj1s 9 күн бұрын
I think Phobos is not to be dismissed because he adds a great stat boost for the undead because of Corvus's passive to add 10% stat boost for every undead on team plus he deals great damage against Dante and Yasmien teams. I slept on Phobos for a very long time but he is the one who helped me climb Tower.
@venomnbk3326 9 күн бұрын
Phobos is hella popular right now, almost everyone has him as a main.
@hvymettle 9 күн бұрын
The synergy between Tristan and Galahad is great as they complement each other. Add in Nebula, Sebastian, and Jet, and you have a solid PA team. Sub in Martha for Jet and it's a good defense team. Aurora also works well with Tristan, her dodge driving his energy gain crazy.
@HeroWarsCentral 9 күн бұрын
100% agree, that's one of the great teams Feat: Tristan!
@ElNinjo1982 9 күн бұрын
The problem is that you have to "waste" 3 of the strongest supporters/healers in the game to make it work. I think there are much better uses for those supporters in grand arena or cow but for arena or guildwar this might work. Since new players dont have many heroes, they should focus on heroes which are strong in every aspect of the game, so i support the recommendation to ignore Tristan until you are well developed into the game.
@dominiquejean5830 9 күн бұрын
@@ElNinjo1982 Galahad feels like he's underappreciated since he's the first character you get. However, since he got ascension skills, he's become really dangerous. Right off the bat, he's got tons of armor and magic defense as well as 45% vampirism. Add to that that his righteous charge can just cancel the ultimate of anyone, you've got an ok tank that became really great. Oh, he's got 6 skins so even more power. Yes he's one dimensional, but he serves his purpose really well.
@ElNinjo1982 9 күн бұрын
@@dominiquejean5830 yeah i know that hes a beast but we were actually talking about the usefulness of tristan not galahad.
@andeeharry 9 күн бұрын
7:58 Mojo/ Yeah, I am surprised by this. I seen the ranking list and he is ranked bottom, yet, he has a lot of high power. He does a lot of damage, He is a dangerous enemy, so I am surprised that not many like him. He is one of my top forms and can do well when the game works.
@i.g.7098 8 күн бұрын
A lot of people say he's a glass cannon
@david17page 2 күн бұрын
@@i.g.7098 He IS a glass cannon, BUT his curse outlasts him, and he is part of the "meta" Mushy Alvanor Mojo (MAM) team which is ridiculously powerful. Suggest Aurora Mushy Alvanor Mojo Orion as a team... at least in Mobile
@vucalurv362 9 күн бұрын
Completely disagree with the choice of Phobos. Maybe he's not that good in long term - true, but on a beginner/mid level, i had crazy-good fights, where I managed to absolutely cancel out opponent's most formidable weapon until the end of the fight** and win the entire fight, that I would normally lose. That was often Dante or Yasmine with 3x power of my strongest hero. ** Phobos also zeroes energy, so by the time targeted hero has energy to ult again, you strike them with Phobos once more, and this repeats. He's incredibly backrow, but you can activate him faster with resurrection from Asta, or Axel's ult. My choice in this cat is def. Dark Star. I'm not a big fan of Lian as well, since she doesn't synergize well with the rest of the team. Yeah, she can time-out the entire team on her own, but you have to be v. lucky for that to happen - Lian has to be the last hero on your team. Plus, no team needs a hero that does not contribute, and is a secondary option for TO, should other 4 heroes get killed. Ishmael is my fav. TO hero. And ofc Arachne. If the opponent does not have decent pure dmg dealers*** or Phobos (another Phobos' great use), Ish will easily timeout them. *** Corvus won't work, sorry :) Corv is great for Yasmine, Orion (as long as Orion in question does not have Dorian), won't do the trick against Ish.
@tankscriber9437 6 күн бұрын
i have a phobos team that i have not lost a battle in 2 years, offense only, and will beat mage teams 150k greater than mine.
@pierrebescond5087 9 күн бұрын
Good analysis - thank you for that.
@HeroWarsCentral 9 күн бұрын
Glad you liked it!
@emirsuleymantanrkulu709 9 күн бұрын
Imagine if having clever, peppy, judge, kharkh and kai in the same team and somehow working. that would be a really fun to play if peppy actually healed.
@Mortlock2204 9 күн бұрын
Question: how does this listing hold up for Hero Wars Mobile/Hero Wars Alliance? Because there are some notable differences between the PC version and the mobile version. Several abilities are changed/edited in the mobile version and the Hero Polaris does not exist on Mobile so just curious is all.
@MarioCindric 6 күн бұрын
Great video, I wish you made this video year ago when I started playing and didn't know how big difference is between heroes of Web version and Mobile version. Very useful video for new players, I absolutely agree with every pick.
@adrianboyddodd8007 9 күн бұрын
This is why we can trust Charlie. He tells us not to level his favourite hero K'arkh. So we know we are getting unbiased guidance.
@HeroWarsCentral 9 күн бұрын
His time has passed unfortunately. Like me, he’s past his prime 😂
@RiazShahid-dn7le 5 күн бұрын
he is stupid,he is history,i have unsub his channel,he tells to evolve karkh but as you know heroes can take him down in 10 seconds,he is a joke,he works with nexters and tell you to promote stupid heroes so you would spend more money on stupid heroes and cry after that
@damiandorhoff719 9 күн бұрын
the Problem with Zirir is that she does not do much damage nor is she good at protecting her allies from damage. The only thing she can do good is surviving. So she works best for Players that have a Problem with loosing their Tanks. In the campaign for example and they would like a tank that heals itself back to almost full health. So you just put a somewhat tanky hero behind Ziri like Maya and you are good. But if the survival of the Tank is not the problen than Ziri can´t do much.
@HeroWarsCentral 9 күн бұрын
Great points!
@Peter_Cordes 9 күн бұрын
Yes, maybe, but if you're losing your tank in the campaign, a much more useful solution is Axel with an AoE healer (preferably Martha, but Thea can work if she and Axel are strong enough.) Aidan can also help. If you're losing your tank in the campaign even with good armor and so on, Maya's probably going to get damage-stunned by the same enemies that killed your tank. Which can stop her from getting her ult shield activated unless she's more powerful than your tank was. (Unless Axel is re-distributing damage.) e.g. I first beat chapter 14's first Astrid mission with a 4-star Galahad of about 35k power I think? Orange+1 for 45% vampirism made a big difference; with good attack power relative to his health so he heals a *lot* when he does multiple ults. With a 20k Martha (violet+2 or 3 lvl 100ish with 3rd/4th healing skills maxed), and a blue+1 Axel 3-star lvl70ish. For DPS I used Iris, QM, and Arachne. (QM was like 20k and Arachne like 17k on the first kill. Actually I think I first used a baby Jhu, to also do pure damage based on % hp, and to target the back-line healer. But I later found QM worked much better to stack up the enemies for Arachne to stun them all, covering the gaps between Axel's shields. And stacking them up like that also lets Galahad and QM do great DPS, cleaving the whole front line. IDK why some warriors / tanks are purely single target (like Yasmine or Julius) and some cleave the front line if multiple enemies are close enough in distance forward (like Galahad, Luther, QM, K'arkh, etc.). Nobody seems to talk about this, but it can be a lot of extra damage in a campaign mission or on Osh spheres. Or in who Yasmine can ult on in the tower before Axel activates to let her take damage from everyone, with her standing behind Galahad. (Or a campaign fight 2 or 3 where you start with full energy, but you can also arrange to start with full pet energy in that case if the last fight ended with one enemy alive for a while and the 2 min timer wasn't a problem, unlike the tower.) As f2p, a strong Galahad was the only reasonable option for grinding campaign missions quickly, so that's the tank I went with. --- My main heroes are Galahad + Thea + Iris + Yasmine + Dante ; Axel. Which works somewhat ok but Iris give the other team so much energy from damage early that they ult first, sometimes before the first Axel activation. For campaign I usually have Martha heal harder missions, and sometimes bring Mojo. I only very recently replaced Mojo as part of my main squad, and still upgrade him for my second grand-arena team and Osh minions, plus my Osh mage team and outland. (Paired with Aidan to avoid damage-stun, or with Heidi, Maya and Astaroth or sometimes Dorian, I've mixed and matched for various levels of Brog.) lvl115 Osh is fun with 3-star lvl92 violet+3 Maya tanking (power about 22k), with 15k power Faceless (lvl80) copying her ult the first time for AoE healing since he keeps the shield up for most of the rest of the fight, and providing more magic-resist. Iris since she's my only strong hero with a magic-attack artifact, and Mojo plus Orion. Mojo also heals. After I get Faceless to copy Maya the first time, I try to have him copy Mojo since that ult scales well with skill rank even without a lot of magic attack. Double mojo spewing damage is fun, and it lets faceless benefit from Mojo's spell-attack proc without upgrading his own artifact. It's tricky to squeeze in Orion's ults to not waste his energy while also not leading to Faceless copying Orion instead of Mojo, and without delaying mojo or facelss too much to wait for the other. And of course copying Iris is a total waste, the ult itself does nothing, proccing magic attack is the only useful thing. But hey, it's something fun I get to do every week, flexing the manual-play muscles. Having Faceless copy Maya the first time is enough to make it work with Albus instead of Axel as the pet. The best result I had from this was 2.2M damage (vs. 7.2M from my Galahad + Yasmine + Jhu + QM + Martha team, or like 5.6M against Osh lvl125 which is a *big* step up in damage, armor, etc.). I don't really trust the damage meters for per-hero breakdowns; they seem weird and highly variable from week to week even when the fight went similarly, but my notes from that week say: Mojo 570k, Faceless 532k, Iris 413k, Orion 335k, Maya 246k, Albus 336k With my other 3 teams of baby heroes, I also have to play on manual to time ults for spheres. They're mostly just there to survive while Albus plugs away. :)
@RiazShahid-dn7le 5 күн бұрын
the problem is your stupid brain,ziri take mord then you can take in your ass,she got 1.46 million health,stupid
@miguelpanta 6 күн бұрын
judge is one of the top mage heroes to beat the current meta around amira, neb, heidi. tristan is the hidden star in the new physical attack teams, there *is* a way to make him work.
@david17page 2 күн бұрын
Agree. In Mobile, Julius and Judge together work great, the spearhead to many variants.
@coolshah1662 9 күн бұрын
Please, do a video on aiden. I'm levelling him up, so I need some help. Thank you for your videos!
@Anc1entofAA 9 күн бұрын
nice thanks for the info
@HeroWarsCentral 9 күн бұрын
No problem!
@Anc1entofAA 9 күн бұрын
almost cried when i saw dark star cause i just leveled her some
@HeroWarsCentral 9 күн бұрын
Remember, all heroes ARE great to level, it really depends on your server
@jonathansvrke5195 9 күн бұрын
Hey Charlie, i have been thinking Tristan could be a really good fit standing between Aurora and Ishmael, gaining massive energy from Aurora and giving AP for Ish. Tristan standing in front of Ish also allows the use of Nebula boosting Ishmael:)
@HeroWarsF2P-jz7ze 9 күн бұрын
I've also Tristan + Aurora recommended as an anti Dante team where Tristan will help Aurora accumulate energy faster, ult first and then beat Dante quite easily.
@andeeharry 9 күн бұрын
4:11 Ginger? Yes and no. She is strong when you are weak, but weak when you are strong. She can come in handy, but it is a little limited. This one is a ying and yang
@aristotelispapapanos1384 9 күн бұрын
Still Phobos is necessary for an "Undead" Team like Corvus, Morrigan & Phobos. For 4th and 5th members Keira & Martha are great.
@eveillanderson 9 күн бұрын
one of the more frustrating things i've run into is how many marksmen backline Dorian when i want him in the middle
@elkr79 9 күн бұрын
By the force of "Royal defense" skill Corvus can bring Dorian to the middle.
@CoolArrow78233 8 күн бұрын
@@elkr79he means he wants to use heroes that fight behind dorian so dorian can use his aura in the middle of the team vs the back line only
@elkr79 8 күн бұрын
@@CoolArrow78233 this can be exploitable in some minion and boss fights: if Dorian has low health, but Corvus has some extra healer like Celeste or Maya within a team, Dorian can get into the middle point. Other example is related to Osh fights, Aurora - Corvus - Morrigan - Yasmine - Dorian can be efficient, because Dorian usually gets to the middle where he can overshadow entire team.
@rm1042 7 күн бұрын
Galahad is still a tank on the FB version?
@LikaSaliscente1969 7 күн бұрын
Yeah, so if you can't level up a hero like Andvari or Jhu that can take some hits behind Ziri, I agree. I'm leveling up Mushy & Shroom to take Ziri's spot, and using Corvus/Morrigan for my 4th & 5th string in Ascension. I have Kira, Dare Devil & Artemus leveled up, but need to replace Ginger for my 4th & 5th string... still not sure which one yet. Judge is my favorite mage - he is most often, especially with the Samurai skin! I have Phobos on my mage team with Judge, because he was the 1st one I got. Maya is my mage healer, I'm open to suggestions on healers that work well with mages. Martha is assigned to my marksmen team. Dorian is leveled up too, I put him in as a 2nd healer when I think I need a 2nd one. I love my warriors! Tristan isn't one of them, though. Nebula is a great healer for a dodge team (warriors & I wish I had more like Elmir, the marksman/warrior). Yasmine is my ultimate fav.
@elkr79 9 күн бұрын
I would not dare to pronounce that Mojo lacks utility: he has a niche in Mushy & Shroom teams, because (a) he can multiply M & Sh damage, (b) he can exercise healing, and M & Sh can convert into bigger damage. So, technically, the usability of Mojo is similar to the usability of Faceless: they are niche heroes, but in that niche they can be good.
@justb1012 6 күн бұрын
I see some comments with Heidi being a good counter to Jasmine... with Heidi maxed out, Arachne maxed out, Dorian in the back, Galahad maxed out and Asteroth 4th level in ascension I get beaten by Jasmine 150k Corvus Morrigan Thea Seb < 150k because of Jasmine poison. Is there any hero that can debuff Jasmine poison?
@jonpippin813 6 күн бұрын
@Lucas-yc9wb 9 күн бұрын
i need some help.. My maxed heroes are dante, yasmine, celeste, astaroth, martha and iris and i don't know where to put nebula to make her work
@HeroWarsCentral 9 күн бұрын
You could do like a dante/neb/iris team!
@dufo4766 Күн бұрын
I am disapointed in you Charly in this case... Ginger is my top marksman and one of my all top favorites And Mojo is from my top heroes and I find more usefullness for him every day And Phobos is indespensable for me in every situation. He has saved me in more cases that I can counter and my main counter to Yasmine and other danger heroes! Sorry Charly, I simply completely disagree with you on that But thankfully we all play the game with our own way and that's fine The best advice is for everyone to play the game, have fun and make their own decisions at some point...
@elkr79 9 күн бұрын
While you are treating Krista like a counter to Ishmael, ALVANOR has better utiility: he counters everyone whose damage largely depends on basic attacks, and it is not limitied to Ishmael, but it includes also Keira, Jhu, Morrigan. As well, Alvanor is not dependent on ult, because of his particular skill - so, you can't get wrong by giving more health! Thus, if we judge by costs, Alvanor is better investment than Krista, and take into consideration that he enjoys privileges of Support branch: he will inherit good stats when you are maxing out Support branch in the Asgard.
@SaveSphex 8 күн бұрын
Dont agree with Tristan input at all. I used Tristan with fire twins with oya. Tristan with Oya is such a frustrating combo
@david17page 2 күн бұрын
Tristan Oya Fafnir has become a meme in Mobile.
@mikewhitaker2880 9 күн бұрын
went Galahad for my primary tank and Astaroth second, but only because that was my options at the time.. still use them quite a lot depending on situ, but would love to lvl Ziri and Mushy both for fun.. eventually i'll lvl them all just because..... for marksman i went Astrid as Lucas offers up extra damage and a bonus pet tank as needed.... would love to finish Laura as a secondary, but gonna be hard to get remaining soul shards... don't have a main mage, though i like combo'ing Lars and Krista.... Iris and Celeste are interesting to run as well IMO for control i think i have to say Polaris, and Phobos, and also maybe Lian... Arachne is good as well, but situational healer is easy pick for me with Thea.. i've seen Martha and Maya do good too, but meta always changes things.... when it come to support heroes, i don't have a main.. if i had to pick top picks though i guess Cornelius, Morrigan, and Amira and Alvanor... warriors to me are space fillers... big one for me though has been Yasmine, and Kayla will likely be next... would like to get K'arkh up someday as well... but like i said, at some point ALL my heroes will be leveled to complete things...
@viking3860 9 күн бұрын
thx Charlie
@thomaso5176 9 күн бұрын
Against whom do you use Kai with K'arkh? When would you use Kai versus Nebula with K'arkh? And would you use Kai on defense with K'arkh?
@_zkk_1175 7 күн бұрын
I'd rank Ginger/w Vex above Fox and Astrid Lucas just because how all her attacks can cast multiple Vex marks on enemies. And her ult is super boosted by Vex as well. I'd use her if you need a lot of burst and don't want to stand too close to the front. But yeah, she's super afraid of dodge and CC.
@HeroWarsCentral 7 күн бұрын
She’s just a less-good Keira in this situation though
@animatsuri 9 күн бұрын
I would have agreed with you about Phobos until I found out for me it's the only hero I've found to counter Yasmine. Since I don't have Helios until recently and he's still not leveled up enough to counter her.
@willesnille 9 күн бұрын
If thats your perspective youre probably relatively new to the game. Dont fall into the trap of worrying about whats good or bad at 0-500k power. Yasmine is very dominant at lower power but scales somewhat poorly with increased power. When maxed shes OK but nothing more. If youre losing to Yasmine dont invest in heroes just because of that. Just ride it out.
@Peter_Cordes 9 күн бұрын
​@@willesnille - Just ride it out? Being unable to beat Yasmine in adventures and tower for like a year is just not an option for most people. Not to mention guild wars and (grand) arena. You need some kind of counter for Yasmine to be able to play the game day-to-day. At team power levels from like 100k to where I'm at (250k, team level 128), it's been essential as maybe 1/3 of the teams on the server (several months old) are running Yasmine, and most grand arena teams include a Yasmine somewhere. Helios was the one I finally managed to get my hands on from grinding his hero missions. I didn't have to power him up too much to be viable, since his 4th skill scales well with just skill rank. He doesn't always work (countered hard by Corvus since he does a lot of small hits of damage, and baby helios doesn't have much HP, and it's pure damage so Axel doesn't help.) If you can get Corvus and power him up to be one of your main tanks, that's a great Yasmine counter, and very strong all around. Phobos can be effective; he can also counter Dante who's also *very* common on my server (310), with a lot of teams having a super-powered Dante that can one-shot many heroes on a team with a similar total power level, especially with Nebula and someone to give him some crit.
@HeroWarsF2P-jz7ze 9 күн бұрын
The other option to counter Yasmine (and to some degree all other physical attack/dodge heros) is to build a magic attack team. As soon as you attack Yasmine with damage she can't dodge, she's dead, she has little health.
@skipbayless8834 7 күн бұрын
Heidi is a hard counter to Yasmine
@HeroWarsF2P-jz7ze 7 күн бұрын
@@skipbayless8834 Indeed but he's not the only option.
@rastojarabek8230 5 күн бұрын
I have been levelling up 3 warriors: Ishmael, Yasmine and Karkh, but I need to kick one of them off; I thought it would be Yasmine, cos she and Ish are both crit hitters with the same artifact weapon; I also wanted to keep at least one warrior against Amira teams...but you say I should better let Bob go...really? 🤔
@ardentdfender4116 9 күн бұрын
Been playing for 4 months. I don’t think I qualify as being new anymore.
@HeroWarsCentral 9 күн бұрын
I don't either, hope you're enjoying the game!
@ardentdfender4116 9 күн бұрын
@@HeroWarsCentral I would say I was a new player when I found your chanel here among other HW channels in the first month of playing the game. I’m a mobile HW player. It has made a huge difference in being very informed on the game and being apart of the HW community. Yes, I’m enjoying the game and keeping it in perspective 4 months in. My guild and server is 4 months old. I’ve got 34/66 heroes at lvl 120 and am in top 20 in both Arena and Grand Arena on my server. Our guild is #1 on server as well Duke League in Guild Global Championship. Thus, it’s part of why I say I’m not really a new player anymore. Newer yes compared to many playing for years plus. But enjoying the game. I’m also very much here daily.
@benlittle1185 9 күн бұрын
Was surprised you went with ginger over Astrid, and tristians issues seem to me from his position, if he was further back or his skills here for heros behind him it would be way better
@HeroWarsCentral 9 күн бұрын
Astrid harrrrrrd counters Ishmael, and he is very common. When it comes down to it she provides damage and utility, ginger does not.
@benlittle1185 9 күн бұрын
@@HeroWarsCentral i thought that as you've said before that Astrid isn't a great hero, and I didn't know he counters ISH, surely ISH will cut up the front line before Astrid ults?
@70k70wn 9 күн бұрын
Galahad,Tristan,Nebula,Sebas and swap out fifth hero. No1 Ranking in Arena on our server.
@nabeelalmulla8587 3 күн бұрын
Man, us on mobile ver are really shown no love 😢 Missing heros, Missing levels & CAP lvs
@gamerstellar 8 күн бұрын
but Martha has a flaw which she cant heal if her tea party got hit with AOE dmg
@franciszeigan2955 9 күн бұрын
This video reminds me of why I like CoW. Heroes that have fallen from favour can be useful again. Ziri on a team of 5 tanks (or 4 tanks with Markus healing them) defending in the Foundry makes for an annoying stall team. It can be beaten, but opponents will have to commit some of their more attack oriented heroes to get the job done.
@HeroWarsCentral 9 күн бұрын
100% agree! Every hero can be useful!
@adrianboyddodd8007 9 күн бұрын
Please tell me more about this road block CoW block team. Which other 3 tanks would you use along with Markus and Ziri ? I had previously considered a duo tank team of Rufus and Julius because one blocks magic and the other physical, but never considered 4 tanks.
@franciszeigan2955 9 күн бұрын
@@adrianboyddodd8007 In the early days of CoW, my guild was mismatched against an old server. Any spare tank they had levelled was used in the Foundry. There was a variety of teams that seemed to be made up of several heroes that were no longer popular but worked well in that context. Each team either had 5 tanks or 4 tanks and Markus or Martha as a healer. The health bonus from the Foundry was ridiculous. If a team had a Corvus, then his totem was an issue because of the additional health. Luther jumping behind and drawing part of the attacks (at times protected by Markus' shield) allowed the healer to heal up all the other tanks. It was similar for Ziri drawing attacks and then hiding (if necessary). Most of those teams had Rufus to limit magic damage. If not, it was Aurora with Rainbow Halo and spamming dodge to limit physical damage. Any damage sponge like Astaroth, Cleaver, Chabba (and Ziri) would take a beating for a while and then get healed if you could not overwhelm them. A Galahad, Corvus or Aurora would bring just enough attack to be a threat to "glass canons". With all the defensive stats of tanks, the armor buffs and Rufus limiting magic damage, it used up a lot of heroes that deal pure damage.
@RiazShahid-dn7le 5 күн бұрын
@@adrianboyddodd8007 ziri got 1.46 million health,a mini osh,she can heal her health,reverse her attacks on other opponents,increase her armor for 20 seconds to 70 percent,but its your choice dont listen to others just do what you want to do
@andeeharry 9 күн бұрын
10:50 I would have said Darkstar, than Phoebes. Phoebes can be nasty, block attackers, does a lot of damage, helps against OSH...and yet Darkstar doesn't do much except for randomly corrupting people. Darkstar needs to be avoided since that one barely does anything.
@HeroWarsCentral 9 күн бұрын
She’s pretty good against Ishmael tank teams!
@ifineNick 9 күн бұрын
@andeeharry 9 күн бұрын
2:13 Ziri? Although she is terrible, and doesn't do anything, she can be quite annoying. On a good day, she is like Heidi, a stubborn cow who refuse to move. They get in the way quite well. You can't deal with anyone unless you get rid of them first, a handy little tactic actually. Useless sure, but a great sacrifice.
@reidflemingworldstoughestm1394 9 күн бұрын
Handy tactic that is useless. Got it.
@GRCPinballOfficial 9 күн бұрын
Worst warrior is k’arkh 😅
@ninohiggs6339 9 күн бұрын
Only at maxed levels like Dante and Yasmin. After your teams get powered up enough they will be swatted down like flies. Build a team with food synergy and the cheese teams will go crawling back to their basement with thumb in mouth and fetal position.
@noob_sauce 6 күн бұрын
Hero Wars is easy. Just max out Kayla+Aidan+Yasmine+Oya and an eternity team to counter Kayla and you win 🤣
@randolphwh9551 4 сағат бұрын
Not true ginger is like the hardest hitter
@ks4694 9 күн бұрын
Mojo's sole, and I do mean SOLE utility is the Agility Stone boss in Outland. There, his Hex can increase a magic team's damage significantly after he inevitably dies. He helps speed up Outland, but he doesn't need to be powered up: Just leveled to max and with max Hex. That's it. Once you have that done, he's effectively useless in my view. Ginger - Sadly, I have to agree. She's pure damage. And, if she's going to be pure damage, she doesn't offer enough of a boost in raw damage to justify it. Ziri - Basically: You have to have an off-tank like Krista to make this work. In a Twins team, she can shine, but her utility is so strange it rarely works out. Phobos/Dark Star - Phobos was a bigger deal early on when counters to physical attack weren't as potent, but at this time he's been edged out of utility. Dark Star unfortunately suffers the basic problem that Elmir does. She tries to do too many things and does none particularly well. She 'should' be good, but isn't. Markus - Basically, outside of being part of his unique faction and useful for teams that use it (which aren't that great as a team anyway, and whose synergy is at best awkward), Markus is just "I heal things." Martha speeds you up. Maya bolsters pure damage. Jet enables crit fishing teams. Thea toys with magic teams... You get something else besides healing with all of them, and that 'something else' is usually part of the reason everyone uses those healers. Alvanor - I agree with him being sort of a 'niche' choice. In truth, supports are always good. Level them all. It's just when you level them. (Andvari I agree in principle. I utilized him as a meta against K'arkh and a stand in for my tank for a very long time. I don't regret his levelling. He's still useful as one of my three "tanks" because he's beefy enough for it and provides a lot more utility than some, but he's very specifically an anti-K'arkh/Compression hero. Tristan - His problem, point blank, is the fact that he is at the FRONT of the front row. Even most tanks are in front of him. His mechanics weren't handled well. It's amazing that he's worse than Elmir, but he is. K'arkh - Once upon a time, he dominated the meta, but he just doesn't hit as hard anymore. There's ways around him. I watch Yasmine and Dante teams so much more carefully than him. I never really liked him that much, so it was never a shave off my back that I didn't have him levelled to full power. Honestly, we pretty much agree on all of these, Mojo especially. I would consider Elmir for Tristan's spot, but Trisstan's mechanics just didn't work right at all.
@i.g.7098 8 күн бұрын
Great insight. You must be a beast 🦾
@james-e7c 8 күн бұрын
but i like the one with the syth
@skipbayless8834 7 күн бұрын
Mobile doesn’t even have Polaris.
@HeroWarsCentral 7 күн бұрын
Web doesn’t have cascade, oya or Octavia 😑
@rm1042 7 күн бұрын
​@HeroWarsCentral Cascade is a hidden treasure on Mobile. Paired with Nebula, his damage output is insane. One of my new favorite teams I'm running is Andvari, Dante, Nebula, Cascade, Octavia.
@skipbayless8834 5 күн бұрын
@@HeroWarsCentral wow that sucks all 3 of those are awesome Heroes
@skipbayless8834 5 күн бұрын
@@rm1042 I run Dante, Nebula, Iris, Octavia, Morrigan or Corvus and IF I’m going up against other Dante, Nebula, Octavia teams take out Iris put in Heidi
@user-cj7jz5sr1s 8 күн бұрын
I seen no lies, I play alliance and it’s true even there
@griff9288 7 күн бұрын
The twins and who else? 😂
@randolphwh9551 4 сағат бұрын
Kis sucks I took a fat L leveling him so much wasted rescources
@randolphwh9551 4 сағат бұрын
Ziri fax plus move target suk
@AndreiAndrei-pg8eg 8 күн бұрын
Tristan is better than BOB
@TheSavageRepairman 9 күн бұрын
Your recommendations are very confusing. You begin saying, so and so is the weakest then by the end you say so and so is perhaps the strongest. Very confusing.
@SuperWIDEgaming 7 күн бұрын
@HeroWarsCentral 7 күн бұрын
Man I hope you have a better day tomorrow.
@SuperWIDEgaming 7 күн бұрын
@@HeroWarsCentral Is that when your garbage game ads stop running?
@chaosinfusion8127 3 күн бұрын
@@SuperWIDEgamingNo one is forcing you to watch strategy videos for games you don’t play. Yet here you are.
@SuperWIDEgaming 3 күн бұрын
@@chaosinfusion8127 Hero Wars ads are ALL OVER KZbin. I'm not here to watch this stupid-ass video, I'm here to tell Hero Wars that they suck, their games suck, their ads suck.
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