Here Are The People Destroying Public Education

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More Perfect Union

More Perfect Union

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Conservatives hijacked public education in Arizona and it’s already a massive disaster. School privatization is siphoning hundreds of millions of dollars to corporations and right-wing grifters like Charlie Kirk. The scam is rapidly spreading to states across the country.
#charliekirk #politics #arizona #education
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@Dysiode Жыл бұрын
It boggles my mind that the courts can just completely nullify voter choice. Judges are too damn powerful.
@exart8409 Жыл бұрын
I think AZ is one of the few states that allows for judge recalls
@merbst Жыл бұрын
America is a failed democracy.
@atomicstyle7344 Жыл бұрын
It’s the system we live in. Those in power would be gone if a new system was created.
@dianemitchell1717 Жыл бұрын
We are no longer a democracy due to voter suppression and gerrymandering. We have minority rule better known as an oligarchy with cooperations making the agenda and calling the shots. Welcome to Orwell’s world. The wishes of the majority have not mattered for decades.
@samanwaysanket12345 Жыл бұрын
It's capitalism. All state authority, institutions, police, military, jail, courts and jury, intelligence agency, media etc etc.. Are for the protection of interests of ruling class, in our case, capitalist class. It is not a surprise but a inevitable fulfillment and materialisation of conclusions reached in the communist manifesto.
@ChiliForEveryone Жыл бұрын
As an actual teacher from the other side of the world, my blood boils with rage. Solidarity from a third-world country teacher
@JasonMcVayStuffeses Жыл бұрын
may i ask how where you are from and how your schools are funded?
@AWSMcube Жыл бұрын
​@@JasonMcVayStuffeses probably northern India or northeastern Pakistan, that's where the region of Kashmir is
@REALfreaky Жыл бұрын
America is a third-world country these days
@sawmanbigtreeslayer2360 Жыл бұрын
@loubydal7812 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your solidarity. The U.S. is joining the list of 3rd world countries due to the massive corruption by stealing public money from schools and other institutions. Americans should rally against this take over on public education, or in this case will be for real that we won't have a country, but instead a bigger oligarchy, who attended the private schools now a part of the conflict.
@BruceWaynesaysLandBack Жыл бұрын
Voters rejected the system 2-to-1? Politicians forced through their business slop? Such a shock
@draneym2003 Жыл бұрын
It's almost like voting is a huge charade to give us the illusion of choice
@watamatafoyu Жыл бұрын
Yep, welcome to legalized bribery and authoritarianism. Parental choice? They don't believe in that at all, they want corporations choosing everything.
@SharienGaming Жыл бұрын
and that is why the US is an oligarchy rather than a democracy
@wildfire9280 Жыл бұрын
@@draneym2003 The choice was yes or no and they voted no. The choice to elect those politicians on the other hand…
@skyeiv8471 Жыл бұрын
@@draneym2003 No, the problem is definitely minority rule. A lot of people just aren't engaged, and won't be unless they realize that politics do affect their lives.
@joshuahafer Жыл бұрын
I have taught in Arizona public schools for the last 8+ years. I have seen the requirements to become a teacher fall from needing a college degree in education, to completing a certification through college, to just being enrolled in college. I have moved districts twice already because I could not make a living in PUSD or DVUSD while also getting more pressure to stay late, take on extra responsibilities, for no money. I have seen the standards for students lowered from a 60% needed to pass, to a 37.5%, and now down to a 12.5% if you just stay after school for 5 days at the end of the semester. This entire time we have ranked last or near to last in all metrics for education while hearing about how we as teachers don't care about students if we aren't willing to work for less. Last year was going to be my last year, I didn't sign my contract without any plans for a new job. I was lucky/blessed enough to find an online public teaching position for this year and next.
@chainswordcs Жыл бұрын
It's a huge shame public education doesn't get the funding it so desperately really needs
@XJ9sodypop Жыл бұрын
@@chainswordcs funding is only 1 layer of the issue. the rest of the problems are politically incorrect to talk about. just let this failed socialist experiment collapse already
@spoonikle Жыл бұрын
Its the stop hitting yourself bully tactic… how do people not see this yet?
@lovejones92 Жыл бұрын
I honestly don’t blame you for seeking a higher paying job. The public school system is on a very steep decline and I wouldn’t be surprised if they completely go away eventually. Teachers aren’t making enough, have no control over their curriculums anymore because of politicians, and now the students are being pushed through grade school and graduating with below average knowledge they should have once they graduate.
@joshuahafer Жыл бұрын
@@lovejones92 thank you. I've felt the squeeze more and more each year. I started saying "money doesn't matter" and I have since learned it is probably the most important in terms of having a living wage in a capitalist world. I have been lucky enough to find a better job still in education so I can hear from students about the impact I've made in their lives, but most of my friends in education are not as lucky
@seancoyote Жыл бұрын
I used to think they wanted to drag us back to the 50's....little did I know it was the 1850's
@jan_phd Жыл бұрын
The future is not intrinsically 'good'.
@kyle9401 Жыл бұрын
@@jan_phd And the past sucked.
@seancoyote Жыл бұрын
@@jan_phd It isn't a matter of being good, it is a matter of being better.
@lindaharwood6295 Жыл бұрын
I know , Right ! And we can see where this is going . They are not even trying to hide It. If you are not Christian, And not white. 🙄
@marcmeinzer8859 Жыл бұрын
Back in the 1850s the literacy rate was substantially higher because the public schools hadn’t been around long enough to fuck everyone up like they eventually would. So that would be a good thing, getting dragged back to the 1850s as for one thing, normal people with low IQs didn’t waste their entire youth studying useless liberal arts nonsense. They were busy learning a productive trade and typically quit school at fourteen or so just like the Amish, who incidentally, are probably the only white people in the country who have more than a replacement birth rate. Most middle class people are not replacing themselves while the stupid people are having most of the babies, hence, the steadily declining general IQ of the public which has been in decline ever since the 1870s when public health measures for the first time started allowing poor people to breed like rats.
@eatright909 Жыл бұрын
Bruh. Charlie Kirk outright detests federal/state government, but accepts state funds for this "private school". God, this is mind numbing hypocrisy
@watamatafoyu Жыл бұрын
He's a theocrat, a bald-faced hypocrite, and he doesn't care who knows it.
@BleedForTheWorld Жыл бұрын
For those at the top like Charlie Kirk, the hypocrisy is a main component to their road to power because that's what they truly care about - money and power but these two cannot be maintained without maintaining the status quo, first.
@johnharvey5412 Жыл бұрын
They socialize their losses and privatize their gains, as usual.
@deathlarsen7502 Жыл бұрын
So only the Communists can control public tax money?
@TheMysteryDriver Жыл бұрын
Why? You can disagree with the system yet use it as it exists to get what you want. For example, run for office and accept corporate money. Tell them you'll do what they want just like you'll tell the voters you'll do what they want. But instead of ignoring the voters ignore the corporate requests.
@nerdfatha Жыл бұрын
I'm an Arizonan parent. I knew things were bad, but I didn't realize how bad. We tried a Charter school for one year for my oldest child because they were being bullied. It had nice new facilities and the principal seemed very welcoming and sold us incredibly well on it. Once the school year started, though, it went down hill fast. Teachers quite at an astounding rate. I think they only had half the staff by Thanksgiving. The principal was sacked and classes had to be combined so the teachers that stayed had classes of 40-50 students. Because a lot of the curriculum was originally specialized to individual teachers, whole subjects were dropped. For a year my kid did not learn Science or social studies. By the end of the school year we were able to switch to a different district because we had moved houses and my child is back in public school.
@Praisethesunson Жыл бұрын
Public schools have something not a single charter school does. Mandatory standards.
@BleedForTheWorld Жыл бұрын
Atrocious quality. I am astounded by this every time because we're talking about KIDS here.
@MrChristianDT Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I dread this crap spreading to Ohio. We have tons to both public & private schools, but the state senate is well aware of the fact that school quality is all over the place. In some counties, the private schools are better options for education, but in others they are actually worse.
@HandmadeCreations Жыл бұрын
Perhaps it is the ones running things as to why there is such a nightmare experience? There have been charter schools here in NC for years, tons of private schools and public schools. To go to a private school, you have to pay for your children to go. As for charter schools, it is ran somewhat like a private school but is influenced by the public schools. Anytime you have a place being ran into the ground, it is always because of the ones in charge.
@ChrisGuerra31 Жыл бұрын
It's always the children who end up suffering most from these unholy grifts. "The love of money is the root of all evil." I really don't understand right-wing churches getting away with such blatant, inhuman greed.
@agluebottle Жыл бұрын
I live in New Orleans where there are ZERO public schools. They're ALL charters since hurricane Katrina. They are a nightmare and the thought of my son going through them keeps me up at night. Let what happened here be a lesson to everyone in this country, "school choice" is a lie and a grift.
@XJ9sodypop Жыл бұрын
why do leftists think public schools are any better....... theyre basically the same
@joriankell1983 Жыл бұрын
What are the demographics?
@drasco61084 Жыл бұрын
Whenever they keep going on and on about your choice and freedom and all this market type language you know it's suspect. Pete Buttigieg also talked about people having choices with health insurance. It's a lie. The people should own a public health insurance and medical supply manufacturers.
@spoonikle Жыл бұрын
@@joriankell1983 Human race.
@joriankell1983 Жыл бұрын
@@spoonikle what species? There's more than one
@veganismyname Жыл бұрын
The enemy of good is the belief that "everything will be ok" and "everything is getting better". No, since I graduated high school, education has gotten worse. Teachers are paid less.
@jan_phd Жыл бұрын
I say, ONLY teach science, engineering, medicine and math... nothing more. Let their parents teach them anything else.
@Zen-rd9np Жыл бұрын
Economics and english as well, gotta know how money and letters work
@kyle9401 Жыл бұрын
@@jan_phd I don't know, reading and writing are pretty fundamental too.
@oliviakahlo1 Жыл бұрын
@@jan_phdhilosophy and critical thinking are part of humanities. These things make humans- human. We need a truly classical education that includes arts, letters, and math and science. People are misled by charlatans like Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro, and Jordan Peterson when they don’t have a comprehensive humanities education.
@YouAreStillNotablaze Жыл бұрын
@@jan_phd American history? You didn't think this through, did you?
@dfolz1101 Жыл бұрын
For being so against indoctrination conservatives sure do a lot of it
@NativeTexMexican Жыл бұрын
Hypocrisy is literally their brand. Whatever it is they say they are against, You can bet they just got done doing it or they're fixin to.
@timothydana2726 Жыл бұрын
I’m pretty sure they’re against indoctrinations because they’re not the ones doing it
@drasco61084 Жыл бұрын
​@@NativeTexMexican it is far too charitable to just call them hypocrites. They know exactly what they're doing. Tried and true methods to dupe the populace.
@alexlifeson8946 Жыл бұрын
Christians have been indoctrinating since the dark ages
@alexlifeson8946 Жыл бұрын
@MrJRoberts0113 I know Christianity was nothing more than pagan fables cobbled together, by a committee of politicians consolidating power, at the Council of Nicea.
@dragonmuffin2670 Жыл бұрын
We have voted out Ducey, and I believe Hobbs has released her new budget not very long ago, where she is take the money allocated for the program back into our public schools. After vetoing the proposed budget from Ducey.
@einnAnnie 11 ай бұрын
Oh, won't it be great making kids go back to the same institutions that have failed them for years? Once again, we'll be able to count the number of students reading and doing math at grade level on one hand (which is good, since I also went to public school and am only able to count using my fingers). Yippee! Equity in education! Everybody is as smart as the slowest kid in class!
@kiltedcripple Жыл бұрын
This is the kind of thing that needs to be an exposed, repeated issue in every election cycle. Run on these issues!!
@jan_phd Жыл бұрын
The Democrats want little kids to become sex workers.
@middleagebrotips3454 Жыл бұрын
Sadly some normie liberal parents I talk to believe privatization like vouchers are a good idea.
@kiltedcripple Жыл бұрын
@@middleagebrotips3454 except the evidence doesn't bear that out. Public money goes into private schools, and don't get better results. That's why it needs to be hammered, it's literally the same (or sometimes worse) schools that also serve to make their executives rich. It's an MLM and don't be afraid to call them that. My younger brother is a rightie who many years ago got into teaching at a charter in Albuquerque after working in their public school system, and he got tired of not making as much as the administrators so he took some workshops on how to get grants to start his own charter. That was the point I quit talking to him, because when pressed, not only had he basically abandoned the idea of teaching because he loved the job, but he admitted his current students didn't do any better on state testing than the public school kids he left behind. He also incidentally confessed to harassing several of his students, aggressively and sexually. Hence why we no longer speak. But he's deeply emblematic of the whole twisted mess, it's an MLM and unless you're at the top, you don't win.
@middleagebrotips3454 Жыл бұрын
@@andrewzcolvin taking public money to teach religion is a culture war issue. This just happens to be profitable as well, an evil alliance.
@ds7675 10 ай бұрын
@@kiltedcrippleIn AZ the state pays for these charter schools to be built, supplied, and ready to go. Problem is the state of AZ doesn’t own the land the charter school is on or the building, the key is handed off to the owner. All taxpayer dollars per student are given to these charter schools and if the student leaves after 90 days, the taxpayer money does not follow. So no wonder these grifters are making money off AZ taxpayers. There’s no monetary accountability either like in public schools. And they’ll close without any notice, too, leaving parents blind-sighted. And when the public schools’ faculty and staff were protesting at the state Capitol, many of the Republican legislators were at a DeVos/ Koch brothers convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan undoubtedly learning more ways to fleece the taxpayer.
@760mom Жыл бұрын
Thank you for keeping Devos in the spotlight. She is awful.
@nickgangone9541 Жыл бұрын
That might be her best quality 🙄
@ryanbauer3680 Жыл бұрын
Just a friendly reminder, Betsy Devos's younger brother is Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater.
@brialapoint2608 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. I knew sincd karl rove and jerry falwell we wont see the last of christian politics destroying education
@pmsteamrailroading Жыл бұрын
And married to the grifter, who started Amway.
@joeycottone7169 2 ай бұрын
You know what ever is the worst? Getting jumped by gangbangers
@grimaffiliations3671 Жыл бұрын
Rural Americans hate these voucher programs because unlike rich conservative suburbanites, they can't afford private school
@jan_phd Жыл бұрын
Nonsense. Uneducated normies think private schools are expensive? No.
@rajashashankgutta4334 Жыл бұрын
What? Vouchers make them affordable, i suppose
@grimaffiliations3671 Жыл бұрын
@@rajashashankgutta4334 Not how it works in practice
@nlpnt 8 ай бұрын
In rural areas there are no private schools and it can be 20 miles or more between public ones.
@sheilabush7066 Жыл бұрын
Fine you want to send your child to a private religious school then you should have to pay for it. Just like it’s always been. Send your kid to a catholic school you pay for it. Our government shouldn’t have to pay for religious schooling.
@XJ9sodypop Жыл бұрын
tax dollars go to planned parenthood abortion clinics. if you didnt want tax dollars politicized then you leftists should not have done so
@brendanmcculloch2406 Жыл бұрын
no, if you want to send your kid to a religous school then you should lose custody of them.
@JDog2pt0 Жыл бұрын
@@brendanmcculloch2406 What are you, 12?
@JDog2pt0 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Any teacher caught espousing pro leftist idiologies (LGBT, BLM, Socialism/Communism, and whatever "flavor of the month" they're on about) beliefs should immediately be terminated and barred from teaching in public schools permanently.
@brendanmcculloch2406 Жыл бұрын
@@JDog2pt0 couldn't come up with any valid argument huh?
@sergegainsbourgii1852 Жыл бұрын
Private schooling doesn't equal better schooling. And there was no public schooling during the founding fathers' time. This is about revisionism & money-grabbing public resources/assets/money. Privatization is the modern-day enclosure movement.
@Roxor128 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sending me down a rabbit hole of Wikipedia finding out about enclosure!
@sergegainsbourgii1852 Жыл бұрын
@@Roxor128 The "enclosure movement" started in England ~12thC - 16th(?)C& was the legal process by which the Lords/elite took sole ownership of "the commons" & forced the dispossessed farmers into being contract/wage laborers. It was hyper-violent; if they were caught without a contract or left one without permission, they would be jailed, publically beaten, body parts cut off or killed. It's the origin of many repressive anti-vagabond/ labor laws in the US today. It was traumatic for them at the time & they spread that trauma in their colonial conquest. Hurt people (& parasitism by elites) really do hurt other people!
@francismarion6400 7 ай бұрын
unions don't get a monopoly on grifting? boo hoo
@michaeld9682 2 ай бұрын
The federal government has utterly destroyed education The federal government is 30 trillion dollars in debt
@joeycottone7169 2 ай бұрын
They got money for drag queens and a shit ton of administrators.
@mind_of_a_darkhorse Жыл бұрын
Think about it this way, privatization is solely a push to increase profits! They don't care at all about the students!
@JAI_8 Жыл бұрын
Nope … you’re right. Profits are all that matters. The product or service doesn’t doesn’t matter at all. Like everything else post-Jack Welch in corporate America all that matters is profit for shareholders. A mystical faith in (non-existent competition from) market forces is supposed to take care of the quality of the product now all by itself automatically. It’s bs. But that’s the new post-Welch ethos.
@mind_of_a_darkhorse Жыл бұрын
@@JAI_8 This started the downfall of the American middle class, and it may be the fall of American Society as well! Corporations have become cancer in our world of Capitalism!
@brettmcclain9289 Жыл бұрын
If you can provide an education for less, that just shows how bloated public schools are.
@mind_of_a_darkhorse Жыл бұрын
@@brettmcclain9289 LOL! When you have teachers buying school supplies for the students out of their pocket, there is something wrong! Privatized schools provide less for the same amount! Their main goal is profit, not educating the kids!
@el_chavez Жыл бұрын
@@brettmcclain9289 that’s just it, they can’t. That is why kids are falling behind in these private schools. Once they corner the market it will only get worse. They are in the removing choices phase of their diabolical plan.
@e-spy Жыл бұрын
shocking how bad this has gotten, but Trump put Betsy Devos in charge of education! When my kids were in school, I was on the budget board. Even then, the school couldn't even afford paper! I bought them a pallet of it, then had a yearly budget to help the schools out. I bought new science equipment, books for teachers, art supplies, musical instruments and even a computer lab. It was distressing then, so I can't even imagine what it is like now! What's missing in this segment is what can we do about it???
@fmcg5364 4 ай бұрын
start caring more about people, and not so much about a corporation's bottom line
@e-spy 4 ай бұрын
@@fmcg5364 corporations are people now, haven't you heard? /s Citizens united needs to be overturned. But a lot of this is about politics. Keep the people stupid and they will do whatever you tell them to do. Like vote against their own interests. So they keep cutting funding for schools (although yay Minnesota and Michigan for turning that around!) Looking at education stats, red states are at the bottom. I feel sorry for the people there. The republicans even stated on camera that people who get college educations vote blue. They whined about it, actually.
@vxicepickxv Жыл бұрын
This is a concerted effort to create an obedient permanent underclass.
@joeycottone7169 2 ай бұрын
Omg. That's what the public schools are doing
@CreationSGame01 10 ай бұрын
All I want is for my kid not to be talked into being a different gender than they were born with. I want it to be completely their choice. And I don’t trust public schools to create that environment.
@querube78 Жыл бұрын
I am so grateful to live in Chicago where public education keeps getting funded and teachers regularly go on strike. Brandon Johnson getting elected instead of private school champion Paul Vallas makes me proud of my state. I still see some problems with the system given how Schaumburg public schools have pianos in the cafeteria and I pads for the students while Harvey has a crumbling school that somehow decided to buy a stadium while outdated Chromebooks are the main way students get projects done (Berwin/Cicero schools gave each student a take home laptop all 4 years of high school) but those are completely diffrent breed of problems to the problems I have seen with my relatives living in southerns states like Alabama where there was absolutely no bilingual teachers. I took it for granted when I started school in America coming from Mexico (born here but started school there) but the difference is telling and even in High School over a decade after my last bilingual teacher the school still took the time to access my ability and offered help if I needed it (I did not but others did). As long as I can vote and volunteer I will do my best to make every community I live the best it can for everybody, not just "christians".
@brettmcclain9289 Жыл бұрын
People are leaving that crap hole in droves. I can see why now.
@Thunder-Chief Жыл бұрын
Thankfully, Gov. Hobbs is taking steps to correct these atrocities. Imagine the mess that Arizona schools would like in 3 years if Kari Swamp had been elected... 🥶
@Mike-jv8bv Жыл бұрын
Lmao. Nobody elected hobbs. Even you know it
@ScaryNda206 Жыл бұрын
@@Mike-jv8bv i laugh when i see dnc shills making stupid comments like that remove mail in ballots and she would never been elected i got 3 ballots in the mail in 2022
@yes3443 Жыл бұрын
The United States of Corporations
@ScaryMason 7 ай бұрын
So infuriating. My sister works a charter school and it’s a mess. There are so many problems she wouldn’t have to deal with if it was a REAL school.
@joeycottone7169 2 ай бұрын
Only some schools are doing ok
@Noobslayar Жыл бұрын
This is fantastic reporting, keep up the good work. People need to see this.
@madmachanicest9955 Жыл бұрын
The school privatization also cost a lot more then normal public schools to run. As do all charter school programs as a result even if it work it worked you would end up in a elitist system where only so kids get to go to school at all
@princepersona 7 ай бұрын
I was talking online with someone from China that said they wanted to move to America and become a citizen and I told them it's a bad idea. They asked why. I proceeded to tell them everything we have to go through in life and all the ways our country fails us. He had to tell me to stop talking by the time I was describing what we have to deal with by age 18 because his stomach was so sick and twisted he couldn't hear anymore. Corruption ruined this country and it's only getting worse.
@RobertStoll Жыл бұрын
It's a real shame that vouchers went that direction. I went to a charter school in AZ, but not a corporate interest or religious one. It was actually independent and basically just wanted to run on its own calendar along with some mild "traditional" structures. Theoretically, charter schools and public schools aren't a bad idea, but they can easily be abused. As much as I do recognize my experience as a positive one, It isn't worth keeping keeping the voucher/charter system in its current form.
@johnharvey5412 Жыл бұрын
School vouchers are one of those things that sound so good on paper, creating an alternative and competition that would boost performance and create a kind of school meritocracy without requiring parents to do anything different if they don't want to, but it absolutely doesn't work out that way.
@hjung5579 11 ай бұрын
But what is the alternative? Continue to send the kid to a failed public school so there’s absolutely no chance of hope for the child? At least with school choice there’s a possibility of hope. If these public schools cared then they would’ve improved years ago.
@johnharvey5412 11 ай бұрын
@@hjung5579 you think the reason public schools are doing poorly is because they care less?
@freedomfighter4990 Жыл бұрын
But how do regular Janes & Joes keep falling for the okey-doke on this? No private school system in any state has enough seats to accommodate all the kids from public schools. And $7k per year siphoned off from the public school system won't cover tuition at a decent private school, even in AZ. Plus, private schools don't have to take special needs kids or immigrant kids who don't speak English well. Why vote for vouchers when all they'll do is defund the only school system your kid is going to be able to attend?
@SJ.1988 Жыл бұрын
Year 2053: "It is illegal to allow yourself to die if you have access to life lengthening procedures."
@newtagwhodis4535 Жыл бұрын
I really hope this amazing series reaches more ears and eyes. We need it. Standing applause to everyone involved. Most cathartic show of the year undoubtedly.
@dcgamer1027 Жыл бұрын
Dude i love when the public votes for something specific in our democracy and it just gets ignored, super cool, really encourages me to go out and be a productive citizen. Im sure with such fine actions and belief in our system there will be no spiraling long term effects that come from it
@schadowizationproductions6205 Жыл бұрын
impressive hell you're building there, America
@dexterplant778 Жыл бұрын
If you want your child to go to private school then YOU must PAY for it! Private school should not be taking ANY socialist money period, this is an egregious miss use of school funding.
@robert2690 Жыл бұрын
And if you can’t afford it? How else can you provide children with quality education if that public school’s fundings are cut? You have basically jeopardize children in poverty areas. Jeopardizing their future and ensure that they will grow up working at low wage jobs, which isnt enough to get them out of poverty. Don’t you see, republicans are creating poverty, expanding poverty, and traps people in poverty. Wow capitalism is so great.
@XJ9sodypop Жыл бұрын
YOU pay YOUR student loans. conservative tax dollars should not pay for marxist bootcamps
@fmcg5364 4 ай бұрын
what does who pay for school have anything to do with socialist. I get the feeling that in your world caring about children's education is socialism, if I am not mistaken socialism and caring about your fellow man is socialism, then sign me up for socialism because I care about education and my community which includes children.
@joeycottone7169 2 ай бұрын
I see, you're a commie. How about if they want to push that crap on kids then they pay for it
@utilid4lifefigureitout602 Жыл бұрын
This is insanity... they have no oversight... dont have to prove they're teaching kids anything.
@joeycottone7169 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, like....the woke school or the Spanish only schools finally did.
@utilid4lifefigureitout602 2 ай бұрын
@@joeycottone7169 Are you making a point or attempting to?
@jaydisqus3353 Жыл бұрын
The heritage foundation is opening schools up around Ohio.
@pktdbgnzwl Жыл бұрын
yep the pathalogical Koch bros want thoroughly brainwashed bots to populate this county.
@okaygworl Жыл бұрын
I remember seeing commercials pushing for “school choice vouchers” in my state a few months ago (not AZ) on YT
@RobertStoll Жыл бұрын
School choice SHOULD be a good thing.... it was what allowed me to go to the better charter school in my area rather than the public high school. Unfortunately capitalism and special interest is a thing
@abfranchi Жыл бұрын
So sad. I was thinking about retirement there after the military but don't want my kids in that mess
@ts109 Жыл бұрын
It is very convenient that this religious indoctrination is also corporate indoctrination.
@saundraking7168 Жыл бұрын
We are doomed. We are pimped out.
@yourbrainonheroin Жыл бұрын
Thank you for bringing wider attention to the situation in AZ and for platforming an AWESOME local group, Save Our Schools! The whole political climate here is a nightmare, but the ESA garbage is some of the worst.
@geoffreymartin6363 Жыл бұрын
I'm impressed at how you managed to say "Charlie Kirk's weird.." and didn't finish that sentence with "tiny face"
@merbst Жыл бұрын
California needs to build a wall on our Eastern border.
@NathanHedglin Жыл бұрын
Please do! California is a hell hole. They wanted to jail nurses for "misgendering" because the 1st amendment doesn't matter to leftists
@GrantSR Жыл бұрын
Vouchers have never been anything other than coupons for rich people. My mother was complaining about this when I was in second grade. And I'm SIXTY TWO, now.
@lukecwolf Жыл бұрын
Keep fighting. I hate the privatization and education in my state, but this is a straight grift
@rikubear6549 Жыл бұрын
The voters rejected 2 to 1 the meaaure and the supreme court tossed it out anyway. Democracy in name only. What we have is an oligarchy after we vote we lose track of what happens and that by design.
@tanawilliams7498 Жыл бұрын
If people want to put their kids in private schools that's fine. We will have a whole bunch of under educated permanent under class factory workers out there. But if you want your child or children in a private school you pay for it. Your damn self. Here in New York we get half of what we give to the government back. Which means I'm supporting this nonsense. I am angry.
@JLocke0113 Жыл бұрын
The kkk also wanted to be able to choose what school their child went to. They are getting their way.
@boombot934 Жыл бұрын
People🙏❤, please, unionize! Create community schools🏫! 😊😢
@PhokenKuul Жыл бұрын
Charlie Kirk looks like a balloon that someone drew a face on.
@MushookieMan Жыл бұрын
Or an orangutan
@PhokenKuul Жыл бұрын
@@MushookieMan that's an insult to orangutans
@calidreams5379 8 ай бұрын
Nothing good can come from degrading our public schools. Our society is getting more and more divided over profits, politics and religion. But the public school system is at fault as well, if they were good, parents would not leave. The huge discrepancy between top public schools and low performing schools is proof of a broken system.
@brennans2286 Жыл бұрын
Neoliberalisms contradictions grow more every day. How long before it all falls down? 🤔
@madmachanicest9955 Жыл бұрын
I just like to point out charter schools don't work and cost public school system the money they need just about every where. Florida is not much better then Arizona. The charter school program also defunded magnet programs and ESE programs .
@malcire Жыл бұрын
Additionally, why would a teacher from outside Arizona want to teach there? No Union, rarely a promise of further employment until the end of the year, bad pay.
@s.thompson5850 Жыл бұрын
Taxpayers shouldn't be paying for private or religious schools
@albionmerrick Жыл бұрын
It blows my mind that I didn't know about this. I consider myself politically engaged, and I despise vouchers! It's not my state, but still!
@morenofranco9235 Жыл бұрын
Good night America. Good morning ameriKa.
@pixelpotato4874 Жыл бұрын
Private Schools...taking Public Money,the hypocrisy
@hjung5579 11 ай бұрын
Why would anyone be against school vouchers? It gives families an opportunity to take their children out of failed public schools. If the point is to help children, these failed public schools have already proven that they are definitely not about that. Why is it so important that every child goes through the public school system? If a child can succeed without public school system, why is that a bad thing?
@Rene-uz3eb Ай бұрын
That's ridiculous there shouldn't be one cent of taxes going to any private school
@flash_flood_area Жыл бұрын
At the founding of this country, there were no such schools. Most children were educated in the home.
@jan_phd Жыл бұрын
Then make that so.
@pktdbgnzwl Жыл бұрын
And how many children were in the colonies?
@nickthompson1812 Жыл бұрын
Thank goodness we’ve come a long way in 400 years. Imagine if we were still doing the same things as back then.
@flash_flood_area Жыл бұрын
@@nickthompson1812 I'm just saying that his statement is silly.
@flash_flood_area Жыл бұрын
@@jan_phd I wasn't trying to make a statement supporting any particular style of schooling. I was just pointing out that his statement sounds silly and uneducated.
@arettalayne3635 Жыл бұрын
Our current capitalist system is unsustainable. The stock market has over extended its reach with these stocks buybacks, which has inflated the market with false money. Anything privatized will crash along with the market.
@Bob-bs9ok Жыл бұрын
Educating kids like they were at the founding of the country? So just not unless they're ultra rich?
@johnnyseemore456 9 ай бұрын
My daughter went to public school until the six grade, she needed to change schools. I had her tested by independent tester, she tested at 3 grade level. The passing grade in public schools has dropped so low they pass anyone.
@sharinaross1865 29 күн бұрын
They even tell you why it is so low? If not, how is your kid doing now.
@judylandry302 Жыл бұрын
Tax non profits and churches.
@Roxor128 Жыл бұрын
And make the churches pay back-taxes, too! They've had special treatment for far too long.
@neighbor9672 Жыл бұрын
Charlie Kirk’s face is like a McDonald’s burger on a big ass plate. Just disappointingly small.
@chrismash6265 Жыл бұрын
public schools are a complete failure, i say go for it.
@penguin32383 Жыл бұрын
I didn't know that we could opt out of funds for the public good. Dear government, please give me back my portion of money that would go towards the police and military so that I can hire my own private security. Exact same principle.
@negativex6026 Жыл бұрын
What wonderful great news for the future of kids. To actually be taught to become intelligent critical thinkers. Exactly the opposite that's going on across the country in public taxpayer government funded schools . Why continue the grift... The last thing these schools do is educate kids . Look around you... how can kids and younger adults to their thirties be dumber today than they were a hundred years ago ?🧐🤨🙄
@Demopans5990 Жыл бұрын
NYC schools are among one of the most well funded in the country, and there are plenty of high schools in NYC that regularly compete with charters. Then the specialized high schools like Brooklyn Tech leave no room for any competition
@shellnet411 Жыл бұрын
Can we start Schools to counter this to give better education to students private schools that are more liberal to counter these conservative run religion and run schools
@RobertStoll Жыл бұрын
I went to a charter where the biggest difference were a few "Traditional" practices like homerooms and chores. Good charter schools do exist, it's just a matter of getting them funded. Guess who takes up all the funding?
@shellnet411 Жыл бұрын
@@RobertStoll I am thinking of starting a religion and maybe eventually having schools a church of all religions where we have a place including an outdoor area with force for pagan rituals that is safe if we get Jewish people have a mikvah maybe have features I want to have people of all religions and I would like atheist even to come and I want to have a meal and discussion and fellowship multiple times a day a kitchen is a very important part of my church to take care of the community
@TheSeeker225 Жыл бұрын
This is horrific.
@markdunlap9960 Жыл бұрын
It’s funny that politicians are ok giving money no strings attached to people who don’t need it but object to giving money to people who need it.
@arkinyte13 Жыл бұрын
Charlie Kirk resembles the Dick Tracy Villain Little face.
@innerlocus Жыл бұрын
From what I have seen of the GOP most could not pass a history test, maybe that should be mandatory before entering political office in the US.
@micaiahradiance1024 15 сағат бұрын
Wall-E warned us of this nightmare in 2008...
@horsepowermultimedia 6 ай бұрын
The school system had a few cracks in it from the start, but now, those cracks have become literal chasms.
@lunacron Жыл бұрын
I went to a church school, let me tell you, nothing turns you into an atheist faster then being forced to read the Bible. Have you ever noticed how the preacher's kid is the most rebellious and they're raging against everything they've been taught. That's mostly what you're going to get if religious schools become the standard.
@760mom Жыл бұрын
I've turned.
@Klokinator Жыл бұрын
I was raised a Jehovah Witness (JW) and the constant barrage of bullshit definitely turned me off it all.
@dirtbagpsn740 Жыл бұрын
Some kids are rebellious and others not. Religion has little effect on this early on. It's the content being taught that matters. I went to public school and I ended up on drugs and in prison later in life. Can I blame public school?
@lunacron Жыл бұрын
@@dirtbagpsn740 That's not what I'm talkin about, if you've experienced it you'd understand. There's just something about constantly being force-fed nonsense and it's obvious the adults are just flat out lying to you, that turns you against it, because it's the exact opposite of any kind of common sense or logic. I mean if you sit there and read the Bible, a lot of it is Santa Claus level of ridiculous, like Noah's Ark.
@dirtbagpsn740 Жыл бұрын
@@lunacron that is your opinion on the Bible and religion and you definitely can feel that way. Many people believe every word In the Bible though and they are entitled to believe that as well. One of the only things a human can control is their actions and to blame the behavior of someone on religion just seems like an excuse to me.
@melo1057 Жыл бұрын
I went charter school in Texas that was a good education and lead me to where I am but I know that Is not true for about 98% percent of for profit schools . Also I do support not sending off public money bc where is the accountability at least bc like no testing seriously?? Btw my school was actually funded bc in Texas sports teams are more important to education so my parents wanted me to have a chance of getting a undergrad in something that is useful . Honestly a high paying teacher and smaller school is more valuable than the fancy football team . Guess what my school still won state and national soccer games . Also got to play division 1 in college so guess what’s you can do both
@donaldlahoda8693 Жыл бұрын
Charlie Kirks eyes are so close together from inbreeding that they're practically touching.
@sciologist 2 ай бұрын
I had to pull my kids from public schools because of the Crime and Violence.
@nil981 Жыл бұрын
I find myself questioning whether religious education should even be legal at all.
@Zen-rd9np Жыл бұрын
Awesome dude, glad you’re coming round to it.
@jan_phd Жыл бұрын
You believe religious based schools are Bible centered? How about thinking of them as just not, Satan centered?
@derek9411 Жыл бұрын
Religion has a big impact on our world, and I think it's incredibly valuable to learn. Especially if you want to travel the world, it's great to know the customs and values of different countries.
@nickthompson1812 Жыл бұрын
@@derek9411 there’s a difference between learning about it and learning it to believe it. Learning about it is okay so long as we acknowledge that religion is not fact.
@Zen-rd9np Жыл бұрын
@@nickthompson1812 this right here!
@djnekroman Жыл бұрын
My sister is a teacher in Chicago who is (understandably) super depressed about her impending move to Florida... But, goddamn, at least she isn't moving to Arizona.
@JasonMcVayStuffeses Жыл бұрын
aren't vouchers coming to FL, too? it's a red state and this legislation comes pre-packaged. if it's not right now, it'll be there soon.
@JDog2pt0 Жыл бұрын
Well tell her Florida doesn't want her either. If she's so bummed about it, go somewhere else.
@djnekroman Жыл бұрын
It's obvious Florida doesn't want her either by the way they're treating their education system, but sometimes extenuating circumstances take precedence over personal/political beliefs.
@JDog2pt0 Жыл бұрын
@@djnekroman A fair & rational statement.
@Elel765 Жыл бұрын
@@djnekroman sorry you can’t teach children to be mutilated in Florida. Life must be so fucking hard for you
@ThugShakers4Christ Жыл бұрын
I'm super skeptical of the test data that you cite. I come from a family of public school teachers, but I send my child to Catholic school. It costs about 3.5k a year, and the students at his school consistently out perform the public schools by a wide margin.
@TheRealJackMahoffer Жыл бұрын
Charlie "GED" Kirk. Oh, wait. He doesn't have a GED. He went from grade school right to grifting.
@Josh-99 Жыл бұрын
My parents were immigrants to America -- welcomed with open arms in the 1970's despite being poor. They earned citizenship through military and government service, and my father went on to be the engineer in a patent that changed the landscape of computers. If you are reading this post, you are benefiting from the work my father did to earn that patent after he became an American citizen. My parents were able to provide me with a childhood that allowed me to get accepted to the Naval Academy, marry my childhood sweetheart, and serve as an officer in the Navy. These days I run my own small company, employing other American citizens. I clearly recognize the opportunities that were afforded to both my parents and me by America. I do not plan to live out my retirement years in America unless this country SHARPLY reverses course from the direction it has taken in the last 30 years. Since Reagan's administration, America has been focused on subverting the will of the American people and what is best for its citizen to funnel as much money and power into the hands of the corporate elite. Now, on top of that, it has once again become trendy to perpetrate direct, unconcealed hatred upon vulnerable minority groups. Why would I stay here? The political right wing, little less than half of the population, is willfully ignorant, angry, and hateful. They collect firearms and ammunition, fearful of their fellow citizens, while those same firearms murder their children in their own schools by the score every month. They deny women the fundamental right of bodily autonomy. They ban books. They will gleefully subvert democracy and the will of the majority to get their way. They idolize Trump, and unintelligent, incurious, misogynistic, racist con man who admires tyrants because he aspires to tyranny. I remain in America because my parents are old and I need to care for them. I love them and appreciate everything they have done for me and will see to it that they have peace in their final years. But when they are not longer with me, I'm taking my wife and escaping to a nation that puts its citizens, not corporate profits, first and where I feel like I can walk around in public without becoming the victim of gun violence from one of my fellow citizens or even law enforcement.
@cliveklg7739 Жыл бұрын
I'm with you on the feeling that maybe it is time to leave. Registered Voters 38% describe themselves as independents, while 31% are Democrats and 26% Republicans. Of the overall registered voters (not just independents) 17% are Democratic-leaning independents, while 13% lean toward the Republican Party. So that is a 39% conservative percentage and a 48% liberal percentage. The rest are hard to nail down and don't identify with a party. The oversized and unrepresentative power of the right wing is ridiculous right now.
@nickthompson1812 Жыл бұрын
What country do you see yourself in that doesn’t have capitalistic, profit-over-people motives?
@cliveklg7739 Жыл бұрын
@@nickthompson1812 nice strawman / moving goalposts there. And a lack of understanding of the differences between US political spectrum and the rest of the developed worlds.
@JDog2pt0 Жыл бұрын
Well, hurry up and get on with it then. We don't want you here either
@rridderbusch518 Жыл бұрын
You're a good man. Very intelligent, too. It's been months since I've read a long comment with perfect reasoning, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Once you are able to escape from here I wish you a long and happy life!
@eringo-bragh4243 Жыл бұрын
When my folks sent me to Catholic school, they paid extra to send me there. I think I got a good education there but I can say the teachers were paid lower than public schools. This video reminds me of how when I was in junior high how my minority friends were directed towards tech schools, while the rest of were geared for regular HS
@rridderbusch518 Жыл бұрын
My husband was forced to go to Catholic school. He's now 70+ and still has PTSD over it. He has a genius I.Q. while the monks & nuns who "taught" him were dim. They punished him for being smart! Physically, too. He quit 3 months before graduating and went to a public high school. He LOVED it! The last thing you said is outright racist of them. I'd not raise a family in Arizona!
@glennwatson3313 10 ай бұрын
Here is the deal. Not one student is forced to go to a bad private school or bad charter school. But many kids are forced to go to bad public schools. Too many.
@Spock_Rogers 9 ай бұрын
The problem with vouchers is that they further punish children with crappy or overwhelmed parents.
@donquique1 Жыл бұрын
Every time i see charlue kirk i get an urge to go bowling or get in a diver suit with helmet. I know is weird...
@IgorTavarez-vw7zh 10 ай бұрын
I don't understand the issue with school vouchers. Nowadays, kids are trapped in a public school based on their zip code. If families can choose where to send their kids, this would create competition between schools, which would lead to better education.
@phthisis 11 ай бұрын
It sounds to me that Arizona's public school system (or at the very least public school teachers) can 100% profit from the same loopholes that charter schools benefit from. Close all public schools then re-open them the next day as charter schools; everyone who once belonged to a public school will now attend a "charter" school, where their parents have to spend 1 penny per year to enroll their child into school. That, or have all public school teachers quit the Department of Education in protest, start non-profit Charter schools all across the state, and charge their students a penny for enrollment.
@cyncynn1357 10 ай бұрын
I live here in AZ I grew up with at least 1 field trip or in school activity PER MONTH from k-12... My son 20 years later had 3-4 k-3 and from there once a year... not to mention we were asked for school supplies. We need to invest in out PUBLIC schools and ban ANY other schools from getting public school money.
@boombot934 Жыл бұрын
Education🎓 is basic human constitutional right! 😢😊
@PasleyAviationPhotography Жыл бұрын
I'd ashamed to be a Arizonian if this moves foward
@jan_phd Жыл бұрын
You'd rather pass laws forcing kids to dye their hair.
@randomguy966 Жыл бұрын
@@jan_phd cite your sources or stop bullshitting.
@robert2690 Жыл бұрын
@@jan_phd You’d rather watch kids get gunned down by a school shooter because guns rights are more important than the safety of children? Wow
@JDog2pt0 Жыл бұрын
You have the Ukraine flag as your pfp. You should already be ashamed.
@glennwatson3313 10 ай бұрын
How is it fair that a parent who sends his kid to a private school must pay tuition and school taxes?
@tammyowens7776 11 ай бұрын
so why are the not being sued? who is supposed to stop this? there should be no such thing as a private school, or home schooling, and religious schools should never be funded by any form of govt.
@KDemosh Жыл бұрын
This reminds me how Paul Vallas tried to come back to Chicago and ran for mayor to do what he did in Arizona. That jack donkey lost and it's so good!
@MagicAndWires Жыл бұрын
Important topic. Thanks for bringing it to light!
@fmcg5364 4 ай бұрын
I always think about what my Grandmother said about going to school in UK in the early 1900s. Her family was Catholic and from Ireland, so they were discriminated against because they were Catholic and Irish, she could only take the primary grades so she did learn to read and write but no allowed to go to high school because it cost money. She started working in a factory along side her Mother and sister in Singer factory in Clydebank. I don't like the idea of voucher schools at all, in future the fees will go up and over what the state will give you in a voucher, other things like only wanting the best athletes and the best brains, no kids with problems like Autism, or other conditions. I can see this happening soon
@randibgood Жыл бұрын
A governor should not be allowed to appoint the state supreme court. Never.
@Roxor128 Жыл бұрын
Alternative fix: make them replace the entire court every year. No repeats. You get one year in your entire life, if at all.
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